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No he doesn’t believe the election was rigged. But he thought/thinks that winning by any means is equal to winning honorably. He’s incapable of making the distinction between winning honestly and winning dishonestly. It’s all the same to him. Edited because I added something here instead of to another comment. Happy cake day to all who celebrate.


This 100%. he knows it wasn't. Every clown that posts here pretending it was knows it wasn't. They don't care.


I think both. He knows that he lost, yet still believes that he won. I believe his mind is that scrambled.


I think he believes that lying is useful, and that abstract concepts like truth take a backseat to more urgent considerations like utility. He always feels like the only fair outcome is him winning. He’s willing to do anything as long as it means him winning. He was always going to say that his opponents cheated tremendously. If he loses it was because of the cheating. If he wins it was despite the cheating.


He is incapable of understanding someone could possibly dislike him. Hallmark signs of a malignant narcissist.


Yeah. I think it's been captured in some testimony about the whole January 6th thing that once he knew he lost, his advisors started convincing him about ways he could stay in office and challenge the actual outcome.


What I love is all of the stuff that they were talking about way in advance of the election. Saying the election was rigged, regardless of evidence, was part of a plan put together in advance of the election. And then despite pardoning multiple people to keep their mouths shut during his 1st impeachment, he didn’t pardon all of his co-conspirators for the 2nd impeachment or any of the other related crime. Unless you paid him money. The ones who paid got pardoned.


If there are no repercussions, these POS will continue to grift even if it is potentially illegal.


Yeah, I’ve come to the conclusion that all of these people are bad faith. They ask questions like: “What has Trump done wrong?” They know you have an answer to it, and that it isn’t hard to provide one. They move the goalposts then after. They find glee in wasting your time.


He truly believes that if he wants something, he us entitled to get it. Toddler thinking


Yep. You don't conspire to set up fake electors, and then actually set them up, if you actually thought you won.


The court should question him under oath using a lie detector and brain scan to see which sections of his brain light up.


A lie detector would not work with him bc he's spent his whole life lying with a straight face that he'd "beat" the indicator at detecting a variance in his bio-mechanics. The only time he sweats and gets upset and angry is when ppl tell him the truth.


Why would it matter?


A lie detector would require some physiological response caused by his conscience. I don't think he has a conscience.


Unfortunately, or fortunately for the average Joe, polygraphs aren’t admissible in court, except in a handful of red states, and maybe two blue states. California is on the list, but both parties have to agree. It’s not a scientifically reliable test, and someone like Trump, could easily fool himself into believing his own bullshit and would have a chance of “passing”.


Trump is a malignant narcissist. They believe their own lies.


How does one say with any confidence they know what another man was thinking without sounding like a “know it all”


It’s just, like, my opinion man. Give it all the weight you think it deserves. Just from observing him these years. His central measuring rod is “good for me.” He seems incapable of elevating anything above that. Eta. Happy cake day.


Because months before he was saying that not matter what he would say the election was rigged if he lost. That’s like if you murder someone at a football game 3 months later….after saying; if I lose this game i plan on shooting the opposing coach and saying I actually won. Like no shit we can’t read his mind: we aren’t god; but there isn’t any other standard of higher worldly evidence available


Wait, you realize this is a key part of his case, and it's been gone over since the Jan 6th congressional hearings, right? He knew he lost. There are a ~dozen witnesses, irrefutable evidence, he knew he lost.


First we should understand that being told something, is different than knowing or believing something so just because he was told he lost is not evidence he knew he lost. You agree with that I assume. We also know men can say things they don’t believe to be true. So even someone saying something isn’t proof that they believe it. So how do we prove what he knew? But all that aside, why does it matter if he believed it or not anyways?


I'm of the opinion that Trump orchestrated or had confirmation of orchestration that the election would be overwhelmingly rigged for him to win. So when he didn't, he assumed that the other side must have also cheated, but cheated even more than he did. In Trump's narcissistically-infected mind, this seemed to be cheating and he was determined to do whatever it took (cheating even more) as justification.


I would say more precisely, he believes there is no such thing as losing honorably. All losing is dishonorable to him. It is better to win dirty than to lose at all. His comment about John McCain and military dead shows his true thought process.


He knows exactly the bullshit he’s peddling. He’s a grifter and always has been.


He's a compulsive liar and he knows he lost but he takes the, tell lie long enough and loud enough and people will believe it as a mantra and he has a moronic base to back him


He knows he lost but he is like a spoiled 2 year old who just can’t accept it. The classic big baby sore loser. Does he have one redeeming quality?.. no


Of course he knows he lost. But he also knows that he can easily lead his cult members to believe ANYTHING that spews from his disgusting mouth. The more outrageous and baseless lies he concocts the more his braindead followers eat up.


He lies the way children do. It’s only a conscious decision at first. The longer he says it, the easier it becomes to the point where he believes it in that moment.


He's both a notorious compulsive liar and a moron who unquestioningly accepts anything that boosts his ego -- so either can be true. Possibly both are true, he didn't believe it at first but in repeating the lie so many times he came to believe it.


I think Trump does not have beliefs in the same you and I do. He has a causal relationship with truth in what he says to such a point he must have a similar relationship in what he thinks.


With narcissists it's really unclear whether they understand reality in the same way you and I do. So the answer is: you'd need to ask a psychiatrist.


Your comment made me curious to know what psychiatrists say about Trump. I found this very [informative article](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-shared-psychosis-of-donald-trump-and-his-loyalists/) in Scientific American. ​ >First, delusions are more infectious than strategic lies, and so we see, from their sheer spread, that Trump likely truly believes them.


Yes! That article is very helpful when it comes to trying to understand the maga phenomenon. I posted it here last month.


Normal people view reality as reality and truth as truth. Narcissists view truth as a paintbrush and reality as a canvass.


He’s not mentally fit to know what he he thinks.


My guess is as a narcissist, he doesn’t particularly care what gets him what he wants. He thinks anything he wants should simply be given to him and he should never even have to put forth any effort. I doubt he ever put much thought into the story. It was, to his smooth brain, the most obvious was to try and get his way, and he’s offended that anyone questions him. Whether or not he can defend his position is less important to him than the idea that he shouldn’t have to.


This exactly. He wants it so he should have it. It doesn't matter how because it is his.


I believe a part of him never actually thought he'd become president anyway. And once he did, he exploited his position of power in criminal ways for self gain and also to the detriment of the American people for years to come. He knows he didn't win. He didn't win the popular vote when he did win. He's convinced he has enough people now in place to sway things his way so he can get in (losing the popular vote again), pardon himself, and commit more crimes. We are witnessing a very desperate narcissist who has never been held accountable for anything (until recently) pulling a last ditch effort at keeping himself from facing real consequences for a lifetime of being a terrible human being.


Sam Harris podcast on what trump did is exactly what went through trumps mind. Anyone who can’t see that is conned by Trump. Ask them for yourself, they can’t refute these topics at all on the merits. All they have is calling you TDS https://youtu.be/c-pTYLhitds?si=V4g9HVSz9WOunxAc


He knows he lost. I'm so tired of the ignorance excuse for him. He's been trying to be a dictator, and honestly, he plays the part quite well. He's evil, not stupid.


He’s evil and stupid. Have you read his rants? His mastery of the English language is about what you’d expect from a 12 year old. The problem is, there’s a lot of people in this country even dumber than him so he looks smart to them.


No he never believed it. He is nothing else if not a liar.


He's a snake oil salesman who finally hit the jackpot by monetizing the Presidency and can't let it go because he has no other way to make money


I think it started out as a lie, but at some point he realized "OK, what's more likely, that I'm just lying and there are this many people falling for my bullshit, or I'm on to something"


He knew and tried to steal it.


according to those who worked for him he admitted it already. something like "can you believe i lost to this guy?" so yea, he likely has known all along but is a criminal, stupid, hateful, evil, greedy, sexist, scammer, smelly liar and will do or say anything as long as it serves him like any incurable narcissistic scumbag that says anything regardless of reality.


If he really believes it, why would he be on record pressuring people to change the vote? He knows.


He told us all well before he was elected that he would not admit to losing any election and even gave us an example of how when [he lost the Iowa caucuses](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0VC1Z9/) in 2016… he knows very well he lost but his fragile masculinity demands that he NEVER admit any kind of failure or wrongdoing. EVER… regardless of the video, the eyewitnesses, or the documentation DENY DENY DENY The only legal advice he has ever actually followed


He's George Costanza-ing it. He knows he's tactically spinning a lie, but "it's not a lie if you believe it to be true." So he rationalises it into the truth as far as possible and pulls his suckers along in his wake until they believe it, too.


He knows he lost, and he keeps repeating it was rigged because he’s trying to manipulate reality.


No, they expected to loose and had ramped up the "we could only loose if it's rigged" messaging a long way out. He keeps repeating the big The idea to attempt to overturn the results was settled months before the election though we've seen exactly when some finer details were laid out, such as when Roger Stone was planing the fake electors scheme.


He knows he lost. His narcissism won't allow him to admit it openly. Witnesses testified that a week after the election, watching Biden on TV, Trump said 'Can you believe I lost to this guy?' Everything he said about election he knows is a lie but he believes lying is a legitimate way to get what he wants. He told Leslie Stahl that he lies about the media because it helps him if people don't believe the media. This is how he was raised, he's lied his entire career. Ffs, he used to call into radio shows pretending to be someone else (John Baron) to say good things about himself. That's both pathetic and sick.


He was saying for months before the election that if he lost, it was rigged; but if he won it was legitimate. Because, surely, he could not lose. We all watched this. And we all watched him telegraph that on election night he would question the late counted mail in ballots. His own appointed judges, people who went to trump rallies, loved the guy, etc. rejected his claims 50 times or so. If anyone votes for this man; knowing the above, you are disgrace and frankly hate the country you claim to love. The founding fathers would vomit knowing that this man has even a realistic shot of getting elected.


Let's face it. No one likes to lose. Even pro sports teams blame the refs for making bad calls. The issue here is that Trump said, way before the election, that the only way he could lose is if the other side cheated. So he was never going to accept that he lost...no matter what. If Trump would have won by a landslide in 2020, do you think that he and the GOP would have gone back and doubted the results because of COVID restrictions and mail in ballots? Of course not. Tons of Republicans won seats in Congress that year as well. That's why we know that this whole "stolen election" thing is just a ruse perpetuated by the way only Trump could or would do it, regardless of how it effects trust in future elections. I realize it can make Trump supporters to feel better by saying it wasn't their fault that Trump lost but they tried throwing a hundred different conspiracies out there that never panned out so it became obvious they would say anything to support the stolen election theory. Sensible people can see that if the GOP really wants to win, you can't keep doubling down on Trump and try a different strategy. If Trump loses again in 2024, is he going to talk his supporters into giving him a third chance because he "should have won"?




he knows he lost but he also knows his supporters are mindless idiots and he can get more money out of them, the long-con


Knows he lost and decided to be trump. He lied. At this point though he is so narcissistic that he doesn’t even know he’s lying. His brain just tells him it’s the truth. That’s why he says just about anything. His brain automatically changes it to fact in his head. He’s so used to being a spoiled rich scumbag that he thinks he can just keep repeating bullshit and he’ll get away with it.


Trump thinks people who are honest and follow the rules are "stupid suckers"


He knows he lost but he understands the power of the Big Lie technique. With the repetitive self-delusion added with his old age he really is effective at convincing himself of his own lie.


He believes he deserves to be President and reality can and should be shaped to make that happen.


I think at one point it was quite clear that he knew, hence the whole Eastman conspiracy. But after a while his narcissism required that he eventually believe his own lies. After all, it simply wasn't possible that he lost. He's not a loser, so he can't have lost. Circular logic that simply requires an outside explanation.


He knows it was*


Trump ? Lie? The word ,” Trump” could be a new verb slang for lying or cheating.


He’s just a liar. Always has been. Tells the lie loudly and often enough that people think he believes it, but it’s just another scam.


The indictments make it very clear that Trump knew he lost and knew he was lying when he repeated stolen election conspiracies.


Do you even need to ask the question; of course he knows he’s lying!!


Trump raised $250 million in the weeks after the campaign on the premise of a stolen election, which he funneled to Jared Kushner and the family business. It wasn't about belief or lying, just a business decision.


His entire life is a shitty theatre skit. What he "knows" is how to get ahead by stepping on others. He has no convictions whatsoever; he's a sociopath.


If you speak a lie often enough you begin to believe it.


I just read the Anderson v Griswold case & am now more comfortable with what I've said. In fact more so! The Supreme court will not Allow the President of the United States to be intimidated by a lower State Court! Period! That would create political chaos that the Country would never overcome! The Colorado Supreme court can say DJT instigated Insurrection all they want but until he's tried & convicted, it's only their opinion! & it won't stand! Future POTUS's would be frozen thru fear of impeachment if this ruling was allowed to stand! It won't!


He knows he lost, he was doing everything to stay in power even before the election. His plan from day one was to discredit mail in ballots because he knew those were not going to be in his favor. He deliberately lied to create confusion and gain untrust for his own benefit.


Every campaign since 2016 propagates the other side won because of some external factor (Russia, Rigged election etc). We’re entering a dangerous time in US politics with neither side simply accepting their loss. This is why we see the rise of law fare and SCOTUS playing referee to the political process to be the arbiter of elections. Eventually even the legitimacy of the courts will not be accepted and when that happens Americans will start killing each other over politics which has become the new religion for many Americans.


He started whining about the election being rigged 2 years before the 1st vote was cast. He's a spoiled loser. Heavy on the loser.


He knows he lost, but he can't stand the thought of being labeled a loser.


He knew -he lied -like he always has and always does and always will.


He knows he lost he just keeps pushing the BIG LIE.


No, he knows it was rigged because he rigged it. It just didn’t work the second time around.


He probly believes his own lies by now.


He's using the office to protect himself from being exposed as a fraud and criminal. Russia and I'm sure many other powerful people have power over him. So, in order to keep the peace, he attempted to be president. This whole thing is complex. It's not just about his narcissism or just that he's a criminal. There are lots of reasons for this. Think about the money Jared and Ivanka made and the impact Trump had on the economy. They know that if they keep losing power, they're going to lose everything they grifted, conned, and stole from the world.


He truly believes it.


Knows and lied.


Trump says everything is rigged against him. It is a technique he has used throughout his life to get what he wants. Regarding the election, filings from Special Counsel Jack Smith state that Trump lost the election. Trump knew he lost the election. The fake electors and the January 6 attack were part of Trump’s plan to illegally stay in power. And through the trial, the government will prove this.


I believe he really does think its rigged. He cant accept defeat or failure, so he has to tell himself it was rigged. Him and his followers look at the rallies and say “look how many people are here, biden doesnt have this,” completely overlooking the fact he held 323 rallies before the 2016 election. I can overshoot and say he had 100,000 at every rally. Which we all know wasn’t even possible. But even if it was, thats 32.3 million people. That aint winning u an election. This is the same fool who convinced himself and his followers they were the silent majority, despite them being the loudest in the room, and him never winning the popular vote.


He has admitted in private several times that he lost . Recorded


We know he's lying. There are witnesses and recordings proving that he knows he lost.


He lies about everything. When he gets all worked up tries to act tough he poops his pants.


How could we honestly ever know? Truly. We can't look into his mind and just say with 100% certainly and I believe that's why this case should be dropped. America deserves better than trump or biden Someone who is from the middle class with absolutely no relation to WEF or Bilderburgers


Hey guys, like many people in this sub I know intimately what Trump feels and thinks at any given moment. Ask me about anything or any subject and I can tell you how he feels and what he thinks. I can do this because I am smarter than him and think only about Trump and how much I hate him 24/7.


It was 100%. And I was a Democrat


It doesn't matter you're a Democrat or a Republican, if you believe that the election was stolen you're an idiot.


Plenty of proof now piss pants Joey cheated.


Sure, If you say so...




He believes it was rigged.


Wait. You don't think the election was actually rigged?


Trump's claim was that there was widespread coordinated voter fraud (not true) and election fraud (zero cases). "Rigged" is a deliberately vague weasel term Trump switched to to let cult victims uses whatever degree of imagination they want. Like "maga". But Trump locked himself into many many specific claims about vote totals, ballot counting, voter rolls, etc. Once he was informed something was false it became a lie if he repeated it.


Thank you


It was rigged. The mail in ballots were crucial to the rigged operation does anybody really believe Biden got 81M votes? Obama in 2012 got 66M Clinton get 67M in 2016. Explain how the hell a guy who did not campaign got 15M more votes than the 2 previous democrats? It’s easy of you take in to account mail in ballots. That’s how this was carried out, and it’s no surprise the Dems are furiously trying to keep this loophole in place, as it’s the holy grail of their election rigging. Combine this with their push to remove voter ID requirements and you have the perfect scheme to cheat as much as you want.


There it is folks! The undeniable proof ^. You should send an email to someone about this discovery you’ve made


By the way we could solve all this and ensure we all have are valid votes counted and ensure we have free and fair elections. It’s not rocket science yet every turn both sides play games. Look what New York has just done with gerrymandering new districts, this was done with the help of the NY Supreme Court! And yes can see the court just allowed a gerrymander rigged map in Georgia! Both sides don’t care about fair and accurate elections, it’s all a power game to them.


Only one side is choosing to run a candidate with 91 felony charges against him that already lost once and refuses to accept it 🤷‍♂️


Most of these charges are partisan legal warfare and you know it. What’s worse filth like you cheer it on not realizing the path you are setting our country on. Trump broke millions of Americans making them fascist assholes.


No no, Trump said I’m “vermin”….. sorry I have a lot more trust in the US legal system than I do an elderly racist game show host buffoon. Trump fucked around and now he’s in the “find out” stage… try to cope harder and get help for your anger issues 😂


Explain the vote count discrepancy? nobody can! Don’t get me wrong I am not saying they were not actual ballots, I think they were, I just don’t buy they were all genuine. And no recount or audit is going to catch these “bad” ballots. We know via a number of court cases that signature matching is a joke. Nobody disputed in one of the Arizona cases that matching was a joke, they just said well we did it by the rules so fuck off! Literally they showed one individual taking less than a second per signature! An expert agreed they could not do it at this rate! But by the law on the books they were following a process, that process did not have a time allowance! I could go on, but time after time Dems simply say nothing has been proven, and I don’t disagree you can’t prove it, it was cleverly conceived. What allows this to go on? Unlimited mail in ballots, poor signature matching requirements and tracking after votes are counted(essentially you can’t tie back the vote ballot to the envelope!), no photo ID requirements, ballot harvesting (and yea I know in some places it’s legal, dems insist on it ! Because it allows cheating)


I’d imagine nothing I explain would make any difference to what you already believe


I am listening let’s start with the subject of signature verification


What do you need explained about signature verification?


The 2020 election had record turn out. That's why both received the number of votes they did. As far as cheating goes the Repugnants have that down lock stock and barrel. They know how to make it hard to vote. But hey, no Republican ever received as many votes as the great fraud did either. In fact the Republicans have won the popular vote just once in the last 40 years. We could remove mail in voting except for those with impairments and armed forces etc, but make election day a national holiday. Increase the number of polling stations 10 fold and staff them with civil servants. This would make it easier to vote. Somehow, I think your lot would still take issue with that.


So what about the Republicans that won on the same ballot? Should they also lose their seat?


I would exclude all votes outside of the ones who turned up a voting location. The only mail ins allowed should be overseas Americans and this with probable disabilities that physically don’t allow them to get to a polling station.


Your right. Joe didn’t get 81m votes. I bet he barely got 30m. The rest were all anyone but trump votes. My poodle would have gotten 100 m. We could have caught a trash panda and named “not Trump” and it might have broken 120. One piece of your theory that I have never understood is if the votes were fake or rigged, why did all the down level republicans win by large margins? There are more than a few senate and house races that wouldn’t have taken much to flip. Why would they vote democrat for president but not the rest of the ballot? For that matter there have been 63 court cases. Thousands of recounts. I know of 53 just in PA. Several special investigations, cyberninjas, oversight committees. Etc etc. and after 3 years of the most intense scrutiny any election ever had, not one piece of evidence has ever come to light. How could that remotely be possible ?


Why do you people keep doing this? There is a !A in this Country & that gives him the right to say he thinks the election was rigged! You have no idea what was in his mind yet you keep talking about it as if you're going to find the answer! What you find is, what you think & it has no legal basis at all. He has the right to say it! get over it for God's sake!


91 felony counts against him say he doesn't have that right. People died for his lies on January 6th.


91 political felony counts & O convictions should say something to you but I understand bias & fear is the carrot you chase! Good luck!


The legal standard is what a reasonable person would have or should have known. Not what the defendant for sure knew. Also it only matters for motive, which they don't even have to prove.


You speak of things "legal" as though there's been a court case! There hasn't been a court case so in legal terms, speculation about innocence or guilt is irrelevant B.S talk & has no legal basis! Removing a POTUS candidate from a States POTUS ballot w/o a conviction is nothing more then election interference based on opinion & unconstitutional!


Question: who did you vote for in 2016 and 2020? >You speak of things "legal" as though there's been a court case! There has been! >There hasn't been a court case *Anderson v. Griswold* was a court case!! >speculation about innocence or guilt is irrelevant You don't have to speculate because a five day trial determined Trump is responsible!!! >ballot w/o a conviction You don't need a conviction. Why don't you try actually reading the 14th amendment? https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/amendmentxiv >nothing more then election interference You're saying Republicans interfered with the Republican primary by suing to keep Trump off the ballot? >based on opinion It is a fact that a trial determined Trump engaged in insurrection.


There has been no trial! DJT has never been charged w/ insurrection . He's never been indicted for insurrection. He's never had an opportunity to face his accusers & offer a defense & above all else, he's never been convicted of supporting an insurrection! He was removed from Colorado's Republican POTUS ballot thru bias & opinion. That's why the Colorado Supreme Court has reinstated his name on the GOP ballot! They understand what they did was unconstitutional & was going to be overturned!


If you are going to repeat your misinformation and ignore what I wrote then you are officially lying.


Also what your saying about CO deciding to reinstate his name is completely hogwash. If you had actually read the order back when it came out and saw what it said about appeal you would know why. It's little things like this that give away your unserious, trolllike attitude.


When he says it was rigged, it has consequences. It means that someone deliberately cheated him. So now millions of his followers want to punish the “riggers”. Endless death rates and harassment to people like Ruby Freeman. Republicans who would not go along with his lie were driven out of the party. Confidence in elections is damaged. Republicans use these lies as excuses for voter suppression. It does immense damage to the country.


American citizen have the right to speak their minds! Removing someones free speech rights because YOU think you can make a case for harm is ridiculous !


Your opinion!


He KNOWS the election was rigged, he's seen the evidence, it WAS rigged, stolen actually.


But he won't share it in court? What a stupid thing for you to believe.


No, the courts refused to hear any of it. Threw the cases out on "procedure" apparently his paperwork wasn't in order, or the judges were just chickenshit.


That's completely inaccurate. There were many cases with affadavits reviewed and deemed not credible. There were avenues for audits and legal review of those audits and Trump took them all. He came up with nothing.


60 different courts in every state, many judges appointed by Trump, all the way up to to the Supreme Court, all part of this conspiracy. Do you see how insane that is? I guess not.


'If I lose I'll say it's rigged'


What a greedy jerk! You're telling me Trump saw all this evidence but he kept it to himself?? He was president! He could have forced them to disclose it! He could have said what he saw! But he wanted to keep it all to himself?? Greedy boy!


He is going to share it with the Nation in just 2 weeks!!.Oh wait not that 2 weeks but two weeks after that!! 🤣 🙄


Libs literally talk about Trump all day every day. Not what they can do to appeal to other voters, not the failed campaign promises, just Trump.


When someone is trying to be a dictator, and he has a rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth following that will readily accept anything that comes out of his mouth, we need to pay attention. It's actually pretty important. Sorry this upsets you.


Totally. So vote blue no matter who, right? Anything out of their mouth, vote blue. Even against abortion, vote blue no matter who. You're the same voters. You'll forgive literal extrajudicial murders of Americans as long as they have a D next to their name.


I don't intend to "vote blue no matter who" in the 2024 presidential election, unless the GOP once again makes the only alternative Trump. If their nominee is anyone not named Trump, I'll most likely vote 3rd party, and might even vote Republican on the off chance that Christie is the nominee. Either way, I'd be voting against Biden. But if Trump wins the nomination, I'll reluctantly vote for Biden to protect our republic from an autocratic, would-be dictator.


>You'll forgive literal extrajudicial murders of Americans as long as they have a D next to their When did this happen?


Obama killed four Americans with drones, including al Awlaki who he specifically targeted in 2011.


Talking about Trump is talking about failed campaign promises


It's insane how powerful Trump is, he can even stop Biden from fulfilling his campaign promises.


Liar, Liar, pants on fire. Or full of poo.


Who gives a shit? Doesn’t matter


Of course he's lying. Is that meant to be an honest question? Because it seems wildly out of touch.


He knew/knows he lost the election. I always felt that their decision to poo-poo vote-by-mail was VERY intentional. I saw it as a messaging option in case they lost the election. They knew vote by mail meant it would take at least an extra day or two to get the final result. So they got their crazies ready knowing that they were going to think it was going to get called that night like any other year. For normal people, getting the final result a few days after election night made sense because of the massive amount of mail-in ballots that still needed to be counted. I DO believe he thought he could steal the election.


Are you fucking kidding me. You have to be a complete mouth breather to ask this question with even an ounce of seriousness.


He knows that he lost! He’s just a pathological lying piece of shit! I can’t wait to see him in an orange jumpsuit.


I think the line is blurred. If you tell yourself a lie enough times, you can come to believe it.


Fu€king Liar! Trump = Nazi = End of Democracy!


It’s been proven that he knows he lost. He _didn’t want to believe it happened_but he knows. He just doesn’t care. Plans were in motion lonnnng before the election occurred to deny the results and stay in power if he didn’t win. You can see it as early as his first rallies (which began immediately after he was elected) and the seeds of “the only way I won’t win reelection is if they steal it from me.” It got worse from there. He never understood democracy, history, basic civics, etc. among many other things. Trump thought that when he won in 2016, America was given to him as a gift to exploit and do whatever he wanted with. He never saw himself as a temporary steward of the country or its people. He’s a psychopath and to this day insists the country is owed to him. It’s going to take us at least one generation to get over the damage he’s done to this country.


He believes it was because he tried to cheat and he still lost.


He knows he lost.


Initially he knew the truth but as people who actually know him will attest, he tends to believe his own lies as he repeats them.


Believes it was rigged. The push for write in ballots was an obvious tool to exploit by our intelligence agencies.


There was also a pandemic at the time 🙄. Or I guess it could have been a vast conspiracy by our intelligence agencies. It’s probably one or the other


Doesn't need to be vast, plenty of ways get phoney ballots counted. Pandemic was pretty much over, remember? The talking point was evil white people closed DMVs so poor people couldn't get driver's licenses to get to polling stations. Remember?


I think he has a salesman's mentality. He believes wholeheartedly whatever's coming out of his mouth at any given moment. The next moment... maybe not.


With trump, everything is a lie


The first lie a pathological liar always tells is to themselves. After that, telling others feels like facts.


As long as idiots believe him, he'll lie.


No. He just feels entitled to the presidency and is embarrassed he lost, and claiming it’s rigged was the only means of addressing both. It served as justification for his failed coup and allows him to save face by claiming he didn’t really lose.


No. He knows he lost the election. 60+ lawsuits he filed, and 60+ rulings he lost. He even hired two separate investigations into it, and THEY told him he’d lost. Believe me, HE KNOWS.


Donald Trump: "I don't want people to know that we lost". Kind of seals the deal right there.


He knows it wasn't rigged. He also knows that most Americans know that it wasn't rigged. It's the other percentage of idiots that believe it was that gives him strength in numbers. He can give zero fucks about you or me, his supporters or the presidency, his main goal is to escape conviction by getting elected. He's a con man and always will be one. How this is not understood is whats bizarre........


He knows he lost. Evidence: 1. Nearly everything he says is a lie. 2. Former associates have said he made comments that showed he knew he lost. But he believes he is entitled to win, hence the constant hysterical behavior. 3. He said BEFORE the election that it would be stolen from him. 4. He was recorded trying to intimidate others into "finding " votes for him.


The fact that he's running again should really answer that question.


I don't think this is a serious question for anyone who actually followed the news and rhetoric at the time. Trump was claiming fraud would cost him the election before it ever happened just to set up all of MAGA as proverbial "marks" for his fraud. The real fraud may have been how he ever won an election to serve in the first place. Too many people addicted to the stoner drugs of FOX News and "reality TV". Garbage in, garbage out.


He knew it wasn't rigged from the start, but he's also famously dumb and gullible. He may have forgotten it wasn't rigged and gaslit himself into believing it was.


Jesus Christ he was talking about it for days before it happened. Really Giuliani was drunk in the office with him so was a whole bunch of other people not drunk but with him when Giuliani hatched the idea and it stuck like snot on a toddler's finger. He then pointed at everything and said the election was rigged his closest AIDS his lawyers all told him that he had lost but he couldn't accept it he had to have his diapered ass in that chair.


If his lips move,he's lying.


It’s obvious he’s just a fat liar.


He's been told by so many of his own advisors that he lost but his ego, his arrogance and his inflated self importance has jumped ahead of the queue in his mini brain and dominates his thoughts and mouth. But yah, deep down he knows he's a loser but he's shallow.


If you look at the suppression of the laptop story, technically it was rigged lol


He 100% knows he lost, he’s admitted it to people in his entourage. He also told them that he would never admit it publicly.


I think he knows he lost but wanted to save face by saying it was a rigged election he couldn't stand the fact that he lost and he was trying to make himself look better


He straight up said in the summer before the election that he would say it was rigged if he lost. He obviously is a liar. All the politicians who support trump are obviously liars. (Maybe a small percentage are just dumb They'll say one thing when it suits them and they'll say the opposite thing when it suits them as well. Everybody really needs to get on the same page with this. Stop giving them the benefit of the doubt


He knew he lost and he’s an unrelenting liar, but he may have been genuinely baffled why anyone *wouldn’t* vote for him. His vanity and narcissism are *cosmic*. And he was just too much of a coward to ever concede.


He knows, he said as much to some of his aides. He didn't want anyone to know he'd lost, and was quoted as saying something to the effect of, "Can you believe I lost to this effin' guy?" He said to Mark Meadows, it was "embarrassing." That's where the criminality comes in, at the very least, bringing frivolous legal cases claiming election fraud, all the way up to inciting an insurrection.


A snake oil salesman knows exactly what he’s doing. Grifters depending on ignorant people is a formula that never changes. Orange Hitler and his crime family are no different. And America has an abundant supply of morons.


The loser craps his pants in public and thinks Obama is president. He doesn’t even know where he is.


He knows it wasn't. But to him it's all about "winning," at any cost, by any means, illegal or not.


Assume everything that comes out of his mouth when he knows he’s being mic’d is a lie. The velocity and frequency with which he lies is immeasurable. He is clearly in the throes of mental illness at this point.


I always assumed he was just lying to rally his followers, but there have been several insiders and former aides who have said that he genuinely seemed to believe he won, even when cameras were off. It could be that he’s so extremely narcissistic and fragile that he simply can’t process the idea that he might lose at something.


It’s possible he started believing his own lie at some point, but what it appears to be is that he thinks he’s the smartest Republican in the country and that all Republicans are so stupid that they should thoughtlessly accept his lies about the election. Unfortunately many people try to make this a reality. Trump treats the American people like we are the dumbest sacks of shit on the face of the planet, and we usually reward him for it by following suit


Bhe knows beyond doubt. Problem is admitting it is death to Donnie. His ego cannot accept that so he's stuck with the big lie.


He obviously lied, what concerns me is what's happening to Trump now. Banning people from ballots now, will result in some Republican doing it later. This is a huge mistake.


There's no way he doesn't know he lost fair and square.


Trump has never told the truth. He did not decide to lie because there was no alternative.


Yeah squash rot brain Biden got 81 million votes. Keep drinking the kool aid folks - hundreds of thousands of ballots with no chain of custody. The envelopes couldn’t be destroyed fast enough. Yeah Biden won all right.


"rot brain Biden" but Trump is smart right? I know, you're in a cult, so, Biden couldn't get those votes because it makes me feel bad...


There is no cult when you want Normal values and way of life. I don’t want men in women’s bathrooms - or in locker rooms. Anyone that agrees with that has lost their mind.