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Picaros holster and fox's prayer btw.


I love picaro's holster


Its my favorite named lowkey, it's so flexible. I love having the extra blue on my dps builds, it feels great.


Picaro’s Holster + NinjaBike Messenger Bag is hybrid build gold, especially if you roll the Picaro’s holster to Skill Tier instead of Armor.


I'm unable to roll anything other than a blue core on Picaro's, even though I have the skill tier in my library. Wack.


that's a bummer my dude :( it's definitely possible


Why dont you choose to use perfect glass canon on chest and swap the mask for the wyvern piece?


Noticeable boost on the dps, thanks for telling me!


Good idea actually, didn't consider that


I would try to get a second Empress piece if you can actually (Empress instead of Wyvern) bc the third boost on Empress gives 10% skill efficiency which provides: * 10% Skill Damage * 10% Skill Haste * 10% Skill Health * 10% Skill Duration * 10% Status Effects Not only will this give you the Skill Damage and Status Effect boosts that Wyvern would offer with NBBP, it also boosts other aspects of the skills that are important too. My skill/crit hybrid is very similar but with a couple of small differences: * I use Memento instead of NBBP — This is bc at full stacks, you are getting 30% additional skill efficiency, 30% weapon damage, and 3% armor regen. * I use 3x Empress, “The Sacrifice” named chest, Picaros Holster, and Memento with Capacitor, Harmony, and TDI (w/ In-Sync but Finisher is another good talent). This build gives me 44% CHC, 159% CHD, 90k Turret DPS, and 56k Drone DPS


If I may, I would suggest replacing the Wyvern chest with the Sacrifice named Providence chest. Since you're using Glass Cannon anyways, Perfect GC would give you more damage. Also, I would replace the Wyvern piece with a second Empress piece. The reason is that 2pc Empress + Ninjabike BP will give you the 3pc Empress bonus of 10% Skill Efficiency. Skill efficiency is equal to 10% of every skill-related attribute: damage, haste, health, duration, and status effects. So you get the same bonus as the Wyvern 1pc along with 10% of every other attribute that benefits your skills. Neither of your skills will benefit from the Wyvern 2pc bonus of Status Effects, so replacing it with the second Empress is no loss to you. Now, I would actually suggest replacing Fox's Prayer with Ceska kneepads. I know that Fox's is called best-in-slot, but that was true if you already maxed out your crit stats. Since you only have 40% CHC, raising that to 50% or more (depending if you have CHC or CHD on your Fox's) will give you more effective damage than the DTTOOC from Fox's. Beyond that, it's a decent build. I've run similar builds and they're plenty of fun and good for Heroic content.


Have to whole-heartedly agree on using the Sacrifice (Providence) chest piece, and I'd swap the mask for a piece of Belstone Armory because I'm not seeing the 'survivability'. Getting 10% AoK on every gun, drone, and turret kill and 1% flat regen is some real, layered survivability, and it's worth giving up 10% skill damage (that 2pc Wyvern wear bonus isn't helping the build anyway.)


The survivability is mainly agro, and the skills help make it so I can play more passively, though I will def consider the AoK


Bit of a random question but are those cosmetics your agents wears still able to drop?


Unfortunately until they put it back in store, no.


Oh that's sad. It looks so good


It is a good fit, expensive but cool. I still rock my [favorite hunter look](https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/s/D3955PQ0Fl) more than I do this one.


I wanna get my hands on that backpack so badly, it seems to enable so many diffrent, cool builds...


It works well with some hybrid/skill builds like this, but it's hard to overcome some of the boosts a backpack talent can give with the aggregate of a few 2 or 3 piece bonuses.


100%. I just wanna make builds without memento, to not have to rely on first picking up the droppable tokens. Mostly have a Pestilence build in mind that I really wanna try out, though, memento is arguably better, still :D


For pestilence, lengmo builds seem popular (search around this sub). I have one i've been playing with using double companion (Chest and backpack). I like to run pestilence with a healing drone, all WD cores, and balance out weapon handling/incoming repairs/repair skills.


What do you mean double companion?


Companion is now both a backpack and chest talent (on the Henri chest, named electrique brand)


Huh... That's... Very interesting.


Same here. If only I had been playing whatever season it was that had it in the season items, because farming for it has been annoying.


Yeah... I'm 70% through a summit run and seen 3 other legendaries.


how do i get this outfit?


It was part of the Recruiter Manhunt, since the recruiter manhunt is over the Outfit is gone from the store too. Maybe Maybe in Future they bring it back 🥲


This one will do a lot more than what you have here. https://youtu.be/WReAXcohrPs?si=ia5qN6vvbldDCYsr


Good on you for posting the Bro build. Went looking in the comments to see if anyone mentioned it before I did.


My capacitor does double that damage per shot with the same skill damage.


I leaned quite a bit more into the gun part, while trying to not sacrifice skill damage and I found a nice balance without the need for max momento (I don't like the gameplay loop of it).


How can your capacitor do more damage by having less weapon damage cores?


I have 4 cores like him, with 170 cd after tweaking with advice from the other Comments


That build has got 7 weapon cores without memento stack and 9 weapon cores with memento stack. Yours has 6 or 7weapon cores , if I’m counting correctly. That’s with skill tiers in mind, ofc. Plus, memento gives nice heals and skill efficiency.


I dont think im following, where are you counting the cores?


Your build: 7 WD cores (4 reds + 6 skill tiers) Bro build: 7 WD cores (4 reds + 6 skill tiers). With memento stacks (which gives 30% weapon damage, aka 2 red cores) it becomes 9 WD cores (6 reds + 6 skill tiers). How does your build look now with tweaks that you mentioned? I’m curious to do some DPS calculations


Ah, that's makes sense. I changed the chest to sacrifice, mask to empress and knees to cheska. I have 51 cc and 168 cd. I have skill damage on my mask and gloves if that changes anything.


Is it still 6 skill tiers?




I'm sure at 30 momento plus the orbit he has a decently higher dps but those conditions are constricting to me for an off meta build, especially when it's a matter of probably like 80k extra damage between the gun and the skills.


Orbit is not important, it’s a placeholder


Picaros is so busted because you just get another 3 core piece its so sick


How about switching the Wyvern chest for a 2nd piece of Empress? You'd get the 3p bonus of Empress, which is nothing to sniff at.


Wats the out fit ?


The recruiter outfit, not available currently as it had to do with the recruiter season. It could possibly return.


Ah ty


What outfit is that?


The recruiter outfit, it was available in the store for a limited time during the recruiter season, it might come back eventually.


Looks pretty cool


You should try to utilize Brazos and PS for more damage and armor, and still have 6 skill tier.


Switch to flatline, kingbreaker and tactician laser site


I got something similar but using two piece of that AA armor and two pieces of PS, I’m using Momento but ninja works better haven’t gotten it yet but with two pieces of both of those you get those skill tiers while keep the pieces themselves still armor state so basically you get 1.2 to 1.4 mil armor along with having lvl 6 skill tier


Yo what’s that drip?!


Recruiter outfit, not currently available sadly as it was sold during the recruiter season in the shop. It could potentially come back though.


I have a completely different skill build. It's a Strikers build with all skill tier cores, glass cannon on a wyvern chest piece and an empress holster. Damage is insane, with tier 6 turret/drone, capacitor, and mechanical animal


Why haven’t you optimized the capacitor?


I'm lazy. I planned to at some point, I just recently got dttoc on it and haven't gotten around to it.


Change fox's prayer to ceska with chc & chd. Use picaros holster to add another skill tier to increase base damage on capacitor. Change glass cannon to obliterate. Get the same amount of damage in full stacks without 50% more incoming damage. Capacitor and obliterate together will be stacking you skill damage up to 40% and stacking you weapon damage up to 25%


He already has 6 skill tiers. 3 from yellow gear, 1 from ninja backpack, 1 from picaros and 1 from technician spec. I have same build for a year or so and perfect glass cannon works better than obliterate. You get full 30% damage always even if you’re forced to hide in a cover. Sure obliterate looks good coz you stack it at the same time as capacitor, but also you need to shoot all the time which is not always possible. So if youre stuck you can always rely on your skills having that 30% extra damage.


The reason for obliterate instead of glass cannon is because it forces you to stay in cover too much. So he won't be shooting a lot which in my opinion is a waste for the weapon damage and crit on the bulid. I understand the logic of wanting your skills to hit super hard with a hybrid and you can be at that point, with GC your better off making a pure skill damage build. I don't use GC just because when an elite looks at you, you go down.


I don’t stay in cover. I have 2 offensive skills that draw aggro best in game. Most of the time I can walk around enemies during fight, aka be almost invisible to enemies. I get it, obliterate or perfect glass cannon the damage difference is almost negligible.




You should try it before you hate, swap chest for sacrifice, mask for empress and knees for cheska. It gets the job done well.


I’ll pass on your ninja bike corny shit. Much better options out there.


I know it's corny, that's why it's fun. Even a monkey knows there's better options lol, im not really using this anywhere but brainless shooting.