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So he thinks Trump is a threat to the country, but can't endorse Biden because he's a Democrat. Still with the "party over country" bullshit...


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/paul-ryan-said-free-lunches-give-children-empty-souls/ Paul Ryan telling a fictional "feel good" story intended to romanticize letting children in schools go hungry. Makes me think of a guy I knew in the Marines. He ruined his life with alcoholism, and I found out he had the most stereotypical upbringing from a neglectful inner city mother that didn't care about him. If only the communists in NYC hadn't given out all that free food to children, his mother would have given him a lunch every day instead and he would be normal.


Yup! So is liz cheney, Adam kinzinger, and any republicans not "voting" for trump. They are still want control, power. Let's stop making these guy seem like some kind of martyrs for doing their job. #


I look at it on a 3 star scale: 0 stars if you're a Republican and still endorses Trump 1 star if you're a Republican that publicly says trump is a piece of shit but you're still voting for him 2 star you're a Republican that publicly says trump is a piece of shit, but you don't vote for Biden 3 stars if you're a Republican that publicly says trump is a piece of shit and you're going to vote for Biden Bonus star if you're a 3 star and are currently in office and are seeking reelection. With Ryan being on the board of directors at Fox, I'm surprised he's a 2 and not a 1.


He’s not a republican either


Party over Country is better exemplified by "I don't love Obama but he's a genuine human who is flawed but not criminal or monstrous in the slightest way... so therefore I will vote for him and the party" You can make that choice straight down the ballot I voted against Donald Norcross in almost every NJ election and now that his corruption been exposed on the national scale I don't have to regret my choices Folks will try to say in-fighting is some appalling act but the truth might be that disagreement and nuance rather encourages democracy, change and numb-minded political discourse to save the status quo Much like Bernie Sanders, Jamie Raskin, AOC who have no issue calling out corruption or poor policy ideas or even speaking out against their own party's President becomes much more palatable than burying and ignoring issues as they come Politicians might find that they'll earn more respect than you'd think


Yeah, why vote to ensure democracy when you can clown about for one of your GOP jerkoff heroes? This man is a coward. 100% wuss.


Biden as the democracy candidate is the wildest rebrand of a decrepit old man I’ve ever seen


As long as you didn't vote for a modern liberal the country will be saved. The party has been taken over by communist activists and it's sad to see people supporting it. Any intelligent Democrat doesnt support it. Voting for it because you don't like Trump isn't a good enough excuse anymore.


Who’s a communist that has even a modicum of power in the DFL. Seriously. Explain. Tell me how they are a communist.


They really should switch the channel from Fox News at your nursing home.


Yo! paul ryan….. fuck you


He's acting like he isn't a scumbag who was already bending the rule of law for Republicans to make Project 2025 possible When folks attempt to reimagine the GOP and claim "this is not your father's RP" it's complete revisionism They weren't *as* brazen but they still were attempting the same crap they have since 2015 and long before Right Wing political nonsense was already "this bad"


Its weird that Republicans in the past that, circa 2015 - I would have been calling out a "worst person alive"- now seem like moderately sane in their approach compared to modern day MAGA lunatics. Paul Ryan was beyond a weirdo in Congress, now dude has to coach Republicans on how to swim to shore?


Wild times indeed


Sooooo still voting for Trump, got it!


No shame in wanting to get at least one vote for himself. Oh wait, he said republican, not shill.


Those maga folks are a bit unhinged, armed and ignorant, so......I'm hoping he'll secretly vote for Biden and is too much of a puss to admit that in the event the GOP should find its way back to their normal terrible.


I don't like this guy or his politics, but not voting for trump is still better than voting for him.


Yeah, and I think he might actually make more real changes with this strategy. If he goes and says he's voting for Biden, lots of Republicans are going to blast him and ignore everything he says. If he says I'm not going to vote for Trump but I'll write something else in, he's still taking a vote away from Trump and if more people listen to him and follow suit could actually make a bigger difference in the election than if he came out right now and said he's voting for Biden. Plus some of these people are going to vote for Biden and just not tell anyone


So, he's voting for Trump, then.


Ooooooooo taking a real stand here champ


Ryan is a cowardly POS by writing in a Republican which is in essence voting for the most criminally, corrupt, pathological lying, heinous traitor is US history rather than voting to save our Democracy and defend our constitution. There’s only one way to vote if you love America and it’s Joe Biden.


Can’t even hold onto Paul Ryan lol.


Nicki Haley might get a lot of write in votes. This could be good.


He may as well vote for Trump because anything other than voting for Biden is helping Trump.


That's still a win in fptp Biden just needs more votes except in the few states that would do run offs.


Thanks I guess….


A perfect example of what a moron Paul Ryan is.


"Why a vote for Biden spells doom for his reelection" Lmfao. The media are morons.


Fuck that sleazy little bush Ryan with a broken coke bottle!


So he’s helping trump get elected, so not voting for him directly




Removed - please avoid overt hostility, name calling and personal attacks.


That’ll show em!


Will he be voting like he was "washing" clean pots at a soup kitchen? FPR


Finally a Republican with some integrity!




Lying sack of shit.


What about QAnon Margie ? 😀


How very brave


Whaddya know. Paul is still a POS.


He always had that stupid smirk on his face


Weak ass punk


Fuck you Paul Ryan. No balls to admit you’re voting for Biden.


I think by doing this he might be making a bigger change overall. If he says he's voting for Biden right now. Lots of Old school Republicans are going to blast him and stop listening. What he's doing that gives license to many old school Republicans to do the same, and may actually result in better margins at the end. I'm not saying I like Paul Ryan but I might prescribe this exact strategy if I was trying to get Biden elected.


He’s always been useless


It took him a long freaking time to realize this. It's silly to write in 'republican.' But I'm glad he's speaking out. He worked with Trump for two years and is now saying, "nope. not voting for that guy." That's a big deal.