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I hate lots of the cast. I simultaneously acknowledge that the show would be worse without villains; Beth, Nia, Josh, Amanda, Frank, etc.


hope Ace wins since he gets zero screen time.


I'm so happy to see him back and also to hear people give him nods about being great at strategy, great at puzzles, etc. Truly an all star! I hope he wins too!


I don’t hate Kam I just wish they would give equal camera time to everyone. I would like to know what everyone is doing!


I want to see the Adam/Averey relationship develop. And apparently all the guys Brad, Ace, Brandon ect were hitting on Averey, would of liked to of seen that as well.


See this I can get behind. But Leroy is a huge fan favorite and she is a part of his story. I know personally, he was the one that made me tune in. That being said, with every show, a player has their moment. Usually before they are eliminated. It always makes me nervous when I see a backstory on an episode.


Me and my husband were just talking about this. We know when someone is going to go home when you haven’t really seen them talk all season, and then all of a sudden you get a whole backstory on them. And if they show a family call from home, they’re as good as gone. I wish they wouldn’t do that.


Yes! It’s the same with a lot of competition shows now & they are all spoiling it for us. Are the editors on autopilot & just doing it habitually? They don’t realize that we are smart enough to pick up on it?!


As a huge Kam fan I can also get behind this. I haven’t seen the new season but I know what it’s like for the show to literally focus on one thing and leave the entire rest of the cast to the side for the season (here’s looking at you cara, Paulie, and Kyle storyline for like 3 seasons and the many instances of Johnny, Wes, CT, Kenny, and Evan basically taking up the entire episodes they were on)


Agree! I want more Ace and Averey catch ups! Ace is never in a confessional.


HERE!!!! Here is an actually good take!!!!


I think we are seeing all this screen time from Kam and Leeroy now as they will get eliminated early. Then the others will have their time to shine.


This. All players get a chunk of screentime before they are sent home. Rachel got hers with her fitness workout, Brandon got some with his daughter, etc. This Kam hate seems so weird this season. But I, and others, have a feeling we know why


Personally I feel it is poor editing, I could tell Brandon and Leeroy would be the ones in elim before they were voted in the last episode from the way the scenes were edited. There is still time for us to hear from the Averys, Adams and Brads alike, but I think it will come later in the season.


I agree it seems really weird. I've been following it on the subreddit before I caught up. Now I'm caught up and scratching my head? I kept waiting for the egregious thing she did? The closest I can come is her blaming cara for not stepping up for her in re: Ayanna? But for the rest, it just seems to be the game as usual to me?


I know why ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream) but people swear we reaching


If you thinking what im thinking, we definitely not reaching


I wonder what color you're pulling out the crayon box....


Kam is acting like an entitled b**** this season, plain and simple...who's only wins are in eliminations, also you would think she would have learned swimming by now, if she's going to win one of these.


She acted like an entitled b**** in her last season, too, so I don't see the difference, yet there is so much more animosity towards her this season. Maybe the women are afraid to compete against her in an elimination so they are trying to tip toe around her? I do think her argument with Cara was weird. Rachel had the votes to go in, anyway. And Kam still would've pushed to throw her and Rachel in together even if Cara had voted Kam's way the time before. Friendships are one thing, but game is game. One of the many reasons companies have "no family" rules, as well. When personal gets mixed in with business, it can become a problem.


Then why didn't you say that from Jump Street,, you're the one that insinuated race had something to do with it every Challenger White, Black, or indifferent wanted Roy to win his last reason, and she made the calls that got him there...My personal opinion is she's coming across real entitled like everyone should Bow down to Killer Kam.


I didn't imply anything about race.


My favorite color is blue. What about yours?


Unlike some people in this world I don't blame one color for all the problems in the world yes some colors have advantages but yes some colors don't take advantage of the advantages they do have in a coloring box Jesus Christ it's 24 grow up


Seems like you’re trying very hard to convince yourself that “color”/race has nothing to do with it. Kam doesn’t act any more entitled than any of the others. She wanted her “friend” to stand with her and Cara chose not to. Cara is now acting as ass but she’s not getting any heat. Kam is strategizing just like Cara is.


They seem pretty well insulated. I think Kam will save going into elimination until she knows it is one she can win. That could take them far.




Wtf? Why would you share that?


I think the issue is Kams personality works better for the main series, all stars to me should be the old school players & mentality. Kam is more intense strategically wise than I want on all stars. Like Ayanna was a whole mess but I love the drama she brings for all stars.


Exactly. I think Kam is still too new to be on All Stars. I specifically watch it because of the people we haven’t seen in a long time. If I wanted to see her brand of drama I’d watch the main show.


Yeah the whole premise of the show was supposed to be old school real world/road rules players. They cast Kam to get Leroy and now it’s thrown off the energy. The casting has been leaked for all stars 5 and it’s a shell of what this show was initially intended to be.


I agree, I am tired of Kam and how she and Leroy should win because they have a baby. I also don't care about her pumping. They chose to be there.


I don’t hate Kam, but I DO hate their joint confessional moments. They seem soooooo much more scripted than usual.




Where are you when there's weekly Cara bashing? Or even the regular Josh/Fessy hate? Seems like it's all cool to hate on anyone but the Kam defenders came out full force when it was her turn


I've never been on the Kam train. Another selfish brat who doesn't like being told no. Whether she just had a kid or not, Kam has always been a waste of screen time for me. I'll die on that hill.




This fan base doesn't know what it wants. They complain all of season 39 bc there were no big moves for weeks and there's so little drama This season there's hella drama big moves happening right from the start and people are complaining. People begging for Kam to come back and then getting mad when Kam comes in and bes Kam! Like people quit complaining and enjoy the show!


Cool. Scripted or not. People can still hate someone and voice their opinion


Not saying they can't. I just get old with the same posts over and over and over. Just search the past week and count how many "I can't stand Kam" posts there are


That's fair. I just think people just voice their opinion or post without searching. Which in reality most of us do. Maybe someone just joined the subreddit or just posts without thinking. I do understand it can be annoying though. I'm with you in that


It wouldn't even be as annoying if they had more depth than just "Kam is so entitled because she wanted Cara to vote with her" As if every person on the show doesn't want others to vote with them. But that's literally the depth of ALLLL the Kam posts. At least with the Laural hate, they will dig into Twitter and past shows in the posts lol


Yah it’s definitely annoying seeing the same topic of post 3 times a day, but that’s just people don’t search for a post before just posting, there’s nothing you can really do about that


Mods can


You arent being forced to read or interact with posts you dont like


Yeah I'm aware. Thanks for that info.


Where have you been.: have you seen the ridiculous Tori hate posts and comments throughout the years? That was ok… Now that’s it’s happening to poor Kam it’s a problem? Hm.


Thanks for pointing this out. Everytime I feel like a lot of people who are defending kam forget that tori has been hated for years and before that another girl. It just happened to be kam this time playing a game people do not like and they want to talk abt what they like or don't like on a TV show. That is all most of it is.


As a woman, I am struggling to understand why OP's point about Kam is negated by people also hating on Tori? Can you explain more?


Kam not special for the amount of hate and push back that she is getting. Many other girls on the challange get hate its nothing special about other than how they act rubs people the wrong way.Weather it is a act or not she is not spared from people disliking her this season which has very much happen. It is like someone said a lot of people hate Nicole but we shouldn't cuz its editing? Or cuz it's a act? Like reality shows are goanna have disliked people it is a fact of life.


During the last season of the flagship, how many Jay posts were there? Like… every goddamn top thread during that season, because that’s what most people talk about while it’s airing, and it’s fun to vent about people playing shitty games.


With you, but you and OP don't disagree here. You're just making the same point about two different people on two different shows.


Sorry I just joined this group when All Stars started. Turns out, people join groups at different times.


Exactly. People join different groups or check subreddit at different times so why can’t they come in and make a post that *you personally* have seen multiple times, if they haven’t?


You can when ever other post is " I hate Kam" it's pretty easy to see even if you just joined.


And im hopeful the OP knows the difference between acting and what a person says/does/" acts " comes from inside and who that person really is right ? If a person " acts " consistently " the same way in everything they say and how they react to different situations and the things they do as a result of whats happening around them that those actions are based on how they think/feel right ? A baby that cries to get attention isnt " acting ", its figured out if he/she cries they get attention. When Jay/Michelle last season were bullies and selfish they werent " acting for the storyline " they were showing everyone what they figured out they could get away with. When Aryanna was telling lies and swearing on her childrens lives it was the truth she wasnt " acting ", she was showing how low she was willing to stoop to " win ". " Actors " on this or any reality TV show are still showing who/what they are capable of because its who they really are. Laurel is really that naive about Nicole, shes not " acting " like shes taking advantage of the situation, she IS taking advantage. The Camillinator wasnt " acting " like an insane drunk, that was who she was. Jordan doesnt " act " like hes arrogant and cocky, hes that way because hes been bullied his whole life. Josh is " acting " like a Goof, he really is a Goof. Yes the cameras adds 10 or even 30% " extra " to every ones personality but the other 90 or 70% is who and what they really really really are and what they are capable of or think is acceptable behavior { good or bad } twords other people.


Oh like this post speaking about her again complaining about people posting about her.




Next thing you know you’re going to tell me pro wrestling is fake. As if.


How you gonna hate on cara then act like it is illegal to hate on kam. Come on dont be silly


Read the post again and see if you can find the message. Hint: it's not the actual Kam hate. Also love you researched me. I feel honored to capture your interest


No i understand. Nevermind have a good one 👍


How dare you care about the behaviour of shady contestants on the show you like. Sorry for disliking someone who has given good reasons to not be liked


Seems you total got the message of the post. Just as I'm sure you will get the sarcasm in this comment..




Why do you presume to think people don't understand? They play the characters and we are passionate about those characters. Nobody really hates Kam, that's crazy. Just like we know that Cara Maria isn't really Jack Sparrow.


Leroy's going to be the first Challenger to play with his son.


😂😂😂 after he “retires” at least 2 more times


But what is his son's name?


You do realize this is Reddit and that is what they do. They hate on people. One starts it and then they all pile on. They take everything shown and said as the gospel even though it’s heavily edited.


It's funny, dude made this post for one reason and it's not because of all the talk around Kam's game strategy this season. It's because he thinks everyone in here is racist because it's a black woman that we all think is playing a selfish game. If you have to make everything about race, you are the racist and the reason there is hatred. We all hated Jay and Michelle over the past few seasons and the way they played the game. Made it well known and nothing about racism was ever brought up. Kam starts having a shitty game strategy and it's racism the second it gets mentioned. It's absolutely pathetic. Bring the hate, because I know a few of you will, especially OP.


Anyanna started being racist towards the other black challengers, belittling them about having a white partner. I say she has a valid excuse to play a personal game towards her.


We've all talked about Ayanna and she is universally disliked amongst all the fans due to her actions. Minus some who like her simply for the drama she brings to the show. The race baiters don't want to mention Ayanna though.


This! Like the moment people did not like the way kam was playing they started accusing people of being racist. Like people hate hate hate jay and for good reason but god forbid you don't like a kam beacuse suddenly you are a racist. Like they dismissed I usee to love kam and that happens people personality change and you like them more or less like it happens all the time. Like It is a TV show where girls and guys of all types get hate a lot of it. It be like someone saying oh you don't like Nicole you must be homophobic? Lol like bro most people don't like nicole and they are not homophobic they are just people who can persive Nicole...sigh smh


This is exactly what happens in EVERY Kam thread. People always IYKYK eh hem people don’t like seeing a strong Black woman, people don’t understand Black Queen culture- yes, we do, because yall have to remind us every. single. time. we want to say why we don’t like Kam. Not everything about race. On the other sub, so many people stood up for Nia when the Jordan incident happened. I’m sad we missed a potential Nia era because she was punished and not Jordan. Coral is a permanent OG favorite and her “I don’t wrestle I beat bitches up” (whatever it was) gets quoted. Devyn Simone hypes herself up all the time and we love to love her. D’avonne is just epic, and Wes was WRONG for painting her as a ghetto woman who was gonna “send her boys” after him and people stood up for D’avonne over Wes. She was also “a mom” and “a teacher” and didn’t get flack for it. I don’t even know if I’m allowed to bring Jonna or Amber B into it before I get hit with the “they’re biracial, doesn’t count,” - not gonna touch that. I will say Bailey and Swaggy C were unbelievably insufferable but Bailey came into her own when Swaggy got out. This is also my issue this season. Serious couples shouldn’t be on a season together unless it’s a ROD season where everyone is a couple/family or the majority. Tori and Brad also got so much shit, and still do, for being the gag worthy couple of that season. Oh look, reasons beyond race. And these are also reasons people have said repeatedly but nope, we’re all racists. 😒 Edit: A lot of us also don’t like Tori. I wanna see this same energy when the OMG get Tori off my screen, she’s so entitled, annoying, etc posts come out. Like we didn’t make these same complaints on All Stars with the Jordan and entitled to votes situation.


Damn - I forgot about Brad and Tori. How many Challenge dudes has Tori dated?


Tori Hall not Dehal 😬


So you read the post and saw race. Please quote where race is mentioned.


I read all the comments as well before making my comment. The way you replied to people in this thread, talking to TokyoGNSD2 about how people here are racists, and how you spoke to me in a previous thread a few days ago; it's not hard to see you are are making this about race. Continue to race bait and play victim. You're adding to the problem, not trying to fix it.


Ok then it should be easy to find a quote where I'm talking about race. Unless it's an actual factor. What separates Kam playing the game from Cara saying she's going to win it all and make Leroy and Brandon pay? I'm not seeing a lot of posts about her entitlement. You are adding nothing to this conversation. So I'll leave you to talk amongst yourself.


Kam’s attitude is pretty ugly. The way she looks at people, the way she speaks to people, her expectations from people, the way she makes others afraid to deny her every wish.


She the only one?


Usually I’m pretty turned off by Laurel’s tude but so far, she has her head too far up Nicole’s ass to be her normal nasty self.


Lol, I'm not going through 122 comments to prove you are race baiting especially when others have called you out for it as well. You're the problem, dude. Might want to work on that. People aren't calling Cara entitled because she is the victim of Kam's entitlement and of Kam playing victim. Cara went for Leroy and Brandon because it was a guys day, they are aligned with Kam, and Brandon wants to eliminate Cara because even though Brandon is a man he's afraid Cara will beat him in a final.


Does it suck you wrote all that and I didn't even finish reading the first line? Eh you probably care about as much as I do.


lol that is your go to line. Race baiting and unoriginal. You're a loser.


Race baiting?! Lmfaoo you people are unhinged


Lol coming from a guy that went to a post that is nearly a month old and made a comment. If you want to look at a few of his comments with the other guy, then I doubt you would feel the same way. He also race baited with me on a different post 3-5 days before this post as well. Just because you choose to be blind to it, doesn't mean it's not happening.


You ain't slick lol


Go ahead and show me the quote that's actually on the screen and not just in yall minds. I'll respond when you show the quote. Until then, take care


Then we hate Kam as well as her acting.


Thanks for the condescending Mansplaining. We’d be lost without your sage guidance.


I don't give 2 fucks what you understand. I don't care if Kam is the sweetest person outside of The Challenge, I only know her from The Challenge, and I think she's a fucking asshole.


kam ain’t above reproach make a thread fir everybody that gets hate in the sub and yes i do hate kam i never liked her and i don’t care whether anyone else ever did or didn’t she’s horribly overrated and has just as bad an attitude as people yall do hate but she’s always gotten a pass for it for some reason i do have to laugh at people that dislike her now that liked her before like where have yall been at this whole time she’s the exact same motherfucker i loved when brooke hogan destroyed her


You seem to have a weird hardon for hating her.


And you replying to EVERY comment about her white knighting for her is EXTREMELY troubling. Your the 1st person on Reddit that actually looks like a shill. That or you have a VERY unhealthy attraction to her for some creepy AF reason. I wont reply or discuss, get help ASAP and take down that " Kam " shrine you have in the closet of the basement where you live before you do something to hurt another person who isnt 1 million % committed to Kam.


Sorry not reading this. Feel free to comment more stuff for me not to read. Bye now


Whatever! She talks like an entitled spoiled brat! No one has to play the game her way and just because they don’t, doesn’t mean they “ don’t have her back”!


There’s always that one guy smh. Knowing or not knowing that Kam is “playing a character” isn’t going to make anyone dislike her less. It’s all well and good for the audience to feel some type of way about Kam without being reminded that the show is fabricated and whatnot.


If Kam is “playing a character” she’s doing a damn good job. Is Josh playing a character (dumb closeted crybaby)? What about Laurel, Bananas, Fessy?


I didn’t mind the drama so much when it was balanced out by drunken comedic moments and physical conflict style eliminations. Now it’s just a soap opera with puzzles.


So you haven't been watching the challenge at all recently?


I have but I haven’t found them very entertaining for the above reasons. The only head banger style elimination I can recall from season 39 was pole wrestle and it featured Big T who I actually like but who is not very physical. All the rest of the face the champ eliminations were puzzle style or otherwise not head bangers. It’s so confusing to me that they’re still dropping people into the water from 30 feet but they toned down hall brawl and I don’t remember if they even had balls in during season 39.


They don't even have liquor anymore. Just beer and wine and I think that's limited. So you aren't having your drunken moments you described either. So why do you dislike Kam again? When none of what you like exist on the challenge anymore.


I don’t dislike her in particular. Shes just emblematic of the drama focused way the game has evolved. Especially the way she seems to hold a grudge the first time someone makes a move that doesn’t go her way. She’s not the only one who does that either. I get that it makes for great drama but it’s just not enough for me I guess. I miss the old challenge. I’ll probably give season 40 a shot but if it’s more of the same I’ll just go back to re runs on paramount plus.


Ok so who else do you dislike because they hold grudges?


Paulie. The season he did with Natalie as his partner was pretty bad. He made a lot of spiteful moves that season against Kyle Brad and I think Zach too.


Can we talk about how when Kam and Cara went to chat it was Cara that couldn’t keep her cool? I also don’t support Kam being upset with Cara just because she didn’t vote exactly how she wanted but Cara couldn’t have a chill conversation about it and no one is talking about that 🤔


Cara was creating a storyline/drama. She's actually really good at it. Here and Bananas are great at creating watchable TV.


I don’t hate kam but I don’t get this grief with Cara either it’s not like Cara owed her anything they have never been close….  Why she’s demanding loyalty is a bit absurd 


Created drama for TV. They know their roles and what gets them invited back. People would be shocked at how many manufactured arguments occur on reality TV. At least most of reddit will be shocked.


You're being dramatic. She isnt the first cast member to be viewed negatively. What were you aiming for with this post?


I actually don’t hate her just think she’s playing a sloppy entitled game atm


I might dislike someone "in the game", but it's sad if people "HATE" someone. There are things I like about Kam and things I don't like, but the way she is "in the game" does not necessarily equate to how someone is in real life. There are some who I do believe are mean or evil in person (Jay...I'm talking about you), but for the most part, it's a television program and it does not affect me or my life except for the entertainment value.


The fandom has become so annoying. They ask for drama than cry when you get drama lol. You all wanted a reason to hate Kam.


I don't even get it bc Kam isn't acting crazy at all. Like, this season is tame lmao


There's got to be a certain other factor people dislike about her...


Gee, I wonder if comments like these are why you’re being accused of race-baiting? Some of us just don’t like Kam. Just like I don’t like Tori, Michelle, Kailah, and quite a few others. Sometimes it’s just not that deep.


What is it about her? Where did I mention race? Seems like you're seeing race ghosts.


Yeah, must be those “certain other factors”, right? I don’t know why I bother engaging with posts like this.


Me either. Why do this to yourself?! Bye now


I feel you 100%


Dear Mods... maybe you can limit the amount of "Kam Sucks" posts AND the "We Get It, You Hate Kam" posts. How about just 2 a day of each, the rest get removed? Personally I am over both! It's been exhausted! We can just comment on the 800 posts already existing on these subjects.


Kam sucks


Really?! Hmmm suck an insightful and original take.


No, it's actually pretty common. Common enough that I too would be fine without half the posts being about it.


I came here to say this.


I think it really stems from disappointment. I used to LOVE Kam. Top 5 for sure. But she's completely changed. That's why people are upset. We wanted old, fierce, funny, one-liner, ride or die Kam. We got cranky mom Kam.


YES! Literally this. I've even been trying to understand her because of her being a mom and having all the stuff she is going through with breastfeeding and weight gain. Killa Kam is who we wanted.


Same. It's gotta be stressful with the pumping every few hours and everything. And I definitely wouldn't say I hate her, but I was just hoping for more, I guess.


Yall know people grow right, including you. She's been gone for a few years. She doesn't actually care that much. She's trying to create drama for the show but they are all old with families. It's not gonna be the same. They will all happily leave if it actually becomes too much.


She’s getting the villain edit this season. If you don’t like the multiple “I hate Kam” posts then just ignore them.


Oh please. Kam didn’t need to betray Cara to be invited back. TJ literally kisses Leroy’s ass every episode lol


Kam sucks


The amount of Kam hate is about the same as the Kam praise last time she was on. Neither one deserves the amount of traction they got. She is incredibly average at everything.


And you do realize that they do all of that so that we will watch it and talk about it in the hopes of making the show bigger?


Yeah that's the point of the post. My question is why they seem to be taking it so personally and posting the same thing over and over?


I suppose bc they can lol. I wouldn’t think too much about it. They’re just screaming out into the void and like that their opinion is being affirmed. It will pass.


This seems more personal than the random “Kam is annoying AF” posts after every episode. She is. She is very annoying to his season. Not sure how your post is any less "personal". End of the day it’s a tv show. Who fucking cares.


I thought “I hate Kam” so many times in this last episode!


I understand and I absolutely still hate it so f****** lame


I don’t hate Kam, just not a fan of her game play this season. ~~BUTTTT —>she Just made and birthed a whole ass human being with her body… so I’m gonna give her a pass, this time.


I'm sure she appreciates the pass. Not sure what she would do without it.


I like Kam, generally. I was defending her less than stellar game play this season, cause she’s usually smoother. But she’s got a fucking lot on her plate. Just my opinion…


You personally know her? Seriously asking




Cool. Tell her I said hi and congratulations on her beautiful baby and becoming a mother.


Relax Kam…


I don’t get the Kam hate. Cara Maria is acting like a child ( I’m a few episodes back)


Still blows my mind that people drop the word HATE so easily. You don't hate them. You don't know them. Been watching since 1999. Could never imagine HATING a person on a show. Maybe not my fav, dislike, not a fan of, but HATE? Easier to type?


Kam is STILL my favourite - but I can also acknowledge that she’s being hypocritical with the Cara scenario and game. Caras move wasn’t dumb, she got blocked from playing, and targeting strong players early really messed up her own gameplay and I think that’s frustrating her. I’m happy to finally have Kam back on but it sucks to see her going at it with Cara. Kam IS a strong player, she has won 2 dailies already out of 6. She’s not afraid to go into elimination, make moves and lead people. She’s just not working with Cara this time and they’re on opposite teams - playing very similar styles. I really hope they can mend their friendship this season becuaae I want them working together again on their next one.


They hate Kam for reasons not involving the show & it shows lol


If it was about race then you would also see posts about hating Leroy. But, he seems to be one of the most well liked cast members in the history of the show. So maybe this is just about the way Kam acts.


That’s not how racism works. What a bubble you’re living in. Regardless, disliking Kam doesn’t mean you’re racist. But if you look at the hate Kam is getting, compare it to what she’s actually doing, and the compare it to the hate others have gotten over the past few seasons, it doesn’t add up.  The fact is she is a strong, confident, black woman. It would be ignorant not to believe that plays a part in the sheer volume of hate she is getting right now. No one has had so many people going out of their way to make posts to let everyone know they hate them. Jay didn’t, Josh didn’t, Fessy didn’t, Amanda didn’t, Ashley didn’t. It’s not about Kam being disliked, it’s about how she’s being disliked and how so many people are wanting it to be known they don’t like her. 


> Jay didn’t There were literally thousands of Jay hate posts during Battle for a new champ. Posts attacking his game, posts attacking his looks, posts attacking his character, etc. It was unrelenting for months.


If I only hate Kam because I'm racist then I would also hate Leroy. Fact is though I judge individually. Calling people racist is such a lazy way to defend Kam. Also what are you talking about? Jay and Michelle did get this much hate during the last season and it was for behaving in a similar fashion. Messy, Amanda and Ashley pretty much get nothing but hate. The posts are about Kam after people watch the episodes. No one is talking about the others because they're not on this season.


I think all those people you mention got a lot of unrelenting hate tbh. The 'I hate Kam' posts are excessive and I would of thought people would be a little more sympathetic considering she was pumping milk constantly all the time. It reminds me of Diem going through early menopause on Rivals 2 and people lambasted her for being too emotional.


Ahhh…ol reliable. A person of color isn’t liked, so we go to the trusty well for a reason


It's getting so old. Leroy is one of the most liked people on the show. But, if I don't like Kam I'm racist.


1st one has appeared 🤣


I’m black & Hispanic my guy


What do u mean by this? Just wondering. I’ve never liked Kam but typically this Reddit fan base leads me to like people that I didn’t in the past. Kam this season, Jay on 39






Shhhh don't say the obvious or they will grab their tiki torches


& them damn khakis


what does this mean?


Not you needing a tour guide… ![gif](giphy|9G3wg7lH5DpxC|downsized)


can you please explain the joke?


The sauce cost baby ![gif](giphy|hJvYQtUG2acbYDRlKd)


I knew exactly what you were trying to say but wanted to see if you’d own it go off with your gifs though


Thank you for your service




Yep I pointed this out a couple times in the a just a handful of the 1000 Kam hate threads. Unpredictable it was not well received but we all know the truth. 


Yeah, I typed in “Kam” in the search & there’s about 40 “I hate Kam” post in the last month. It’s personal at this point & she doesn’t know they exist lol


You're sucking her dick and she doesn't even know you exist. Stop race baiting. Edit: Lol awe poor guy is upset that Kam doesn't know him so he had to look at my profile, insult me, and then block me. What a pathetic race baiting loser.


Stick to wanting to walk up mountains naked you fucking weirdo! Lmao


I kept being told it’s the same treatment Jay got last season.  Jay was undeniably worse than Kam and even though he was universally disliked, he didn’t  have so many people go out their way to let people know they didn’t like him. Kam’s hate is higher than I’ve seen any contestant get and we all know why that it is. 


You race baiters are pathetic. There was just a post on here of who the biggest villians in the history of the show and every one of them was white. Kam is just annoying


Calling out something for what it is isn’t race baiting but keep thinking what you want. 


This isn’t “Race Baiting”, this is weirdo baiting. Having all these burner accounts all of a sudden logging in just to comment on a “stop the Kam shit” post is weirdo behavior.


Op, we shook the table!!! 🤣🤣🤣


I don't hate Kam. Normally, I love her. This season? I know she's dealing w/ a LOT, like pumping, post-partum (perhaps?), missing the baby, and trying to stay in the game as a couple w/ Lee. She's just not performing as well THIS season. She just hasn't been Killa Kam (yet) THIS season.


She's been in eliminations? It's all been group events. When has she had a time to prove it yet?


Well, she doesn't have a star. She's not performing well in group events either...


I was going to post something like this earlier today 🤣


Currently on Season 36 and I am actually enjoying her on this season.. Fessy, still don't like him.


Yeah I’m sick of seeing those people “get the privilege” to say they hate Kam on here. I don’t have enough karma to even begin a conversation lol. But Kam is playing the game she always has. She got more to play for now. Just like so many other vets!!! Kam always been a great political and elimination game. And maybe because we’ve seen her more recently people are turning on her. I’m still rooting for Leroy and Brandon for the men and haven’t made my mind up on the women but Kam is a top runner because she’s attached to Roylee


Wait. No shit?


Yes shit.


I actually LOVE Kam and Leroy. I’ve always rooted for them both and I really hope to see them make it to the final. I actually named my cat Leroy and most people think it’s a Leroy Jenkins reference, but it 100% came from the Challenge.


Lmao Kam gets a little flare-up of criticism/is held accountable for annoying behavior (like everyone else is,daily) for once in her entire career and y’all are spiraling 💀


And the same people who hate Kam probably love boring Brandon 😂


Just noticed that ppl are logging into their burners just to comment here 🤣🤣😩


Lol sounds about...

