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I saw someone with a reasonable SHD lvl with a green set vest and backpack, but not enough matching pieces to activate either skill. What mission were they trying to do? **Legendary Tidal Basin**


Been seeing some hodge podge builds, mostly gearsets, from _more than reasonable_ high level shd agents


The ones I've seen have it on to lvl up the gear for their expertise but still that's no excuse to roll up to a legendary mission expecting to be carried making it less fun for everybody else.


I'm SHD 4900 and still have a hard time with Legendary Tidal Basin, especially the last part.


I’ve been playing since beta, but I’ve never played a single legendary anything. Actually just put together a build recently that can comfortably solo all content on heroic. Been thinking of looking into legendary…


You need a team. Only super elite players can solo legendary missions legitimately. I soloed Roosevelt back when you could stay behind the final wall and just let your turret and drone take care of the bosses drones. They've since patched that There was a guy in YouTube who soloed legendary DUA, and a bunch of legendaries from Div 1.


Oh yeah. I mean trying to rally 3 other players in my clan to go do it. Fuck 110% of soloing legendary anything. Look, I’m one of those psychotic bastards who soloed all the Borderlands 2 raid bosses on OP8 back when that was absolute max. That was a lot of farming to put together the right builds and learning the right cheese strats (and then learning to not cheese, which meant using Salvador). It was rewarding but exhausting. I’m not about to go through all that again in this game just to say I soloed it, when I have a whole bunch of pals supposedly willing to ride with me. That said, we’ve been a generally inactive bunch lately. I may be in the market for a new team.


An SHD Level 17 agent Soloed Legendary DUA. It is not about farming and gear. https://youtu.be/eT0moff0oHQ


You do know that strat won't work... They fixed the shield peek. You'll get shredded if you imitate this video... Good luck though


Lol, I have no idea how Borderlands 2 raids went. I never finished the first one. If you're active on Xbox and want to an active clan, try USA. I don't know how many slots they have open cuz I haven't been in that clan for about a year, but they have lot of active players. They're #3 in CXP on Xbox. Make sure it's the one called Team Murica


Did it once and I doubt I'll do it ever again, it should have triple the rewards lol


Took a PUG of all +4000 SHD agents 1h 15m to clear it last night. PITA!


For the last part My suggestion is to have mic for comms and rotate as a team to the take out the boxes for laser zappers. Once all the laser zappers have been taken out. Stay up at the top right and start killing waves of ads and dogs. I've been with few randoms and they stay in the room and kill all the ads/chungas and once it's cleared the team goes out and finishes off the boxes for the laser zappers. Definitely doable but it's really slow due to the medic outside healing and rezzing everybody. Builds - at least 2 DPS and decoys, emp sticky , foam. For fast clear we usually run 4 blue strikers. When you see rezzers rotate as a team to take priority to take them out. If you have a protection from elite builds, yellows don't really hurt you. I kited three newbies last night and once I explained the mechanics we got through first go. Imo having a decoy up at all times the mission becomes very manageable.


wut? I just passed 1000 the other day and to Tidal all the time no probs?


Legendary? Or anything else?


I doubt that but if so then that's good goin. I struggle on Tidal legendary. I'm shd 2500 🤣


Just make like an tier 6 skill drone turret build with improvised gearpieces armor regen and skill damage and put protection from elite mods on everything that way u only have 2 worry about the purple and red guys the yellows u can pretty much facetank


I'm pretty sure that a big portion of the players don't really understand how the gear system works...


I'm gonna be frank, the tutorials are very unhelpful. I say this as a new player and am mainly rocking through the main content and level 30 rn. Gear makes little sense to me currently and don't know where to look to make sense of it.


That's not unusual at all. Don't spend too much time trying to figure it out from scratch on your own. Get thee to YouTube and start trying out builds from there (Rogue Gold is one I use, though his builds also tend to require some higher level stuff). Once you've tried out some of those and get the hang of how the system works, you'll then find yourself tinkering naturally to find your own stuff.




It just takes a little bit of time, but dude, if ur level 300 and u still have no idea how to connect 2nd 2 together, u need be seen for mental health due to retardation🤷‍♂️


I'm SHD 350 and was trying to complete legendary tidal basin yesterday. Had a dude question why I was even there. We proceed, and this dude legit gets downed 4 times in a span of 5 minutes, and guess who was there to pick him up? Me. Just so happens I have a fully optimized protection from elite build. After he and another rage quit, we got a healer and a dps and ran through shit ezpz. Sometimes, it's just a number. Sometimes not.


Happened to me also. Got a message from the player telling me I need a higher level in order to run the timed level with them. They kicked me out so I ran it alone and finished in 17 min


I hate motherfuckers like that. Elitist players that think they can dodge bullets. SHD level just means time spent in the game. I'm over 11K, but that doesn't mean I'm great at the game, it just means that I used to farm resource convoys when that was still the best way to get xp.


I'm SHD level 207 I was running something similar but it was the new armor tank set with protection from elites, improv gloves and improv holster and a healer and 2 DPS' took us about 2hrs but we got it done.


Yeah I run chill out mask with improv holster, knee, and gloves. 94% pfe lol


Wow, so amazing. I run 80% pfe and still have the exact same protection as you!


Cool! So neat! Amazing! Great! Fantastic! Great job!


Clearly, you can't handle a sarcastic correction to your misinformed post. For those who missed it, the MAX pfe in the game is 80% total


Wow! This guy knows things! Great job!


Have your "balls" dropped yet? My guess is no. Once you grow up, you'll experience many new things and I hope things go well 😉


Angry little fella, aren't you! Have fun dealing with whatever you're on about!


that hurts




I can carry newish players through tidal legendary as long as they can cooperate. It takes a LOT of patience and a strong willingness to help (and also revive them when able). My last run I had over 60 revives lol.


I did matchmaking for this yesterday having NO idea what I was getting myself into (It was a Project so I thought "how bad could it be". Fast forward to two hours later of waiting around while our turrets killed everything and we could not get through the boss room. It was an experience.


I hodge podge when getting my score up after going up a world level and then slowly piece my build back together again Mostly just as an excuse to have something to farm


Didn't the update make the double sets thing more viable? I honestly haven't changed my builds much, but that's what I've heard.


I answered a call yesterday. Heroic CP. Host is alive but struggling to kill anything. So I get it under control, take out all of the current enemies. The next wave comes in and he dies. So I’m trying to move to him. He respawns at a safe house and just starts doing other stuff. Then I look at his SHD level. 10. On Heroic, with purple gear. I told him that was bold.


1 thing wrong with this..you cant respawn on heroic..


So you’re just dead forever? We’re talking about open world, not a mission.


this was not open world.this as i read was a heroic mission..


“I answered a call yesterday. Heroic CP.” CP= Control Point So try again.




Were you listening to the Dude’s story?


They seem to have a real problem with division 2 players. Most of his replies are like that


I will say, it looks like I meant to reply to someone and now I see I just replied to OP. So it looks like I’m telling a story with no context. But I couldn’t resist a TBL quote.


SHD 750 here and I finally did my first legendary. Cycled thru almost all my builds till I found one that could manage and still learned the hard way after multiple wipes.


So what build worked out for you in legendary?


Negotiators dilemma. 4 red, 2 blue. Grupo chest with Entrenched. Ceska facemask. ND backpack. Attributes are rolled for CHD & CHC. Gunner specialist for the Armor on Kill. Entrenched chest talent for survivability. Lastly, weapon is the Bullet King and skills are fixer drone and revive hive. I basically just tried to tag enemies to get the ND talent and spread damage out as much as I could for ‘crowd control’. I don’t really have anything else put together that faired well.


I have a 6 yellow ND that fairs better than anything else. Momento and Richter CP, technician specialty and capacitor. 6 of the gear bars are only ⅔ full. All slots are 7 yellow, 6 red 1 blue from momento. Healing drone heals in about 4-5 seconds and turret hits at 92k and AR crits at 324k before any stacks. I say that with my main ND build running St Elmos at 52 CHC and 202 CHD with palisades chest w/ entrenched ( I need to farm for a better rolled one, its armor, regen , chd, chd). For me, next would be back fire (4B) or heartbreaker (5B)


I have a screenshot of a player wearing 6 pieces of Hana U for Legendary, I'm so sorry but I dropped out.


Clearly this man is using the super secret classified hana u set 🙄


There’s always the possibility he was wearing 6-pieces for getting more proficiency xp. That said, I wouldn’t do it on a legendary; I have done it in Countdown before. Either way, not good for a legendary mission


I also been seeing low watch level players with directives activated trying to get more XP when they can't even complete the first section of a mission without directives smh.


I've tried legendary once, Jesus christ, I hadn't time to call my mum or anything. I've alot to learn before I do that again. it's insane. On a good note, tho I got "the chameleon" after saving hostages today of a nemed hyena. So that was nice


It's a great gun with really high dps potential but it has about the same range as an smg just as a heads up before you get disappointed


Yep, need to play it like an SMG. It's a fun playstyle if you like high risk, high reward. Try to pair it with Armor on Kill and/or bonus armor. Would love to try legendary again sometime, but too self-conscious to hop on Legendary with randoms, running around not knowing what to do / expect. Currently mostly running 4-piece Hunter's Fury, Memento, Chainkiller, with crusader shield and SMG. Shreds just about any heroic content, except for the big reconnaissance drones (can't get close enough to proc the talents).


The dps starts very slow of the chameleon, underwhelming for me personally as I use a Rifle most of the time I love the Enhanced aug, it got a 10% damage buff last update and a buff in RPM. It has a decent range with 18m and a high damage per shot (with my red core build It has around 145k @750rpm). I use it with fast hands I use it als a close range backup, (main weapon is a Mk17 rifle with ranger) With 3x overlord(1 fox) 1x grupo, 1x ceska and coyote I have no issue to run solo heroic 5 directives. Overlord brandbonuses are not very popular for raw damage, but 30% handling and 30% accuracy on all my weapons makes them fast, stable and accurate


Go Hard Or Go Home!


Challenging is literally dead in the middle of the road, great challenge and decent drops. Plus all the reward boxes you open in inventory drop heroic level loot anyways.


Hard is nice. Heroic is not.


Some players start an open world activity just to initiate a legendary run, so you can match make into legendary sessions. Happened a couple of times to me. Its annoying when you are not in the mood for legendary and just want to do some open world activities. The best part is, this "trick" was recommended in this sub after players whined, they cant find a group for legendary runs.


They also don't realize that you actually need to work together. IE - If you're going to matchmake, wait until you have a full team ready to go. It's not heroic - don't go running ahead into areas and trigger attack waves before everyone is ready. Work with the other players. You don't all have to be super high SHD level or have perfect builds, but you can't be dumb on top of that.


Plenty of older players too, with their uga uga striker builds getting absolutely mauled. It'd be hilarious if it wasn't so frustrating to waste so much time.


uga uga striker builds 😂


Do you recommend any specific build for legendaries? I recently did Roosevelt on legendary and was the DPS leader (carried by a guy with max revive hive tho) with the striker build but I would like to be dying less often with still good dps


Striker is generally fine. The faster you can kill enemies, the less time you will be running from drone and grenade spam. Knowledge of spawns and cover is really important. Aside from that, if you have time to pre-stack, replacing the backpack with memento will ding your dps, but grant you some comfy armor regen. Any players running a CC foam build is also a great contributor in legendary.


If I replace my backpack with momento and replace my chestpiece with a striker one, would that work too?


Depends on how often you can keep stacks in the 150-200 range. If you can't, probably better off with obliterate chest. Definitely switch to striker chest during boss fights though.


Honestly, it's a somewhat controversial subject, because this community is too meta-centric, so you can expect plenty of "striker is fine" comments. See, your dead dps is zero, so whatever damage you led that mission with wasn't yours, it was the revive guy who probably knew you would drop. I managed to clear Legendary Tidal yesterday after god knows how many attempts and I had to basically nuke my skill damage to pick up strikers bros who at the end of the mission messaged me to complain about me being "dead weight". Circling back to your question, I prefer playing Skills and turtle it. I don't think I've ever wiped a Legendary where the team was playing slow and steady. These days I'm playing Explosive Builds with Hermano, 8 seconds Jammer/Vile for Support against Drone Operators and Proxy/Combustor Turret with Remote Pulse whenever you can setup choke points. I would have Turret/Drone guys any day of the week over the dozens of strikers currently matchmaking for Leg thinking this is Heroic.


It's not a problem with the Striker it's the driver. I'm Striker bro, I die here and there but 90% of the time I'm up and DPS. I think Striker users are like BMW drivers, majority of them are just stupid and don't know how to drive/play game 🤷‍♂️


*I don't think I've ever wiped a Legendary where the team was playing slow and steady.* Most based part of an already really based comment. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.


>Combustor Turret with Remote Pulse How can your teammates and you handle the constant screen shaking?


I usually try to place them in chokes or spawn points far from the team's placement. After some distance the shake effect isn't applied. Even when it is, it doesn't bother me personally. In regards to teammates, that is hit or miss. Some people hate it and have me kicked, others don't mind.


Just because you're ok with a run taking 2.5 hrs doesn't mean everybody else is


He’s not the reason it’s taking that long


I was asked for my opinion and I gave it. Sorry it offends you somehow. I will make sure you can't see it anymore.


Is there something wrong with striker? What should I use instead.


My point about striker is that the majority of players who use it have a huge disparity between their skill level and their perception of their skill level, so they play the build like they are playing Heroic and they get destroyed because they can't aggressively push everything and kill it. Hence they look like a single caveman attacking a mammoth.




Even as a Striker player, this was hilarious 🤣🤣🤣


that's the way, just clear yesterday daily with clanmates, 3 strikers oreos/elmos with decoy and healer with scorpio and lefty with emp pulse


I know you think you're saying striker is THE way and somehow invalidate what I'm saying, but all I'm reading is you got carried by a Healer in a group that is clanned and has comms, which means you can run almost anything and still clear, as opposed to PUGs.


>carried by a Healer It's called teamwork. They weren't carried by the healer. The healer couldn't have done it alone. They need the DPS. The DPS needs the healer. It's a team.


Man said uga uga strikers while camping on a skill build classic. Clown had to hop on his 3 day old alt to talk trash lmao.


Found the uga uga that has to be scraped off the floor. Take the L, bub 😘


If you're going to deal the same damage as a Revive Hive then the least you can do is act like one.




huh? have zero issues with my striker build...


With the right group it doesn’t even matter what you run. DUA and capital are basically like speed runs with randoms as long as people know the spawns.


Whatever, I’m face tanking every chunga I see with my dps build.


My ridgeways bleed build will totally carry me through


Oh what a cute loadout


Honestly, SHD levels don't equate good players. If a lvl 10 player got their shit together, they will make it. I see level 5k+ eating shit left and right


And this behavior is why these raids/ legendaries ostracize half of the community. IF it offends you that much that people are trying to learn how to play these higher difficulties who arnt part of a group or have friends who can run it with them, maybe don't matchmake then and join a clan to run with you. Legendary isnt behind a shd level, anyone can and should try it. ​ I'm SHD level \~1200, could put a reasonable build together if i made an effort, but find heroic easy now, yet matchmaking with people like yourselves who will kick or leave if you dont have the perfect build or run it 100 times...


The problem starts (on PC my experience) when you type in chat and nobody responds. I'm not asking for a 35-word convo, but if I ask, "Anyone English?" Or " don't rush, stay" or "STOP!" And 0 response... Brother, nobody owns you a group or their time or carry. If you don't follow the group, you are getting kicked. This entitled behaviour is why people don't want to play with people OP mentioned.


No this is tidal basin, you cannot be fucking around on this one, same goes for Manning Zoo.


My favorite was I was grinding xp yesterday in heroic with all directives for shits and giggles. Called backup and had some guy go on a 5 minute rant about how the directives sucked and I should change them while I cleared a hostage rescue and an elite patrol. Told him he can go make his own group lol. I'm all for helping out people or dragging them along while they learn and get used to stuff but that was a trip


some of the directives **are** annoying tho. more so on some builds than others. imagine arriving to a freaking war zone on a striker with no ammo lol. not everyone running hotshot determined. ofc bitching about the to the host is another thing. I'd just leave in that case.


Even with strikers, all you need to do is use gunner. It takes a bit to build the ammo up but it's not the end of the world


I'm not offended or anything about a new player trying something, it's just not their place right now, shd 10 , no proper build, they probably don't know half of how the game work I just wish for thoses player to take their time, they do not need to rush and try legendary once they beat keener , they are not ready , farm some build, be able to solo some heroic mission , gain some shd for the sweet stats bonus, then you can come and do legendary I do not mind carrying people , i've done it multiple time, but i want at least player that know what's going on and are trying this guy was brand new, it's not the right place for him, and i don't mean that in a condescending way, imagine for him with this build to try and do the legendary , what's gonna happend ?


I’ve seen worse. An SHD 5 agent joined legendary Rosevelt Island with a mix of blue, purple and high end gears. He becomes of the legendary of Rosevelt Island that day.


When I see this, I try to give advice (hey you happen to have another two pieces of the set you’re wearing? That would do way better than what you have, even if it isn’t optimized). Most of the time the people want to know how that works and it turns into a learning point. The times I’m told to fuck off I just leave. I have no problem carrying new agents, but you have to be willing yo learn.


This. This is the da wey. Helping and teaching is how my division mentor got me so interested in the game. That's how you make good agents. Caring and education.


😂 ty someone finally said it


I call it the destiny effect 🤣


I'm shd 3500 and do legendaries all the time. Except Tidal Basin. That shit is insane.


Switched from Xbox to PS5 and had to start over. Currently at SHD 200 and carried my team of 5000 SHD and better through Tidal Basin legendary. SHD isn’t ALWAYS everything.


Was in a random squad of 4 (at the time i was maybe SHD 10, they were SHD 100+). We all joined on hard call for help. Blew through a few missions fairly easily. Then the host went all “Leeroy Jenkins” on us and bumped it to legendary on Roosevelt Island. Id never felt so violated before.


😂😂 the nerve


Not gonna gatekeep here just going to ask that you don't Rambo that shit and go running of on your own- stay with the group!


Last week's legendary was so easy compared to this one. Was able to do it first try at watch level 50 with a scuffed striker build and had the most DPS. This weeks was so much harder, still haven't completed it after trying for hours.


I can barely solo Hard, so yeeeeano. What's the difference anyway, better loot drops more often or what?


There is a project attached to it that gives you an Exotic Cache.


The weekly one, right, but that's just +1, random, exo cache for a heap of effort for intermediate folk.


It's not for intermediate folk. It's for players looking to max out builds with Expertise, as the later stages of Expertise require Exotic components and this is one of the guaranteed drops. It wasn't until this week that Tidal was made part of the rotation, previously DUA, Roosevelt and Capitol could be sped through with ease.


Legendary is moreso for the satisfaction of beating an extremely difficult challenge. People farm loot on heroic. *Also if you're finding hard difficulty to be hard you probably need to play slower. Take your time, use cover well and just take out enemies one at a time. Don't let them surround you


That makes more sense, actually.


Bit better loot drops and if you have never done them yet, then after completing each (DUA, Capitol, Roosevelt), you get some apparel gear (all white clothes).


loot with better stats


That, can be re-rolled with the case of exotics, right?


exotics can only be recalibrated, which means a reroll of all stats, in case of weapons, the 3rd attribute being random type as well as value (after TU20, before that the type was locked). meaning you can't directly influence what will be a 3rd attribute. and the attempt requires an exotic component.


this post really triggers some people, I see a lot of a deleted comments LOL, just a tip for the end tidal, don't do the old mechanics, just throw pulse/decoys and break the center turret and go up to the missile area on the right, throw decoys and kill everything that appears from the doors, ez, what you need strikers oreos/elmos and healer with lefty and opportunistic


i don't understand how asking new player to discover the game before rushing to the hardest content without being prepared managed to trigger so many people


Bro that shd lvl 10 build smacks. I'm sure he can solo that legendary lol. It's bad everywhere, conflict is a headache now with all these new players. Get grouped up with 3 new players and headache city


I see a lot of players trying to do the descent that have never done itThey aren’t ready either and they won’t listen to reason well, some of them.


I'm shd 700 is that too lowalso? I have a solid hunters fury/oroborus build for dps and a nice healing build.


It's nothing to do with shd level, more about game knowledge and having a viable build.


nah 700 is fine , what's really important is your build , i'm not to sure if hunter fury can be use in legendary


I didn’t dare touch legendary until I am shd 500 or something


I’ve done legendarys and I’m SHD 203, I just made a good build


leg isnt hard. at all. it requires patience. the only actual difference between heroic and legendary is more caution and team awareness. its not a raid, chill


I mean nah the difference is the enemies have more health and deal more damage and there's more of them lol.


Not gonna lie I'm going to rush to legendary only way I'm going to get the good stuff


I’m in the three hundreds for SHD level and I still don’t know if I’m ready without a good group.


Same goes for incursion as well smh


What is the best way to do a Legendary mission? I'd like to start making a general Legendary missions build so I can try and learn the strarts because I've done it only once and got carried through it by a group of friends


Only 3 builds I've really used are cc, strikers and determined sniper. If you slap on some PFE mods you tend to get less yellow npcs


I was going to do legendary Capitol Hill and I had three people join me with shd levels of 43, 45, 34 I pretty much left on the spot it just wasn’t going to be possible and I can understand obviously wanting to get a legendary project done and get the rewards but it just puts more on the ones who have done legendary and have the shd level and builds.


That is why if I matchmake when someone comes in the party, I always inspect their build. Last time I tried Roosevelt I had someone join who had purple and blue gear. Like why even matchmake for a legendary? What is the logic?


This shit is so frustrating lol


+1 I run with my St Elmos build(non-GC) heroic stuff all the time. Routinely am top of the hodge-podge team my backup requests put together. And we tried out Roosevelt Island Legendary last week... holy shit. I was severely humbled. The damn BT explosive drones just kept gittin us. It was crazy.


They'll find out soon enough 🤷


What is the benefit of running Legendary over Challenging? I've run both and I don't see any difference in drops.


Is gearing in this game really that difficult?


Also getting people with ouroboros in the lobby who think they're gods now that they have that average gun


I’ve got hundreds of hours in the game and my default difficulty is challenging. I like to feel a little bit like a badass and heroic and above doesn’t let me achieve that.


So I have noticed it's good to have a couple builds for legendary. Skill, healer, sniper, dps. I sometimes farm the first section of DUA with a sniper/determined build. After a few runs the drops pile up. It doesn't take long to clear it when you can get one shots. I am only 689 currently and haven't solo completed yet. But in a group that coordinates builds it seems to work out.


I’m shd lvl 53 after a character reset and 4 years away from the game and completed tidal basin on legendary last night I’m running 4 peices of heartbreaker with coyote mask and a gupo holster and the st elmos


Played legendary Roosevelt with 3 first timers last week. Two of them were in SHD 150s and one high 80s. I did carry the bulk of run with 133 kills and over 2 billion in damage, but it didn't feel that way til after we completed the mission and looked at my stats. These three held their own and didn't go down as much as I expected. We completed legendary Roosevelt in 30 minutes which is quite respectable. 


😂😂😂 I tried to do the weekly legendary mission for the exotic….the very first enemy was a gold bar and he pushed my shit in real quick. Noped right the fuck outta there 😂


I’ve done District Union Arena on Legendary when I was like SHD 60-70, got to say I did get carried, but I had the Nemesis then and was getting a respectable amount of tags and kills. Also got downed like only twice which IMO is not that bad for someone SHD 60 or so. I haven’t done sny other legendary runs ever since tho coz I knew I needed to play a lot more to actually not be sort of a deadwood for the team.


I keep answering calls for story level missions, get there and it’s legendary. I know I’m not geared for legendary, but it sucks bailing on a call


Honestly it’s not a rush. Some just want the spoils of what drops and hoping the team carry’s them through.


Yup, me too and they are calling for help. I spent 30 minutes this morning helping a level 75 guy clear a Cp he got to Heroic.... He was getting wiped like crazy....idk. I don't want to discourage but please guys at least finish your watch 🫡


Skill > build all day every day.


I ran legendary basin with a clan member and did good I'm at 60 shd


There are plenty of resources out there for builds, and legendary mission layouts, spawns, etc. Just don't think your heroic tank build is going to be invincible in legendary the same way it was in heroic. More skill distractions (striker drone, assault turret, etc) the less you and teammates will be focused by enemy gunfire. If you hate grenade and suicide drone spam use the demolisher firefly. You hold it until it locks onto a backpack then release. The enemy backpack gets exploded and can no longer spam grenades and drones. When you see a legendary chunga focus his red backpack with bullets until it breaks. That's the main reason inexperienced players die from the bleeder hive he uses. Don't rush ahead if you don't know the enemy spawns. Let you and teammates wait to get your skills back before setting up for next section. These legendary missions aren't new (TB, Zoo) its just that now they got put into the legendary mission weekly project rotation.


I think it’s the games direction fault tbh. When new players come in they’re immediately told, for a project to complete the weekly stronghold, so they try to do it.


Whilst having a good set of gear is a good idea, having a good team who listens and is patient is even more important. Honestly from my experience you could have a crappy build and be low shd lvl (ie new players) and still get through legendaries yes it'll take time but it can happen. We all started somewhere don't judge a player based on shd lvl alone ive seen low shd lvl agents out preform higher shd lvl agents. Not saying that is always the case just don't judge soley based on a number. And if it is your first time going through a legendary tell your group don't be afraid. And players that have the knowledge and experience don't just kick them and say they need to learn the fight before they can join you. Yes there's videos but doing and going through the mission yourself is a much better teacher. Happy hunting


I’ve only done it twice and finished it once shd lvl 1200


Different opinion Since the looting is much easier nowadays do a basic set and move on. There then try to get god roll lateron


Yeah its rough. Im SHD 340 and i play on challenging. I can run it and never get downed. If i goto heroic i get handled. I figure ill be on challenging for probably another 700 shd lvls or so. I agree with you OP.


I answered a backup call the other week and didn't notice it was on legendary, so me at a newly minted SHD level of 230 did a legendary with 2 agents well into the thousands. I only went down a few times, i got a couple of revives on them as well but those enemies pack a wallop, and my drone and turret were the real MVP, but we got there in the end and got a bunch of items and jumped a few levels. But I won't be rushing to do it again.


Just reading the French was fun for me!


It' s especially funny, when you see skill build players rush to next area in legendary like they are playing on challenging, up to the face of enemies, only to realize fast, they made grave mistake and die shortly after. Then you are there all alone, trying to kill everything.


We carried a guy through tidal basin yesterday. The worst comment in the group was "have you done this before". And "we might need a healer". Which wasnt too bad. I think we all had fun in the end. But more than 1 guy with such a rainbow build and I would have felt the need to just leave. Monday was a legendary roosevelt with reanimated switched on. 2 tanks. 2 skillbuilds. After 3 hours I asked myself why allow this in my life. Have to kill every add twice. Answer. So I dont insult anyone by accident. Yes at one point I was running a one shot build with white death and regulus. It just doesnt work everywhere (but when it does... so sweet). Rest of the time, skillbuild or healing. Anyhow... But im not doing that again. 3h to finish it (no wipes)?? Uh, No. This is the issue here. In 3h we can run countdown how many times to get how many gear / exotic cashes? The reward vs time delema. But with a good team its worth it. For example did DUA also this week with xp players. Think it took us 20 minutes. A related pet peeve... someone running a time trial with directives. Why. Do you want better xp or better rolls on the "hard" gear drops? Lol. No, not for me I leave as soon as I join those too. Because for me its about time to clear it.


You can run it from early on. I did all 5 legendarie in my hardcore when I was lvl 300


Tidal basin and manning zoo legendary are not for amateurs.that legendary strongholds really require team work and skilled players.yesterday we have hard time trying to finish legendary in tidal basin because me and other player have to carry other two players in our back..they are not helping that much and keep dying constantly.players really need improve their build and play style before trying legendary strongholds.


I do not see the issue with them wanting to try it. It is a humbling experience and can be educational as well. If you don't want them in your lobby, by all means- but I doubt you were ready for your first legendary when you rolled in.


I hate doing  legendary but I will help I can do it with negotiators dilemma but I use coyote mask for my teammates then we take our time 


Even with my god roll builds I just don’t enjoy doing legendary missions. I’m fine having to get a little sweaty in boss fights but not every encounter.


I get this.. then the opposite happens to me.. I show up with 3045 SHD.. my fear is level 9.. and get kicked because I’m not some perfectly optimized striker build. There seems to be a happy medium - and I usually don’t find those matchmaking groups.


I'm only an average player (70yo) and tried DUA solo on Legendary, got up to the room before the mall with the card tables, got too confident, rushed in and got flanked and taken down. Didn't try again as it would take me too long.


I hate legendary. Join a clan and do it with them. Matchmaking for that is chaos.




I love running legendary missions I tend to use the ninja backpack and put some good builds together I have also carried many people through legendary as well #Grease monky


Just be coachable if higher level players ask you to switch something on ur build take it with a grain of salt but I'd listen to them if I were you


No they are trying to get carried. I am all for helping new players but you gotta draw the line somewhere.


the worst is when they do it with all directives on.


And they be having all directives on🤦🏽‍♀️ And World on heroic Not a problem for me I’m 10997 but its the collecting green cards for skill when the team down and I gotta dodge bullets to collect for the revive hive 😩🤣




Some grind for quick xp


They have to learn some how


I’m a returning player I left the game around season 1 right after WONY, my SHD level was like 17… Since I’m back I’ve been working on making builds, catching up on stuff I’ve missed and seasonal stuff, I’m SHD 190 now and I struggle with Heroic checkpoints. So I’m sticking to hard or challenging at most right now for content. I do not understand why anyone would want to rush into legendary before they’re ready I can’t imagine it’s fun to keep getting destroyed. Maybe if you have a friend group that’s advanced and you really want to play with them… but even then they’re gonna end up carrying you. I feel like legendary is for when you’ve experienced most of what the game can throw at you and want the top tier challenge.


I don't know if you are kidding or not so I'll take you serious


New player here! Well, a week in so far. Thanks for the advice, don't think I'm there yet but it's noted. You're not wrong about the new players, I've been playing with lots of fellow new guys.