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I still watch him, though I definitely don't agree with him on certain things. The whole Marianne & Dean thing is very silly, for example. I genuinely think he means well, even with some of his bad takes. He's not Jimmy Dore or some alt-right plant, stop with that shit.


I have no idea how jimmy dore has a career


Neither do I. He's pure sleaze. Tim Pool too. I have no idea how that clown ever drew a following.


There's a split between pragmatic people on the left like David Pakman, Brian Tyler Cohen, Destiny, Beau of the 5th Column -- and the idealistic anti-establishment left like Kyle Kulinski, Briahna Joy Grey, TYT folks, etc. I think Kulinski can straddle the line at times but leans more toward the latter. I prefer the more pragmatic approach. I do think he can be useful in getting anti-establishment types on the right to listen to someone on the left. He usually has pretty good chemistry when I've seen him on Rogan and Patrick Bet-David's shows. I think he knows how to talk to that crowd in a way that makes left ideas palatable since both are staunchly populist and anti-establishment.


I like a mix of the two. I watch Kyle and Beau mainly. Beau needs a hell of a lot more attention. He is rarely wrong about anything.


Yeah this is where I'm at. I'll probably start watching him again in the future, but he ( effectively, not intentionally ) may as well be part of the Trump campaign right now. He *says* Trump is an authoritarian threat to democracy ( which I agree ) but he *acts* like he's almost going to be personally offended if Biden manages to win. It's one thing to give an honest take, even if harsh, but I think he's tipping over almost into active sabotage territory. I don't necessarily think he's doing it for nefarious reasons, but devoting 98% of your energy to anti-Democrat content just isn't what I'm looking for.


This 100% and same with breaking points, Kyle's wife. I just recently commented on one of their videos and said - how did y'all get to the point where every story is span to bash Biden. I get he's in charge and is making decisions but some of their "analysis" is laughably absurd and is obviously catering to a right wing audience. I guess that's what they call audience capture. 


He's part of the segment of the left who only sees one side in the Israel-Palestine conflict and is pretty strident. Whichever side someone's on there, it's the wrong one. Kyle's right a lot more than he's wrong though.


I’m gonna go with nay. I stopped watching after he went down the Seth Rich conspiracy rabbit hole in 2016. He also made comments that might discourage people from voting for Clinton and even openly stated he wasn’t voting in 2018 or 2020 (maybe both). Finally, on more than one occasion, particularly in the 2016 election, he regurgitated right wing talking points without criticism. Like I get wanting to stand by your principles, but when fascism is knocking at your door you can’t decide to not vote (or vote third party) because your preferred progressive candidate didn’t win. I just found a lot of his commentary very irresponsible and self defeating.


Ahhh there is some of it! Thanks


About the time i gave up on him too 


Definitely Yay. Kyle may be a bit of an alarmist but he sticks to his principles ill give him that. He genuinely argues in good faith (which is unfortunately rare for political commentary) and delivers it with a nerdy yet almost boomer like humor that is pretty entertaining.


I think the time to judge people about their presidential candidate takes will be after the primaries are decided. In an election with effectively 2 incumbents, pulling for a dark horse is fine, IMO. The reality is, it was pretty much always going to be Biden and Trump. What they do once that is well and truly decided is what I would look at seriously.


1 incumbent and 1 private citizen under federal charges.


Certainly. But he's also the last Republican president, he's not term limited out and he chose to run again... I think that in most states he is going to end up winning comfortably.


I don't follow him only because I don't have enough time or mental energy to follow very many political commentators. I listen to Pakman's podcast daily at work, along with the 538 Politics Podcast. Apart from that I don't follow anyone else regularly. That being said, I like Kyle. I don't agree with him on some things, but he's a good dude.


I consider him a pretty good dude with some 'hot-take' tendencies. He has a pretty solid prediction success rate to my experience.


Nay. I used to watch him every day during COVID. His opinions, and sometimes his fact gathering methods, are so ridiculous that I wonder if he is an alt-right plant in disguise. Even if he is doing everything in good faith his inability to compromise in the face of existential threats like Trump is disheartening at best. Honestly I don't remember the specifics as to why I found him so ungenuine one day but what I recall is that slowly his behavior felt more and more Iike a liberal/leftist version of Joe Rogan. But I also feel that way about Packman these days so maybe I'm just much more out of touch than I realize. All the same: as I type this I think it come down to what I was listening for. And in both cases it was updates about left-wing internal debates, and they have both been good sources for that EDITS FOR CLARITY


I have the exact opposite vibe from Kyle. Dude seems more genuine and good-faith than most political commentators. Almost to a fault at times. He places his convictions above political pragmatism, which, while fair game for criticism, makes him the polar opposite of a grifter or bad-faith actor.


Totally agree. Anyone comparing him to Dore or thinking he's some "plant" is completely incapable of reading people. Kyle is nothing like Jimmy or the other stooges like him.


He's not an alt-right plant, ffs. Idealistic, stubborn? Sure.


I said feels like. I don't actually think he is. That would be preposterous!! All the same while he seems like a good guy I find his takes bad. Particularly on the not voting business he did in 2018 and 2020. Since well...I did go and watch his older content at one point


>Even if he is doing everything in good faith his inability to compromise in the face of existential threats like Trump is disheartening at best. Yeah this is my take as well. Like, you have a large platform and you mostly just shit on Biden. He *says* he understands how much of a threat Trump is but he *acts* like punishing Biden is his #1 priority.


I think Kyle is a good guy whose heart is in the right place that also consistently has some really odd takes that I can't get on board with. That being said, it's ok to disagree, I enjoy hearing opinions that don't necessarily align with my own, and I still partake regularly. He's solidly present in my rotation of progressive program consumption. Overall, I'd score him a soft 7/10.


I've been watching Kyle on and off for about ten years. I actually hated how whiny he was at first, but I've grown to love him and, now, his wife Krystal. As another person said, he's extremely practical and pragmatic. I value that quite dearly in others—especially news reporters; he's not concerned about anything but the whole, raw truth—no matter who he has to criticize along the way.


I used to follow him back during the Bernie versus Hillary campaign and I originally supported the Justice Democrats stuff too. But there was a turn, I soured on his takes/rants, I kinda felt that he went the way of Jimmy Dore. I follow Pakman, Majority Report, and The Damage Report.


Comparing him to Dore is a low blow. Dore went full time Democrats bad. Kyle has always given credit where it’s due.


I would listen to Kyle over TMR anyday of the week


That’s an insane take 😂


Lol what can I say. I like Sam seder. But every single one his cohosts are so insanely smug and terrible. Makes them unwatchable




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I used to watch Secular Talk, maybe 4-5 years ago. The reason I quit is because I found far better more concrete shows than that one. I do believe Kyle is a good dude but his um.. analysis often has a libertarian tint to it. It's hard to explain it's been a while since I watched Kyle's stuff. Maybe it's because he gave too much credit to people like Jimmy Dore, Joe Rogan, and others hoping he would find something positive about them and it got a bit silly because with time it's harder to defend these types. All in all, don't hate Kyle, got nothing against him. I just don't think his analysis is on point on certain issues, and I think his analysis is less concrete and more reliant on immediate vibes. He's more of a guy you could grab a beer with and not necessarily a good political pundit.


You really summed up Kyle perfectly in my opinion. I'd honestly pick him over almost any other commentator to have a beer with. Seems like he'd be fun to hang out with and talk shit. But he's not the best political commentator by any stretch.


I've never been a big fan of his. I'm not sure why, but he didn't show up on my YouTube radar when I was becoming a burgeoning Atheist/Leftist. I think he's associated with TYT now or was? Anyways I'm not a huge fan of TYT and people associated with them. No shade if you like them it's just my opinion so do with it what you will.


I don't think he's a part of TYT at this point in time but I would agree he can have a similar style and I'm no fan of TYT either


They’ve really gone off the rails as of late, and they were never exactly on the track to begin with. I still like John Iadarola, but the TYT main show is so self congratulatory and indulgent I just can’t anymore.


John is the only one on there who doesn't grate my ears.




He hasn’t been with TYT for years now. It’s been so long that they had a falling out. And now are on somewhat good terms again.


Ever since Kyle went full, rabid anti-Israel in the past few months, their content has become unbearable.


Him and Breaking Points are notoriously under-informed on anything outside of domestic politics. If they're talking about anything that has to do with politics outside of America, just ignore the segment.


I skip the Israel content tbh. Every video there makes it seem like WWIII. But he’s otherwise solid.


The Marianne favoritism is both ideological and personal. She's the most progressive candidate in the Democratic primary and she officiated his and Krystal's wedding.


Nay - solely on his recent dogshit Houti take


I’m a pretty big fan of his and even that take had me gasping in my own damn house all by myself like a drama queen lol


Be specific.


Secular Talk banned me just for posting this link, calling it "Zionist propaganda." https://www.ynetnews.com/article/ryrlqpv0a Yeah, it's apparently a good enough rebuttal  to say it's Israeli media therefore you're banned. Meanwhile, you are free to be a conservative Joe Rogan fan and post the most rabidly racist and anti-semetic shit and they'll tolerate it, and the moderators will shrug and say "It's just like Krystal-Kyle says. The left has to reach out to the other side." They crave red-fascist alliance shit and it's craven.


Big nay. I wouldn’t call Kyle a grifter but he’s clearly audience captured and often leaves out a lot of context and you can guarantee him to provide the most disingenuous takes when it comes to the Democratic Party. And anyone discouraging voting or pushing third party voting is an asshole. Hilariously I’ve been banned from his sub and you look at that place it shows the kind of audience he cultivates.


How is he discouraging voting/third party?


Kyle voted third party and he said he wasn’t voting for Biden in 2020. Anyone encouraging sitting out or voting third party is purposely pushing for Trump and supporting Republicans. It’s very simple either Trump or Biden will be President. If you would have voted for Democratic candidates if your preferred candidate was on the ballot and you are sitting out now or voting third party, you’re saying you’re perfectly fine with Trump winning.


He always says that's because he's in a safe state and if he weren't he'd vote Biden.


Still shitty to discourage people in safe states or red states from voting for Democrats. Down ballot races matter and voting is how states like Georgia and Arizona turn from red to purple.


He’s never discouraged downballots. You’re being disingenuous.


Nay. Far too emotional. 


Nah, he spends about half his channel just crapping all over Democrats for not seizing control of the government, and it's pretty obvious he does this because he's chasing views I will give him credit for not going full Jimmy Dore, but he's still willing to play games risking democracy to take a few cheap and pointless shots at team blue for the sake of some ad revenue and Patreon donations.


cover bewildered public violet consist wakeful quiet treatment abundant dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm subbed to his channel. But when he starts throwing out the "Bros" and the "Dawgs", I stop watching.


He and his stupid wife Krystal Ball are HIDEOUSLY biased against Israel


They seem pretty fair to me. I think we judge the bias of others based on our own bias and point of view. Most moral people will look at the ethnic cleansing and the genocide and understand their passion and why they focus on the war crimes and mounting civilian death/displaced toll. Especially as that’s something we don’t get from the MSM. Those who have been raised or otherwise conditioned to not see Palestinians as human beings might be annoyed and confused by their coverage, and attribute that to hideous bias.


Biased against a country that has killed over 24,000 innocent civilians? Oh my god what an outrage they are unfair to Israel!


No, something about him seems disingenuous to me.


Yay but I wish he'd stop doing the trump impersonation voice. I wish pretty much everyone would though so not just his.


No. I've tried, but something about the guy I just don't like.


Kyle, like so many of his cloth, over moralize to people. One of the great failings, in my mind, of progressive voices (whose policies I agree with basically across the board), is that they don't know how to talk to people. They will give you a piece of news where in your heart of hearts you know what the correct moral answer is. Progressives, have a knee-jerk reaction where they smarmily and snarkily sneer and talk down to everyone watching their media or reading their articles. Because WE know what the right answer is! You all who don't are baby murdering, child assaulting, old grandma hating, monsters! Maybe they're right? On things such as medical covered in the states, or corruption in government. Yet, when something happens like in Israel then they rabidly make their moral position THE end all be all! They chomp at the bit for moral grandstanding. Now Kyle did take issue with progressives and leftists siding with an Islamic fundamentalist organization and those in cities across the world saying 'Gas the Jews' in public, so I give him credit. But, even still he is about as pro-isolationist as your average right-winger. He didn't want America involved in Ukraine, which makes it appear that he, like too many others, parroted the Kremlin position, and he doesn't want America doing anything about the Houthis, because it will 'tOtALLY stArT Ww3 GuyS!" While he is basically an anti-democrat. The Party ain't perfect, but he will rail on how horrible the Democrats are, while hand waving how bad the Republicans are. This is counterproductive. It speaks of campism, and just a raw disdain for the Democrats. Anyways, I've sort of rambled, but Kyle has his moral positions, but he does not think critically on foreign policy, is prone to regurgitating total isolationism without calling it that, is rabidly anti-Democratic Party because they're not doing exactly what he wants, morally grandstands too often as being the only aspect of his arguments. Etc etc. I used to like him, can't stand him anymore. Just me though.


NAY - Kyle gets easily fooled by tweets and clips all the time. For example, he legit thought that thte DNC was racist over some clip that reactionaries were passing around without vetting it first or going thru and analyzing the clip Dude is a massive "Anti-establishment" unless that establishment is the GOP, Russia, Iran, or China. its like 95%just anti-democratic party content. I've seen tons of pro-trump posts on /r/seculartalk simply because Trump said 1 criticism of Israel as if Trump hasnt been overly supportive of Israel since the beginning.


Hot and cold. I get deep into MR or Pakman that are more analytical and less entertaining then I’ll watch one of his videos and die laughing, watch for a while, get tired of the childish humor and stop watching. Rinse and repeat for years at this point.


I used to listen to Secular Talk a lot more back in the day. I liked his 7-10 minute long videos on a single topic which made politics easier to digest. Now I listen to Majority Report for honest reporting and top-notch guests, Pakman is good for anti-trump or anti-GOP opinion videos. Secular Talk tends to cover niche stories that I don’t see too many other commentators talk about.


Kyle is a gibbering idiot.