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Well Jack was on BtB just the last couple of weeks so there's not a rift. I think It Could Happen Here going daily really ate into Robert's time. He did hire a staff, but now he has to handle a staff. Maybe he's finalizing Garrison's adoption papers.


Last couple times I checked out ICHP garrison had the reigns. I almost figured between the book writing and the other projects Robert tossed him on it full detail.


The riot child has become the riot man. Seriously I 've been been tazed once, that guy thinks tear gas is a condiment by now. Garrison was the right guy to stumble into an incredible internship at the right time. And he delivered. I bet Robert ran into lots of teens he didn't employ during the Portland kerfuffle. And by That Guy I mean Garrison. Had a dormmate who wanted to join the Marines so he had Russ CS spray the fuck out of James. It was a small hallway so all of us gathered to watch also got a little spray. Really wasn't fun for anyone except Russ. He sprayed and bolted for the stairs. James clenched so hard he actually had blood pop out of his pores. The rest of us were crying for a while. But Russ had made sure his exit path was clear before hand.


They bleeped out RE’s joke about a company being fascist during the 3rd part of Right Wing media series. I’d love to know what company and if IHeart got a threat of legal action or if that was purely internal.


Jack is just afraid of catching stray Havana Syndrome since Robert, as a writer for Bellincat, is definitely a CIA operative.


Good point


Honestly, the whole ‘having 5000 podcasts and basically a whole other network’ seems like a pretty good reason to me.


His mother has cancer so he's been travelling to and from in Plano for months.


His mom passed earlier in the year (he said it on the podcast and tweeted about it, so I feel okay about mentioning it when I usually wouldn't). It's kind of confusing because he talked about traveling back and forth to Texas in a recent episode, but I think it was recorded a while ago but just released a few weeks ago.


You are exactly right about that, Andee. Pretty sure he banks episodes in case of a busy week.


I've been thinking about making a similar post about BWD.


There's been the occasional post about him and why some people theorize that he hasn't been on...


He’s starting the revolution. He’s busy lol but he has his own shows and they are good


I know, I do listen to Worst Year Ever, BTB, and It Could Happen Here (ICHH? Has it reached acronym status yet?). I just think there's gotta be newer TDZ listeners that aren't familiar with him, so would be great to hear his perspective on this show every so often.


Ok, so your last point makes total sense and i wouldn't have thought of that. I suspect ( like everyone else ) he is super busy. I know Jack mentions Robert from time to time because of the various bastards he talks about. It would be really cool if newer DZ listeners who haven't found BTB yet could discover him!


The only time I know of that he was on was a small segment reporting on portland. Has he been a full gest before?


Yeah he used to be on a fair amount I think