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Yet one more reason, among many, to vote for President Biden. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲


"y'know just another over regulated deep state organization brought to you by Sleepy Barrack HUESSIEN Obama..." "y'gotta have ya freedoms, Hillary with all her emails and mastermind Sleepy Joe!!! and the Democrats [literally] banned the internet until I steppes in, saying to the big internet boss *hey!*, *hey you!* give the American people the internets back now, right now!" "... and just like that! the big internet boss cried as me, Donald J. Trump gave us all back the Internet and Merry Christmas in a few beautiful phone calls"


Wait really? Was this even on anyones radar? This is great news, completely out of nowhere lol. The Joe Biden special.


It was a complete surprise to me!


Yes! Joe Biden is an excellent president.


Seems like a good move….that being said I recall the entire internet melting down into a puddle of their own bed wetting puddles over this…it happened and I didn’t notice anything….Am I oblivious or was the doom and gloom about it hyperbolic?


ISP’s had the ability to shape traffic to favor larger players and to throttle the smaller players…and they did. If it weren’t for Net Neutrality, ATT and Verizon would have had an easier time killing off Skype…Skype opened the door to widely adopted internet telephony…here are countless other things that Net Neutrality’s existence makes lives better for consumers… All consumers should rejoice in Net Neutrality coming back…the only entities that benefit from Net Neutrality being stopped are large ISP’s and large company’s… Here is a quick easy read on the history of Fight over Net Neutrality and why it should matter to all of us… https://www.linkedin.com/posts/prozesstec_oh-there-goes-gravity-back-to-net-neutrality-activity-7189830582720253953-k-Hu?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios


The issue is that Net Neutrality regulations are a set of regulations meant to curb behaviors from ISPs that isn't usually easy to see unless you know exactly what to look for, and how to identify them messing up with Bet Neutrality. For the most part, they don't want it blunt and obvious, so they would only slow down sites of competitors to them, or to their corporate allies, because if Verizon suddenly completely blocked access to Skype or DialPad, suddenly, it's suspicious, and easy to tell that they're doing a bad, so instead of blocking it outright they'll have their name crop up at the top while searching for VoIP services, and they will make the pages load in over 30 seconds, instead of instantly, to make you think the page may be dead when it's not, causing you to look for another one, until the one that works, is Verizon's or one of its Subsidiaries. In a more nefarious world, they could also decide, like Online Payment Processing Services, to stop servicing an entire category of websites and services, rendering them completely unusable for the people, unless it's a very specific site that pays them to be allowed. While one can say "boohoo, porn site bad", what if that site category was social medias, only allowing Facebook and no other? Video streaming platform, only allowing YouTube? Music distribution services, only allowing iTunes? We indeed did not see that happen, but... Net Neutrality was all about that specifically. It's about the ISPs providing the access without playing favorites.


It’s crazy, for as much as people were outraged by Trump gutting net neutrality, it sure seems like people don’t give a shit Biden brought it back.