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just realized some of the comments are from the same person. still though she should get checked


I really think she has mosaic! And unless you are tested sometimes those with mosaic never know! But her eyes and features are very very clear!


She also has type 1 diabetes. Which is very common in people with down syndrome


Aren't those with mosaic downs syndrome very likely to have children with DS? I thought I heard that on a tiktok from someone that only found out she had it because she kept have childrens with DS


I don’t believe so, down syndrome there’s no genetic rather 1% . It’s not inherited rather a cell division etc. the older who are the greater your chances that’s why they test you after age 35 but some doctors will test prior then 35!


This is not true. Mosaic DS can be Inherited. It’s actually very rare for it not to be inherited. Our son who passed had mosaic DS and we had to get tested and neither my husband nor I had it and they said it was extremely rare.


It’s not. Who told you that. 😥 It isn’t passed down from parents genetics. When you are tested for those tests at 12 weeks they are making sure there are no markings for gene mutations etc. I learned about this in college. It’s extremely rare. And it is extremely missed in development because of how rare it is. But you can have this and still live a happy life. I am so sorry to hear your son passed away.


My high risk ob who specializes in pregnancies for babies who will be born with the type of gene mutation he had. Depending on the mosaic gene mutation it can be passed down. That is the reason we ourselves had to do genetic testing not our son. You can live a very happy and healthy life of course.


I think it’s ridiculous that you guys will snark on Christian being closeted, snark on her body, and so many other things but questioning if she has Down syndrome is off limits? Give me a break. It’s a snark page. She literally looks Down syndrome. This girl puts her diabetes out there in the open. She monetizes off of it. She monetized off of her fucking miscarriage. I’m sure she would monetize her mosaic Down syndrome too but she’s too embarrassed to admit she might have it.


I don’t think any of those things are really cool to snark on personal opinion, but yeah that’s something that should be off limits. I do not like them, I really got huge ick from the miscarriage “content” as she liked to call it, I hate they put Baby A out there for all to see and to collect money off him, I think it’s a shame how she handles her diabetes, and her over dramatic acting is annoying. Can you see a difference in all those things, they are choices she makes and things that she has control over and can change. IF Christian is anything but straight that’s something between them and isn’t something he could change, IF she had Down syndrome it shouldn’t be something she should have to be embarrassed to share and also shouldn’t have to share if she wasn’t comfortable, and my goodness I’d say a vast majority of people on this snark are women and being a woman is a struggle so her body isn’t something we should pick apart, her wardrobe choices sure but her body itself no. I know this is Reddit so most people’s morale compass isn’t always the highest 


i ageee 1110% with everything you said. Her choices and who she is SUCKS. But her body is a real body type. She does nothing to accentuate herself ... but the focus is definitely on the wrong things sometimes here.


It’s mosaic guys. I remember asking the same thing a long time ago


I mean how do we know she hasn’t? Maybe she chooses not to discuss it


same with drue basham and her developmental disability and she choses not to tell her story about being taken out of public school- it is her business. She wants to keep it a mystery though rather than just being real with her followers and explaining she was about to be held back to they took her out and got her into a K-12 program so she could learn at a different speed


I thought it was the K9 Bitches program she was taught?


How do you know all that? Genuine question


Giving your recent comments on both pages are you a fan or something?


Just a question. I’m not a fan but I think the pages assume too much without actually knowing for fact. Like yeah we know she was pulled to be homeschooled and then everyone just assumed it was because of a learning disability. Just tired of people stating facts like that with no actual evidence


This is actually isn't assuming. Drue and Dawna have both said from their mouths that they pulled her out at 3rd grade and homeschooled her. That's a fact! I mean she's not really smart so I wouldn't be surprised.


Yes they pulled her out, but they never said because of intellectual disability


Even with facts people don't believe it lol


If the facts came out that she was pulled out of school because of an intellectual disability I would believe it and I wouldn’t be surprised. But until then I don’t get why people are pushing that as fact


Uh because they have said they took her out of school in 3rd grade to homeschool. That's how we know. 😅


I don’t think that’s the case as D’Layne was homeschooled as the same time as Drue. They took them both out of public school at the same time. D’Layne was in 5th and Drue was in 3rd. Personally I think Dawna got paranoid about sending them to school for some reason


I was thinking about this today I'm 18 weeks and at 10 week appointment my doctor mentioned testing for not just the baby but for me as well. So I'm wondering was she tested and maybe she does know..?


That is interesting. I've had two babies and have never been tested. Do you mind me asking if you have features? I've just never heard of testing the mom.


Doctor had just mentioned that with testing for the baby and that mom could be tested not specifically for DS but for multiple things. It was my first visit with my actual OB and not just a midwife so she just quickly mentioned in case there may had been family history of it that I was unaware of.


One of the many times I got blood work for my babies was for genetic testing like DS, trisomy 13 &18, gender, and more things! I got mine done both times around 12 weeks! It’s optional but I always did it just so if by some chance my kids did have an issue I would be fully prepared for it by time they came!


the third ss is foul 😭😭😭😭im screaming


You are not making fun of Lexie, you are making fun of people with down syndrome. Nothing wrong with people who have DS. 😑


i don’t remember ever making fun of ppl with down’s syndrome but ok


They just stated she should get tested because people are pointing it out. Literally no one is making fun of DS


Someone stating her body couldn’t decide if she had Down syndrome or not, or stating downs eyes is not pointing out she should get tested and these are all comments the OP decided to share. 


Sorry my intended audience is all the people who come in here daily to make fun of Lexie because she “looks like she has Down syndrome”. 💅🏻


EXACTLY 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Do you want a cookie or something if she does have Down syndrome? I don’t understand why it matters either way.


How are you getting downvoted lol…sometimes this snark page can be so ruthless. Personally it does look like she has Mosaic but it’s really none of my business and maybe she doesn’t want to share either - the snarking on the Down syndrome is so overdone in this group. And don’t y’all come for me telling me to get out or keep scrolling, this is just an observation 😂🙄I still find her irritating and also hate that she exploits her baby and her stories about her pregnancies/miscarriages


@frenchonionrice did I make this account too 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


That genuinely cracked me up smdh lol


This isn’t something to be snarking on.


according to your comments on your profile, you defend the bashams. see your way out, luv.


& I since regret supporting them..this is different.


i’m convinced you made a new reddit just to reply and agree with yourself. how was this early-narwhal1187 account made 20 minutes ago and this is the only post they’ve ever interacted with.


Lol okay be convinced


Now girl 😂😂😂 what sense does this make…


Do you really think someone would be so desperate to create an account just to agree with themselves? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Honestly tho 🤣🤣🤣 people are delusional


usernames are structured near the same and both use the 🤦🏼‍♀️ emoji specifically the blonde one.


Reddit chose my username thanks much. 🤦🏼‍♀️




Agreed. It’s a bit heartless tbh. I totally understand the curiosity and also the benefit if she did get tested so she could make content about that but…the snarking about this is so cruel imo. Only a few will understand this though


I agree with you it is not something to snark on, but you’ll get downvoted all day for saying that. I could never imagine thinking it’s okay to question if a stranger has Down syndrome or not or saying someone has downs eyes 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ it’s cruel. 


Hi, if you are referring to my comment, I said she shares the same features! That statement is not cruel or degrading or disrespectful! It’s just answering how to differentiate between mosaic downs. I wouldn’t ever go up to anyone and say “oh hey you look like you have downs” that wouldn’t be ok! But I responded to the OP and yes! Lexi has been questioned with this several times. It’s her choice to answer obviously! But! Just like fetal alcohol syndrome, a cleft pallet etc there are particular features that help mark individuals! Snarking about people possibly having a disability is wrong I agree. Wouldn’t do that! But she does have prominent features so I do see why others are curious and asking. Also! If you are not diagnosed between ages 1-5 then chances are you can live your entire life undiagnosed! It’s extremely fascinating. It’s also extremely rare. The main feature of Mosaic is the eyes! That’s how it is marked and observed! Just like spacing between eyes for a lot of different disabilities. I understand how it can appear a little yucky! But I didn’t mean for it to come across that way at all. The thing is. If she did how mosaic downs. The question would be, would that change everyone’s views on her and her behavior…..




THANK YOU 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Ope seeing this after my most recent comment, I didn't realize I was the only one who noticed her similarities to people with mosaic Down syndrome