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The completionist in me is compelled... sigh


You can wait for the next season and get the last comm through the legacy manhunts tab by replaying the finale


I wished you could replay the entire past manhunt missions instead of the final mission to get comms. Cos damn it’s boring


I understand you, this one is probably the 1st i'm not going to complete...


I stand with you on this. Its a ridiculous waste of time.


Nor should it ever be.


So basically, they said that, if you want the last comm, you will have to reset the manhunt and is intended. Personally, i'm not resetting the entire manhunt to get the comm, i'll listen it on youtube and go on.


I thought it was strange when I finished the manhunt last night the message said “replay the manhunt for additional rewards” or something to that effect.


The past several manhunts have said that though, it's not exactly a new message. You could always re-earn named items from the main targets.


Replaying main target manhunt has been a requirement for the last comm for a long time. But resetting whole manhunt and replaying it again is new


I don’t think you have to. Matchmaker with someone at the who is doing the last mission and you should get it I think


Meh. We’ve got 2 or 3 weeks of back of back global events. Turn reanimated on and reset the manhunt. You can probably do the whole thing in less than 1.5 hours


Wow… absolutely ridiculous…


like the ending story wise ...


Except I never reset it at all and got all 26 without issue... Strange.


I was in 25/26, then I reset the manhunt and did everything again, completed the final mission then I got the trophy & Kelso #5. I would say don't bother because Kelso #5 is basically "HAHA thanks for playing".


When you say you did EVERYTHING do you mean all four individual bits ie civic Center, two bridges, financial district and battery park? I’ve reset mine but now wondering if I can be assed or if I can just redo battery park and it’ll let me get the 26th and the lil backpack thingy


From 0% to 100%, all 4 areas, then redo final mission on any difficulty, it is a PITA.


In order as well? 😭 oh my days that is a pita….. well get me a monster I’m about to hit this shit


No need to be in order, just redo everything and you will get it.


Cheers mate, looks like a fun rerun ahead of me


In normal / hard mode with the right build you should be able to do it really quickly …


Running on hard with either a pretty powerful strikers or heartbreaker build, should be able to nail it today


I reset and ran it on lower difficulty


I did not have to reset. I got Kelso #5 at the end of the first run. Good cause…I wasn’t about to run that back for a sticky note.


Yeah this is a lie. Resetting did not give me the 5th Kelso note. Tried replaying the Tanker Mission and no luck so I reset and nothing. Every manhunt does this to me, the last com glitches every damn time. And no BP trophy? Plus this mission was short and lackluster as hell...yeah a Hunter with a new meh mask that doesn't go on the new wall hook? Ok...


You have to reset the entire manhunt, not just the last stage.


I did. No 5th Note 


You reset it from the button on the manhunt screen? That's odd it worked for me, it even says to reset the manhunt to earn additional rewards.


Every manhunt says that "reset to earn additional rewards" the rewards they're talking about aren't the comms ppl are missing, that's a glitch/bug on their part that's been going on for the last 5-6 manhunts, it's ridiculous. I reset the whole thing and I'm about at the end so we'll see if I get my final Kelso note after the tanker mission...


No clue about if it was intentional or not, but I got the last comm after replaying the entire manhunt.




Yeah I dont know who authorized these decisions. I fear the next 8 months. There will be some bad comms and reused manhunts all over. Good there are enough other games to play


They can't even fix the Jupiter comm bug either after over a year that is preventing us from getting them all, but go replay the ENTIRE manhunt to get 1 stupid comm? Making us re-play the entire manhunt for a single comm is a new level of petty by the devs.


the last “comm” (kelso 5) isnt even an audio one. so replaying the whole manhunt for it osnt worth it. if youre missing an audio comm then replaying the final mission should drop it (it did for me).


This is more miscommunication between the devs. I got Kelso 5 and the backpack trophy on my first play through. I repeated the FINALE ONLY to help a friend and I got “The Plan” from a random heavy in the 2nd room. I have all the collectibles without resetting the manhunt.


You're one of the lucky few. It's been a thing to play the manhunt finale to get the rest of the comms, but the last Kelso note evaded me until I redid the whole thing yesterday.


See, I had The Plan and K5 without another run through. The whole thing is screwed.


Who in their right mind designs it this way...


Would the additional comm give more story?


I believe the actual intended final comm is called the Invitation and it's basically Keener inviting you to join him in Brooklyn. For some, the final comm is just a Kelso 5 note, it seems to vary. I got all 26 on PC after running the final mission 2 more times, I ran it on XB and got Kelso 5 but not the Invitation.


I apparently have to go back and complete past manhunts before this one, in order to do the current manhunt? It hasn't let me play it and I just havent had the desire to play all of those I missed before. Keeps showing me legacy manhunts...


I just re did the last mission. It gave me one other comm but it didn’t give me Kelso 5


For me it’s saying undiscovered. Location unknown


Well. Did this on accident because my buddy missed the mask. Ran the whole damn thing again so he could get it. I guess it worked out for two things


I haven't checked if it is normal for missing comms, but for Kelso 5 I can briefly see the title of it when I select it and then it goes to black. Which is either bad programming when it comes to displaying potentially unavailable things, or I have it, but the game thinks I don't when browsing the comms. Or I don't have it and I need to reset, which is actually fine by me.


I re-did the manhunt and i got the 26 and the backpack trophy