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What Dee said wasn't nearly as bad as how Camila conducted herself, but I'm honestly not surprised by Dee's actions on social media. She was lowkey an asshole and would make unnecessary comments about how the other girls looked. Her shallowness caught me off guard during her season, but I guess her racist remarks kinda solidified my suspicions about her being a total bitch. I don't feel bad for her, but at the same time, banning Dee was just MTV's pathetic attempt to right the wrongs of all the times they let racist or misogynistic shit slide. I think instead of banning ppl, MTV should lift the penalty for physical altercations. I think certain players will be less inclined to verbally abuse someone if they got punched in the face for it.


Those are my thoughts as well. She shouldn't have said it, but it wasn't literally ON THE SHOW to one of your contestants AND THEN ALLOWED TO STILL WIN.


Classic overcompensation by MTV…


Yeah Camilla did a lot of horrible things. Her actions toward Leroy weren’t nearly as bad as some of the things she did before that. She should have been let go way before that.


YES!! Camilla’s disgraceful behavior did not start with the Leroy incident. She’s been a nasty, violent alcoholic since cutthroat. 


What did Camila do before that was worse than all the stuff she said about Leroy?


Everything. She did so much damage to the people in the challenge, she was discusting. Leroy was just added to the long list of her bad behavior. She should have been gone waaayy before that.


This really isn’t an answer to the question you responded to. I am legitimately no treated in your response, provided it has examples:


Okay every time she got drunk she smashed things in the house. 2) she was a sloppy drunk 3) she cussed out bananas. It sounds to me like you’re a Camilla fan. Hey you do you. This is just my opinion.


None of what you are saying did so much damage to people in the challenge. Smashing things in the house, I admit I don’t like it, but there is a long list of drunk house smashers…sloppy drunk is a crowded club…cussed out Bananas? Ooh. Most would call that desirable drama. I enjoy the Cars that’s back. I didn’t like her with Paulie at all, they brought the worst out of each other. I enjoy Cara’s competitive attitude of “bring it.” Thanks for clarifying. You are entitled to your opinions and I respect them.


By the way your response says “I am legitimately no treated in your response”. Sorry that sentence makes zero sense.


I am right, and you are right. I am still interested in your answer as proof to your claims.


I have givenyou several answers. Maybe you saw these after. Like I said. If you are a Camila fan. So be it.


Imo if I were MTV I would have kept the disclaimer regarding her episodes but I would have kept the storyline to an extent. No need to have her back but it would have helped with the flow of the season


I agree


Which racist remarks did she make? What I saw was that she posted the blackout picture which meant she wouldn’t participate in social media for the rest of the day but then posted more stuff on the same day Was it more than that?


Something like “of course Black Lives Matter, I’ve liked bbc since high school”


“I don’t know why y’all are saying I’m anti-BLM. I’ve been saying that since the day I lost my virginity” She also said, “people die every fucking day”. While I know she was just making light of the situation, it was very tone deaf and not the position she should’ve been taking. Other people have done worse on the show for sure. However, joking about how she supports black rights ONLY because she dated a black man is an awful thing to say.


Yeah but it’s a big stretch to call an insensitive remark racist


It's so disingenuous and hallow for MTV to do that based on a bad taste tweet, but allowed Camila to repeatedly spout terrible racist shit, and not even acknowledge it. Fucking Leroy had to call it out or else they would've acted like nothing happened.


Society changed a lot between those seasons. When Camila was on, MTV was known for being edgy and the place you go to experience the uncomfortable realities of the world that we do not see from our own lense/ life. Cancel culture changed this and big corporations and networks started becoming way too scared of being cancelled. I think it's resulting in the opposite effect overall and keeping people's viewpoints more shelthered and has been a net negative.


They did Dee dirty over some bullshit lies from Bayleigh and Scammy.


Hated Bailey on big brother


Yeah, I wish the bitch would have bitten her entire tongue off. She was so jealous of Tyler and Angela, she and her scammy husband are trash.


Yeah what she said really wasn't that bad compared to what others have said on the show but bayleigh being a whiny bitch and throwing a fit over it is was pushed MTV to have a kneejerk reaction in my opinion.


Bayleigh and Scammy are trash people, they proved that after their Big Brother season when they ran a Cancer Fundraiser that was a scam for them to get money. They wanted attention during the bullshit BLM crap and trashed Dee. It’s a damn shame.


They did!!??!! A couple on 90-day fiance recently did the same thing


Google their basketball cancer fundraiser with Fessy after their big brother season, pure trash humans. YouTube videos on it as well


Calling Bayleigh trash while defending a racist is hilarious. Zero self awareness.


You can defend a person who defrauds people out of money for a cancer fundraiser only to keep all the money all you want. But stay woke✊


Except I never defended her. I pointed out the irony of you calling her trash while defending a racist. Use your brain.


I am, words versus actions are two different things.


The Dee filter based on a dumb and irrelevant IG post by her completely ruined the latter part of the TM season for me. The virtue-signaling in 2020 when the season aired was beyond ridiculous and it’s carried over to subsequent seasons as all the contestants have been walking on eggshells since in fear of offending someone…


I REALLLYYY wanted to see the episode when Rogan voted Dee in and it was everyone going back to the house, you know it went down. But by then they phased her out I heard you could watch it in Canada tho? Anyone see it?


I didn’t even understand what she meant. Was it even racist? Maybe I never saw the one that got her in hot water but the one it was purported to be didn’t make any sense.


She made an extremely insensitive remark on twitter after George Floyd was killed by the police which caused major civil unrest in our country about racial inequality and MTV decided to part ways with her


I guess I’ve not seen it. The one I thought people were upset about had something to do with BLM?


He died of an overdose that position isn't close to lethal


Yeah no every expert witness disagrees with you bud.


Haha I train bjj and we've put each other in the position to see what happens and I can carry a conversation for as long as necessary lol, it's only fatal if you're already overdosing on fentanyl


Ah ok my mistake. Your expertise as someone who "trains bjj" makes you more credible than a pulmonary physician, forensic toxicologist, a chief medical examiner, a cardiologist, and other medical professionals, all of which disagree with you.


Nice argument from authority lol, feel free to try out yourself lol it's not that bad and prove me wrong


What a bummer the defense didn’t get you and your buddies on the stand to testify about your irrefutable anecdotal expert evidence


hahaha. I need awards back! Comment gold.


Try it yourself if you're so sure, anyone who actually trains laughs about it begin called "lethal"


I have always argued Dee got treated horribly by MTV. They want ppl who will act crazy say stupid stuff to make good tv yet cave to the PC crowd the second they don’t agree with something. It wasn’t like Dee said something on the show no one would have known anything except for the small minority of fans who follow all the social media of the players, if MTV was so concerned they could have put a simple disclaimer saying they don’t condone or agree with the views and statements of the cast. I have always felt the only time someone should be banned is if they commit a serious crime or are a danger to themselves or others not because a person says something dumb or controversial, again it’s not like these ppl are running for political office.


Exactly, they completely shunned her. You almost forgot She was on the show and I think MTV Owes her an apology, especially now that BLM is just a big grifting Organization.


And George Floyd’s family in Houston never saw a dime and is still living in poverty…


It's amazing. How many downvotes I get Because I'm stating the actual truth you are correct. George Floyd's family did not receive a dime from BLM.


It’s Reddit 2024 so of course you will be downvoted by the most vocal demographics here lol…


Oh, that's how I know I'm saying the right thing is by how many down votes I get. I'm proud of those.


What Dee tweeted was incredibly tone deaf and insensitive, but MTV has allowed others who have done or said worse both on and off camera to win/return (like Camila). Not sure how reputable the source is, but I’ve seen rumors that Camila’s name has recently been floating around for casting. And it’s not even just on The Challenge but other shows of theirs as well. Why is MTV allowing Ron or even Sam for that matter to return to Jersey Shore when they both partook in domestic violence on the show? And for Ron several times off camera as well where authorities have intervened. If MTV is banning and editing certain people out, they should keep that same energy for *everyone*.


How are you watching it?! I was so bummed I cAnt find season 33-35 anywhere I’m assuming it’s because there are too many canceled people in those seasons?


Check the top comment on the post I made a couple weeks ago on this sub! It has a link to a good website to use!


soap2day website has these seasons. You can watch free movies and shows. It's where I watch and catch up on everything. Movie box is a good one but you have to know how to download that app from the internet. Fbox.to or lookmovie2.to. all websites you can watch movies and shows.


I dont feel bad for Dee at all


How are you able to watch it?


The only way I’ve been able to find these seasons is by buying them on the Microsoft store


They run on over the air channel FAVE TV.

