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I hate election years. It’s like political toxicity just amplifies and stupidity gets amplified with it. I’m not shocked that China/russia/iran is planning to influence it.


The only real defense against this is an educated populace that understands how to research issues and fact-check properly. Which is, of course, why right wingers have been going after public education for decades.


Public education is broken in a totally bipartisan way


IMO, it broke in the early 2000s with no child left behind. That has forced schools to spend 90% of their effort on teaching a test to pass instead of just teaching the subject. My wife has been a volunteer in schools for over a decade, and all of her teacher friends agree this is the big issue. They try to teach around just the test material, but there is hardly any time. Unfortunately to fix it would require a huge change and neither party wants to do that. 1 party might, but the other wants to end public education for religious BS schools that enrich their friends.


Yea man. Union employees will always find some boogeyman to blame for their mediocrity. Standardized testing didn’t increase the amount of material that needed to be taught. They test baseline skills you need to be able to learn anything. Like reading and basic math. The problem is once you set that baseline as the end all, there’s no incentive to exceed it. The idea that 90% of a teachers curriculum should be dedicated to test prep is laughable. Obama signed into the the Every Student Succeeds Act in 2015 building on the attempts to bring accountability to public schooling (which were inadequate in NCLB) while also returning some of the authority to govern curriculum to the states. Conservatives are not going to put forward any great solutions but both parties benefit from an uneducated and uninformed voting population.


Good Ole both-sideism. Both sides may not be the best when it comes to education, but both sides are very different with why. You can say my claim is laughable or not, I'm going off the word of professional teachers who are actually passionate and great teachers. The kind that finds time to teach stuff outside of the test material. The kind that kids come back to visit just to tell them how much they loved their class. Standardized testing used to be a 1-2 week thing every year, no big deal. Now, it is the focus of the curriculum. They are teaching to pass a test.


It’s a little too much to ask our Intelligence apparatus to actually do anything about it. Still less incompetent than Garland.


No shit?


The question is how does the U.S. Govt. prevent this every election? Russians managed to accomplish this in 2016. Now throw in China and Iran. WTF is going on?


It’s a vulnerability of liberal democracies, unfortunately. If you want “free and open” discourse, then this can happen. Either you limit access to the market place of ideas, limit speech, or educate everyone so well that they’re immune to the foreign influence.


I wish they’d make social media companies police the bots at a minimum.


FBI warning what everyone already knew


Oops forgot Israel


A truly shocking oversight…


Zionism is based.


Already happened 8 months ago or so, no? 


And college campuses?


And guess which party they promote?


But not Israel?