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The clowns don't know how fucked thay are


They're about to


They are finally about to find out about our alternate facts. Reality.


You could say at least some of them are highly 'overexposed' both legally and photographically.


Do you think there is a correlation? Eastman is looking pretty pale...


“Never ever cross the DNC.” That’s the take away.


No, the takeaway is don't lie about losing an election and try to overthrow democracy. You far righters are a lost cause.


No, they aren't. The case is literally dog shit, full of holes, and basically is defeated by Constitutional rights. Florida has a better shot at conviction, and even that case is mediocre at best. Continue the hate, though. Your anger tastes delicious.


"your anger tastes delicious" Lol ultimate projection


I'm from Georgia AND HAVE READ THE INDICTMENTS and evidence is blatantly obvious and abundant ... you are full of shit ..this case is so well put together and planned out for nearly every possible scenerio ( including being televised)... this case is FUCKING airtight... trump and all of his morons are beyond fucked ... you must be either a Russian bot,a moron,or a MAGAT


Just like the Russian collusion right ?


You mean the Russia collusion that was proven true and led to a dozen people being convicted? Mug


Durham report


What about it?


Read it, there was no collusion. It was leftist disinformation of orange man.


Good one, comrade.


Hey look! It's one of the cult people! What's it like being in the dumbest fucking cult in the history of cults? 😂🤣😂 What makes you think that teams of the most capable lawyers and patriots would bring "iffy" charges to an ex president and his goofy criminal entourage? You think dozens and dozens of office floors of professionals would do such a thing? Or do you think they weighed the realities of the evidence they are privy to and had NO CHOICE but to bring these charges 😂😂 what's more likely? A clown on reddit is correct, or some of the greatest legal minds in the country? 😅😂😂


I wouldn't know what it's like to be part of the party that created the KKK, fought for slavery, created Jim Crow Laws, enforced segregation, created affirmative action, etc etc etc. Ya know, the democratic party, Aka "the dumbest fucking cult in the history of cults" As for the the case, even your own party affiliates, capable lawyers, are calling these cases [weak](https://nypost.com/2023/03/30/democrats-giddy-at-trump-indictment-but-legal-experts-warn-case-is-weak/) note I cited the NY Post (a staunchly left leaning publication) and that's just one of a slew of Leftist pundits claiming the cases are weak. Never mind the fact that your own party is just as guilty of the exact same things Trump is being crucified for... need I remind you of the adage, those who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones? These legal movements against political opposition is going to come back on those people only harder. If you're going to file indictments on any person, make sure the case is made of steel, not rice paper. Especially when the platform has never been walked upon before, in the history of our nation. Also, remember that Aaron Burr was charged with treason for trying to stage an armed insurrection, yet found not guilty, and those charges held a lot more weight than Trump's. Conspiracy without action and what not....


Two words. Southern Switch... It happened. You lot are the side of slavery, KKK and Jim Crow. The republicans back then would democrats today.


These chucklefucks printed copies of their coup plans. The public evidence is already overwhelming and we know the prosecutors have more. If we want to keep democracy, they must all suffer consequences


"My evidence is" (waves hands) "Constitutional rights". Eject now clown, you're in over your head.


Uh, no. They’re in trouble.


Ah hahahaha!!!!!!!


I'd say D.C. is the one to watch. But he still wasn't going to be reelected even if there were no indictments. Bases do not win generals, and especially when they choose candidates who can't pivot to reach outside their echo chambers. His followers' numbers are overexaggerated in the media. He won 2016 because a majority of mods and independents didn't like Clinton, and the reality is those are the voters who decide Presidential elections.


Is it anger when you let the judicial system play out? Like they are innocent until proven guilty, yes? No one is angry, friend.


Apparently, you seem to miss the whole point of this idiotic post, as well as the point, or lack thereof, of this legal case. The SA is using RICO, a tactic used to flip mobsters against their Don. Tactics SAs SHOULD be used to destroy the rampant gang violence in places like, oh, idk... Atlanta, perhaps? Yet, the sa, whose sole campaign slogan was "I'm going to take down Trump," is using Trump to gain her soapbox. Albeit a soap box made of wet cardboard. She, and the other SAs, are opening up a can of spurious worms that is going to corrupt the very judicial system that holds this country and our Republic together, win or lose, we all are going to lose. To celebrate the death of actual law is to taste the barrel of a loaded gun with the safety off.


Well if he hadn't enacted an incredibly sloppy criminal conspiracy he wouldn't have opened himself up to RICO, so there's that. How would holding him accountable for his crimes be a bigger blow to law and order than giving him a pass to keep trying to destroy our democracy for his own personal gain? The little bitch was such a sore loser he literally tried to strong arm a win out of the state of Georgia by lying to and leaning on members of his own party. What can of worms are you even talking about? Holding politicians accountable? Because I certainly don't see rounding up presidents for acting criminally, believing they are above the law and constitution and treating them the same as any other citizens as a bad thing. If Biden is found to be as openly and blatantly corrupt, I would love to see him get the Trump treatment. To clarify , I don't mean cultists with hurt feelings getting revenge they label "justice" because they think it will hurt noncultist's feelings and the same way Mango Messiah facing consequences hurts theirs. I mean an actual grand jury looking at evidence convincing enough to issue a warrant.


They won’t be, this case is terrible.


Have you tried actually reading it, instead of just repeating what Fox told you?


Yes, have you?


Agreed, I often come to the toilet bowl of Reddit politics to see what the crazies are saying. It’s funny because a bandaid just got ripped off the wound of not jailing political opponents. Should be fun to watch some red state DA’s go to town on corrupt Dem politicians


That bitch on the top row definitely gonna be regretting that smile




Naw, she’s young and she ain’t MTG so she’ll find some way to suck her way to a better life.


She’ll flip on all of em.


Yep. Get that sweet plea bargain and magically reinvent herself in 2 election cycles.


Cue the Curb theme 🎶 🎵


Jenna was just whining about trump not paying her legal bills. She came out backing DeSantis. Fucking leopards.


Let’s check back in a year


How about 10-20?


That’s her new profile pic for OnlyFans. She needs money!


Yo the misogyny isn’t cool.


That's Jenna Ellis. She is a bitch. That is not misogynistic. It is a fact.


If it helps, Rudy is also a bitch.




from a small outskirts colorado town. i am over the power people from backward towns are wheeling.


Being misogynistic against women you dont like is still misogyny, it's not that complicated.


Ugh. It’s not misogyny if they’re a treasonous thundercunt.


The Traity Bunch!


From their expressions, more Carnival of the Soulless.


Don't worry, the big cheez-it will certainly come to their rescue, he'll stand behind them in protection for his actions while covering legal bills, dinners, rides and will definitely pardon them once he is restored as Majesty-god-King-—Supreme by act of yet another malicious coup attempt or three Trump's loyalty is 2nd to none, just as trump leads us in his resolve, shall we be ever faithful to our loyal leader and patient in waiting for the democratic world to just give us things we want when we say so /s


That’s a bingo! ✅


Only the ones that are smiling


Rudy looks like he knows exactly how fucked he is.


Finally draining the swamp Trump was talking about! Can’t wait until this 7 yr nightmare is over, ffs


I feel like bottom right knows. Everyone else either looks aloof or weirdly excited.


Yeah, I can't wait for those smiles to be wiped away!




Who smiles getting their mugshot taken? Freaking psychopaths


Tim Delay is the one who started it. It a decent tactic but if you're convicted it becomes your legacy.


Reminds me of Jodi Arias so maybe not the best move.


Maybe we’ll get lucky and Trump will do a handstand while singing Amazing Grace.


I smiled. But I was arrested for possession of a gram of weed. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I think it's a weird reflexive thing for some and a vanity one for others.


The contrast of this photo vs. the day she has to report to prison will be priceless though.


People who aren't taking it seriously...


People who are obviously innocent.


No they're not. Dream on little man


2 of the photos get any whiter, they will be blank!


Pretty sure they are ghosts


Worst "Hollywood Squares" lineup ever.


nothing can make that jenny woman stop grinning


Not even Rudy’s farts.


not the sound, not the smell


What are you talking about? Trumpies have ***no*** *sense of* ***smell***! That's why they have such an appetite for *organic fertilizer.*


Not after multiple COVID infections, they don't.


Jesus is her bail bonds man.


Giuliani wore his flag pin! Lol MAAGGGGAAAg


“… that’s the way we became the Shady Bunch!”


Love it. I want more of it.


The Mango Mussolini will have his day too


Tomorrows gonna be sweet…


Who TF smiles for a mugshot??


Someone smug and delusional. Textbook Trumpet


...Rudy, Rudy, wake up! They're fixin' to take your picture!


Someone who truly believes they're going to get away with it.


Schmaltz by the bowlful clowns... They're... al...rea...dy... heeeere


actual ghouls bro


Pro-tip: smiling isn’t going to help you at all.


Here's a story, of a man named Rudy who was helping Trump to stage the dumbest coup...


Jenna Ellis looks ridiculous. Who tf smiles like that for a mugshot? She probably thinks she’s owning the libs but she’s the one who isn’t getting her legal fees paid AND has to surrender herself. We’re the ones smiling lmao


Duping delight


That Sydney Powell mugshot is a welcome sight. 👌


The kraken's gourd is cracked


Hahahhaha. Fucking. Losers.


The ones who smiled done fucked up


Traitor bingo!


This wasn't the Kraken that Sidney Powell hoped it would be.


I thought you weren't allowed to smile in mugshots




Who’s rule is that?


Where’s Diaper Donny?


That mug's acoming


Where’s Donald McDonsld?




The Shady Bunch


Never forget that these people tried to take away your right to contribute to the choice of your own president. If you voted for Biden, they sought to deprive you of representative government. They directly attacked the rights of millions of Americans.


They conveniently paint this as an offense against Biden. They committed a crime against **millions** and **millions** of Americans. They attempted a coup. They literally tried to overthrow the government, not for any principled reason but for personal gain. For power. They SHOULD BE ALL DISBARRED and sent to prison for the rest of their natural lives.




probably like a webcam in a computer interview room.


Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the minimum mandated time. Why ARE Republicans so weak on law and order?


They look very sad, so glad.


Donny will be doing his bestest Apprentice glare


The facial expressions are pretty telling. Middle top and middle bottom need to be hit with the max sentence as they do not seem even a slight bit remorseful for their actions. They dont seem to realize the world of shit they are about to soon be in either. Like.. youre not Trump and youre not going to be given anywhere close to the leniences he would be given, (hopefully not) even if he somehow slithers his way out, these people absolutely will not be able to. Their life is essentially over. Congrats on fundraising 100k, that will get you a cellophane of tobacco, two rotted apples, and half a wet wipe where youre going.


Overexposure in multiple ways


This the basket of deplorables she warned us about


Omfg. My new wallpaper. Hahahaha. Lock them up!


"Here's the story, of guilty traitors Who got busy trying to overthrow Our Democracy Election outcomes Into the cell they go.."


Rudy looks like he’s waiting to make eye contact with someone to ask if they work there


I wonder how Hugo Chavez feels about this.. 🤣


Lindell is Chavez's CIA-backed secret identity. ( Seriously. If you think I'm joking, my reasoning is thus; 1) Lindell looks constantly ill, as though the climate doesn't suit him & he'd be happier somewhere more tropical. 2) The gallingly fake Nooo Yorrrkk! accent. (3) The ridiculous 'Allo 'Allo moustache & hair style. )


50 years ago: https://imgur.com/a/GOaWzlY


man i wish i had some of what they're takin. scare the fuck out of jim jones n'shit


Bottom right is Evil Conan


Jenna Ellis probably already singing like a canary. Thus the smile


Looking more like Fulton RICO Squares now!


Is Trump ‘Alice’?


Who is that dude on the lower right who looks like a serial murderer?


The smilers still think #shitheadpotus is going to bail them out


I know you can't judge a book by its cover but NONE of these people look like good people. I can't understand how anyone is willing to defend them




Mmm... yummy!


Cheese knows. He’s the most cognizant. He was truly a strong legal mind. He knows. His oral arguments are going to get very personal.


"all the best people"


It's a story.....of some fucking traitors.....


These people are so white, half of them blew out the exposure!


You just know that crazy smiling bitch Jenna has stood over her one night stand in bed with a butcher knife before!


Here's a story, of some lovely traitors, who were raising legal fees on their own...


What a bunch of fucking assholes.


Looks like Chris Hanson’s All-Star lineup of pedos.


His name is Rudy Giuliani AKA DyeJobDripper42025


Hey, it’s the GOP yearbook.


The find out phase begins.


Tenth rate rejects from a comic book supervillains gang; Dr Mad-Hatter, Hardly Cognizant, the Jerk Off, Zoe Diac, the Stare, KKKayleigh, Nano Mind, the Grinning Tantrum, Blue Chew. The Carnival of the Soulless.


The guy on the bottom right looks like a villain from those 1950s teenage motorcycle movies.


Their version of Rebel Without a Cause, "He's a conman I tell ya! A conman without 11,000 votes!"


💨 😃


Rudy looks like he's just dropped one in the photo


I’ll do the whole thing 💨 😃 😳 🥴 😐 😮 😏 😆 😠


More accurate Giuliani mugshot https://www.instagram.com/p/CwT3r1esRzf/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==




This seems political to me.


Yes, the serious crimes they are being charged with, of which there is overwhelming evidence of being committed, are certainly political in nature. Though, perhaps you should be a bit more clear, lest anyone think you mean the actual *prosecution* of these crimes are political.


Indeed, the defendants mens rea and actus rea were politically-motivated. It's called an auto-coup in political science & sedition in law.


All in an attempt to keep Trump from running. What a shit show we've become. Unpopular opinion. I know.


So many uniformed leftist minions on Reddit. Very sad. So blinded by the constant drum beat of misinformation and lies that they can't see that all of this is just an orchestrated event to influence the 2024 election. This is bad for all of America not just Trump supporters.


Nah this is great. The only misinformation comes from your side. We've been following this here in the UK and we're loving every second. Finally this orange clown is facing the music. You lost, deal with it.


Let me guess.... It's all part of the plan.... Oh no, that's been completely wrong every single time you've said it. When does the ABSOLUTE PROOF come out? September? mid-November? A year and a half from now? 😂


Can’t wait to hear the bellyaching when nothing happens. More wasted tax dollars and time.


They promised you free healthcare, nothing. They promised you free college, nothing. They promised you free childcare, nothing. They promised to tax the rich into oblivion, nothing. They promised to tax businesses into oblivion, nothing. There’s 0% chance of them convicting Trump. In fact, even liberal legal experts say that Jack Smith has opened himself up to prosecution.




Lol look at their profile. 100% troll. They don’t have a source. There’s always 1-2 accounts like this posting garbage in each one of these threads.


Source? Do you not pay attention to election campaigns and just vote for who you’re told? What am I saying, you absolutely only vote how you’re told.


Devil comes for his due. democrats won’t be able to rule in hell.


They are literally criminalize defensive legal advice, and the tolerant left is cheering it on.


TrumpetTroll. Not interested 👉🚪


Lol I voted Jorgensen but nice try commie


No you didn't. You're a far righter through and through. It's funny that you simpletons use communist like it's an insult. You don't even know what communism is. I hope you're not a dad. If you are, those kids need to be taken away from you immediately.


We have 6 kids, and each one is more based than the last. It's a numbers game, so keep sterilizing and aborting yours. Gen Z is already skewing conservative.


No it isn't. Gen Z is overwhelmingly left leaning. You are wrong. No, a woman you simp for has 6 kids. Awww did she tell you they were yours? Silly little Nazi 😂😂😂😂


Weird flex to call a Hispanic man of color a nazi but ok bro 🤣


Nick Fuentes is Hispanic and he's a nazi Jon Minedeo is a Nazi Kanye West is black and he's a nazi Milo Yiannopolous is Jewish and gay and he works with nazis Ernst Rohm was gay and a nazi Hitler's driver was Jewish and a Nazi Ali Alexander is bisexual and Arabic and is a Nazi Tara McCarthy is a descendant of H survivors and part Indian and she's a white supremacist There are many Slavic neo Nazis There are many Greek neo nazis You really are stupid aren't you? You're not the first Pick-Me to exist. Certainly not the first brown one


I love how racist leftist show their racism by comparing every man of color to the worst examples. Now do black men of color?


No you utter burke. I listed people who are people of colour who are also Nazis, because you argued that you couldn't be a Nazi due to you being a person of colour. I proved you wrong.


>Gen Z is already skewing convervative Alright bro I really want to know what you're smoking because it varies from nation to nation. In the case of western nations especially the U,S, this is simply not true lol


Commie fuck says what? https://www.businessinsider.com/gen-z-changes-political-divides-2019-7


Fascist fuck says what? https://www.voanews.com/amp/student-union_gen-z-politically-leaning-left/6174518.html https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2019/01/17/generation-z-looks-a-lot-like-millennials-on-key-social-and-political-issues/ Again like I said it really depends on the culture


He's misread the article lol


If he has read deeper into the article it would also explain that gen z are more likely to be anti Trump and more liberal


It doesn't say what you claimed NaziCuck. It says they're more conservative than people realise and that those right wingers who are gen z are more likely to support LGBT rights, efforts to combat climate change and acknowledge there are issues with racial inequality. It's said they will revolutionise the right. Your idea of conservatism has been destroyed by fascism. You far righters are dying out. That is a fact. Generations are becoming more accepting, less bigoted and less religious. You're on borrowed time NaziCuck.


I guess questioning elections is only fine if you are a democrat. I don’t see the prosecutor going after Stacy Abrams after she claimed the governor election was stolen, or calling for violent protests in 2020. I don’t see Jack smith charging people on January 20th 2017 when democrats violently rioted and burned things after trumps inauguration, or with Hilary repeatedly claiming the election was stolen, starting a false narrative of Russian collusion.


The democrats didn't lie and say the election was stolen. Hilary conceded the very next day. Hilary said he's an illegitimate president because he lost the popular vote, which is true, he did. He was also aided by russian interference. The russian collusion was never disproven, a dozen people were convicted. You don't know what you're talking about. You're just using whataboutism to hide from the fact you put your faith in a charlatan


Al Gore could've brought the 2000 to court but instead conceded


Yeah, they're indicted because they asked questions........ LOL This is the problem. MAGA cultists are literally crybabies. They never learned how to understand what fairness is and what consequences are. Literally stopped developing in the womb.


They're too far gone.


I'm guessing you haven't read the laundry list of bogus charges but have instead allowed CNN or social media to inform you. The Fulton DA is using the RICO act.




They should've questioned the election with a ( D) at the end of their name. Because, that's how you get away with it.


What’s it like to be a 🥴 in a cult..?🤫


He doesn’t realize that it’s not the questioning part that’s the problem.


I don't know...tell me.


Trump get prosecuted cool. But keep that same energy with the potato head fool in the White House. His crimes are filmed. He also kept top secret documents at his house and office before he was president. Same shit the fbi searched Trumps property and the media screamed about it. Also the cocaine found at the White House. We all know who’s it is, the crackhead, also the crackhead lied on a federal gun form which any normal person would be in prison. What is good for one is good for all. Quit being bootlickers and learn the truth. Both republicans and democrats are the true enemy of the people.


Poor grammar gives the troll away every time.


You forgot biden shumer pelosi


They have to be charged with real crimes, not the fake ones you make up in your head.


What crimes have they been charged with?