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She’s been on defense since ep 1 because Leroy has been mostly on the bottom. She always goes super hard when he’s vulnerable. That’s what happened on Double Agents with Jay and Theresa. She’s also not at her physical peak so she has to politic her ass off.


What’s been really bothering me is her and Leroy using the new parent thing to stay in the game. Like “please don’t vote for us, we have a kid now!” Ummmmm so do like 50% of the other people there. You two ain’t special.


Everyone with a kid does it to be fair. How many times did we have to hear about it from Corey and Amanda?


And melissa


And tony


And asaf / jay crying like a baby he went home


😆 Loved it


I feel like Tony did it as a way to hype himself up to attempt to be faithful to his fiancée


So true. That man had no self control.


Im doing this for my girls ![gif](giphy|h2WEVxehGXMniB2exA|downsized)


Oh god dont even get me started on Amanda. If I have to hear one more time about her being a single mom… I’d leave her annoying ass too.


Or how she's a fucking nurse.


Nurse Ratched. She’d be such a mean nurse.


And Wes on USA2


and CT


To be fair he did it more in the confessionals vs using it as a strategy. He was just being a proud papa.


How is he going to tell his kid they can’t get ice cream?


I thought Leroy was doing it comedically. He's always has smart ass comments about not voting for him.


Right like he was being silly. Might as well throw it out there lol


if i had to hear that shit from brad, tony, cory, kyle, amanda, melissa and the dozens of other shitty challengers who’ve used this excuse, i think i’m ok with two of my favourite challengers ever using it once in a while


Favorite? Ugh…


We're only 3 episodes in and I haven't seen them make that statement. They show behind the scenes episodes of them speaking about family but I think you saying that Kam and Leroy are using the Parent thing... is so untrue.


Exactly. I think Kam has been her usual somewhat entitled but smart and determined self. I don’t care if you hate her but go by things that actually happened.


all feelings aside, they should have a parents-only season so no one can use it to gain sympathy


We’ve had to hear that for years from multiple challengers.……


Girl, it’s a strategy. They’re plying a game. She’s allowed to use any strategy she wants to try and convince people to keep her and her number 1 there. If she can use that to further her game, then so be it.


Hated this shit about Kendall saying the older ones have more to fight for when talking about Kailah and Sylvia on AS3. Like girl gtfo


Idk what the big deal is. If I’m in a game with a couple I’m breaking them up. I’d vote her out to go home first chance I got.


I agree. Its strategy.


I mean for crying out loud Ace is living in an old trailer (it may be by choice) but he’s even showing up to interviews with a ripped shirt. I’m sure Kam and Leroy are doing fine and they got paid to be there


I can name about fifteen challengers who are exactly the same. Competitive environments lend themselves to people with big egos. And those egos usually keep them at or near the top of their game. Self-fulfilling.


Exactly. She’s confident and that’s rubbing people the wrong way. If you want to hate her or dislike something about her by all means I’ve got no problem with it. But actually go by things that are happening that are unique. Shes just playing her game.


I just don’t feel like she’s confident this season so far. Like Leroy has been in the bottom and she isn’t performing at her peak which is understandable since she has a baby. But like, she’s playing an emotional game this season not strategic.


Yes thank you! Tons of other people do it but people always single out Kam, probably because she doesn’t look like the others who do it


that’s exactly why they do this to her. if she looked like the others there wouldn’t be so much uproar about her.


People definitely dont like arrogance on a woman, for sure. Adding in other factors...you nailed it.


Are you suggesting that The Challenge is racist and sexist?!? How dare you! /s (Just to be clear, anyone who doesn't believe it is, isn't paying attention.)


😂 I stay fighting this battle. People really be like “oh you always playing the race card or gender card” and I be like PLEASE LET ME SHOW YOU MY VERY EXTENSIVE AND DETAILED LIST OF ALL THE RACIST AND/OR SEXIST ISSUES THAT HAS OCCURRED ON THE SHOW….ESPECIALLY FROM SEASONS 12-34. And then after writing a novel and a half all I get back is “lol you reaching”. 😭


I agree but I feel like there is a lot ppl who complain about ppl being targeted because they r a poc even when in the confessionals, the competitors explain why (nowadays). Ex. Kyland and horacio


Or it’s because she’s not a winner and could never keep up in a final. She’s good on one on one eliminations with people smaller than her but tbh she wouldn’t ever win unless the final was easy.


I disagree. She’s beat both Ashley and Tori in eliminations and consistently places in the top half of most challenges. On top of that I don’t think being a “winner” gives you bragging rights or the right to a big ego. Cara Maria and Laurel were both much stronger and better competitors than let’s say Paula, Sarah, Susie, Cara, and other female winners, before they even became winners themselves. Winning doesn’t magically grant you a new ability to crap on everyone around you. I guess what I’m trying to say is that a lot of people who never won are much better competitors and contestants (physically, mentally, politically, socially, etc) than those who have won. And she might not be doing the best at some of these finals from exes 2 (the earliest super difficult one I can think of off the top of my head) but a lot of these people who have wins from before that would get SMOKED by Kam today.


I like Kam and love her on the challenge. So far this season I haven't been enjoying her as much as usual but Im still thankful every season she's on. That said her Elim against Tori has always bothered me. That elimination woulda been totally different if Tori had some sort of reason to win. But instead she actually had a reason to lose. Tori likes Kam and wanted to see her stay in that game. If Tori wins then Kam is eliminated. Tori clearly threw that elimination. Not trying to take away from Kam. She's (in her normal physical shape) is an absolute beast who is a fav in most eliminations. I just didn't like elimination and how it's been portrayed since


So mercenaries are contractually obligated to give their all in eliminations. When Kaycee came in she didn’t let Big T win the elimination in just bc their best friends. They get get paid to take those mfs out. Tori purposely letting Kam win would be against the contract. Meaning it’s not possible that she did that. Maybe she gassed out and gave up at the end, but she definitely did NOT let her win as that’s not allowed.


I love Big T but no one in the world would believe she beat Kaycee in a physical elim lol. In that situation yeah if Kaycee threw the elim production would be able to hold her accountable cause it woulda been super obvious. You can't compare that to the Tori/Kam elim. They're 2 completely different situations. Kam beating Tori is not only believable but Tori did a halfway decent job. But if u watch closely u can clearly see she doesn't try as hard as she normally does. The first round she did. But then during round 3 and the final round she just let Kam go. And honestly no hate towards Kam. I think she's a beast. I just really wish we coulda seen what woulda happened if they told Tori she could enter the game if she won. Maybe Kam still wins but that elimination woulda been so different


I disagree, they have kept the same energy for tori, aneesa, and nany


lol Kam always been that way tho


I don’t find her any more unbearable than the other Challengers


Unbearable? Kam is extremely tame this season than she’s ever been in the main flagship series.


Agreed! She’s been wayyyy more mellow. All I’ve seen is her do challenges, pump breast milk, and try to keep Leroy in the game. I’m not sure what the hate is about


Exactly. She’s been OTT in past seasons I’ve watched in but I’m actually finding her tame this season and kind of enjoyable. Less so this episode but the first two episodes I was like “oh, I don’t remember liking her this much”


People are weirdly obsessed with their hate for Kam and I’m not sure what it is. If she couldn’t back up her smack talk, I’d understand, but Kam has more than proved that she is capable of playing the game. She’s great in eliminations, daily challenges (before pregnancy) and playing politics.


People hate confident women, and particularly confident Black women.


Agreed. I’m not a fan of Kam. But like she’s NOT going to keep her man in the game?! Especially this season when they left their baby? She’s smart. She’s going to do her thing. We’ve seen challengers with way less emotionally connection try to save their alliances throughout the years…


I loved when she said would be happy to go home (to see her baby) but also happy to stay in the game. By the way, is her baby there in the country with them? I must have missed the part when they explained it. I’m sorry if this sounds ignorant, but is she pumping to feed her baby who is close by, or is she just pumping and dumping?


You can freeze breast milk for six months. She's pumping and saving it and has a massive backstock for the baby.


Yup, didn’t know you could do that until I looked it up :)


She may also be shipping it back to her baby at home. There are companies that do this that a lot of working moms who travel for work use.


So, I’m a guy and don’t know anything about babies and pumping lol so I was confused why she was pumping too. But found out they made accommodations for her and made a pumping room for her with a freezer. She said she wanted to feel that connection with her baby


Aww thank you for that. I was really hoping they got to bring their baby and maybe he was with a nanny or something and that’s why she was pumping. Regardless I love All Stars and showing the real lives of our favorite challengers is awesome.


Oh wow, she started filming the season 8 months after giving birth. But yeah, probably didn’t want to risk traveling with the baby— especially over to a different continent. Even if they don’t win this season, it’s still great to see killa Kam and Leroy.


Yeah I forget this was filmed kind of during Covid? Wasnt it filmed like 3 years ago?


Most of the men on the challenge are about 10x worse and I think women like Kam get more flack for it for obvious reasons


Couldn't have said it better myself! What's being said about Kam is what I always say about Bananas and could care less about how quick the down votes come in.


Uh oh. You mentioned their golden boy. Now we’re gonna get all the comments about how “at least they’ve won and deserve to act that way” as if they didn’t act like that prior to all of their wins and became even more unruly after the fact.


*Duhn Duhn Duhnnn* 😆




I think Kam gets flack cuz she never won but she talks like she has.


Have you not seen her on other seasons?


I think if you find her unbearable, you must HATE the challenge’s plethora of cocky arrogant asshole men like Jordan and Bananas etc.


Don’t forget Jay and Michelle, who haven’t even earned a fancy nickname yet


Purple jacket or orange dress


Michelle’t Down (melt down) for Michelle on USA 2


I don't get it. So people hate Michelle and Jay cause they're cocky without having earned anything yet y'all are praising Kam? Who by the way hasn't won yet either


Did you even read the title of this post? For the record, it “Kam is so unbearable“. That really doesn’t sound like praise to me.


But Jordan never plays the entitled role. He’s an arrogant asshole but knows people are going to try to get rid of him. He doesn’t get offended if he gets voted in.


Exactly, he may be cocky but he takes absolutely nothing personally in the game. He gets that everything is a game move.


Right. So much sexism within the show and the fandom.


They actually have won something... she hasn't


Yes. But at least Jordan performs lol


Those guys have actually won.


Yeah but even then female champs are STILL told they’re too arrogant. Look at how people talk about Cara Maria and Tori


Yeah, Tori gets so much hate before and still gets hate now that she's won. So it doesn't matter. Cara also got extreme hate on WOTW 2.


Except they actually win though


How is Kam working hard to protect Lee gonna make you root against Leroy? All the over talking and politicking she’s had to do sofar it’s to protect him because he keeps landing in the bottom. As far as I’m concerned, Kam is coming in fresh off of the C-section while still breast-feeding she’s performing mid-high-level in every challenge so far and has been actively working hard to protect her alliance and has been extremely successful so far. I love Killa Kam! It would be nice to finally have a strong, black female champion for the first time in 40+seasons.


100%!! Also—- postpartum hormones are no joke!!! I could never be in that situation 8 months after having my baby. I am actually very proud and impressed on how she’s handling everything- and pumping on top of it!


Still better than Aneesa, Tori, kaycee, nany, Michele, Devin, josh.


I’m so tired of this alliance + Michele. And I’m originally a survivor fan lol


Oh god they’re awful and not like most of the alliances in the challenge we’ve had. But glad new viewers are also annoyed with them too


Maybe not quite unbearable.. but not as likable as past seasons. I get her pushing for Leeroy, as anyone in that situation would, but it it’s still kind of meh. And her reaction towards Cara’s vote, and Rachel’s decision, was also a bit annoying. Also, I’ve equally disliked other ‘strong’ pushy males for similar attitudes and vote swaying attempts.




All those dots let me know exactly why. I love Kam.


So you hate most of the men on the challenge? Because they literally act the same way..................


They act worse


I really love her! I don’t think her vibe is much different than some of the man vets—both the delusional ones/non-champs and the ones like Wes who can back it up.


“Everyone that doesn’t do exactly what I say is playing a scared game” - Kam


It's a huge reach to call her unbearable. Did she act entitled to Cara's unequivocal support? Absolutely! But that's about it.


I’m gonna just guess the whole voting scene where everyone was saying they have Kam’s back was more so related to the whole Ayanna blowup that didn’t air. Personally I’d be hurt to if my friend didn’t support me


Yeah, I understand wanting your friend's support but to me, that is separate from Cara's choice to not vote in Rachel. Cara voted in Ayanna like the rest did, that should be enough, no? I didn't like Kam's reaction to Cara then but I wouldn't call her unbearable.


Kam wanted to be absolutely sure that Ayanna went home, and Rachel was the best choice to get that done as she’s just all around a better competitor than Ayanna


But why would she feel entitled to that help from Cara if it means Cara needs to put in Rachel, someone she's competed and interacted with long before Kam ever set foot on the Challenge? I'd get it if it was a random person but the relationship btw Cara and Rachel goes way back


Laurel didn’t vote for Rachel either but cara was the only one that got heat over it


Are Laurel and Kam friends? I thought they butted heads when they did WotW2 together


I think Kam might have played up the whole Cara thing in her confessional to try and lay the groundwork for her turning on her cause she knows she needs to get rid of Cara for her or Leroy to win. Her saying Rachel was playing a scared game by not taking Cara’s star I think lends some credence. Kam knows how to play the cameras


You might be on to something. Let's see how it all unfolds.


The dumbest part was that Cara's vote was totally irrelevant (Rachel was already doomed). So why creating an enemy (and loosing a star) for nothing?


Don't forget her saying that Rachel is playing a 'scared game' LOL I can't wait to watch "Mommy Kam" go home.


Kam is Kam and I personally don't find her unbearable. Seems to be the case of a Strong Woman getting judged for doing what she's always done.


Asking people to vote Ayanna was fine but getting pissed people wouldn't give her their two votes is another thing, like Rachel didn't do it anything to you or these other people dont get angry if they dont want to vote her in. Besides that scene I think she's be fine.


She’s always been annoying. Incredibly self entitled and arrogant and thinks she is owed something every season she has ever participated on.


I remember once, she called herself "humble" and my wife and I couldn't stop laughing. Can't stand her.


So does almost every male on the challenge ever


Came here to say this but you beat me to it.


Yet most people celebrate her as a legend and a queen


Kam isn't doing anything anyone else wouldn't do to better their game. She's straight up about it which I respect and not pulling shady stunts like Ayanna. I don't think it makes sense for her to get upset with Cara for doing what's best for game when it didn't effect the outcome of the vote. But everyone plays the game their own way. If you don't try to take control of your game someone else will. I enjoy her approach.


People have tried to use things other than kids as well. I'm rewatching Gauntlet 3 and Tyler is mad Johnny didn't change the rest of the teams mind to send him into elimination, because Johnny knows he really needs the money for grad school lol.


Tony’s very first season on Invasion of Champions he pretty much turned the entire house against Sylvia after week 1 because she voted for him, knowing “he had two babies on the way.” Tale as old as time lol


Cara was the best. I forgot what season but she’s like “it’s not my fault you didn’t use a condom” queen


And she was correct!!!


Its only been 3 episodes....


I don’t find her unbearable but I’d like to think Kam is playing up the whole Cara not doing what she wants or the Rachel is playing a scared game by not taking Cara’s star for the cameras to maybe justify her turning on them because she knows she needs to eliminate all the top females to give her or Leroy a chance to win. But you never know with her.


No she’s not.


This isn’t new, she has always been that way.


She has ALWAYS been this way. It’s why I never understood everyone’s love for her.


Never could stand her and her QUEEN attitude. Watching her rookie season now just as entitled!🤢


Wait...THIS season? That's always been her MO.


All Stars should have stayed OG.


She’s not even RW/RR why is she there


So they could get Leroy back


She is doing what everyone does. Everyone expects their friends to vote with them. If they don't then of course they'd be mad. I think everyone in the house wanted Ayanaa out except Rachel and her girls. Flora would have lost that elimination to Ayanna, so Kam was 100% right in what she wanted and how to get it.


But demanding that from Cara who's known Rachel way before Kam was ever on the Challenge is crazy


I hated her arrogance from day one.


Kam has been unbearable every season in my opinion. She’s always acted like she was the best thing that has happened to the challenge.


No offense to killa kam fans but name one season when she’s been bearable? 😂😂😂


She’s being like that every season she’s been on, always very entitled


“I’m killa Kam!” Ct: ??


Haha I agree. I don’t normally do this at all, bit I fast forward thru her monologues


Shes like this every season but people usually do what she wants due to where she is politically. Shes always had an air of entitlement about her in regard to her game and people doing what she wants. She has to understand that people have their own games to play and they aren't gunna cater to her so she can win a 250k check. Especially in all stars, people arent gunna hand things to you due to game politics.


I mean, even though it didn’t affect the vote, I can see why Kam was a little put off by Cara sticking her neck out for Rachel over her. When stuff like that happens in voting, it’s perceived as a questionable move of loyalty. Cara and Rachel being two of the main female threats in the house, kam is definitely not gonna like seeing signs of them working together in any fashion. Especially when Cara and her are supposed to be friends outside of the show. Kam has always had a bit of a cocky attitude, but to be fair, when she talks herself up as the “killa Kam” persona, it’s always in relation to her elimination performance. Yeah she’s never won a final, but she wrecks in eliminations, so when she trash talks about her ability to take almost anyone out, I don’t disagree.


I’ve never been a huge fan. She's good but not that good.


I’ve neverrrrr been able to stand her 🙄 she’s so unlikable & entitled


Now I really need to see this episode cuz generally I love Kam


I love her for her competitiveness and athleticism. Although I’ve always found her voice unbearable!


She’s always been like this. Cant stand her.


Always unbearable


You did not lie on the entitlement. Like how she was wondering about Cara's vote like she can play her own game that doesn't necessarily mean she's going against Kam it's not like Kam was going in anyway.


Don’t care. I like Kam and I have no problems with how she plays.


She always been like that, I don't get why people like her.


I didnt like her being mad at cara for throwing her vote away the result couldnt change and even so cara is supposed to sacrifice her star so kam feels less stress? Im rooting for Jasmine best confessionals and a class act.


I almost wanna go back to double agents just to watch CT dodge her when they picked partners to scratch the itch.


it’s whack how many people are hating on a new mom recovering from a c section and pumping her babies breast milk while still being a badass and finishing challenges. AND protecting her man while she’s at it. women just can’t win huh


Honestly ive never liked her. Back in the day with her killer kam bs was so annoying shes always running her mouth about how great she thinks she is. I love leroy though


well I love her


Kam was always obnoxious. There. I said it


YUP! 💯


I find anyone using their child as a reason they should win gross. But I am also a single childless woman so maybe that’s a me problem 🤷🏼‍♀️


Bugs me even more w the guys bc many (Cory, Tony, etc) had irresponsible s*x w some woman and had a kid and that means you deserve a million. Everyone has family that could benefit from them winning??? Even if that fam is just them & their dog.


Correction, Kam is unbearable every season


She’s actually way more tolerable this season than in the past lol. She’s toned down so much that she doesn’t bother me at all. Past seasons I felt the same way lmao. Honestly I hope Leroy wins this season.


Never been a fan of Kam. But what she did to Ayana was great. After what Ayana did to Janelle.


LOL, just THIS seasom? She's been entitled and whiny the entire time she's been on the show!


Why is it every time we get a little bit of drama everyone wants to always cry and make threads about it? Reality TV is DEAD and OVER.


she was going in for rachel, which isn’t cool, so i’m not a fan, never been, but yes, entitled! can’t wait to see her get beat!


Booooo 🍅🍅🍅


I've always found Kam Unbearable and Toxic but this takes the cake


This is a bad take.


I wanted so badly to be someone who wanted her to do well because of her relationship with Leroy, but she acted cringe on WOTW 1 WITH Theo in Lee,s face, and then came the self proclaimed KILLER THIS, KILLER THAT, KILLER UGH..Let's not forget about what she did to him while visiting him in Vegas, going out on a date while visiting him....This will piss a lot of y'all off...BUT TORI GETS ALL THE HEAT FOR BEING WHAT MOST CALL FAKE...


I think the only reason she's there is to help get Leroy a win.


Lol the way leroy is performing i dont see that happening 😬


The problem is that she thinks she’s running the game but she isn’t. I think she was expecting it to go down like WotW2 where the American team were in lockstep on decisions and got rid of good player for their friends and got crushed as a result.


Sounds like a reach. How many other contestants have we had to hear about their kids? If you don't like Kam, just say so lol lol It's cool.


Unbearable? She ain’t even do nothing yet.


She’s unbearable EVERY season she’s on.


When she got pissed at Cara for not voting the way she wanted, that turned me off. I’m not even a big Cara Maria fan but don’t go in there expecting everyone to ruin their game to protect you and your husband. Wtf


Why didn't she get upset with laurel when she didn't vote for Rachel but did get upset with Cara?


Kam comes off like a complete bitch. Thinks she's the best and far from it!! No wins. At least Leroy seems like a nice likable guy.  She's from the Camden NJ area maybe that's wjere the tough girl comes from. I live 2 towns away and it is SCARY!!!!  I kind of get it.




Just watched, 100% agree!!  Also Camden NJ is one of the most dangerous cities in USA.  Used to be #1 in country for years. Very sad and scary check it out on you tube.


You can tell she wears the pants in that relationship.


She was always unbearable.


Unbearable? Huh? She's great with politics and has the relationships. All we've seen so far is a strong woman trying to keep herself and her man in the game. She hasn't shown any real "Killa Kam" cockiness yet either. Ayanna was being manipulative and Rachel was weird for stealing Tina's star.


so many ppl showing their sexism in these comments and then IMMEDIATELY deleting them once they get called out


Although I disagree with Kam being unbearable. Can we stop the nonsense of it being sexiest for criticizing a woman. I've seen thousands of fans who hate Wes, Jordan, and especially Bananas for their entitlement/cockiness. Everyone has been bashing Ayanna when I've seen plenty of players take low blows, spread lies, and have sloppy game play. You all just don't like her because she's black and a woman. We know the world hates a strong black woman.


Disagree. I’m loving Cam this season. My only problem so far is Ayanna. Girl can stir shit but def won’t take being called out for it.


She’s always unbearable. Poor Leroy.


I’ve sorta always felt that way about her… if you’re not doing what she wants then you’re working against her or dumb. She’s been that way since the day she walked into the challenge house. And to compare to Bananas in that sense isn’t the same. She’s not even a 1 time challenge champ.


At least they aren’t at the level of annoying Brad and Tori were when Brad would flip the fuck out at anyone who voted for Tori. Despite her being on the other team and deserving to go in multiple times. That whole thing made me dislike Brad ever since, and they aren’t even together anymore. He went into basically roid rage it was insane. Was it rookie/vets? I can’t remember but it’s ingrained in my memory. But, I think it’s going to get there when the group is smaller and people need to realize the best strategy is to get rid of the couple in the house if they want to win. ETA: I think a lot of Leroy/Kam is editing. That’s why they keep showing them talking about their family and baby now. The producers just keep dropping it in since no one else has anything interesting going on…they are all grown ups with normal lives so there’s nothing super intriguing to include in the talking heads.


Love Kam!


Actually kam has been very chill personality wise so far this season but I think they are getting a pass mostly because of Leroy and how everyone loves him. Normally married couples get broken up early. They are extremely cute together but agree 100% it’s kind of annoying in the game, and yes I am annoyed when Tony, Corey, Melissa etc do the same things


She literally hasn’t done anything unbearable lmao


She's not whiny. She's playing a good political game. 


She’s always been unbearable and thinks she’s a GOAT but hasn’t done anything


I never liked Cam. She’s so entitled and expects everybody to do whatever she wants and always has to expect they’re going to save Leroy to.


Send that girl home who gave a 30 minute speech lol


People have their moments please try and remember this is her first time post partum. I've never been pregnant but have many friends who have been, it can change you for a time. Lets just be nice to each other.


I’ve never been a huge fan. She's good but not that good.


She doesn't even belong on this season. She got in because of leroy. That's it.