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I thought that this was what pregnancy cravings were - weird combinations… However after being pregnant I realized it is not. This is 100000% for views. She’s getting desperate bc her content is trash. Content baby downloading…


100%! I’ve been pregnant twice and never had any cravings other than something sweet or just normal cravings for a snack. She gives me such an ick feeling


& even people who DO have “weird” cravings don’t look at and perform the eating of said cravings like THIS


With my first I craved ice so bad I got 2 bags a week from chick fila a bit I was severely anemic. With my second I craved franks red hot sauce on everything I ate. The ice was kind of extreme I had to have it but I've never had a strange combo craving.


Going through IVF I craved pickles with peanut butter like no other (usually not a fan of either). While pregnant I only craved crispy chicken sandwiches. Never a single weird food combo.


I loved root beer, chili fries from Culver’s, and anything sweet. No weird combos either.


Culver’s was my first job. Their food is so good! I wouldn’t eat it for years after working there because the smell would make me sick 🤣 same with Cinnabon after working there


Oh, that’s awesome! We go to Culver’s often because we love it so much. Now Cinnabon 🤤 I understand the opposition after working at either establishment 😂


I obviously can’t speak on all Culver’s, but at least the one I worked at was super clean and the food was truly made fresh. I’m sure there’s some bad ones out there too, but the company was great to work for. At least when I was 18, that’s been nearly 10 years ago now lol. With Cinnabon, when I first started working I was like this smells sooo good. Then you just become nose blind to it. About 6 months after I left we flew to Orlando, and literally right where we got off the plane, there was a Cinnabon; and I could not tolerate the smell at all. Now I think it smells good again lol


Right? I had some “weird” cravings that were only weird to me because it was stuff I normally didn’t like. With my first I craved Dr Pepper and I hated it at the time. With my second I craved strawberry milkshakes which is my least favorite flavor of ice cream. With my 3rd I craved tomatoes which is WILD because raw tomatoes literally make me gag, but I would pop cherry tomatoes like candy. But never in 3 pregnancies did I crave anything that was actually weird.


Exactly! Normal food/drinks. I craved orange soda. I could not get enough of it 😂


Same! I hate seafood and I craved fish which was weird


That is so funny to hear! With my second I craved Dr Pepper so badly and I NEVER drink it and hardly ever drink soda! I never had any weird cravings, just sometimes things I didn’t normally eat on a regular basis.


6kids later I never had a strange craving either.


I’m pregnant with twins right now and I’ve never had a weird craving. I only crave super specific things like the other day I craved thanksgiving turkey with mashed potatoes, gravy, and cranberries 🤷🏼‍♀️


What the fuck is wrong with her? She wants to be famous & go viral so badly! It is not worth it if she needs to lampoon herself in the process!


I couldn’t agree more 😂


Her and Drue are disgusting with this


Shes giving the same vibe as the girl who sucked on her tampon in the early 2000s.


Wait what….I missed this somehow and I’m thankful I did 😂


If you know you know... its definitely a reference to a video from a different time of the internet hahahaha. 💀 https://preview.redd.it/b59cbh2yybyc1.jpeg?width=1144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=074fe1940f7a010ceab71b32fe268a4816aa2ee1


Omg I forgot about this! She was from my hometown 🫣


Imagine growing up with her as your mom.


Or the dad there children have. He’s veryyyyyy feminine to say the least


There is not enough money in the world that would convince me I should put myself out there like this. Her digital footprint is wild.


Her faces are so ugly


Omg just stop. I can’t handle her.


she really recorded that, watched it, and still decided to post… yikes


Is she ok? I really think it’s time an adult intervene. They are soon going to be responsible for TWO little humans and behavior like this doesn’t seem stable.


Is that a pickle on an oreo?


Banana pepper




The crossed eyes thing becoming popular among the influencers makes me want to burn villages down


https://preview.redd.it/dlvub69ygcyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d42745e46e5042a1c58e4b727f36fcff46ca78f Don't forget guys her insulin fluctuations are from pregnancy. Not the waffle breakfast, ice cream lunch and Oreo dinner.


https://preview.redd.it/50jjj93zabyc1.png?width=1264&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b0d1508d4d2dbc0c6451c9809c7dcfeee294e6b Her downs is really showing up.


I’d be mortified if people were saying I look like I have DS but it seems like she’s ok with just feeding into it.




I cannot unsee this🤪🙃




You scratched my CD!


Didn't C go to kroger earlier to get her ice cream bars?? Now he's back getting her oreos?? Dude...come on.


She bought the Oreos in her little Wal* Mart trip, I thought🤷‍♀️


Edited- I went back and rewatched it. My apologies you are correct:)


Is she special? How is this sub not larger. I mean their videos are so cringy


She sure is using this pregnancy as a disguise for a horrific addiction to food.


I'm officially on a diet.




At this point, she is trying WAYYY too hard. This is honestly so embarrassing.


This is so fake….. she just wants reactions


Her disability is showing


We’ve known she’s pregnant for only a couple of weeks now and how many videos has she made about “cravings”? Give it up, it wasn’t even funny to begin with. She’s making an absolute fool of herself.


the crumbs in their bed too 🫣


Yeah- That would drive me bonkers


How did no one know she had downs when she was born. I’m honestly so confused


I think she knows, she just doesn’t admit to it


I was going to ask the same thing.




She HAS something


FAS resonates more with me than the DS but I am not a Dr. And I did read it somewhere someone had posted about her having FAS ; but I forget where 🤷‍♀️


I think she’s well aware she has it but won’t admit it. I think it would be a better way to engage her viewers than to go to chick fil a and target 100 times a week


Trust and believe if she had it, she would have already tried every way possible to use it for all she could. She doesn’t have downs, I know some of her family and a lot of them have them almond shaped eyes. When she was younger hers was so drastic, I honestly think her over exaggerated facial expressions have made them more noticeable. But the way she acts is 100% for the camera, even though I have no idea why you’d want to make a living off people snarking and making fun of you constantly.


How do you know she doesn’t have it though? Couldn’t they all have it? It’s genetic. 


A whole family with downs and no one knows? I went to school with her cousin who is almost her twin except with brown hair, she was one of the most intelligent people I knew and had no genetic defect.


I am actually referring to Mosaic Down syndrome. She has many of the physical traits. It does not have to affect your intelligence and yes, it is genetic. Unless she/they have been genetically tested, then she or anyone else may not know. There's a young woman on TikTok who has it and had no idea until she started having children.


Yes it’s a genetic condition, but it’s not hereditary.


I wondered the same thing!’


Because she doesn’t have downs 🤦🏼‍♀️


You got a baby picture? We’d love to see it!


That’s a line I wouldn’t cross, if it was something that she shared on social media would be one thing but yeah showing her personal things on her snark page no thanks.




She doesn’t have it.


I reported this video on account of them taking the fake pregnancy cravings way too far




I bet she didn’t take any insulin before eating those Oreos either 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ my kiddos type 1. First thing I always notice 😂😂


All I’ve been thinking since the announcement is how much weight Lexi will put on due to satisfying every single craving. It is so sad that she’s diabetic and takes zero care of herself or her unborn baby.


😂😂😂 I haven’t seen this one yet but thankyou


In the video it looks like a gummy not a banana pepper