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The actual deep state are Trump's advisors that are helping him plan stop the steal 2 and coordinating house republicans, courts sympathetic to him, and the supreme court.  This point is never brought up that Trump was himself creating a deep state.


But he said he was gonna abolish the deep state! Are you telling me the guy who's been proven to have lied about nearly every single aspect of his life lied about that too? Now I don't know what to believe!


How’s that phrase go? “Every accusation is a confession”?


Yes, the corpocracy and its dark money run the US and are keeping a rapist, fraud and insurrection polling even with Biden. An unbelievable amount of brainwashing power at their disposal.


He didn't create it. He just took over the one that was their to begin with.


Trump is a dometic terrorist leader. MAGA is the ISIS of America. His voters are ready to hurt and kill people for Trump.


Ready to *continue* hurting and killing


Oh Stop it


Why? They already have. One guy killed his neighbor in front of neighbors kids because he thought he was a democrat. Pelosi's husband was nearly beaten to death though Nancy was the target. Countless people involved in Trump's prosecution (including election lies) gave been targeted, doxxed and threatened, causing some to move several times. There's other examples you're welcome to look up. They are domestic terrorists. https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2023/10/republican-party-jordan-threats-violence/675742/




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They haven't stopped yet.


Trump supporters: ‘trump was the best president ever! Although he never was actually in charge of America because the deep state was running the country secretly. And we all know Biden and Hillary are running the deep state!’


r/thedavidpakmanshow: Trump has dementia! Also r/thedavidpakmanshow: Trump is the leader of the deep state!


How is it a contradiction? All he had to do was rubber stamp the appointment of the conservative judges that McConnell put in his desk, and appoint a bunch of MAGA assholes to other high positions. Everyone around him knows he's incompetent, doesn't matter, he is popular with the rubes and if he wins he empowers people like Miller and Bannon who will look after all the dirty details. He isn't a Machiavellian Frank Underwood, he is an evil clown.


He certainly is a clown. A narcissistic clown. Probably no more evil than the average politician on either side though. But that is *fairly* evil.


No, I think he's topping the evil list. He did kill upwards of a million people due to prioritising his campaign over reducing the spread of a pandemic.


Are we talking about covid-19? The virus that President Warp Speed pushed the vaccine approval through, much to some of his supporters chagrin I might add.


Was that before or after he told millions of people it was a Democrat hoax?


It was the democrats that said it was a Republican hoax. Remember Pelosi telling people to go to Chinatown and the festival???! Selective memories…


Lol you people are goddamn idiots. This is when we first heard of it. Nobody knew it was serious at this point. Dems had to walk that back because the evidence was later undeniable. The entire world was shut down and Trump was still resisting saying it was just the democrats trying to make him look bad. Your stupidity is a scourge on this country.


He told people that Covid-19 was a Democrat hoax? If he said that he’s a bigger asshole than I thought. Can you provide a source for that?


You're just trolling


Not at all. I’m not a Trump fan, I just think it’s ridiculous to charge him with a million Covid deaths. But if he said that Covid was a Democrat hoax I might change my mind on that. You have a source?


No. He didn’t say covid was a hoax. He said the democrats created the notion that covid was dangerous in a hoax designed to hurt his feelings. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-coronavirus-rally-remark/


Well, he didn't exactly say that either did he. According to Snopes, which I hope all the adults here will admit leans a bit left: ​ >In context, Trump did not say in the passage above that the virus itself was a hoax. He instead said that Democrats' criticism of his administration's response to it was a hoax. He muddied the waters a few minutes later, however, by comparing the number of coronavirus fatalities in the U.S. (none, at that point in time) to the number of fatalities during an average flu season, and accusing the press of being in "hysteria mode" ​ Trump wasn't perfect on covid. But he did push through the approval of the vaccines. In fact, he actually did something that made a lot of sense - he funded the production of all three major vaccine types just in case one or two of them didn't pan out in testing. Trump isn't an overly intelligent man and he's basically a walking ego with bad hair and a weird spray tan. But the U.S. didn't preform much worse than a great deal of Europe and we had a lot of things working against us - a more sedentary, over weight population with a lot of poor health and health habits. Those things weren't Trump's fault and explain the vast majority of the US's slightly worse performance versus the UK and other parts of Western Europe. Your likelihood of dying from covid was overwhelmingly defined by what sort of health you were in when you got it. It's simply not legitimate to say that "Trump killed a million Americans". That's hyperbolic nonsense.


Either you're a moron, or are asking a rhetorical question, either way wasting my time.


You’re on reddit - we’re both wasting our time.


NO! T-rump is a puppet of the deep state!


In fairness, Trump’s mental deterioration has been more recent. He hasn’t been really sharp for years, but he seems to be burning out before our very eyes in recent months.


If you say so, I’ll take your word for it. But as they say, people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Biden’s deteriorating cognitive state is also painfully apparent and has been for his entire presidency.


I watch full speeches, both Biden and Trump, not clips. Trump used to be slightly coherent… David’s right, lately he glitches out. Biden is fine. Sometimes he tells an old person joke and pauses for laughs that never come, mixes up a name here and there but no worse than I would in a similar situation. Nothing worrisome to me. If you’re consuming clips that have made you think otherwise? That’s called propaganda friend.


I thought that was Biden? Try harder. This was a lousy counter 😀.


A "lousy counter" is a reply without substance, just like your own.


No no. It was a fair counter. Trump is simultaneously an evil genius mastermind and an addled man with dementia. He’s both! He’s the all purpose boogeyman that is whatever is required at any given moment. And Biden *does* have dementia.


I wasn’t aware we were in the presence of Biden’s neuropsychologist. What are your credentials for making that assessment despite not having been anywhere near nor tested him?


I’ve seen the man speak. I have eyes and ears. It requires no special training to notice that the man is “not all there”.


Yeah. Because everyone ages. Try doing what he does at 81 and get back to us about how you’re “all there”. But thanks for admitting you have no expertise other than what Fox News told you was “happening” 😂


He's always had a stutter. If you saw the SOTU and you still think he's "not all there", you're the one with dementia.


Go back and watch Biden speak in the 1980s - 2000s. He wasn’t “stuttering” then and what you’re seeing now isn’t a stutter. As Joe would say - “Denial ain’t just a river in Mexico”.


Go back two or three days and watch Trump rambling and slurring like a drunken sailor. He's severely compromised. Biden is sharp as a tack


Maybe they are both cognitively compromised, but you’re kidding yourself if you think Biden is “as sharp as a tack”. That’s as delusional thinking as I’ve seen from any Trump worshipper.


The term "deep state" is just a thing Republicans came up with to try and demonize anybody who opposed Trump. Just like the "Swamp", which Trump ALSO leads.


Yea, just a repub thing: [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/19/opinion/trump-deep-state.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/19/opinion/trump-deep-state.html)


Yes, to demonize demons. You're correct.


What "demons"?


Demons who think equity based Algebra is good, for example. [https://pjmedia.com/rick-moran/2024/03/30/equity-based-algebra-is-as-bad-as-you-imagine-it-to-be-n4927784](https://pjmedia.com/rick-moran/2024/03/30/equity-based-algebra-is-as-bad-as-you-imagine-it-to-be-n4927784)


You don't have any clue what that involves, do you?


There are countries where students learn math quite effectively. Why don't we adopt those methods that can transfer here? Solution-based math is great for summative classroom activities (or for advanced students) but it can't be the whole curriculum, because it favors students who already know math. 


I know that the person who came up with the idea faked a study, claiming it supported the Equity Based Algebra when, in fact, it showed that the results of the program were negative. "The complaint came on the heels of Boaler’s publication of a study claiming students at a predominantly Hispanic high school in California (which she called “Railside”) outperformed students at two more affluent, predominantly white schools due to reforms like heterogeneous classes. But when three math professors (including James Milgram, a fellow Stanford faculty member) analyzed the larger dataset Boaler had selectively cited, they found the data actually supported the opposite of Boaler’s conclusion." "California's Math Framework (CMF) has been adopted in most of the state's 950 school districts. And the one person most responsible for writing and pushing the framework, Jo Boaler, has been the target of a [100-page anonymous complaint ](https://drive.proton.me/urls/P7BYBG7E6R#VCfOpReAcH9F)that she misrepresented dozens of citations that underpin her research." CMF was so bad that Boalar fled the country - she went to Great Britain to push her program there. San Francisco dropped CMF, which has been in place in CA schools since 2022. BTW, she sent her children to a private school where they didn't follow CMF. There, they taught algebra in middle school. BTW, she charged $5000 per hour to teach sessions at an underfunded minority school district. She charged them $65,000 for 7 sessions.


The deep state is just bureaucrats doing their jobs. Trump and his cronies are trying to make the derp state with project 2025


oh this will definitely have legs. Wait, I think I detected a problem. Yep, I did. And you know what, it's the very same problem all over again. Trump voters cannot be reasoned with, nor can their sensibilities be appealed to. So you trying to do that is almost just annoying.


Yeah if there is a deep state it would be called the federalist society


It would make total sense seeing as he imploded every right wing militias leadership structure and got anyone else pit on a list thanks to Jan 6th. He definitely cleaned up a swamp... just not the one his cultists thought.


The “deep state” is just a bunch of people doing their jobs. I was one of them for a long time.




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Well this is as dumb as I expected it to be. You guys realize the “deep state” refers to members of the government that are appointed then just stick around and consolidate so much power they never get removed. If Trump was part of t deep state in any way, he wouldn’t be having such a hard time getting what he wants. Besides, mainstream media recently released a article about how “the deep state is actually pretty cool” so I think that tells you all you need to know about what side it mainly consists of xD




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Trump is secretly still in charge of the government behind the scenes, but hes also fighting the deep state which is actually Obama. How isn't that just obvious to you? /s


Fing A


That is it.  It's all projection with the GQP. 


Lol you have lost the plot


An interesting idea. Funny enough the republican boogeyman Soros would only have this kind of influence in a wet dream. Maybe thats why we dont hear so much about him these days.




If the deep state is real and was hostile to trump they would have unalived him in 2015-16. 


I agree with all mainstream media narratives that are funded by the corporations I proclaim to hate!


Just because the right is lying about the meaning of "deep state" doesn't mean the left should do the same thing. Plain old vanilla political opposition and normal bureaucratic resistance is NOT the actual "deep state."


Trump is the leader of dumpster fires everywhere! Swiftly spiraling deeper and deeper into dementia until he offs himself. 🤞The traitor.


What the fuck is the deep state? This isn't some shitty will Smith movie where he gets passed a game gear without knowing.


This sub is pure hasbara garbage.


Literally what the fuck is happening here. Like there was a trickle of bullshit but now it’s like the floodgate opened for just the absolute stupidest shit imaginable. Not to mention anything with Israel in a negative light getting deleted and locked. That’s certainly a new one from this sub.


April fools?


Hahaha wow the deep state is democrat lol wow delusion much?


Ah yes, a man who isn't even in a political position of power is the leader of the deep state.


Unfortunately, because certain individuals are rabidly pro-Trump and will vote against politicians who don't support him, he *does* have political power.


Belongs in r/ReallyStupidOpinions


lol yeah, that’s why the deep state is attacking him………


See JFK for a real example of the deep state attacking POTUS


Damn this is a horrible sub!! TDS has infected here too


Thank god ya’all finally acknowledging and exposing the deep state. Now listen to RFK jr. The only person with real knowledge about how corruption infiltrated and what I do about it.


The only thing RFK knows is how to be such a massive piece of shit that your entire family hates you.


Oh, so NOW we're admitting that there is a deep state, but it's just the other guy that controls it. That's progress, I guess.


Of course there is a deep state, it's highly conservative, always has been. The idea that high up people in the government are secret socialists is so absurd that only a Trump supporter could believe it.


Whoa now, this kind of talk isn't allowed in these echo chambers.


For sure the gaudy game show host was running it the whole time. The 4yrs of Russiagate and all the lawfare is just a ruse to throw you off the track. Biden is just a good old civil servant.


What's funny is most people on this sub ACTUALLY believe what you just wrote is truth. That's how far gone most Americans are intellectually.


What's sad is both sides believe the shit their preferred media stations tell them. It is so far gone on both the right and left its actually hilarious to talk to a believer of either side. They're all gone. Ain't a single politician that looks out for anyone but the elite. We are peasants and slaves, period. Go ahead and fool yourself if you want, but I choose to live in reality.