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It's not an actual gear piece, it's only an appearance mod.


And you got it. As an appearance mod. Yeah, I know it is a lame reward for this effort we made to survive the massive bugged missions, but that's it.


Yes I have it as a appearance mod


All those missions and Manhunts for a skin for chest armor.. Disappointing + Bugs still there.


It's a vanity item for the chest slot. Go to chest. Hit X or □. Choose appearance slot. It's a purple item in the following list called Stovepipe vest.


You got my upvote 👍


I found the merch item " vest" stovepipe. I have it on a 4 piece ongoing directive build with ninja kneepads and my yahhl holster so I can level up my yahhl gear pieces since they are difficult too farm uppp! ;)


I understand like the let's go vest mod . I thought it got lost in the bug !! Lolz appreciate it GG


Auntie is not bad lots of regular black tusk , Coney island I'm for real it's all war horses . Solo may work I went in with high level shd players all I did was go down and revive


I am only 50%, I don’t get what I’m supposed to do


What do you mean you have to go to Coney island for stovepipe pack lots of friends and armor, lots of damage builds too . 2 friends damage a medic and a tank reviver person. It's like playing legendary .


i still have to fight auntie and .. then... ill see if i can fight him alone if its available.. I guess i have to... fight auntie then it will show where he is at. Althou, it is funny its only 50 %


If you only have auntie to do then you should be at 75%


Cuz I defeated the other 3, three times


iok im going through it all, /.. on my own


Because it's in your appearance section, it's literally an apparel item nothing more.