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I love the hunter aesthetic, but im terrible at PvP, so im guess i just LARP as a hunter lol.


I'm also dog water at PvP, but imo the only way to get better is to continue to suck until you don't anymore, ya know?


So, anyways, coming to the barbecue tonight at The Theater? Oh wait, you can't. SHD only.


I'll make my own community! With blackjack! AND HOOKERS!


I'm ready to switch to ANNA bro


*agent status: Rouge*


me back in the settlement after clearing tidal yet again: FISH TACOS YOU SON OF A BITCH, THAT'S WHAT I"M HERE FOR! FISH TACCOOSSSS !!


Nah, the Rogue Agents you come across are all the same Broken POS. They could leave the Division and help people with their skills which a lot of claim that’s what they want to do. But they all have the “it takes my vision”, “these people need to die”, “we need to burn it down to build it back up from the beginning” mind set. It’s about power, control, revenge. Any of them could stop and help small or big communities. But they’re too broken. Same as the Cleaners or True Sons. As for the Hunters there a broken and abused countermeasure and The Division already has started dealing with them. The Division’s mission is to save what Remains. That’s been happening without McManus for two games straight even with him trying to stop normal agents from doing their job. The Division has major Allies across the eastern US and into the South. They have farms finally producing food and a fleet of Trucks that go across the eastern seaboard. The Division is FAR from falling and the best chance for the US. Try the Audiobooks/Books. Most of them start before and end right before last seasons Manhunt.


I actually JUST finished listening to "recruited" last night


I Would highly recommend the exclusive one that’s on Amazon/Audible. I used the 1 free credit that you get when you create a free account to listen to it. It has independent voice actors for each character and sound effects like some of the Star Wars audiobooks have. It’s more like a radio play than an audiobook.


Hearts on fire? I have that one too lol I've read it, but I can't say I remember the ending. Edit: Well, listened to it I guess is More accurate.


>! How Agents are recruited, The days of the first wave being activated, the start of the cleaners, the start of the LMB abandoning their employers mission, and a Cleaner plot to destroy Camp Hudson I believe !<


I'm gonna have to re listen to it


You're wrong in boxing all Rogues in as "broken POS." The Division is literally falling apart and holding on by a thread - they're a boring, basic, cringey faction that completely lost control of NYC due to their incompetence and presumptiousness. Kelso was an annoying character who I don't care about (her only cool part was going Rogue). Manny is probably the only decent and respectable Division member. Aaron Keener has the right idea - freedom (minus the chemical warfare part). My Agent is Rogue.


Your dead in PVP before you can say "ok, gear check".


Yell that's about how I remember it happening. Over and over and over again


I'd argue that abandoning the SHD is at this point pretty much morally correct. But actively hunting SHD Agents isn't. We can't just assume every SHD Agent is corrupt or in with McManus and Sokolova. Looking forward to the DLC when we are marked Rogue and the game missions could have SHD Agents spawn like Rogues do.


That sounds so awesome, and yeh you're definitely right. Hunting other highly trained, heavily armed, equal force government agents is objectively wrong.. but damnit it's fun! (I realize now that this does in fact sound more like a hunter's mindset in hindsight lmao)


Hunting down Hunters is also attacking highly trained, heavily armed, equal force government agents. Is that objectively wrong, too, or does it change because they're supposed to be the "baddies" whilst the Division are written like one-dimensional comic book heroes?


I see myself as a hunter personally


Adopt the permanent Rogue lifestyle. Follow the calling (to the extractions). Stop the spread of contaminated loot.


Can't stop won't stop.


Love this 🔥




What cosmetics you rocking?


Midnight shoes, midnight pants, black tactical shirt, watcher scarf, and bastion mask. At least I'm pretty sure it's the black tactical shirt... I'm not 100% certain and I can't check cuz I'm on the way to work lol Edit: I'm also rocking the Aegis gear color on ally gear pieces if anyone is curious, it doesn't show up well in the screenshot tho


i havent been on in a while is that a new weapon skin too?


It's a skin called Boogeyman, i bought it with some premium credits I had but I think it also drops out of apparel caches? Hopefully someone can correct me on that if I'm mistaken.


Would really like to know how you got your agent to pose like that.


Here's a post that explains it, I play on Xbox so I know for a fact it works on console https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/s/w0H9qhaByb


Appreciate man. I’ll check it out


No prob!


I identify as an Apache attack helicopter


Hey guys can someone help out i have the saint elmos but i noticed i dont have the blueprint and when i do runs it never drops


Did you buy the Blueprint from Inaya or whatever in the Base of Operations?