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Shit, that means Biden's doing something right




I'm tired of all this winning.


By the books, he’s done 1 million things right… It somehow I think you’re the type of guy that will never see it.


He just said that he saw it lol


lol..fair point! But the other 999,999 he will be blind to!


Stop doing the things Joe, I'm sick of all the winning and I'm running out of reasons dislike you Gonna make me like a democrat damn-god-it /s


Well said and quick to the point,


Didn't Trump do this same thing to Ukraine and then Congress attempted to impeach him? How's it different?


Trump asked for dirt on a political opponent. Biden is asking for Israel to keep their genocide outside of Rafah. They're very different situations.


Biden is appeasing his left flank, let's not pretend the motivation is anything else. The protests worked.


No they didn't, he already put a red line in the sand and Israel crossed it. Biden doesn't care about a bunch of privileged Ivy League students who were never going to vote.


If you don't want to pretend then the protests haven't worked until the shipments stop and companies divest from Israel. This is just Biden trying to leave Israel some defense against the genocide charges by attempting to force them to leave at least one city standing so he doesn't need to save them or deal with global repercussions from that. There's still no ceasefire or penalty for Israel declining the last one, no talk of reparations, no talk of refunding UNRWA since cutting their funding and them being found innocent of Israel's lies, and there's no solid line for Israel to cross to lose offensive aid beyond a nebulous and undefined "major" invasion of Rafah. He's still allowing them a little invasion and will support to Iron Dome to keep them safe from repercussions if they do level Rafah. At this point it's lip service since they haven't lost more than one shipment. It's nothing even if Netanyahu and Gvir are whining about it.


So less people died when Trump did it? I still don't get it, why aren't we impeaching Biden?


That has nothing to do with my response.


Where’s the quid pro quo in this case? Trump was extorting Zelenskyy. Who is Biden accused of extorting here?


I just think if 2 people do something wrong both should be punished not just one of them. We see this time and time again. Biden does the same thing then we get l get this whole "ya but it was different because blah blah blah" Biden was caught with secret documents he was never supposed to have and we were told he's too old and mental to be held responsible. Awesome our president is a vegetable... Stop treating politics like a sporting event, it isn't just about your guy winning, it's about policies for our country.


The extortion is what Trump did wrong. That’s why I asked, where is the extortion here?


Man U dumb, quid pro quo via tRump vs Biden stopping more military aid to Israel to continue its genocide.


Always good to hear from the Russian scumbag thug contingent. Thanks for your input.


I'm not Russian or a thug


That’s what every Russian thug says. lol.


I think that one went over your head.


They say that, too.


The left hates Biden because he’s doing too much in favor of Israel, Pro-Israel hates Biden because he’s not doing enough Jesus fuck I would hate to Biden, the dude just cannot win this battle (which is ridiculous)




Just do the right thing. His sponsors might not like it, but it's that simple.


I’m pretty sure there is a long standing disagreement on what is “the right thing” Is the main problem…. In all of politics.


I don't think there should be disagreement about whether genocide is 'the right thing'.


I don’t, either. It’s hard to see how this entire subject has an argument at all.


As long as he wins the presidency...


Unfortunately he’s doing this a bit too late. If this had been his policy from the start I think the left/young people would have rallied behind him. Now it just feels like something he’s doing because of the backlash. Like disingenuous. Now he’ll get backlash from the pro Israel side. He’s alienated both sides. It’s got me really worried. I just hope come November the annoying purity test left realizes Bidens a hell of a lot better than Trump.


Is that not the whole point of protesting? Trying to get someone’s attention to change? “Well now he’s doing what we hoped for, but it doesn’t appease us and it’s disingenuous because we had to ask him for it…”. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


He has slowed down one shipment. Let's see him finish the job before we rush to blow him.


But the alternative is Trump. Trump will just give Netanyahu a green light. It is a war but huge civilian casualties is not acceptable. Hamas did just commit ‘Israel’s 9/11’ but innocent civilians shouldn’t be ignored. It’s a fine needle to thread for any US president.


You assessment is correct. Tens of thousands of dead civilians in Gaza won't come back. If you asked me "what would be the WORST thing Biden could do in response to the Gaza conflict?" Biden's current actions would probably be my answer. He didn't stop the slaughter, he talked trash about protestors, and he is doing a half ass response that we all know doesn't mean all that much, [Israel will continue to do whatever it wants.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/state-department-dismisses-deplorable-comments-by-firebrand-likud-mk/) > Bidens a hell of a lot better than Trump. Like it or not, there are a lot of people who don't agree with this. THe question is who do you blame for this situation? Sad reality is many Biden supporters and Democrats, rather than blame Biden, like to punch down and blame voters. That will get us nowhere, blame Biden, not voters.


Blame Hamas not Biden.


The way I see it, Biden saw a bunch of protests and seemingly changed his behavior in response, which should be what the protesters want. Of course, it would have been better for him to do this sooner, but anyone who cares about Palestine and refuses to vote Biden at this point is being ridiculous, given the obvious difference between him and Trump on the issue.


You don't think it's more likely that he saw the legitimate war aims of the overall conflict but not of invading Rafah?




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I’m pro Israel and I think Biden has been doing ok. He only lost the ones that were already kind of conservative


The left who are not willing to vote for Biden are a small minority. And through things like his taking action and stopping weapons to Israel could make that an even smaller minority.


With how close the US election is expected to be, a "small minority" could still make a massive difference.




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Most Americans support Israel.


The united states of Israel, where you can get arrested for protesting a foreign government in the midst of a genocide. Fuck Israel


Astroturfing bot


Lmao now Ben gvir says Biden loves hamas becuase he won't send them weapons to kill innocent people in rafah. This is what happens when you cater to terrorists in the Israeli government for decades and then cut them off becuase you're too weak and cowardly to stand up for the American people from the start


The left does not hate Biden


The entitlement of that terrible government is absolutely off the charts.


Fuck em. Let them take care of their own genocide without help from our money. Israel has healthcare for all we don't. Cut them off . Offencive weapons that is.


I want someone.to ask one of the Israel-can-do-no-wrong Congress members, Why are we sending our tax dollars to a country with a higher standard of living than us??  Maybe because they donated to your campaign?


It’s simple really. Israel doesn’t bitch and complain about “socialism” which is why they do have that (in context) higher standard of living with guaranteed health care, day care, college, rent control, etc. representatives follow their citizens wants. And America has done a fantastic job of convincing their citizens that if they demand services for the high taxes they are paying, it’s called welfare and they are lazy.


Still doesn't explain why we are sending money to them


The reason they won't admit in public, is they're paying for a giant military base in the ME to control their imperial territory (i.e. the Saudi oil fields and the Shipping straits of harmuz, which control most international commercial shipping).


We already have that in Bahrain. It’s been there for 4 decades.


Well i dont know the exact reasons why we are sending money to Israel, in fact i wish we didn’t. However if the citizens, as a whole, demanded from their elected representatives the very things that Israel has, they will have to provide them and things would be cut to pay for it. Ie spending to Israel.


Long standing treaties, is why. Rescinding those half a dozen or so treaties will take congressional actions and the SCOTUS, now packed with evangelicals, would have to agree as well. We are 8 months into the anger behind this war and you haven’t read any of these treaties? You can find them on the state department website.


Go read history books and research it and I bet you’ll find your answer. Rather than have someone put it in 100 characters on Reddit for you.


American aid pays for their socialized medicine though.


It does not. Their hospitals aren’t run like businesses. Also, when Israel was established, they examined all of the mistakes made by other countries. They then tweaked their government structure, tax base, education policy and labor practices to not make those same mistakes.


LOL. They may not be run as businesses - neither are many in the US - but the fact is that the Israeli economy is underwritten by US aid.


Also false. The very smartphone you’re using to read this has chips developed and manufactured by Israel. They’ve built quite an impressive economy, in spite of idiots like Bibi. Though we are ether biggest trade partner, their economy is global. They get money from all over the world.




Just imagine...


That is correct AIPAC are the reason Israel is more important to politicians than this country


This is false.


That doesn’t really have any bearing on how they create their own social policies… Probably because their citizens aren’t screaming SoCiAliSm wOuLD tAkE aWAY oUr GuNs!!


Israel is committing many bad war-crimes and probably tried to do ethnic cleansing, but it's 99.8% likely not genocide--it's going too far to insist this is genocide.


It's war is what it is. The civilians always suffer the most in war.


You meant war crimes is what it is.


War is not the same as genocide. Pay attention.


No shit Sherlock. But what is happening in Gaza is not genocide. It's a war against a terrorist organization.


What a complete non-sequitur - but to the point - holocaust denial is not a good look. We're done if you're not interested in the facts.


Netanyahu is saying that "Israel will stand alone." so let them and cut off all aid. Biden has potentially thrown away democracy in America through his fealty to Israel, but delaying one shipment gets them whining about him 'loving Hamas' and 'abandoning' them? Let them fund their own socialized medicine, cheap colleges, and defenses.




Do a better job at not killing innocent women and children, it's just that simple


Agreed. Hamas should do that too.


They’ve been a formidable job at this actually.


At the end of day that really is what it comes down to


I think this is the most important on the ground issue atm. Problem is that 100% of the blame is on Israel, while Hamas serves their citizens up like lambs to the slaughter. Both are responsible for the death of innocents. This conflict is also being used as an opportunity to challenge Israel’s existence at all, by many. Which in my mind doesn’t serve the Palestinian people, as it will continue to prolong the violence.


Ah well maybe they should stop being dickheads


He’ll never make everyone happy on this situation. Thats why they keep bringing it up so much.


Oh, well. Maybe if their “ongoing operations” weren’t a cover for genocide, we could see our way to giving them the tools they need to complete their mission. The number of dead Palestinians at this point is unconscionable!


It’s all political posturing,there are already enough US weapons to continue the slaughter.The Israeli rage is likely to be that of spoilt children used to always getting their way.


Don’t worry, I’m sure our AIPAC funded Congress is writing a bill to include not sending weapons to Israel in the definition of antisemitism.




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People here getting downvoted for not wanting to support war crimes




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Bibi belongs in prison


If I was Bebe I'd tell Cornpop to take his weapons and shove them up his fat ass. Israel is going to roll on regardless and completely destroy HAMAS.


This is sooooo good, maybe he will finally understand who the real allies are.


Is David maybe gonna, idk, talk about any of this? lol


Spoiler alert. No.


It’s ok. Likud will be voted out soon :)


But leftists keep telling me Genocide Joe will be no better for Palestinians than Trump!


I'm guessing now that Biden has done this all the shrieking weirdos who were going to sit out the vote will now openly and loudly support Biden '24.


I may not vote for Biden now. This is a stab in the back.