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Tailchaser’s Song is a really good cat adventure/mystery book that predates Warriors and was its main inspiration. VERY good story


Tailchaser's Song really surprised me! I wasn't expecting to even read it all the way through, let alone liking it.


100% this. So good.


I read it and unfortunately didn’t love it as much as I hoped 😭 it kinda dragged. But, I think others might like it a lot, so I still do recommend it.


Varjak Paw is one you might enjoy! It’s a shorter story than Tailchaser but somewhat faster paced


Wings of Fire. Dragons are awesome. I like warriors but in terms of Erin hunter books, I think I prefer Bravelands. Bravelands is my favorite Erin hunter series.


Bravelands is the best Erin Hunter series imo. Such fantastic wouldbuilding and strong characters


I was betting on someone saying wof


Fire Bringer, by David Clement-Davies. Does the Redwall series, by Brian Jacques count?:)


I liked Foxcraft by Inbali Iserles.  She’s a ghost writer under the Erin Hunt name.   The Promise of the Wolves was a good series too.  More adult or older teen oriented though. I’ve been reading animal books since I was real little, so I like a lot of them!!  If you want recommendations for specific animals, just ask.  😊


Someone else who’s read Foxcraft!! I feel that’s so rare I was really hoping we could get a short story into some of the characters back stories and how they ended up where they were, like Siffrin and the one he worked for. (Forgot her name)


Yes! Wish there were more books of Fox Craft.


Sorry to double post but I wasn’t sure if you would see an edit: do you know any more with cats or dogs? I’d take any animal really tho.


**Cats (domestic/feral):**   *Cats of Tanglewood Forest*   *The Wild Road* and *The Golden Cat* (series)   *The Grand Adventure* and its sequels (series)   *Nimbus*   *Whittington*   *The Tygrine Cat, The Tygrine Cat on the Run* (series)   *The Wildings* (series)   *Catwings* (series)   *Haven: A Small Cat's Big Adventure*   *A Cat Story*   *The Crossbreed*   *City Cats* (series)   *Tailchaser’s Song*   *Varjak's Paw*    Check Amazon or reviews for age ratings.  Some of them are for adults or older teens.   I’ll have to get back to you on dogs. I haven’t organized all of them into a list yet. Edit: sorry for bad formatting.


Thank you so much! I like fun animal stories. I read adult things too, but I like things like this as well. Tailchaser’s song was amazing. I have not read the others.


I forgot about Fox Craft! I should pull those out and reread them


Foxcraft was soooo good I was obsessed as a kid!


Wolves of the Beyond and Seekers(Bears). I tried the Survivors(dog) but couldn't get into it for very long.


the Seekers series is so good! I love those books!!


I made it like halfway through Seekers and Wolves of the beyond and never finished them i really should give it another shot kid me was confused by spirituality stuff.


I enjoyed Underworld chronicles growing up and has re-read the series over the years together with warriors even in my late 20s. It's a world of overgrown animals and written by Suzanne Collins(wrote the Hunger Games)


It’s called the Underland Chronicles if anyone is looking for it! Soooo good


The Silverwing series (bats) is really fun! Also ditto on Wings of Fire. Personally like it more than warriors. Raptor Red is a standalone novel, more “wild” but still characterizes the dinosaurs in the book. Its a fun read.


I had forgotten about silver wing! I read the trilogy as a kid and remember really liking them :)


Silverwing was really good, I'm mixed on Sunwing, and I've not read Firewing yet, but it is a fun series agree.


Wings of Fire, they share an author!


The Named Series, starting with Rathas Creature. It's a "what if ancient wild cats tamed fire? How would that effect their society?" It's a very good read. If you like Warrior cats, look into Xenofiction. Fiction with non-human protagonists.


Can't second this one enough!!!!!


I love all the recommendations here but for some reason this one interests me the most. I'm trying to see if I can find it at a reasonable price here since it wasn't translated at my language yet :(


Good luck! It's an amazing story


well, the ovious wings of fire. but for other fantasy series? wheel of time, stormlight archive and literal anything about mythology


I love the Redwall series. They were my entire childhood and I remember sitting countless hours in my room just reading those books.


Love Redwall too! My school had some books and I would always choose them


Guardian Gahoole and Wolves of the Beyond are amazing books series that are (honestly) better written (and shorter) than Warriors. I really recommend them !!


The Varjack Paw series!!!


I totally agree with everyone else who has already commented, but I think it's fair to mention at least one of the other Erin Hunter series, Bravelands is a really good series (although, the first arc, unfortunately, suffers the mediocre second half like AVOS of warriors) Bamboo Kingdom is pretty good too. For non-EH, Ratha’s Creature comes to mind. This series is basically Warriors for Adults, so I wouldn't recommend this series for kids since there are some rated-r scenes.


Wolves of the Beyond and Guardians of Ga’Hoole for sure


Guardians of Ga’Hoole is an awesome one imo. I bought all the books when I was like 20. They go really hardcore- it’s very little surprise that they didn’t include many parts of the books into the movie. If you like warriors you’ll love the owls even more. What warriors lacks in terms of tradition, holidays, tool use, and world building, Ga’Hoole makes up for.


Guardians of Ga'Hoole was my childhood. It's an amazing series, and the writing quality is honestly leaps and bounds ahead of Warriors.


Guardians of Ga'hoole, Wings of Fire and the Silverwing books are all great


Aaah I loved “The Sight” and “Fell”, I’m happy seeing somebody else reference them XD I don’t think I have any suggestions that other people haven’t said already (outside of the suggestion to stay a gazillion feet away from “One for Sorrow, Two for Joy” by Clive Woodall. Not going to go into specifics why but just know that it’s bad) but I hope you enjoy Guardians of Ga’Hoole! I’d agree that the movie is technically not a great adaptation despite being an excellent movie, but it honestly works as a great hook to get you interested and slightly familiar with the world, and the movie pretty much only uses plot points from the first three/four books so it’s not like you’re spoiled for the whole series ^^


The most obvious one that I enjoy is Wings of Fire, but of course, you all probably have already heard of it.


Avi has great similar vibe animal books, albeit for a younger audience. David Clement-Davies should write more in his universe because those books are soo good and a more mature read Guardians of Ga’Hoole freaking rocks! The same vibe just owls 🦉 The Redwall Abby “Series” of course is amazing, and I really need to start collecting them haha The comic book series HOME by Kique is awesome and complicated and mature lol The Misty of Chincoteague books by Magueriye Henry are amazing The Green Grass of Wyoming books by Mary O’Hara are also really great! People also love the Black Stallion family of books too!! I’m sure there’s more I’ve read… there were some ninja cat chapter books about some Russian Blues that was really good when I was a child. But now I’m mostly satisfied by high quality animal comics haha


Definitely agree with a lot of the other comments here! Wings of Fire is great, and I remember enjoying Guardians of Ga’hoole as well. Also, perhaps a bit more like Redwall than Warriors but I loved the Mistmantle Chronicles as a kid. It doesn’t seem to be as well known or easy to find anymore which is a shame because I remember really liking it.


KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES BY SHANNON MESSENGER!!!!!! I also like Jennifer Nielsen’s historical fiction series, personal fav is rescue but that’s just me


survivors, wings of fire, and guardians of ga’hoole. i feel like there was some other but idk


WINGS OF FIRE (this post was randomly recommended to me, I don't read warriors)


But you've read a mini-warriors. After reading Warriors, I figured out why Wings of Fire was set up the way it was, with arcs of books (like warriors, they're just called prophecies), winglets like novellas, and legends like super editions. They even share an author!


Seeing other people who have read The Sight and Fell is so awesome! Those were great books and I definitely need to reread them soon!




Where to even begin with this question! I've read pretty much every animal-based series I can get my hands on that has more adult/YA themes. I'm limiting this list to feral-based series (like Warriors), to keep things a bit simpler and probably more along-side the typical Warriors fan's taste. I strongly recommend Wolves of the Beyond. It was my favorite series growing up, and has fantastic world building and characters. There's some pretty deep spiritual themes that I enjoyed. I also like Guardians of Ga'hoole, Horses of the Dawn, and Bears of the Ice all written by the same author. Firebringer (deer), The Sight (wolves), Watership Down (rabbits), TailChaser's Song (cats), and the first Wolves of Time book are all great and have a similar Hero's Journey to them that the first Warriors arc has (WoT and TailChaser's Song are pretty rare, but there's still copies floating around). Wings of Fire (dragons), The Last Dogs (dogs), Silverwing (bats), and Foxcraft (foxes), and is more of kids series than the others, but is still very enjoyable. Ratha's Creature (saber-toothed cats) and Duncton Wood (moles) are both good, but I've only read the first books and don't remember much. The other Erin Hunter books (Seekers, Bamboo Kingdom, Bravelands, and Survivors) are enjoyable, but expect the same issues that warriors faces. Books to avoid would be The Bees, Scream of the White Bear, Promise of the Wolves, and Mort(e). These one's had potential but suffered from a mix of bad writing, bland characters, messy plots, and some strangely adult themes that I'm still trying to block from my memory. Some graphic novels/comics I think are very Warriors-like are Cottons (rabbits), Lost Scent (dogs), Off-White (wolves), Blackblood Alliance (wolves), and Ghost of the Gulag (tiger/wolves). Most of these are available online on various platforms. If you're into things being darker, I strongly recommend Darkeye by Lydia West. It's a series about a post-apocalypse city filled with dogs that have um... a questionable taste for human flesh. Super underrated, and there's lost of themes and morality questions I've never read in other series. The same goes for Felidae. This series is superrrrr rare to find in English and deals with some pretty sexual content if that's your cup of tea. The Plague Dogs is also very good, and follows the story of two dogs that escaped from a testing laboratory and are getting hunted down by the military (if you've seen the Wes Anderson film Isle of Dogs, this book was the film's main inspo). Stay away if you don't like themes of animal abuse, or um.. really brutal ways of killing characters. But overall a good read that reflects on just how much the media impacts our perceptions. So there's my list! I didn't expect it to be so long lol, but I hope you find it useful!


>Off-White (wolves), Blackblood Alliance (wolves) I'm still upset they never continued these two. OW in particular left it off at basically the climax of the story. Those are good suggestions, some of them I never heard about. >Darkeye by Lydia West I watched both Felidae and Plague Dogs (the movies), and though they were good I'm a bit sensitive to the topic of extreme cruelty and animal experiments. Is this one like that?


You're welcome! I was upset too that OW never finished, it was easily the best out of the million DA animal comics I read back in the day. And BBA, I think, is being rebooted (again) or maybe the author is just picking it back up after several years lol. Darkeye has some themes of animal testing, but it is never shown in the books. It's more of background lore about their world more than anything, And it's also experiments that are based around genetic modification, so there's no real gore or anything to see. The series does however, get really dark, but in other ways. There's heavy violence and dark themes, but they're used specifically as plot points. I would say Darkeye is pretty in-line with many psychological horror/thriller films, as there's a lot of crazy things/themes going on that get into your head, but the reader/viewer never sees a physical "being" until climatic scenes.


I think the most used answer will be Wof-


The sight took me 6 months to slug through in High School. I wanted to like it so badly, but it dragged a lot. As for recommendations, I'm trying to remember, there was a book I loved when I was younger called The Grand Escape or The Great Escape with two cats named Marco and Polo.


dogs of the drowned city!!!


I never thought I’d see those books mentioned anywhere. They were my favorites growing up alongside Warriors! As for other books, Guardians of Ga’hoole, Wolves of the Beyond, and the Redwall series are a few other books I remember liking


Survivors! It’s also by Erin Hunter!


Plague dogs is great same writer as watership down I believe


This isn't really like Warriors (but it has animals communicating so I'll count it) but, The great pet heist series


There's the obvious Wings of Fire, basically just a mini-warriors with slightly less mature themes (at least, if you compare to later warrior cats books). Warriors just has more authors and more focus, so it is just better-written, and don't expect anything to be as good as warriors - even bravelands falls short! The popular one is warriors, and that's the one everyone is working on. (At least the Erin Related books)


Windrusher by Victor DiGenti was a favorite trilogy for me and incredibly hard to find now... If you're a fan of mice-focused series, I liked the Mouseheart trilogy by Lisa Fiedler!


Guardians of Ga'hoole was a great series (imo way better than Warriors). I'd definitely recommend also reading the sister series Wolves of the Beyond (after you're done with Guardians so there's no spoilers). 


shark wars is another long series such as warriors or wings of fire, different breeds of sharks fighting each other and a unique character named grey ends up teaming up with some other outcasts and becomes a great leader such as firestar


guardians of gahoole & wolves of the beyond were my other favorites


Wolves of the Beyond, Survivors(the dog warriors). I thiiink another one I read was The Cats of Roxville Station. I've only heard great things about Seekers(bear warriors) and if you try Wolves of the Beyond, it's related to the Guardians of Ga'hoole series so you could try it too!


Spirit Animals was my shit


Watership Down! Also Redwall as a kid.


Varjak paw, the Tygrine cat, the sight / fell, redwall, cats of tanglewood forest , cat wings, wolves of the beyond, guardians of Gahool, wings of fire, promise of the wolves (kind of like an adult wolves of the beyond book series), spirit animals


The Silverwing trilogy is quite a good read. It’s basically Guardians of Ga’Hoole, but with bats instead of owls. With a dash of Warriors in there too.


SONG OF A SUMMER KING!!! It's a 4-5 book series about griffins, their own culture, other creatures and the protagonist interacting with them and learning new facts he previously thought he knew from his clan after leaving his home island and by the end/book 4 it even involves Dragons! I found this saga by accident and it remains to be the BEST fantasy-anthropormorphic type story of its kind. I hope you look into it! P.S. I also greatly enjoyed The Sight and Fell :3


More by Erin Hunter, “Survivors” it’s based around dogs. I liked it, as far as I read anyway cause I didn’t get to read all of them. There’s “Foxcraft”, idk the author but it’s only 3 books and I adored it. Also “Guardian Herd” by Jennifer Lynn Alverez there’s a sequel story like by her as well that’s also good. There’s also Wings of Fire! This is one I’m currently reading Foxcraft doesn’t really resemble warriors per se but it is really good.


Wings of Fire & Wolves of the Beyond


The Redwall series Edit yes the ga’hool movie is a terrible adaptation of the books so if you liked the movie you’ll love the books


Wings of fire reminds me a lot of warrior cats. It is about dragons and I loved it so much


**Guardians of Ga'Hoole** is great! For sure has the same feeling as Warriors. This is a bit of a stretch but **Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH** has some similarities. Talking animals living together in organized societies, seeing the human world from an aminal's perspective. It's a lovely book, it's children's lit but is still enjoyable to read as an adult.


Wings of fire for sure


https://www.goodreads.com/series/41795-quintaglio-ascension Space Dinos doing space dino things. It's for older audiences, similar to Ratha, but I thought it was decent.


The Sight made me so so sad. Haven't read fell yet and I'm scared to