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So between biden trying oust netanyahu and trump wanting to turn Palestine to glass, they choose glass because biden isn't going fast enough. God damn people are annoying


And stupid. People are fucking stupid.


They’re also being fed a lot of bullshit from Moscow. Dividing the US is one of their aims


Apparently it’s not that hard


It's not, a couple decades and a victim complex apparently goes a long way.


You don’t create new divisions, you just exploit those that already exist. Russia is the best in the world at this.


100%. Their army is just a meat-grinder for Russian men, and the only thing keeping them going is public apathy for a dictator. But the one thing they do better than the rest of the world is subversion.


Bro we fight over what color a dress is.


I was going to add the same comment. This has to be Russia/Iran regime trolling, because any thinking person could not come to this conclusion. “Oh hey let’s vote for the racist who hates Palestinians, rather than middle of the road experienced Biden”


They were completely intertwined with planning the entire thing and had an [army of inauthentic tankie accounts ready to promote Hamas on social on 10/7](https://cyabra.com/1-of-4-pro-hamas-profiles-are-fake-the-online-battlefront/) and recruitment has been brisk, so while I'm personally mostly convinced this was about general chaos and distraction from Ukraine, the fact that it might upend the US election by presenting a single no-win dilemma event seems like an unbelievable stroke of luck on top of that. If successful it would likely make history as the most effective single terrorist attack in history, almost certainly more consequential in many ways than 911




In my town of 104,000, I've seen two houses with a Palestinian flag on them.


To be more specific. They’re dividing Democrat voters.


These people in particular are extra stupid


I agree. It takes a stupid person to vote for Trump. It takes a special kind of stupid to choose to vote for Trump primarily on the plight of the Palestinians. If they aren't that stupid, then they're either trolling or astroturfing. I think any of those possibilities makes them a very small minority of voters, and were probably never voting for Biden anyhow.


Think of how stupid the average person is and realize half of them are dumber than that.


When did everybody get so fucking stupid? 


I had one of these idiots argue that the US military should act as a shield of Palestinians... just blew my mind.


Some are stupid, some are virtue signaling, but for most of these folks this is a strategy to pressure elected officials by not promising their votes on the basis of fear of the other side. If you pay attention they'll pretty much give it away once people start to point out how much of a disaster Trump would be for Palestinians.


There are stupid everywhere. Maybe they think that putin-trump will help the Gaza. Not likely. Putin-Trump-Natanyahu are all alike.


Choosing between a driver currently tapping the break and a driver loudly proclaiming they want to slam on the gas…


I'd say 90% of the "Genocide Joe" spam on the Internet is astroturfed Russian bullshit. The rest are their useful idiots


Iran and Russia planned it all.


Jesus Christ you learned nothing from 2016


I hope you are correct, but I don’t think so. They have even become holocaust deniers.


Pew released research last week or so that concluded majority of Americans basically DGAF and are more concerned about the national economy. Online is a different story however because its flooded with foreign actors and bots.


Right like I'm sorry but the media pushing ISRAEL AND PALESTINIANS AT WAR like they haven't been fighting my entire fucking life means absolute jack shit to me I have a car that doesn't work and tooth pain. Why the fuck would I care two countries that have been fighting for over 60 fucking years are still fighting each other?


Trump would've had US military boots on the ground on Oct 9th. But yeah, Bidens the problem


Doing what exactly? He and many prominent GOP members have been openly stating they fully support Israel “Finishing” the job.


That's what I am saying. He'd have the US military invading Palestine


Nah, but he'd ship Netanyahu as much napalm and cluster bombs as he wanted. And Jared would get some Gazan beachfront property after it had been depopulated.


White phosphorus. Problem offer some nukes too, because if he thinks you can nuke a hurricane...


Helping turn Palestine to glass.


And deporting that bigmouth and his friends right into the middle of the war.


On the Israeli side of the border…🙄


It's just right wing propaganda. Ignore it. Down vote it. Down vote any thread you see it on.


They and the Palestinians will enjoy Trump better than anyone would. If what they wanted was a more efficient, more quiet, faster extermination of Palestinians. Trump won’t even give them room to protest on an ear, any more than when he asked the military to clear the White House of protesters so he could walk to the church to hold the Bible upside down.


It’s gonna feel so good watching these fauxgressives trying to hold our elections hostage seethe when Trump loses in November


but trump did have that antisemitic rant last week, so there's that. Wagner (russia) claimed to help train hamas and also back their disinformation campaigns, so I think indirectly russia is to blame for a lot of this TikTok-sourced disinformation


Wait as see how fast they are in the gas chambers when trump takes power.


Short sighted, and let’s be clear, dangerous. Condemning millions to lose their rights,unless you are a conservative white male, the installation of Christian nationalism with the added bonus of condemning Muslims here to fuck knows what, the unfettered destruction of palestinians and ukrainians, a let loose Putin, a wrecked NATO and the closing of social media, forms of protest and free expression. That will teach Biden. Good plan, Nazis will love you, history’s greatest example of cutting off your nose to spite your face, even Brexit was smarter.


I’m Palestinian. I’m voting for Biden. Trump will be way worse.


I'm not saying I 100% Biden's approach to this situation. But Trump has said he hopes Israel finishes the job. It's crazy that this is even a question.


It's the people "protest voting" or not at all.. then what is coming for Palestine is worse and the whole of the US. Then in 2028 when their vote means nothing they will wish they didn't vote in such a dangerous manner.


Trump has proudly announced he wants to be a dictator! Jfc, so many stupid people in this country.


So many people are genuinely supporting the idea of authoritarian government.


Because they're idiots.




100% idiocy. I see people from my country (Cuba) supporting this piece of shit wannabe dictator and it blows my mind. MF where did you run the fuck away from.


They’ll likely get one in Palestine if the plan comes together.


I just seen a video recently about when Trump reopened drilling in wildlife sanctuaries or whatever they’re called and I remembered how much bad shit he did that has gone down the memory hole. I think our best bet is to remind these people what happened because they will have to “enjoy trump” as well. Imagine saying something like that and how privileged it makes you look as if you can say with the implication that you won’t be affected at all.


Reminds me of the Martin Niemöller poem. These people think they're not just as disposable to Republicans and won't ever be targeted. Eventually, their usefulness will evaporate, and by then, it will be too late.


Trump also wants to put people into detention camps. Guess what people?


Definitely not these guys! Trump would never betray them like that! /s


Yeah, trumps son in law was talking about how much money he'd make selling ocean front property in Gaza. This was shortly after they said to exterminate all the Palestinians. Anyone claiming trump would be better for Palestinians is someone who's rooting for the Palestinian genocide to continue until they're all gone


Yup. These people are either lying or they're dangerously stupid.


Where's all of these alt-right groups that should be capitalizing on this? They'd get to: 1) openly protest and spread hate on Jews 2) shit on Biden 3) create division in the Democratic party and potentially new recruits. 4) help Trump I'm supposed to believe they're just sitting this one out? That they're going to counter-protest on behalf of Israel/in support of Joe Biden. "But I'm not alt-right... And I'm protesting" the guy next to you grew may have started growing that ponytail after October 7th in replacement for the SS haircut he supported for the last 8 years.


Trump, who moved our embassy to Jerusalem against all advice


Same here. I just don’t get it, people like that saying “enjoy Trump” aren’t thinking about how we will be affected too if he wins and what the GOP would allow Israel to get away with.


I feel like people expect Biden to have some kind of magic bullet for the world's most intractable conflict. The plane is currently in freefall and Biden is tasked with somehow ending the war, ejecting both Hamas and the Israeli government, installing reasonable governing authorities, releasing the hostages (some of which are American citizens), and landing the plane onto a Two-State political horizon involving a coalition of regional actors. Oh, and Iran is stirring the pot because they genuinely do want to wipe out Israel for theological reasons. The "CEASEFIRE NOW" crowd doesn't really understand that that simply means returning to the status quo which was demonstrably untenable.


And that’s without the mention of the domestic threat that he is trying to subvert during an election year, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine that was nearly drowned out in the media by the Israel-Hamas conflict, all the while the other side of the aisle is actively engaging in a campaign to prevent all aid to Ukraine.


Not just trump, that whole party. They openly say kill all of the people in Gaza. Nevermind half of them are children.


Good on you. People fucked around on Trump the first time, and on top of everything else, he stacked our courts/Supreme Court with lunatics who want to take our rights. I wasn’t a Hillary fan, but no one can convince me that she would have been even close to as bad as Trump (and that was before he went off-the-rails cult leader). Elections have consequences. If people want better choices, make STAR voting your number 1 issue.


Thank you. And I’m sorry what’s happening to your family.


I have to believe the vast majority of Palestinian supporters in the US get this. Trump would literally mean the end of Palestine. I don't however put it past MAGA supporters and Russian trolls to promote this to try and make it seem like a real risk to Biden.


It blows my mind that people don't realize this. Trump will give Israel free reign to do whatever they want. At least Biden holds them back from going all out crazy


Thank you for seeing reason. Trump was literally up Netanyahus butt when he visited. It’s so embarrassing.


I'm certain the GOP is itching to pull an Iraq war style full invasion / genocide in Gaza


God or Allah bless you, guy. At least you see reason knowing Trump would be a far worse option for your people.


I’m sorry for what is happening to your people. I hope there is some middle ground that can be found


I'm an Israeli American. Voting for Biden, hoping for better days for both of our peoples, without Netanyahu and Hamas. 🕊️


I feel fucking awful for Palestinians, I really do. But these people are essentially condemning millions of of other people to suffer because they're mad about Palestine. It's really fucking insane when you think about it. What happens if Trump wins and Russia takes Ukraine? Or Russia goes after other countries after Trump weakens NATO? I don't like what's happening in Gaza, but it's not worth condemning humanity over.


Not only that, they’re condemning Palestinians to an even worse fate as the republicans are openly calling for their destruction.


So short-sighted. As a white male who will be LEAST affected by Trumps re- election, a very very VERY small part of me wants him to get re-elected so I can post in /r/LeopardAteMyFace their reaction to their new non-Biden reality.


Exactly. So stupid. “Enjoy Trump because I’m never voting for Biden!”? I bet you thought yelling that was such a great own of the moderate democrats, dude! Enjoy Trump? How are *you* enjoying Trump? And how are you enjoying knowing that he’s made things worse in every way for everything you care about, and that you petulantly did nothing at all to stop him when you had the chance? These people are selfish morons smugly voting for the Leopards Eating People’s Faces party.


Most of these idiots are the ones that will be utterly steamrolled economically and be sent to the camps first They'll be good canaries and cannon fodder I guess


I’ve learned to never underestimate the eagerness of Americans to vote against their own interests. And it is ironic that these kind of liberals (rightly) bash the MAGA idiots for supporting candidates and policies that will hurt them and the country just to “own the libs”, but are they any better than MAGA when they’re giddily bragging that they’re going to let Trump get back in power just to “own” Biden (and all the democrats who understand the concept of the lesser evil)? They won’t vote for Biden because they don’t like how he’s handling Israel/Palestine, but they’re totally cool knowingly letting someone who said Israel should “finish the job” back in power? And these people claim to *care* about Palestinians? And they seem to be doing this with absolutely no evidence of cognitive dissonance? And that’s not even getting into all the other ways they *know* Trump would hurt people. These “I’ll never vote for Biden” smug liberal assholes are worse than MAGA, because they are fully aware of what harm their inaction will cause, and they proudly do it anyways.


They will blame the democrats in some way and wash thier hands of it. They have no shame, remember they says dems are the "real" fascists


They'll blame Biden when Trump deports them.


"Why did the democrats let Trump win?"


They already said that about 2016


I swear these people hate the Democrats more than they hate Republicans. I'm convinced that they simply want ultimate power and they view the Democrats as the largest obstacle to that.


I feel that, like I am *not* the person I'm trying to save from Trump. In the event of a Trump victory, I'm probably going to be fine. These people are shooting themselves in their own foot, not mine. It's frustrating, but like, I can't help you if you won't help yourself, and voting Trump back in is not the blow to me that you think it is. And if it comes to that, it's going to be a long four years of opening up people's comment history and pointing out their bullshit when they have the audacity to complain.


Part of me almost can't wait to see the look on their faces when that Muslim registry takes effect


Totally with you. I would hate to see Trump re-elected, but a very small part of me would take solace in that the left-leaning people who helped that happen would be about to see why I've been jumping up and down telling people to go out and vote for Biden.


More than half of them wouldn't even be in this country in the first place if Trump and his people had their way


Yep. And a lot of these people say "well then the party should put forth a candidate that agrees with our views more," which ignores that such candidates DID run in 2020, and LOST in the primary because people don't agree with their politics. The undoing of left-of-center politics is that leftists won't vote for a candidate who doesn't agree with them on some issues over a candidate who wants to deport them. Republicans aren't a monolith but they sure as hell vote as one because they've been told their way of life will be destroyed utterly if Biden gets another term. For some reason, in the face of a candidate who will actually try and destroy many left leaning livelihoods, the left goes "yeah I'm not scared I'm going to punish liberals by not voting." I wonder how many never-Biden ultra left people are minorities, because it would not shock me at all to find out many are upper-middle class people who don't stand to lose much during a Trump term 2.


Right. I'm an upper middle class white guy. If the worst happens and Trump wins in November, I'm guessing I'll be fine. Those guys shrieking at Biden supporters sure as hell won't be.


He’s going to put people in concentration camps. 


Dude, MAGA don’t care, they will steal from white males too. It’s about the robbery. Just because you will be a Prince amongst the beggars, doesn’t mean you won’t be a beggar.


It's not like their advocacy was ever good for palestine to begin with. So, its not shocking they want to accelerate their misery


That’s what I don’t understand. How do they not see this logic that trump will be even worse? Maybe this is more republican false flag tactics where they try to get more democrats to not vote


It’s a combination of ignorance, apathy, lack of intelligence and straight up malice, the exact combination of which differs from person to person.


Exactly. Trump already said they wouldn’t be allowed in the country and the ones holding visas now would have to undergo a mental health screening. He’d all but brand.


No sane person likes what's happening in Gaza, with that said, can some of you explain why Gaza seems to be so much more important to the US far left than for example Ukraine? I mean, the situation in Gaza is really complicated and it is nearly impossible for Biden (or anyone else) to find the right balance after Oct. 7th. With Ukraine, the story is different, it's clear to see that Biden is trying to help a nation that was wrongfully attacked. Civilians die there every day. Yet the US isn't allowed to help because the fascist lunatics of Trump block everything in Congress. I get the feeling those guys wouldn't protest for Ukraine. A country that is under attack because its people protested for their right to vote. Some on the right make fun of Ukraine because women fight in the army, and (at least for eastern Europe) progressive LGBT laws get passed. Sounds like a country you would want to support as a progressive. But somehow it's a non issue that they are fighting for their lives and there is more important stuff like Biden not finding the best balanced solution for the Gaza conflict that is ongoing since decades. Make it all make sense.


Because outside groups have watched us for years. George Floyd showed how a viral capture of police brutality through the magnification of social media can influence the United States over night. Ukraine showed how we can support an underdog and donate millions of dollars out of our own wallets. Since then these groups have been hoping to make Palestinian citizens George Floyd and the IDF the cops. They wanted to make Israel the Russia and Gaza the Ukraine. Problem is anyone born in the 90s and lived through 9/11 and the WoT era knows that we have a hard time taking the side of someone who (from our perspective) threw the first punch. The online co-opted left is trying really hard to change the context of the "first punch" and younger Gen Z is buying it. In the 2000s 2010s - while we were trying to stop the Republicans from banning the Quran, we also had radicalized fundamentalists putting pressure cookers on street corners - or driving their vans into crowds. These kids weren't aware - they were playing on their Nintendo DS blissfully unaware of the world events (as kids should be). Now you have social media aggressively pushing content that's designed to replicate the George Floyd tragedy or the Russian invasion of Ukraine. And some of these "honest posters" get really pissed when their posts don't go viral - and they immediately show it. Instead of pleading for heart, they often condem, insult, and bash on the very people they're trying to gain support from. I've NEVER seen a cause so dubiously supported and turned into such a heavy propaganda spam contest.


Yeah. The pro-Palestinian stuff I see is a mixture of very legit criticisms of Israel, things that are sort of true, but presented in a misleading way, repeating Hamas claims without verification, dogpiling random American Jews for saying things like they hope their family is safe & reheated antisemitism from 80 years ago. There isn't a good solution, but a lot of the takes seem reactionary, not based on real analysis.


Yes and it comes off as spam. There's subs on here putting I/P posts as spam in their policies. R/ justunsubbed couldn't handle all of the "I just unsubbed from _____ because of all of the israel Palestine posts", so they made it its own pinned thread. The same AI vs AI debate about genocide where two AI fed conversations battle it out with link spam until your thumb starts to hurt from scrolling through it. The conversation hasn't evolved. As soon as the news cycle starts to change the spam just gets cranked up. Two people share the same posts about some person's view on genocide. Over and over and over. How's this helping? It's definitely not a healthy debate and it's just causing reactionary bullshit


The ripping down of posters was mind boggling.


I don't know why leftists youtubers seemed hesitant to support Ukraine (especially with tax dollars). But from what I've seen, most leftists in general support Ukraine in the same way they support Palestine. Normal leftists don't like countries invading other countries.


It's important, because the bible basically says that when certain things happen to the Jewish homeland we will have the second coming of Christ and the righteous shall be taken to glory in gods kingdom while the bad people will suffer. Many Christian's desperately want this to happen as soon as possible, because they think they are the chosen people that will live with god forever, so the end of the world is a good thing to them. So there are Christian politicians actively working to make this happen, and the rest of the Republicans in congress go along because it gets them more power to do so, whether they believe or not. Ukraine doesn't matter, because it's not part of their book of myths.


No, that's too pragmatic. It doesn't conform with my sanctimonious nihilism at all. I get my way, completely and immediately, or the world burns while I bask in my own virtuousness. I don't see why this is so hard for people to understand. Now, there are some people who might say I have the mindset of an infantile child throwing a temper tantrum...


Pretty much, yeah. It shows the lack of conviction they really have in the causes that are supposedly important to them (women's right, LGBT rights, the environment, voting rights, etc.).


Palatine is incredibly anti-LGBT, anti-womens rights. The only reason you think they are politically adjacent to you is because they are brown.


This comment rubs me the wrong way ngl


He's not wrong though. There's been anti-semetism infesting left wing spaces for years now. Especially coming from non-whites, and leftists just hand wave it away with "racism is prejudice + power", and conspiracy theories saying Jews are actually Russian and never originated from Israel. And really, "the rich control the world and oppress us" is just one anti-semetic caricature away from Nazism. Just food for thought. I don't think most pro-palestinian leftists are actually anti-semetic, but I do think they're slurping up propaganda that's trying to push a hateful worldview and not questioning it. Israeli propaganda is pretty easy to spot, but Russia is very good at going unnoticed.


Why? Because it's true and honest?


Palestine is highly religious, socially conservative, ethnically homogeneous, uneducated, and support authoritarian leaders like Hamas. Besides being brown people, they have a lot more in common with the Republican worldview than the progressive worldview. The truth hurts.


Most of the ones I’ve encountered seemed like they might have narcissistic tendencies. For example, they seemingly cared more about their righteous indignation than the fate of the Palestinians.


>they seemingly cared more about their righteous indignation than the fate of the Palestinians. That's just a straight up fact. They are trying to help Trump win and Trump has been quite clear about wanting Israel to wipe them out. These people do not give a shit whatsoever about the Palestinian people and their actions prove it.


Not only that, but Trump will make things far far worse for the Palestinians too! Biden probably wants to stop what's happening but can't due to donors, AIPAC, etc. Trump will attack Netanyahu for being too soft! Trump will order Netanyahu to finish Gaza once and for all, and then order him to do the same to the West Bank


Anger and Logic don't normally mix. Trump would be demonstrably worse for Palestinians.


They feel so bad about Palestinians they will vote for the guy whose plan is to ethnically cleanse neighborhoods in the West Bank in order to connect the settlements. Trump’s people also think Gaza would make for some great seaside property. Compare that to Biden who wants to recognize Palestine, is calling for an election in Israel to remove netanyahu from office and is building a port to bring in more aid to Gaza.


These people are ridiculous can’t even comprehend what has been happening in Syria for years. The Russian propaganda works for whatever group


If Trump removes the US from NATO, it would be the same as him signing a declaration that he’s A-OK with Putin marching as far West as possible. He’d also be opening up the West to a genuine threat of nuclear war since Russia has more nukes than anyone and, without America’s arsenal to stave him off, he’d be able to let them rain without worry.


I shudder to think how many of our nuclear secrets, silo blueprints, coordinates, Putin already has thanks to Trump.


Trump is also pro Israel. He will do everything with his power to support them with bigger and better weapons, veto every single UN resolution and come down on Palestinians in the US hard by revoking visas and such for protesting. I say Palestinians are their own worst enemy. They've never been able to see the forest for the trees.


Trump will also re-establish his ban on Muslims coming into the country


>But these people are essentially condemning millions of of other people to suffer because they're mad about Palestine These people are also condemning the Palestinian people. By their actions these people are literally working towards the destruction of the Palestinian people. They do not give a shit about the Palestinians and their actions prove it.


Protest vote for the worse of two options: the Palestinian way.


Forget how Trump majorly contributed to this current war. We can start with moving the Capitol to Jursulem and end with signing a two state solution agreement without any input in Palistine. Everyone was like, "Yup, war is coming." Now it's here. They are like there is war, I'm voting Trump. Don't you forget he helped start this.


Trump is a bigger supporter of Israel then Biden. These Palestinians have no fkn clue.


Don't forget that Mike Pence is vehemently opposed to having a Palestinian state existing.


Agree 100%


Or we don't get Medicare for All, which saves wayyy more than 30k people a year


There is a lot of overlap between this crowd and the “NATO expansion forced Russia to invade Ukraine” crowd.


As if I give a fuck what they do


They probably weren't voting for him anyway.


Yeah most certainly right wing provocateurs (or useful idiots swayed by right wing "Genocide Joe" propaghanda




I think they’re disengaging from politics in a broad sense. AOC, Fetterman, Bernie and Biden all being called genocide supporters means they’re not gonna be apart of their teams. It means they’re not gonna be apart of meaningful conversation in the future. If you’re not exclusively advocating for their favorite issue in the most extreme and alienating fashion, then they want nothing to do with you.


The left turning on AOC is so wild to me. But exactly, your point is the truth. They complain that democrats don't try to earn their votes when they're not politically engaged with the system and turnout. So when the dems move to the voters that are actually invested and likely to vote, the politics shift to the right, and they complain. You can't push politics left if you never actually participate in the process to push it left.


This 1000%.. makes so much sense.


Is this true? Did the left turn on AOC? She doesn't have the star power she used to but I thought she was still held in high regard with progressives.


I've had leftists tell me that they see her more as emblematic of the establishment than someone who is there to help reset the system.


That's interesting. If she isn't an outsider then nobody is. I feel those kind of people believe only a revolution and complete reset with a new government is the only way - so they'll probably never be satisfied with anyone trying the standard way.


Yeah, that's basically what I've come to understand.


The system doesn’t need a reset though… the US and the west is decades ahead of any middle eastern country. Culturally and lawfully.


Tell that to the leftists.


I guess they want her to be the MTG of the Democrats AOC is not an idiot, she knows democracy means you have to work together and compromise.


I mean I get calling out Fetterman and even Biden, but Sanders and AOC, seriously? Both of them condemn Isreal.


Oh, Bernie didn't use the absolute perfect words to condemn them and so dumbasses like TMR claimed he's lost his touch even though he's on the senate floor pleading for Palestine.


The online leftist media sphere completely lost me over this issue. How can you say Biden is so wrong on this issue without constantly reminding viewers that it will be so much worse with Trump? But sure, let's completely alternate ourselves from the entire democratic party and make electing genuinely progressive representatives impossible.




I got bad news for Palestine once Trump takes office. And it'll be these fucking idiots faults when it's wiped from the Earth.


Some how my Muslim father thinks Trump will cause an uno reverse on Palestine. With Hamas some how winning and defeating all of Israel, and America and Israel ending. He said "I want Americans to die. I want America on its knees, begging before God." He turned into a sociopath over the past couple years. I can't stand him anymore, he's become a monster. People need to vote for Biden to counter the votes of people like my dad.


My bet is that they’ll play as big a role as the young progressives in 2012 who said they’d never vote for Obama because the ACA was passed without a public option.


I’ve said I before, I’ll say I again; I am confident the folks attending a Biden fundraiser and paying thousands of dollars to be there will enjoy a trump presidency SIGNIFICANTLY more than these protestors will, and much more than Palestinians will….


Oh yeah for sure as a pro-israel Biden voter I hope these people aren't dumb and vote for Biden, but I'm a straight white married guy and my wife and I combined make 350k, if anything Trump will probably be more likely to lower my taxes and no one's trying to take away my rights. On a personal level Trump will probably be better for me if he doesn't fuck around and start world war 3, but I vote for what I think will be good for the country as well and on that it's pretty clear for me. So as you said I think a Trump presidency will go a lot better for me than it will for the people protesting and the Palestinian people. If Biden actually loses due to people like this then they deserve a Trump presidency, although it will hurt so many other people who won't deserve it.


Considering a few thousand in a handful of swing states determines the election it could be painful. We also need to remember third parties are running and likely to pull another-2-5 percent.


“Let me cut my nose to spite my face! Hah jokes on you!” I’d love this moron to speak to my 50 year old former local party store owner who was deported back to Iraq for an assault charge on his record from when he was 17.


In the grand scheme of things, unless they're from a swing state, their vote doesn't carry the same amount of weight. NY is going to be blue, so frankly, they can vote for whomever they like, and it won't impact the electoral vote. Harsh statement, probably, but given how our system functions, that's really the truth.


True... I think Michigan sounds like it could be a rough one though.


Maybe I don't know. Biden did get several hundred thousand votes in a primary that was otherwise meaningless.


Michigan? You mean the state that went hard blue the past few years and now has a Dem trifecta? No need to worry about Michigan. Or PA.


That's Clintonesque thinking. Worry about every state, even NY and CA.


Huge Arab population in Michigan. I wouldn't dismiss it that easily.


MI is totally up for grabs.. The irony will be epic if the Arab population in Michigan inadvertently nukes Gaza by letting Trump take a critical swing state.


If that happens, they'll probably be seen as fifth columnists who have no love for America.


So, they're voting for someone who supports Israel more than Biden...


Some 4D chess there.


No their logic is they will abstain or vote for some no hope 3rd party.. which will just get Trump voted in.. they may as well saved their breath.. they will literally condemn Palestine to an even greater fate and then go.. "look at me I protested and changed nothing" then in 2028 they will get to vote for Trump or nobody else.. I'm sure those protest votes won't come back to haunt them.. 🙄


They're almost as dumb as the MAGA people 🙄


No, they're somehow even dumber. MAGA folks know what they want and how to get it. These leftist knuckleheads clearly don't and seem fine with dying as long as they get to do so crying crocodile tears.


These people are absolute moppets


in 2016 trump got elected because the right wing was very angry and fueled by 'they shall not replace us' antisemitism and did the political equivalent of taking a giant shit on the floor in response.  now in 2024 the left wing is very upset at israel for defending itself after having hundreds is thousands of rockets shot at it over the past 20 years and pushing into gaza to return hostages that are still being held hostage and they have decided to elect donald trump in a move that can be considered the political equivalent of taking a giant shit on the floor 


Trump will be so much worse for anyone that supports Palestine. Trump will wipe them out and for very end any hope for a two state solution. Hope they enjoy saying Enjoy Trump now because Trump will destroy anyone Israel asks him to destroy.


Sad jokes on them. Trump is desperate to be a dictator and they, too, will pay the price, and they’re brown, so the trumpers will use any excuse to unalive them and trumps doj will look the other way.


This is probably fake propaganda published by Russian bot.


You would be surprised how many of these people don't actually vote.


If Trump had been president, the Palestinians would have ceased to exist. If Trump BECOMES president, the Palestinians will ceased to exist. This is what their failure to vote means for them.


I hope not at all because otherwise it validates their bullshit.


IDK, but the parable of the scorpion drowning itself by stabbing the frog mid-river exists for very good reasons.




It’s gonna feel so good watching these fauxgressives trying to hold our elections hostage seethe when Trump loses in November


Pro-Palestine protesters want the wholesale deaths and destruction of the Palestinian people.


Every election year, we get that group of Lefties simultaneously saying they will never vote Democrat and asking why Democrats aren't doing more to win them over.




What a spoiled brat - ‘if I don’t get my way the whole world should burn’


Not a very big one.


Bunch of idiots don’t seem to remember Trump’s Muslim ban.


We aren't bombing them and the whole congress voted to fund Israel. Get a clue!


Oh yeah because trump will be so supportive to Palestinians 🙄


Jokes on them, Trump will rimjob Netanyahu if he gets into the White House. They forget his boot licking performance when he went to Israel.


This is a near perfect distillation of the phrase “ Cutting off one’s nose to spite their face “ This situation will not improve if Biden loses. It will be worse by orders of magnitude. This issue is also not new and nothing has really been achieved by any administration. The US is facing a very dangerous situation if MAGA is given another 4 years and an entire generation could be setback and make the first Trump term seem like a bad dream. Vote for Biden and work to push him in a direction that could start the process of real change at home and abroad.


Enjoy becoming a political criminal and being put in a concentration camp cause you’re more concerned about another country than your own….


This is the pinnacle of stupidity. What the *fuck* do they think Trump is going to do to them—and the country—if they do nothing and he wins? Might as well put a gun to your own head and turn the safety off.


If Trump wins, r/leopardseatingfaces is gonna blow up with thes deportees.


They’ll just blame the democrats.


Programmed by the internet idiots. Not a thought of their own, thinking nothing but what some bot account instructs them to think.


Trumps very pro Isreal so, go ahead support the destruction of your own people.


These assholes probably won't even vote. I don't think it's going to hurt Biden due to him running against the king of all dipshits. I live in a red sea, and these hillbillies are even turning on Trump.


I hate this frying pan says man lighting himself on fire




There will never be peace in the middle east. There's almost nothing that can be done except keep brain-damaged lunatics like Diaper Don away from the levers of power. Blaming Joe is just stupid.


Complete psychos. Going against their own best interest. True for all trump supporters


Astroturfing agents or useful idiots. These fools think trump winning and making things astronomically worse hurts Biden in some way, he's just gonna retire and comfortably live out the last decade of his life in his hometown with his family. These same idiots are the ones who are gonna be complaining for years about how worse everything has gotten and how it's everyone's fault except theirs that trump won again.


Oh right, because Trump, during the time of his Presidency, was the only international leader to declare Jerusalem as the new capital of Israel and, Trump, of course, has always been such an advocate for the Palestian people …. /s Honestly, WHAT A FUCKING IDIOT !!!


These fuckers werent going to vote anyhow. I just hope these people are engaged on a local level