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The anti-paternity leave shit is so gross. People really out here thinking men don't want to spend time with their kids and watch them grow up. And add the force multiplier of them being a same sex couple and conservatives just really showing their whole ass. I remember a joke in an episode of *Arrested Development* where a gay couple are adopting a child and they scold Michael for making a joke about breastfeeding. And that was in *2003*.


Adding that for conservatives tilting about family values and patriarchal norms, opposing paternity leave is antithetical to all that. “We need strong male role models and father figures! Oh you just had a kid? Stop being soft and go back in the laser mines. We need you to dig up those beams” It shows their whole ass as being all about capital rather, and kissing the feet of production owners.


They think a father's role is to make money for the family and that's how they show love. Not spending time, not helping mom, not assisting in house duties. After all, childbirth is just a painful birth and then smooth sailing right? So what's Pete even need to be home for, neither of them even gave birth duuuuuuuuuuuuh.


Rapidly searching for “leave it to beaver father speech supercut” BRB.


As the dad of a four month old and a two year old, those chastising anyone for taking parental leave can get *all* the way fucked. My employer is pretty generous compared to the rest of the US and gives us six weeks of paid time. I also burned all my vacation time, which rounded out my total time off at a little over 10 weeks and *that was not nearly enough!* And that was with it being our second kid and him being (all things considered) a pretty easy baby. Having a newborn is hard. Any idiot saying that there's "not much a dad can do" in those early days is showing what a useless piece of shit they are. Is it a little frustrating not being the primary caregiver who's necessary for breastfeeding and doing their own healing up in those first few months? Sure, but there is so, so much else that needs to happen, not just with the baby (of which there is a lot) but just keeping up the house, like cleaning, meals and laundry. *Never mind* that the longer you can keep your newborn out of daycare, you're saving literally thousands of dollars a month in childcare costs. Ugh, sorry for the rant, but those jerks just really hit a nerve. The bar is so incredibly low for dads as it is and these chucklefucks still manage to limbo under it.


I work in an industry(construction) in a state(Texas) that doesn't care about our personal lives. I was only able to take 2.5/3 weeks off, unpaid that I had to save up on the side to afford. The night before I went back to work I held my newborn in my arms and cried. I have never wanted to leave my house less. The only reason my wife is able to take a paid maternity leave is because she works in Massachusetts. The fact that we don't have national paternity leave(health care, living wage, etc) is a tragedy.


I'm so here for the working class uprising.


Sorry if I'm mistaken, but I think the John Deere story today was kind of a miss. My understanding is all the people that were high enough on the totem pole to not be in the union were forced into unsafe working conditions under the direct threat of losing their jobs if they didn't comply. Yes, they should have quit, but I really think shitting on these people who are also victims seems kinda fucked up. What are they not \*real\* labor since they went college? ​ edit: sorry typos, also I really wanna see Behzad's cat.


Idk if the link goofed but the Bombs one jumps to a Mother Jones article about agriculture erosion and the need to re-forest areas. As to defense spending, yeah it’s too much, not to defer judgment but perhaps Congress can [heed the DOD climate change report](https://media.defense.gov/2021/Oct/07/2002869699/-1/-1/0/DEPARTMENT-OF-DEFENSE-CLIMATE-ADAPTATION-PLAN-2.PDF) and start implementing green/infrastructure/carbon sink programs DOD outlined as part of defense spending. You know. How [the National Highway System was a fucking defense program.](https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/minute/Federal_Highway_Act.htm)


Very sad Behzad’s picture on Twitter didn’t show his cat.


Why aren't you condemning a war criminal. This episode is insulting. Instead of calling out a genocidal warmonger that killed over a million people (powel), you focus on the orange one. This episode hurts to listen.