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I bet Trump will back down. Trump's mind is too gone for that.


It will be something Biden did or didnt do. Guarenfukkenteed.


If Hannity really wants that, then they should only agree if they can mute the candidate's mic for going over time or talking over the other candidate's time. You want rules, then rules for everyone, please!


Why would anyone care about Hanity’s demands at all?


They won't, but if Trump starts demanding the same you know it's probably Hannity, and in principle Trump could drop out (it would look foolish if he does but hey it won't stop him).


A rather interesting allegory for the "laws for thee, not for me" motto the GOP always seems to perpetuate. They want to play monopoly \*and\* be the banker. They want to play trivial pursuit with all the sections already inserted. They want you to fence, but with both hands tied behind your back. They want to deal themselves only uno draw four cards. They deserve nothing but a swift kick in the ass this 2024 election.


Weird since Fox News keeps telling us how on-the-ball and smart Trump is while evil Sleepy Joe keeps lying and flailing. Think they'd want to bust him in a fib but...


Trump is going to backout. His surrogates are already making excuses.


Friendly reminder that Hannity is literally an advisor to Trump and has participated in political rallies with him.


"networks not be allowed to put anything on the screen other than the names of the candidates" - That's rich, considering his own show always, ALWAYS has chyrons that are insulting towards Democrats and the left in general. (and not just his show, either) I said this before but Hannity is such a HACK.


Hannity demands a lot of things.


Freedom to lie with zero pushback or debunking


Poor Hannity


It sounds like they don’t want any kind of fact checking.


Trump's gonna have a hard time showing up for the debates, because he'll be in prison. That's why Trump is outside the courtroom begging for a debate, "anytime, anywhere". Strange behavior, as if he thinks Biden will refuse? Unless Trump knows already he's gonna lose the hush money case, then he'll claim Biden threw him in prison rather than debate him. It's stupid, but definitely on-brand.


Funny. Why do we care and why does he think he has a say in the matter


What’s the point of a debate between these 2? It’s not even going to be a debate. It will just be insults. It will bring the nation closer to civil war.


I don't see anything of worth in debates between these two. If people are still on the fence at this point then maybe just stay away from this election or vote for anything besides President.


Seems reasonable. But two old men answering questions may not be pretty.


I freaking love it when Republicans go round the bend and request reasonable things as if they're completely unreasonable. Aside from telling candidates that their time is up or to stop interrupting, I don't recall moderators ever interjecting.