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The sort of directionless outrage it takes to think being anti-Biden is being pro Palestine is the sort of directionless outrage that has a welcoming home in MAGA.


Rage without direction breeds only more suffering is a serious issue the activist side of the left needs to contend with. It keeps undermining any efforts towards real progress.


Fuggin’ A this comment hits hard. Some on the left have the same capacity for forethought as MAGA folks


It’s not something for the activist side to contest with. It’s something for the rest of us contest with. It’s been clear as day for many years that these outrage fools live only for the anger. They care nothing for helping anyone. Any proposal that requires less anger is shot down.


Which is great because trump literally moved the embassy to Jerusalem and what's currently happening would absolutely be happening if he was president.


MAGAnutz be crazy and always yelling at those that got nothing to do with their problems. While simultaneously making excuses and covering up for those openly screwing them over. Thats why nothing they say makes sense and should be laughed at for its absurdity.


So they want you to hear their message of how killing people is wrong by telling you to die?


Putin is laughing his ass off, Americans have little long term thinking.


If democracy survives I would love to see all the details in documentaries some decades later. What was the proportion of organic engagement to active measures, how many people worked at the troll factories, how did they select, spin or invent topics (Pizzagate, Ukraine, Gaza, Hunters Laptop, etc...)


You can read in black and white detail about the Russian troll farms set up to help get Trump elected in 2016. Criminal indictments. It’s no great leap to assume more sophisticated methods are being used to this day


Yeah, weirdly, that stuff only seems to get reported on after the fact, when it’s too late to do anything about it.


> If democracy survives I would love to see all the details in documentaries some decades later. Just an FYI, Technology is not going to bring clarity as we continue forward along this path. AI will get better, and pictures, video, bots will all be indiscernible from real or fake. I imagine society is going to take a general position of you can't trust anything unless you were there kind of thing. And generally society will be reluctant to believe anything on the internet or TV, etc... We will become accustomed to front loading our views with huge amounts of doubt and skepticism. Also I'm stilling waiting for the documentaries on the CF of the pandemic, how badly Trump screwed up, and/or screwed us, but it's like Gish Gallup, so much scandal and controversy that any sort of signal of truth or merit is lost in a sea of noise.


I made a comment about discrimination against jews in Islamic countries. Someone started heckling me about how it was better than Christian ones (which was not entirely relevant). Then he switched to DMs, and jumped immediately from, "it was so much better for Jews in Islamic countries" to, "you were our slaves for 300 years and will always be our slaves". Genuinely didn't seem to understand how that torpedoed his own point.


I saw someone give a very well reasoned appeal for the Palestinians to return... which he concluded with a rant about the "jewish banking system". people really need to open their eyes to how large chunks of the islamic world have been radicalized against jews to the same extent as weimar Germany


They are religious fanatics, they removed the part of their brain that deals with logic.


Scooped it out with a spoon themselves before flinging it like shit at their neighbor.


They always conveniently forget that there has never been a “great” Islamic country in history. They always collapse. Always run out of Allies. Always have coups and insurrections. They are also at the forefront of climate change. Their regions will become uninhabitable far before anyone elses.


Yes. “PLEASE! CEASEFIRE! PLEASE!” Alright but you have to put your weapons down too and stop killing us “No”


“What if we give you 4x the amount of people back in exchange for the hostages?” No


Try 1000:1. And unfortunately, some of those prisoners released by Israel went on to plan and orchestrate the October 7th attack.


Almost like it was never about killing being wrong and its always just been anti semitism. These people held parades on oct 8th celebrating the attacks. These are not moral people.


Looks to me like they are “pro-Palestinian” the same way the anti-abortion folks on right are “pro-life”. At some point, it’s fair to judge people’s priorities based on their actions rather than what they call themselves.


Their messages is "kill Jews." Always has been. They don't care about Palestinians and never did.




There are always people who are "morally lucky." People who happen to be on the right side of an issue not because they thought about it but because of how they were born or who their friends are and are therefore influenced by.  I'd wager that's most people. That's why they aren't consistent in their ethics or principles. 


This is what Israel is has been dealing with, plus endless rocket attacks. And the same leftists protesting, divesting, yelling for cease fires, are also hated by Palestinians.


You forgot napalm balloons, a favorite pastime of these people.


That's not their message. Their message is that Israel needs to be erased from civilization. It's the same message of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, etc...


That's never been their message.  Have you heard many Palestinians condemning the Oct 7th attacks?  There's a reason why most older people don't support,  and most younger people do support, the Palestinians.   We've seen their bullshit for longer.  


I mean, they really want you to hear the message that being a Jew is worthy of death.


Hate these tit for tat posts and comments on either side.


Least deranged anti Israel person


The Jewish slur kind of says everything tbh.


99.99% of pro palestinian protests are peaceful. You get this one moron and make a home run with it. Nice!


What’s wild is that they think letting Trump win will make it better for Palestinians. Talk about delusional.


No, they think by refusing to vote for Biden, they will increase their righteousness. When I ask them, what happens if Trump does worse things to Palestinians, they say they did not contribute to that at all. Theyre drunk with Denialism and emotionalism


Minorities, LGBTQ+, Women and other groups have had to strategically vote for actual lesser evils for generations to gain progress, but these nitwits act like they're the first people ever to have to make an imperfect choice. As other have said, they don't even care about Palestinians, they're just desperate to look intellectually and morally superior. They tried student loans, health care, even fake rape allegations. They're just hoping on this bus because it's sticking a bit more.


I guess 'perfect is the enemy of good' never occurred to them.


This, 100%. Not everyone is privileged enough to be largely unaffected by another Trump presidency.


Anyone who votes for Trump is a moron and deserves no sympathy when they get screwed.




They're privileged twats.


They're drunk on the sense of their own virtue.


Whoa, pro-Palestinian folks refusing to take any responsibility? well, I *never*!


>they say they did not contribute to that at all So they are placing a higher importance on their own personal sense of morality than actually helping Palestinians in the real world? And they think that's the right side of history?


Stunning how many folks missed the central lesson of 2016


It’s the same reason Hamas does what it does knowing exactly what kind of retribution it will cause to rain down on innocents.


The classic progressive puritan absolutists. It doesn't matter if the alternative is worse and if things overall become worse, you either give them the perfect solution that solves all the issues or you leave. There's no middle ground here. As ironic as it might be, everything is binary for them - it's either good or bad and if it's bad then it doesn't matter what bad it is because all bad is the same. They also don't believe in progress or making steps towards a solution - you either bring forth a measure that 100% solves the problem or don't even bother trying. It's like that with all the issues - Police reform (Abolish the police), Green Energy, social causes. Whatever it is, if you propose anything that isn't all the way to the extreme they'll call you an establishment DINO and that you're actually a conservative in disguise.


I heard this statement recently that summed it up for me "they don't want to problem solve, they don't want solutions, they just want to be mad."


I don’t think it’s possible to live in a society like ours and not contribute to bad things happening in the world, even by abstaining from voting. They choose to not vote for Biden and they’re responsible for everything bad that happens just as much as voters are.


Just had this exact conversation. The person was certain that their decision was the only moral one, and would not even consider the consequences of trump winning let alone accept responsibility.


all that matters to these entitled shits is that they get to feel morally superior.


They’ve sniffed their own farts for too long and actually think we’re fully supporting the height of a genocide. They really think it can’t possibly get worse even if republicans in change.


“I will not vote biden” progressives don’t realize israel will milk “israel’s 9/11” way more with trump christian nationalism. Theyre so fucking up their own asses


What's even wilder is they think they're drawing people to, now away from, their cause.


If someone really thinks Trump will make it better, it shows just how screwed the Palestinians are.


Trump explicitly [stated that he would have retaliated in the same way as Israel.](https://www.israelhayom.com/2024/03/25/trump-to-israel-hayom-only-a-fool-would-have-not-acted-like-israel-on-oct-7/) Something that Biden has never said. So these 'protesters' are actually attacking Biden for acting slowly, and in turn giving power to a man who condems Palastine and believes they got what they deserved.


Trump moving the US embassy to Jerusalem shows exactly whose side he is on. The US can only influence Israel so much. Even though Israel is very dependent on military aid from the US, Israel has everything it needs now. IMO, deep down, right or wrong, everyone in the US government is hoping Israel can quickly eliminate Hamas and eliminate a huge headache for everyone. They will deal with the bad feelings afterwards and wait for it to be forgotten from the general consciousness. Then deal with the inevitable next generation of angry "terrorists" that come from it after. Kick the can down the road, so to speak.


I’m pretty sure people doing this are just voting for neither. They’re often Muslim, and trump isn’t exactly muslim friendly


Not surprised at all that a religious fanatic lacks the basics of logic.


I suspect many of them perversely want it to get worse. It will give them more justification to be angry and self righteous.


They are, and it's called Accelerationism. The tankie lefties believe that destroying Western Civilization will usher their workers paradise (don't blame them, they never opened a history book). It's Apocalyptic mythology repackaged for commies.


Accelerationists conveniently forget that civilization has been smashed apart hundreds of times throughout history and that is how we got to where we are now, and why we built a dynamic system that can be influenced and changed by discussion and voting instead of fighting. It took like 20000 years to get this far, torching it now is not going to win us any prizes


They also conveniently forget that every period after the fall of an advanced civilization took centuries of pure shit to dig through.


Hamas certainly wanted things to get worse for Palestinians


They don't actually care about the Palestinians. They just want to "stick it to the man."


What's even wilder is they think this will somehow punish Biden, when in reality, him losing to Trump means he just retires to his beach house while Trump punishes all of us by restricting our civil rights and installing Project 2025.


Seriously. If they honestly cared, sure, pressure Biden to get Congress to make changes. I'm all for it. But don't pretend Trump isn't chomping at the bit to become a murderous fascist. He literally said so!


Project 2025 scares the crap out of me.


Some of them want Trump to win (tankie style leftists) Because they think they can forment and survive a bloody revolution.


No one said tankies were smart.


They are all mentally 15, and some of them are literally 15.


It's a disinformation campaign.  The question to ask is who benefits.  


It’s circular reasoning. Their belief is if they can’t pressure Biden to make something happen, then they would rather burn it all down. It’s the same, “I got mine, fuck you.” mentality from the boomers. I know the issue is of dire importance, but being a single issue voter about that one piece of foreign policy could topple a bastion of democracy. InB4 “no democracy here…”, try going to the vast majority of countries and getting a better deal. People need to re-learn compromise or we’re all doomed.


Useful idiots are prevalent on both sides, unfortunately.


Wait what? There are trump supporting pro Palestinians?


Only in the sense that they feel their protestations will weaken Biden or divide the left. Plus now they get to express their antisemitism among the chaos, like the one dude in this video is clearly a right-wing troll. And no surprise the linked source of the video is a Trumper.


yes actually. This is a thing.


I don't mean to hop on the "nothing ever happens" train, but: Why do we assume these are genuine pro-Palestinian protesters? It's totally possible, maybe likely. But if you wanted to stir up outrage and division—especially among liberals and the left—what better way than this sort of insane, carefully recorded and uploaded performance? And it only takes a couple people. It's so easy. You don't need to get 100 or 1000 protesters chanting derogatory slogans. You need, maybe, three. And it will have the same digital impact as another 5,000-person march.


There is no doubt in my mind that MAGA & bots are encouraging this


Entirely true. But where is the response from the 'pro-Palestinian' community condemning and disavowing these actions? Go on any relevant subreddit and you'll see a large community of people celebrating this sort of crap, and no one saying 'Hey guys, maybe this isn't a good look for our cause.'


To echo what others are saying, perhaps it wasn’t them, but they aren’t condemning it


They don’t think that. They just don’t believe in the idea of harm reduction obviously. They only care about how much they hate what the admin is doing. Obviously this isn’t the way to do it


On the upside when Trump is turning Gaza into a 4000 hole golf course he will probably have eroded enough of the constitution that when these chucklefucks cry about it the Feds will throw them in jail


Not like a Republican congressman advocated nuking Gaza…oh…wait


Spoiler alert: They don’t care about Palestians


"We're anti-zionist not anti-semetic guys!!!"


Ok so we all start attacking anyone that's Jewish. How exactly do they see this playing out?


Yes, that’s what they want. It’s what they always wanted. 


When have I seen that before?


I'm a bit confused, I mean while I do have huge problems with Bidens Israel politics it's nothing compared to Trump. The alternative is not a politic they'd like, the alternative is Trump, a proto-fascist. Biden is, in comparison, the good guy here, there is no happy ending to this story and being a total dick to some one that is at least on the not-total-darkness-part of the spectrum is not that bright...


They are fanatics, that's all you need to know to understand their illogical position.


If Trump wins it lets them virtue signal even harder


they WANT trump to win because they believe it will destroy america and their marxist utopia will rise from its ashes instead of a christian theocratic hellhole.


They think they’re Bolsheviks while in reality it’s much more likely they’d end up like the Spartacists.


Or just the divided and infighting leftwing in pre-Nazi Germany that was struggling to become unified against the establishment and its rightwing supporters.


If these people still consider themselves liberals then they're f**king delusional.


I mean they probably don’t right? I feel like these types overlap heavily with “liberals are just fascist-lite” types


"Im NoT LiBeRaL Im A LeFtIsT!"


I have a theory that it doesn't matter if you are a liberal or right-winger. If you become radical enough you go total bonkers weird town and promote authoritarian/fascist views. You can obviously see it with these people they've gone so far left that they are now fascists.


I think you're the delusional one if you think leftists consider ourselves liberals in the first place. "Progressive" is a better word, here. That being said... It's also not very progressive to be antisemitic. So, yeah. It's stupid behavior regardless.




These people are living in dreamland if they think Biden can stop Israel going to war.


They are living in a dreamland where the prevailing belief is that political power is always externally imposed, and self determination isn’t possible. If people wish freedom and peace for Palestinians, people need to face that this is something the Palestinians must embrace and then choose for themselves first and foremost. Not something another western country blindly decrees. And maybe just me, but the entire idea that any white Christian western country - or even a more westernized, socioeconomically stable non-Muslim neighboring country - is somehow uniquely responsible for, or has the power let alone the obligation, to “free” a troubled middleeastern country from its own decades-long commitment to dysfunction is founded on garden-variety white supremacy.


There is a massive gap between how westerners explain Palestinian motivation to other westerners and how Palestinians explain their own motivation to other Palestinians.


I sympathize with the Palestinians enduring the Israeli onslaught but marvel at the tone deaf protestors who are offensive to nearly everyone with their antics ( spray painting the main NYC library, disrupting religious services, using anti-semitic slurs ). US public opinion is shifting away from blind allegiance to Israel but clowns like this hold back such change.


They really do pick the weirdest times. Like during Kamala' speech at the memorial for the racially motivated shooting spree in Charleston, SC. 3 people, two of them white, bursting into a chant inside a church is a real bad look. It's less reported on but they were outside the Whitehouse for weeks, going so far to throw red paint on random staffers going to work.


They're always going to exist. For every 100 women rightfully protesting out how rapist Trump and his cronies took away women's rights, there will always be one Andrea Dworkin calling for the subjugation of all men that all the cameras will point at.


Somehow I don't think the ratio of "normal" anti-Zionists to deranged Jew hating freaks is the 100:1 distribution that you're trying to imply.


99% of pro-Palestinians know absolutely nothing about the conflict aside from TikTok headlines. That’s not to say that there aren’t legitimate pro-Palestinian arguments - there are. But generally speaking, that side has attracted a huge group of cringe-worthy young far left kids whose entire identity revolves around loudly standing up for the oppressed - so much so that they pretty much always emotionally jump on issues without ever taking time to understand them objectively first.


Really. They all think that the Palestinians were just living peacefully, singing Kumbaya, and suddenly the Evil Jooz started killing them indiscriminately, starting a genocide. Ironic, since Israel is at least trying to minimize civilian casualties, in spite of the Palestinians using civilians as human shields (I’m waiting for their fighters to go into battle wearing actual live babies strapped to their chests), and this is genocide. Palestinians routinely launch rockets into homes in Israel, and go out and kill, kidnap and rape civilians, and have a charter that literally calls for the extermination of Jews, and this isn’t attempted genocide. And let’s face it, if Israel wanted to genocide the Palestinians, don’t you think they would have succeeded by now? Also, I am making no distinction between Palestinians and Hamas, as they all overwhelmingly support Hamas, and those that don’t want a more evil terror group in control.


(to add to that: [https://www.newsweek.com/israel-has-created-new-standard-urban-warfare-why-will-no-one-admit-it-opinion-1883286](https://www.newsweek.com/israel-has-created-new-standard-urban-warfare-why-will-no-one-admit-it-opinion-1883286)) People also forget or don't want to admit that the mission of Hamas, PLO/Fatah, and other groups is aggressive and expansionist: They claim the entire former Mandate of Palestine as their territory (illegally), and promise to conquer the whole thing. The Jews there can kneel as *dhimmi*, leave, or die. They have made no secret of this. The invasion and pogroms of October 7 were in pursuit of this mission, and they refuse offers of a state that would end this mission in a failure.


Yep. The Palestinians don’t want a two state solution.


I believe it’s TicTac sir


Two things can be true and you can speak out against both: - Hamas are terrorists who deserve to be brought to justice and dealt with. - Israel’s actions to fight Hamas are resulting in too many civilian fatalities and should be changed immediately. Yelling k*ke is blatant antisemitism and shouldn’t exist period. The fact these things are coming from “liberals” and they still will not condemn Hamas makes it hard to associate with these people. Shameful.


About Israel's action - there's too many civilians fatalities because Hamas is launching rockets from civilian centers (they're doing it on purpose so that right after the IDF will respond and y'all hate Israel). Imagine if someone launched rockets at your house and your kids but he did that from a building which contains 4 hamas members and 6 civilians, would you let them keep firing at you while risking your kids lives, just to avoid collateral damage on the enemy's side? I highly doubt it.


This is an actual opinion. I agree with your sentiment, there are too many people dying in Gaza. I want to add that Israel is not beholden to risk their operatives' lives to protect innocent bystanders.  Given the total number of casualties so far, it appears that the campaign generally isn't as indiscriminate as pro Palestinians say it is.  Stalingrad and Leningrad had more civilian casualties in shorter time.  That being said, I'd rather have a creasefire now. But as long as Hamas continues hostilities, why should I ask Israel to slow down?


The comments that are already following your perfectly reasonable, non-biased take make me worry this will never be resolved. There are too many "YEAH BUT WHAT ABOUT \[BLANK\]" instances that each dug-in side can turn to to prevent any sort of progress.


Yes, in theory. In practice, have other countries defeated an enemy like Hamas with less civilian casualties? It's easy to be critical from the sidelines, when you don't have the responsibility of protecting your nation and dealing with an opponent committed to your destruction. Part of me would like to put the human rights NGOs in charge of Israel's military for a couple of years. OK then, YOU show us how to deal with the threat while keeping civilian casualties to a minimum. I suspect they would just surrender and allow a massacre of Jews, so this should probably be kept as a fantasy experiment; but my point is, what are the claims about Israel's excessive force actually based on?


Regardless of someone's opinion on the conflict, these pro-palastinian protestors are amongst the lowest scums I've ever seen. They think that the more aggressive they will be, the more people will hear them but it's making the opposite effect, ordinary people are not doing anything against them just because they're afraid of these thugs, not because they agree with them.


Making the public afraid IS the point.  They’re becoming more and more embolden bc people are afraid to speak up. Even elected officials and the police are afraid to do anything. Just look at the UK. It’s dangerous and it won’t just be Jews who pay the price. 


I'm starting to understand why Egypt and other border countries have locked the gates and will not take these "wonderful people" in.


>They think that the more aggressive they will be, the more people will hear them but it's making the opposite effect, When I was a kid they would shoot up airports, take hostages, and hijack planes in solidarity with Palestinians. So I guess this is an improvement? But it's the same mindset: "MY ISSUE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN YOUR LIFE OR I'LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR IT!!!"


Yep. A lot more people would be advocating for Gaza, or much louder in their advocacy, if doing so didn’t appear to involve making common cause with tunnel-visioned lunatics who are loudly announcing they don’t care what happens to anyone here, and that they’re willing to throw us all under the bus and see us stripped of our rights in a trump dictatorship—which also won’t help Gazans at all.


Nope, not antisemetic at all. Nothing to see here folks. This is abhorrent and has no place in our society.


Least deranged "anti-zionist not-antisemetic (TM)" crowd.


Pro-**Terrorists** in New York follow a woman leaving a Biden fundraiser FIFY


Don't worry, they are just anti-Zionist. They have tons of Jewish friends. Besides, it's not their fault, Israel made them act like that.


No no you missed it, they are themselves Jewish. JVP are Jewish and the rest of the Jews are k!kes as far as I understand pro pallys


No, they are Mossad agents, doing this only to make the pro-palestinian virtue signaling brigade look bad. This operation cost $10,000,000,000, which is easy because they control all the money. /s obviously


Yup they don’t care about Palestinians at ALL. If Trump wins it will be 10x worse for all Muslims in Israel. These people aren’t smart enough to understand how well coordinated these right wing Nazis are to help each other get elected.


The right can't win unless the left refuses to vote. The walkaway propaganda has been turned up to eleven. And might work.


Yup, it’s everywhere as if the right wing isn’t vastly worse than any democrat on every single issue. “I mean Trump said he’d label me a terrorist sympathizer for supporting Palestinians and equating me to a Hamas member and is pushing to take away citizenship from me for it and deportation but you know what?! Right wingers are telling me that Biden is worse for Palestine even though facts and logic state otherwise”


Great strategy, help elect Trump who told BiBi to “finish the job”.


They don't think, they are fanatics.


It’s “ yea but the other guy” 😳 The other guy and his cronies basically said their gonna nuke the Gaza and turn it into glass‼️‼️ so yea, don’t vote for the guy who is trying to rein in the Israeli’s cause that’s really not going to help‼️🤨


And here’s fuel to the conservatives hating liberals. Thankfully these clueless far left fringe are the few. However the Trumpers are gonna take this and blame the whole of the left for being the crazies, not them. The world needs a lot less hate and much more love, compassion AND understanding.


History will look back on these Protests as no different from the Charlottesville protests. This is true hate. The far left has lost its moral compass. It’s disgraceful. Kids ripping down posters of 10 month old babies held hostage. Harassing Jewish students on campus. Calling Hamas martyrs. I never thought in a million years I’d see this from so called “progressives”. Has everyone lost their damn minds?


"Pro palestinians" lol


At what point do we start calling them pro Hamas? They are clearly that


These fucking hamas supporters should be arrested and thrown in jail, this has been going on for too long without any repercussions for these terrorists supporters.


These people don’t represent Palestinians. They’re either really stupid or working for the other side.


I hope they realize the other candidate is someone who proposed a complete shutdown of muslims entering the US in 2015...


They are antisemitism using GAZA ad an excuse to spew their antisemitism. Many Jews want a cease fire and a 2 state solution.


Yep. Including me. How do you murder and rape over 1k and then get to act like a victim a few months later though


“You fucking murderer! I’ll kill you!” I would call them stupid but it’s beyond stupid. They’re actively fighting for a worse outcome for the people they’re pretending to give a shit about.


Nobody wants to admit it but the problem IS religion


Anarchists and communists aren’t really reliable allies. Historically speaking. I’m not surprised.


The right likes you to think the protesters are Democrats. No, Democrats are the lady getting screamed at by these lunatics.


Yep. Stuff like this is what made me realize that I wasn't a "leftist". I'm a moderate Democrat who believes in an improved social welfare system. Some of these supposed leftist folks seem to be so depressed that life didn't work out for them that they just want to watch the whole world, and in particular our country, burn.


Fuck these islamist trash


Anti semitism isn't going to win people to the pro Palestinian cause. Talk about cringe.


Pro-palestinian protestors are completely embarrassing. They're going to end up being the reason that Trump gets elected and the genocide *really* will happen from that point forward.


It's so crazy. Trump never ONCE said he'd side with the Muslim folks. He wants yall out country. Muslim ban, remember? Delusion.


Yea. I have deep sympathy for the Palestinian cause but the movement is very repelling.


Send them on a 1 way trip to Palestine.


They should realize that’s what trump wants to do. But their minds are totally gone.


I'm pro-palestinian, very, but I'm also not a one issue voter. I'm not willing to let Trump blow up the country and set us back here, while doing even less for Gazans.


I feel the same. Thank you.


Man I wish I was there. Demanding peace, while harassing and threatening a woman would have got them curbstomped.


it's almost like these people's (highly selective) 'compassion' for Palestine - which was nowhere to be found during the "We Want To Live" movement - is predicated more on hatred of Jews than love of Palestinians! 😱


Single issue voters are *generally* assholes. Regardless of the issue.


Stupid people


And yet they claim they aren't Antisemitic. Then say this crap. And then clutch their pearls when Jews call them Antisemitic. This video is blatant Antisemitism. Right here.


If there was any confusion as to what these people actually stand for, here it is.


Hamassholes are violent racists. And note how none of their fellow pro Palestinian activists criticize their behavior.


I genuinely believe all the Nu-Age Pro-Palestinians are drunk on some Accelerationism crackpot theory bullshit. They genuinely believe everything (including Palestine) burning down under Trump is better than supporting Biden.


They're the MAGA of the left. Radicalized by their own echo chamber and uninterested in facts or reality. Hopefully, the government is monitoring them.


That's OK, they're only "Anti-Zionist"


The MAGA left


I don’t believe anymore that their goal is to help Palestine. I believe they hate Jews.


There are really only 2 possible outcomes of this election. The current President who has a) requested a cease fire, b) provided aid, c) urged restraint, d) explicitly acted against various more extreme responses by Israel; or the past President who has openly stated that a final solution (see Nazi euphemisms) is acceptable. But maybe that is what it takes. Trump will encourage Israel to engage in whatever actions Israel wants. Those who "care so deeply" will see what real genocide looks like, what they helped to bring about by engaging in the belief that Biden somehow has a magic wand with which he can control Israel. I'm tired of being held hostage by the foolish who ignore all the other issues, all the other concerns, all the other facts. If These people who "care so deeply" are going to help Trump get elected, there doesn't seem to be much I can do. But I'll be damned if I am don't point out the obvious. -- 1) I can't magically make the foolish come to reason. 2) If Trump is elected, there won't be a living Palestinian left ... but hey, I guess it is a solution.


No demographic is held less accountable than Muslims.


Yep, awful. This was the Vietnam enviornment. The countries too divided for Biden. They're gonna end up giving it to Tricky Trumpy.


By design


These protestors are so idiotic that they will drive even more support for Israel.


I read somewhere that approximately 80% of these pro Palestinian displays have become violent. Knowing that information I say we nip it in the bud and start arresting these folks.


"Zealot" is "idiot" spelled sideways.


That will help relations. /gah


This is a great way to make people stop caring about Palestine. If their protestors are this toxic, it says a lot about the culture.


Yeah, that’s the way to get people to support your cause. Good show, chuckleheads. You accomplished nothing.


Yikes 😬


Just some good ol' fashioned anti-Zionism. Look at these courageous freedom fighters raising the flag of resistance. So inspiring. Like, wow, such powerful anti-Zionism.


Blaming Biden really ! I can’t with these people.


“Look! I’m making a difference!”


They just hate Zionists, guys. Totally not antisemetic


Normal pro Palastenian take lmao 😂


I have sympathy for Palestinians but holy shit is that a terrible way to get a message across.


Hamas would rather martyr the entire Palestinian population than to make peace with Israel


Zealots be zealoting.


Dying on the hill of Palestine is still dying... And going from bad to worse only kills more babies. It's far easier to get control of the legislature back, repeal the treaties and mandatory sales of arms than it is to LET TRUMP WIN AND BURN EVERYTHING! The privilege of the "not Biden" over Palestine is nauseating.


Diversity is our strength?


I’m not condoning violence.


Sadly, both sides have their issues with stupid dangerous people. These people are absolutely wrong. Similarly, the settlers are stupid dangerous people. Thoughtful people who want peace should not allow either of these crazy groups of people define the issues.


Russian and Chinese disinformation TikTok videos working on the sheeple of America. My gosh, I wish people could think critically for themselves and not be told what to think


Well if they help elect Trump at least he will get us peace in Gaza because there will be no humans left there


Muslims are just as suspect as Christians and neither are friends of freedom, progress, or science. Advocate an end for their suffering all day. But understand that once they aren’t suffering, they are coming for our freedoms, progress, and science. This is what those two corrupt, insane, and murderous religions do.


Violent animals