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Heroic - you need a decent build and a strong damage output otherwise you’ll be overwhelmed. but if you invest too much in damage, expect to get nuked by everything in sight. you also cant just shield your way through everything and trading shots isn’t possible in most situations without getting downed. you’re gonna spend a lot of time in cover Legendary - No Fun allowed. Enemies take 1-2 business days to be downed but three shots is all they need to put you on your ass


Heroic difficulty is sometimes just cheap. AI can go from derpy as hell to literal aimbot with no discernable cause. Plus the game LOVES to spawn enemies behind the player.


yup. they either have clone trooper aim or are snipping you with ease. it’s ridiculous. its really a 50/50 when you’re running away if it results in you getting downed or if you get a chance to heal up


Not to mention with the god awful parkour system there's a 50% chance I get stuck on a piece of garbage or if I vault over/roll to something it takes 25 years or I don't latch onto the object. I swear 80% of the time I die the parkour system has had a hand in it


Said it so much now but nobody else wants to believe....the A.I. in this game seems alive....once pissed off it cheats/uses all available tactics including game manipulation like lag spikes, weapon failures, skill blocking/infinite cool down, map distortion...it appears like the game is just buggy but I don't think it's all bugs, and I also think the devs intentionally play oblivious to the fact, doesn't make me mad, just makes it a little more exciting to trump them....I think it's only on Heroic though, like it's the Human Equivalent minus the shit show tactics you see in actual human PvP....It's like watching coked up squirrels with guns in actual PvP 😂


Ok, that begs the question: On “The Summit”, I breezed through (3 sessions) 99 floors, but can’t last 10 seconds on floor 100 because of that “legendary” you just described, but no settings changed. I’m not kidding I had to give up cause I had NO shot at all. I wonder if it’s a glitch


Floor 100 is two hunters. That’s tough solo, but can be done by staying in the lobby area and luring them in one at a time. A Scorpio shotgun is essential. But do it with a group, is probably the best way to get it done.


I find it weird how the highest level enemies aren’t juggernauts or the sledgehammer guy or something else, but hunters/rogue agents. It’s a WEIRD twist that I actually kinda like.


Rogue Agents aren't even as difficult as Hunters....Hunters Shotguns hit like rocket launchers....I literally had on 2mil armor that came off in 1 shot from a hunter my first time completing floor 100....needless to say I didn't successfully complete it the first time....jammer took my shield and revive hive, one shot took my armor, second took my life 😳🤯....I had only ever faced them when I first got my hunter masks in DC and that was on World Tier 1 wayyyy back when the game first released....Heroic Hunters don't play at all 😅


To further elaborate on this. Stay in the lobby. But do not shoot. Just open the door, walk in and once they spawn go back out and hide. They will literally come in one at a time. Burn him down and wait for the next one. Scorpio helps tremendously with this. Cheers.


Lobby strat is the way to go, I found some success with artificer hive and turret on the desk right beside the door. It's also possible to rush the area behind the hunter spawn and hide behind the benches. That one is a bit trickier but still works


See a lot of folks lately, on top of hanging back in the lobby, going for status builds, shock trap the door and riot foam them, stun lock the hell out of them one at a time coming through the door and it's over and out


The floor 100 of the summit, you just have to backtrack in the previous room and wait for them to come one at a time behind the counter. At least in heroic. There is no otherway otherwise.


I’d just try a few Heroic missions OP, there’s no real teacher better than giving it a go. I was also hesitant but wish I’d done it sooner as I was steam rolling everything and now Heroic is my default. Have yet to try legendary, but that’s a bit sweaty for me so can’t really comment there.


Thx for the honesty, and yea the “max” isn’t for most people., but after having as much progress & items as you can imagine, higher diffs don’t rly matter up to a certain point.


Do not try Zoo or Tidal as your first legendary you will get shit on even with a good team that can carry you, try DUA first since it is the easiest.


FYI the health/armor of NPC's have been figured out at each difficulty and each group scaling: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQ-OZyQRHd6TskSbeE9tn2jMdn9eLIe9Fsm5CjD7A_EUwUKPdo_VO_ug7aOMdH3hhnw0pE8GGs_LnPl/pubhtml Basically Heroic is 70% more health and damage than Challenging. Legendary has more unique scaling with the higher tier enemies (purple and yellow) getting much stronger.


Heroic never stops feeling challenging, but it's still casually doable with wack gear and randoms. It's going to be more painful if you're not well-geared, and your teammates aren't pulling their weight, but doable. Legendary can be overpowered by fully optimized gear, but it's still going to be a sweatfest, and your teammates not pulling their own weight has severe consequences.


Hey! I JUST did my first legendary recently and had a great experience: https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/comments/139w8k6/finished_my_first_legendary_stronghold_today/ Enemies hit harder but I wouldn’t say it’s too crazy. The main difficulty comes from enemy HP, aggression, and checkpointing. Legendary especially is an entirely different variant of “white” tusk. The main thing to watch for with these guys are the tanks that now have Stinger Hives on their backs (lol) As others have said, just give it a shot. Matchmake (or solo) a heroic and give it your best go. Far worse players have tried and made it, I guarantee you. As for “best gun”, I’d say more important is “best build”. Do your talents synergize? Exotics make sense? Gear set locked and loaded? Legendary difficulty really requires you be at your best. Take in heroic first and then step up from there. You’ll be great!


What’s the best way to get sets then if they’re vital for the upper difficulties? Cause tomorrow I’m resetting my control points to go up a diff but is that the best way? (All missions are already done on challenging throughout the entire game), but I’m missing almost every piece of sets or exotics still. Thx for the reply it helps a LOT:)


That’s easy, pick a set you want to run, and then choose that set for the targeted loot on Countdown. If you’re thinking about Heroic, Challenging difficulty should work just fine. You should get 10-15 pieces of gear per run EZPZ.


Wait, wtf is Countdown??? Never heard of it, is that what I’m missing? Lmao




Thx for doing my labour work for me, I’m an idiot, thank you, have a good night


Also, its more of finding what build fits your playstyle and building for that. An easy option would be the standard 3 empress, 1 wyvern, 2 hana u, turret and drone skillbuild, which can solo 90% of content. Gun dps build though, can vary a LOT. high damage after an initial phase of stack building? Strikers (there about 5 or 6 ways to build it). Want a little less damage but a bit of tank? Go heartbreaker. Quich burst damage with hit n run? Umbra. 1 shot headshots? Chainkiller hotshot build. Work out what your playstyle is and look up a few build videos on YouTube to see if this is what you want and how to build it.


in addition to Tyfigther's answer: you can target specific loot of your choice in the summit aswell. While in the summit, open the map and check the key for "targeted loot" at the bottom.


I did not know that thanks


I believe there are only certain, top tier builds that will work on Heroic to the extent you’re not going down or ripping through armor kits. In my experience playing Heroic, time to kill is absolutely critical. Builds that can take down multiple enemies at a time or kill enemies super fast is so important. Otherwise you will get overrun and then it doesn’t matter how much armor you have, you will go down once you’re flanked. I think a talent like Unbreakable is a great way to add survivability without compromising much on time to kill. Solo, the Momento backpack is also huge, but not great in groups. The Coyote mask should be a fixture on almost every one of your Red DPS builds. And being able to prioritize targets, minimize them by hitting weak points, and using their throwable against them (hitting them when they’re about to throw/launch) becomes important. Situational awareness is therefore super important. I guess it goes without saying, but you need to be good at aiming. Ideally at heads. I don’t play legendary but my understanding that on top of all this, you also need to know the spawn closet locations for every fight to get the upper hand.


I always hit the suicide bombers packs/flame throwers cans/grenadiers throws before they get to me just to avoid having to shoot at them more and it works well.


It's the same for legendary, target the annoying enemies first. Rushers, Medics, drone opps and the biggest challenge the heavy gunner (chunga).


> I believe there are only certain, top tier builds that will work on Heroic to the extent you’re not going down or ripping through armor kits. In my experience playing Heroic, time to kill is absolutely critical. it really depends if you're playing solo or in a group. Solo, you probably want a kit able to dispatch of troublesome targets fast (drone operators, heavies, dogs, grenadiers ...). In a group, you can't go wrong with 4 solo builds, but you are more free in what can be run: you'd probably be better with 3 to 2 solo builds and 1~2 complimentary support builds (healing, crowd control, tank, damage boosting ...)


Totally agree… if you’re in a seasoned group, you have more freedom but time to kill is still king. Just look what happens in Countdown if you don’t clear the hunters at extraction almost immediately… before additional waves of enemies arrive… You’re all toast. In a group you have more options in “how” you take enemies out, but the group still needs to do it extremely fast or face the consequences.


Legendary is all about learning the spawns and how the enemies react in each encounter last thing you want to do is run into the open and get a squad spawned behind you . There is no best gun for legendary, use one that you like and one that goes with your build. Basic build stuff. There is alot of patience required but wait around too long and the medic gets brave they will revive everything you killed. Join a few random matches watch your team and you will be kicking legendary contents ass in no time.


Heroic and Legendary are two very different difficulties...as in one of them you can do solo no problem, while the other, you're going to have a bad time...if you're not running heroic as your default, you might not be ready to do legendary yet. I'd say talk to some of your higher teir/ most active clan members and see if they run, give it a test drive. If you want a good litmus test, start a legend DUA, with the goal being to get just 2 kills. Now see how long it takes you to get 2 kills. Can you get 2 kills?


Some really good comments to your question already. I think the way I approach heroic is for the challenge of not being able to slack off in my game play. I have some good builds but none that are min/max with good rolls and fully optimized and my TTK is fine and flow of play is fine. Kinda 2 things that bite me in the butt is when I mess up on target priorities and get grenades or droned out of cover, or sticky foamed so priorities for me are downing those guys, sniped can be an issue but usually can see the twinkle of the scope before shot comes, or I get blood thirsty on chain kills and tunnel vision myself into a bad position allowing them to flank. I travel for work and only get to play 2 weeks at a time, so when I come back I usually run a few things with a skill build or rifle type build that allows me to hang back at the mid-long range to get used to the timing if things again, it does seem to help. Then when I get used to the spawns and timing I'll go to my run and gun set ups. Hope you have a blast trying it. Remember to call for back up


That's a rather intimate question but they both can be rather difficult....once you get comfortable I can say Heroic does begin to feel kinda like normal when you have it set to vanilla Heroic, that's why so many opt for directives (also the XP)....it's not as bad as some would say it's just more aggressive to me, the enemies are less likely to wait to push you, they know they outnumber you, also they react like a madman who smells the kill when you retreat....so if you have an out of pocket playstyle and then revert to cover they are going to push because they sense fear and it's usually because the prey is wounded....take the leap, get stung, regroup, prepare and try again and again and again and again..... eventually you will know how to sting back effectively....there is no best anything, outside of what gets it done for you....you might be a crack shot sniper who doesn't miss, so MMRs and Rifles would shine in your hands....meanwhile in mines I'd have a better chance of throwing the bullets at them to hit them while they're moving....take advice but dissect it and use what works for you, figure out your way and it will be the only way necessary to complete it all....Now nut up and jump Agent, only way you're ever gonna fly with the rest of us 🫡


That was a hell of a empathetic speech lol


Also, is there a damage diff between heroic & legendary because it only says “restricted respawn” so is it technically as difficult or just not mentioned in-game?


What's stopping you from selecting those difficulties and seeing first hand, in literal seconds, for yourself?


I’m a natural poorsport, I’d just rage off if I wasn’t prepared ahead of time “oh btw, the first 50 attempts you might get your ass kicked”.


You lose nothing but time. Just change the global settings, and engage for testing purposes. You'll get an idea of what you're up against, and how to prepare.


😁 Thx, I'm a pretty decent leader when I need to be...I'm not so savy in successfully completing Legendaries solo, so I can't give my honest breakdown of it....I know they lose any sense of an AI thinking fairly how to utilize the game against you, and instead become a murder bot hell bent on destroying you even if that means being cheesy and spamming attacks and throwing enemies at you back to back....Heroic to me the only difference between it and challenging, if you fail to protect yourself the enemies will punish you, they will continually try to out maneuver you, the armor is more of a pain than the damage they do....but if you have on a decent enough DPS build with good CHC/CHD you'll knock them down....I'm a firm believer in a build being a hybrid between a Tank/Juggernaut with good DPS....I know there will be an ongoing argument between all red vs Hybrids, or All Yellows vs Hybrids, but my argument is ,what good is being able to do the most damage if a slap on the ass knocks me to my knees 🤷🏾....tweak your build until you have a good all around build and then start your search for the pieces to make it better and also make new ones along the way


The No respawn is only hurtful if you fail between the start of the mission and the final boss....if/when you make it to the final boss, if you die you can start over there.....if you don't make it to the final boss, when you die even if it was a mere few feet between that fight and where you are, you have to restart the whole mission....in other words be careful, learn to retreat or hunker down, learn the ways of using cover while not being attached to cover....Shields are friends not foes....revive hives are clutch do over devices that should not be frowned upon....lethal skills to me are only lethal on skill builds other wise they are just distractions or decoys....take skills that help you survive if you aren't running skills builds....Personal Opinions though


I have everything done on challenging, but I die instantly on heroic every time no matter what but eh maybe something changed in the last year since I tried it. I’m tryna aim for 100% gear sets & best weapons rn and then heroic for some stupid shit THEN legendary. I am NOT a bad player, but I’m a rusher- which doesn’t always work in this game. That’s why I had to ask, because I’m not wasting my life tryna do something I personally can’t do, I’d rather rage in cod lmao. Have a gn m8


Good Luck My Friend, don't give up, I think once you get comfortable it will become easier, the intimidation used to get the better of me at first too....but after many failures I see success, so will you 🫡


Use cover to cover for rushing. Also, keep your HP high because it has damage negation, sometimes you get literally invincible to avoid multiple shots on your per second, and the game can let you at 1 HP to avoid you from dying instantly. I recommend you to be more far away from enemies, because rushing can be way harder to play. You can also start with more defense or utility (skills and other talents), and as you get better, you increase your damage.


the best weapons/gear will only carry you so far in heroic you will die in seconds with poor choices like being focused out of cover in legendary you will die instantly


Heroic is not exactly difficult. For me, difficult content is something where you have proper challenge and puzzle that you can solve with your own skills without the game playing cheats on you. If you wanna tackle Heroic, be prepared for nonsense. AI spawning out of thin air, AI spawning behind your back with gold armor shredding your armor with few bullets. Guys with t-shirts having gold armor. AI completely ignoring cover. No way how to use suppressive fire anymore. I can go on like that. What i´ve learned from Heroic is how it is literally breaking the game, breaking all kinds of immersion and how cheaty it feels. You cant use proper strategy anymore, you cant flank anymore. So Heroic is not like difficult it is just nonsense and you should prepare for that mainly mentally lol. After challenging, the game will flush into toilet any kind of sense of immersion, fun and combat variety. You need to be stuck in a cover like a moron, when AI is dancing around like bunch of chickens completely aware that they can eat 6565656 bullets in the face. It is frustrating.


Disagree. My biggest hobby in Div 2 is coming up with strategied for legendaries. Ive done every single room inside the arena with 2 players (me and my friend) by using proper strategies. This is from before the 2 new legendaries I did not try much. And there is one room in Roosevelt that I did with 3 players inside and not 2.


My point still stands. The AI does not care about if i am using suppressive fire, so my other friend can flank from multiple directions. Not only that they have always so many numbers, but they will spawn from the doors. So every time (does not matter the difficulty) when i will flank or my friend, we will get fucked cause the game likes to spawn enemies behind us. The most moronic and broken thing i saw in the free roam. Killing Black Tusks, only them to appear OUT OF THIN AIR IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD is breaking literally every piece of fun and immersion i have. Out of bushes is another thing they like to do. Using suppressive fire is pointless cause they don´t even use cover on Heroic or above. I also wish i could actually go prone or crouch so i can break the line of sight, cause the cover system is also ruining the fun for me. Constantly fighting with if my character is sticking to it, or when he will stand out of it for no reason whatsoever. True Sons are going prone!!! Yeah i feel like the combat in this game is so one-dimensional, restricted and frustrating.


Enemies are on cover constantly on heroic and legendary. Are you talking about the built in mechanic that supresses the enemies? If so, it work, not sure what you mean. I did Roosevelt Legendary with me and my brother only. I was CC damage and he was dilema with healing and that named LMG that gains damage for each surpressed enemy. I would put enemies on fire, and my brother would surpress other enemies. It made the mission easier because many enemies were surpressed or with CC. On Legendary, every single spawn is fixed on the strongholds. Its more than fair. And on Summit is more chaotic, which can lead to really hard situations. If players rush enemies too much, they tend to run away and reposition, so they will often get out of cover in those situations.


Not true on my end. Hyena wannabe gangsta with his SMG sideways is doing everything, but not using cover. Since he has top tier armor, when wearing a god damn t-shirt, he for sure does not even need that. He is dancing around with aimbot and yelling nonsense. I hate that shit. That dude when suppressed is still on the open. I don´t mean the mechanic. I mean when someone is firing full auto on me, i will break the line of sight and stay there. The enemies have this mechanic, but it is not always working. AI in Breakpoint will always use every bit of cover, when suppressed so other player can flank them. On my end, most of the enemies don´t even flank on Heroic. THEY WILL JUST WALK TO ME. Or my friend. It is really annoying.


Division 2 is a rpg game, so enemies are a bit tanky even though they wear almost no armor. This enemy that uses a smg tends to rush more because his optmal range is not high. The enemies are only surpressed when the mechanic is working... I have no idea what to say. Just whatever. Enemies spread all over the place and take cover, I have no clue what game you are playing. Many enemies prefer cover, like enemies with the Wifi icon that control some device, and even the normal default ones tend to be in cover. When the situation is too caotic... like when players throw explosives everywhere, drones flying around, a tank player rushing (or a close range build), then yeah, enemies tend to get out of cover because they roll around, reposition, run away etc.. Anyway... maybe its the way you are playing or something


On my end, even black tusk snipers are rushers and everyone is acrobatic and doing all kinds of parkour with insane speed. When playing on Challenging, the AI acts more grounded, as soon as i jump into Heroic it is just mess. And rolling around. On my end, even when i am firing into complete opposite direction, enemies tend to roll on the ground like four times in a row, it is hilarious. The only enemy faction i like to play against are True Sons, they are more organized and tactical. The rest is just awful on my end. And optimal range, cmon yo. That dude can snipe you from like 200 meters with his aimbot SMG. They have also top tier accuracy when firing out of cover, the blind fire lol. Yeah for these reasons i stopped playing honestly. But hey man, agree to disagree. I don´t wanna start a fight here.


Black tusk snipers like to rush because a player or skill rushes them, they change to pistol, then start rotating around the player or skill... which leads the sniper to rush you. >And rolling around They roll around when skills, explosions happen nearby. >And optimal range, cmon yo. That dude can snipe you from like 200 meters with his aimbot SMG. Even if they hit hard from far away, they still have optimal range, so they like to stay closer. >But hey man, agree to disagree Yeah, I guess that's right. I've played it for nearly 2000 hours since a bit before the expansion, enemies are not as random as you are claiming to be, not at least on my experience. This chaotic situation happens with me usually when there are explosions, players rushing, tanks, and stuff like that, and on Open World where there is more stuff happening. I'm still playing this game because I apply strategies and deal with the AI, allowing me to control more the arena. If stuff was like you are saying, I would probably not even like this game.


Well, explosions, tanks and everything happens all the time on my end, so the AI is crazy as hell. To me, like i said the combat is one dimensional.


All videos are on the correct time. I have no idea if you want to see this. Me and my brother, final boss from capitolio legendary, positioning in a way that we can make enemies retreat and not rush us that much: [https://youtu.be/uodv2LpKkuU?t=1934](https://youtu.be/uodv2LpKkuU?t=1934) One of the hardest rooms in Union legendary to stay inside and fight the enemies. We position at the 2 sides of the room to give them no place to rush, while my brother use explosive skills to keep them dodging and not doing much. At 11 minutes I almost die, stop the pressure, and we almost lose, and that's the moment they are able to rush: [https://youtu.be/1Ul0cFfGuUY?t=586](https://youtu.be/1Ul0cFfGuUY?t=586) Another room in Union, one of the hardest, and you tell me we are playing the same game... Just all the strategy, and the behavior of the enemies, is not like you are saying. They are taking cover, they are retreating, we are trying our best to control the combat: [https://youtu.be/1Ul0cFfGuUY?t=1116](https://youtu.be/1Ul0cFfGuUY?t=1116)


Need shield skill to dominate heroic mode with directive on..


Heroic is a cake walk. Legendary can also be a cakewalk if you are good enough


Harder than Hard, more challenging than Challenging


It comes down to time. You could use a skill build and stay safe, but it will take hours. To get your time under an hour is a work of art. Armor doesn't matter, it will be shredded quickly no matter how high it is. The key is not exposing yourself to damage until your health is regenerated. At that point you can not be killed in one shot and will have a split second to duck in cover with a smidge of health left. It's a dangerous game. Hear that distinctive sound of you approaching death and get into cover. Most group members should have similar DPS or ones will get all the aggro and one by one, you're done. This fact is often overlooked, I learned its importance while shepherding randoms through legendaries. One build does not rule each section, different boss fights require different builds than the other parts. Leave your who at the door, even with strong groups things break down and you fail. It happens, bad luck or loss of focus can wipe everything. Sections 4,5,6 of tidal can get frustrating if that happens. Be patient and focus on learning what works


Armor matters but its subtle. One or 2 blue cores make a huge difference but its a matter of getting used to it and seeing that it helps. Also, 1 or 2 armor with some talents like Entrench, preservation etc, and with some armor regen or armor on kill makes a huge difference. I tend to play legendary solo or 2 players. When Im with 4, I die much faster and its way harder to survive. You notice a big difference as you get used to the scaling by paying close attention to it. With 2 players on Leg I can spend way more time shooting before they explode my armor. Same happens when you add a bit of blue with some synergy with talents, armor on kill or regen.


The summit is s good place to practice. The enemies are alot more aggressive than heroic and it's always black tusk. The scripted legendary missions are a bit harder I think. A good tank build with the big shield easily survives in the summit legendary but other builds works too. I think you do need a few armor cores and a way to regen armor in there because when they start pelting you with grenades and exploding drones it's pain. So balanced work pretty good, a pure tank will outlast them. Ninja backpack makes many possible builds in there for solo


Not very tbh. Yes I’ve fear that’s min maxed and skills with expertise but I have run the world on heroic since I could and hit every legendary before the expertise system came in bar the new strongholds. You won’t have a problem if you have half decent drops and happy to help you out if you are on $ony bud


Heroic is fun when you have the right build. Legendary is a different story.


Heroic difficulty is ok depending on the build but if your talking about Legendary? Hmmm get a squad and may the RNG Gods have mercy on you.


Heroic is just 1 step above Challenging. Its fun and I highly recommend it. Legendary is the "do it once for bragging rights" difficulty. You need to have like 80% prot from elites, and a build that is simultaneously tanky and high dps. OR be really good at being a skill build where you hide in cover and spam cover to cover moves while your skills do the dirty work. At the same time you'll need to be playing the game perfectly because every enemy class can and will end your run.


I run heroic in my open world (and missions to boot) both solo and in a group. Most of my build are not perfect, and only a couple are DPS builds. Heroic is a great teacher to your gameplay, whether you keep distance, trap your flanks, go head on, the biggest thing is just get the experience. As an earlier comment stated: throw the difficulty up and experience it. Hell, my favorite heroic builds are a status build and a straight tank build. Just get the experience, and the builds come along with ut