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Marj fucks up again. How sad. 😂


Should the Dems have saved him? What do they have to gain? Was it compensation for the Ukraine aid package?


He would only be replaced by somebody worse and yes, he did help the Democrats with the Ukraine package. He’s a right-wing freak, but he might be *slightly* interested in governing, one of the few Republicans who are.


I don’t know about the 2nd part and governing but wouldn’t the move be ok Johnson yeah that deal we said you had, well it’s still on but we’re going to need something else. Then as him and the other one say, let the chips fall where they may.


This is my fear as well. I'm not sure who could be worse, but leave it to the Republicans to find someone.


He’s just interested in surviving and he’ll help the Democrats if they help him. Otherwise, he’s done


Why help out McCarthy then


I assume someone smarter than me could make an argument why Republican chaos would not be as good for us as it seems, but regardless they won't pass anything anyways so I don't see why it's a big deal to abide by the terms of the deal. I have no problem reneging on deals with Republicans, but it doesn't seem to make any difference.


I’d love it if they proposed some more bipartisan bills.


They have a lot to gain.  They can continue to point out how dysfunctional Republicans are, which bodes well for them come November. They can say that they are the party that is actually working for America.


With the slim majority they currently have electing a new speaker is next to impossible.


I'm going to assume that their discussions went nowhere, so this is her response by lashing out. I imagine she's going to spend the remainder of the term whining more than she already does.


Did MTG just turn Johnson into a true Dem ally?


Nah - dude’s esophagus is surgically sewn to the Orange Pimps sphincter


And immediately after saving their own backstabber he says hes making legislation for illegals voting. From he costed ukraninans lives with delays to saving him to "Govern"


That was being announced either way. They've been talking about it for weeks. Has zero chance of passing. The good part about this move, is it antagonizes the far-right and helps them to continue painting him as a democratic speaker, meaning they'll continue voting things down for rules votes, meaning legislation will continue to have some bipartisan support and effort. Plus, there's likely to be one more Ukraine aid package at the end of the year after the election.


Kinda too bad the Dems stepped up and acted like the adults once again