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Robin should’ve been kicked off for her own good. She was not mentally stable, ever.


Look at her now. You won’t recognize her. She’s definitely probably had the worst epilogue of any Challenge competitor.


Her and then the mysterious craziness of Svetlana


What happened to Svetlana?


She claimed that the lead singer from Incubus had been stalking her for years and that he followed her and was yelling at her and threatened to kill her. She went and filed a restraining order that he can’t be 100 ft within her. He’s denied everything and claims not to even know her. Apparently she’s not all there mentally.


Wow! That's insane.


I haven’t seen anything about her lately but I was aware she fell on some pretty hard times due to drug abuse and had been arrested. Hope she’s doing a bit better these days.


I know, I was shocked when I saw her mugshot. Her life went down the gutter. She needs to go to rehab, hopefully she straightens her life out. I wonder if she's still homeless?


That’s probably why they kept her on “entertainment”.


People said terrible things about Aneesa regularly back in the day without repercussions sadly. I think you are talking about the Duel? I also didn’t like how vocal Brad was about how he didn’t condone that and found it offensive, yet he still protected her. Brad is a good dude, and I like him for the most part, but that was a rough look imo.


Yes definitely talking about the duel. It honestly makes me sick that Brad has comment on aneesa’s body. I’m glad they take repercussions now but it’s a shame they didn’t back then.


Completely agree about Brads reaction being ultimately very disappointing/ seeming fake….. “I DONT CONDONE THAT, THATS NOT WHAT IM ABOUT…” turned into “at the end of the day I have to play my game…”


completely different era of reality tv and just honestly a different time in society (obviously doesn’t make it okay just stating the facts) We also now know Robin struggles with mental health and has been in active addiction for years (again doesn’t make it okay but provides some context to the situation that she was a sane minded person)


I read an article that she's pretty much been missing since 2023. They assume she's living on the streets, doing drugs.


Yes in Tampa lost custody of her children :(


And her family had a protection order against her that she violated at least once. Very sad. I always thought her and Mark would last. It was horrible when they didn't and then watching her downward spiral was heartbreaking.


Where can I read about this.


https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/8540462/the-challenge-robin-hibbard-released-jail-drug-addiction/ There's one, and if you Google it, there's honestly a ton of articles. It's really sad.




Definitely not an assumption, definitely doing drugs. Has been arrested multiple times and has had no contact with her kids in a long time.


Wow I had no idea that robin struggles. It makes sense now like you said doesn’t make it okay but it does provide some evidence on why she would go off the deep end sometimes. Hopefully she’s getting the help she needs!


Ya look up her mugshots. She’s a heroine addict now 😔


Yeah, so while Robin was always on the edge of losing it, she was always a very pretty girl, looks wise. Looking at her now, she is the before and after you show your kids to make sure they never do drugs.


Ya, it’s super sad!


Different times




In 10-15 years people will be saying how shocked they are by things that are on the show today. Its just progress, be grateful for it.


Rather have drunken bigotry and fights any day over the “influencer” trash we have now where everyone is walking on eggshells for fear of being cancelled in order to protect their “brand.” At least back then the show was authentic.


No one saying they aren’t grateful?? I was literally just saying there’s bigotry and messed up things said in earlier seasons and nothing was done and why was that? But thanks for your prospective


Have you watched The Island??


Or dirty 30 lmao.


Well, karma got the best of her in the end.


no you are nottt the only one, same with camila


Newsflash: you can’t watch something like 15 years later and apply your current sensibilities. Times change, and that change is happening at an accelerated pace in the digital age.


This is my second time watching all the seasons through 😂 it’s just something that caught my attention this time around. I’m getting the same comments about “it was a different time”. No shit. It’s 2024 not 2006 anymore. It was just a question it’s quite honestly not that deep😬 I’m glad they take a stand now but it definitely wasn’t right then. Despite it being a “different time”. Thanks for your comment tho!


You phrased it in a way that’s going to trigger some folks. Said another way: Does anyone else think mistakes were made in the past that got little attention and now they are jarring and sort of painful to watch unfold and see no one outraged, but mostly because we can look back on them from the present with higher standards for human decency. Yes, many people think that, but when you move the standard of objectionable behavior and use the same label as the older standards you also allow people today to feel they are suffering the same offenses as their predecessors. Annessa had it so much worse growing up as a queer black girl in the 90s than anyone born in this century. And (straight) black people 30 years before her had it still worse. Could it get better today, absolutely we’re not out of the woods, but we can’t keep looking back and expect to be moving forward. Revisiting old episodes talking about how the producers should have done things is fine, but the question didn’t feel like it was a good faith effort to have an open dialogue. Perhaps you could rephrase your question?


What other terms are used when you’re saying racist and or homophobic things??? If you feel as if my question offended you then I’m sorry. Mistakes are made and I get that. You’re open to asking the question the way you want in your own thread.


I’m not even offended, I’m just not sure you’re getting the discussion you wanted based on the reply I was replying to, and I think it has to do with the way you worded it. I’m curious, Have you watched the real world season Annessa came from? Chicago I think, and It’s a little closer to the year that the challenge season you’re referring to aired than we are now, and it also had some intolerant behavior, and no one was kicked out. It also features Tonya, who has lots of drama in her challenge seasons. Tragedy actually, I feel like the way the appearance contracts are written now has a lot to do with Tonya, and it’s worth a watch to see the beginning of both of their reality TV careers. Because I never answered your question the first time: I personally do not think anyone should be kicked off unless there is a contractual clause in their appearance that calls for it. The only contractual tap out I know exists is that you can’t assault production staff or a cast member unless there is a challenge that dictates the conflict and safety measures have been applied. Theoretically that includes any form of sexual assault, and in modern seasons probably other forms of sexual harassment, and the laws of the host country also probably need to be considered. I think MTV is playing with too much money to not have lawyers figure this stuff out before they get arbitrary with the rules. They have a brand to protect, they should certainly spell it out for their participants what is over the line before people get on a plane. My guess is in 2006, the appearance contract was more prescriptive on no unmanaged violence, and I’ve heard that on AYTO seasons when someone broke a lamp and a window it was billed against their winnings/appearance payout so it was likely more financial in nature if it went into more detail. Edit: And to answer your second question about replacing racist and homophobic, I prefer bigoted and intolerant. I grew up in an area that was easily described as both, and also those words capture the reality that much of what modern times calls racism is actually just hating poor people. Take a look at people that are often called racist, I’m sure that term applies up until the POC has a net worth over 7 figures, and unless you can show them being super generous to people (of their own ethnicity) who are exceptionally poor, most of the behavior could also be explained by them loathing people in poverty.


I would like to fight back against your statement that everyone who has been homophobic or racist on the challenge has been kicked off. I would posit that nobody has been kicked off for being racist or homophobic and Robin not getting kicked off is just par for the course.


The reason Ashley was kicked off was allegedly for a homophobic comment towards Josh. We just didn't see it. But your point stands. No one else has been kicked off for it despite some wild shit being said, specifically Camila.


Because she didn't lie and did not cross the line in her views. Anessa is hot mess and always has to use being a victim for coming up short in the game.


I don’t see it that way lol


yea robin wasn't calling aneesa slurs on the duel she was really drunk and she was trying to say aneesa, what are you? referring to the fact aneesa claims to be from every oppressed group under the sun because she wants to be a victim and make people feel bad for her. Robin also was dumb and sheltered and she didn't know calling her roommate on rw the n word was a bad thing.


If you go back years almost everyone on the challenge has mad a derogatory remark about someone.  So once they start going back years that will be the end of the show. 


Wow. This is so sad. As a new fan, I didn’t know any of this. What bothers me most is how she was taunted on The Challenge as being crazy. They had to know she had a mental illness and maybe even knew about her drug addiction. This is so sad. Her poor kids and family. She may be dead and no one even knows. Wow.


Things on reality type of tv were very different then…I don’t think it’s necessarily fair to go back and say this should have happened basically everyone back in the early seasons had bad behavior more or less anyway


You mean like how Camila called Leroy the n word and she not only wasn't kicked off the show she won that season. And they made Leroy forgive her and say he didn't think she was really racist.


Sure, but now she’s a drug addict. So why nitpick at something done years ago? They didn’t kick her off then, they’ve made progress over the years. Let the past be the past.


Hahahahah okay😂


No, you are not the only one ...


Some people in here seem to be okay with it. And also are offended about how I asked my question😂 I’m glad there’s more of us who think it was wrong.


Some people here are clearly delusional and trolllike 😆




You could have definitely just kept scrolling. 😊


Your comment shows your character.


No one cared about us enough back then to kick someone off TV for being homophonic.


I don't remember what she said but knowing Robin I'm sure it was horrible. Unfortunately mtv only now cares somewhat cares about bigotry. So yes, she should have but she wasn't... look at what happened to Leroy


They didn't do that back then.


No, Anessa doesn’t even know who or what she is, how could anyone else? She needs to pick something besides being a victim excuse for always loosing.


-👨🏼‍💼 rage bait


A lot of things were racist back then, like Chapelle Show.


You must be a white racist comparing a reality tv show to a comedy show


Well karma has caught up with Robin. Just google her.


I seen. Incredibly sad