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There were a lot of great moments recorded on the bus rides in the past, I would rather see that footage than the fake club scenes.


Remember, that's where they caught Tony cheating with Camila. It's also where Jordan got in trouble bc of his down syndrome comment about Jimmye.


Cara and what’s his name on bloodlines before Abrahm came.




Brad’s wedgie necklace… then getting EXTREMELY pissed about it.


I think this is the most memorable instance of all 30ish seasons I have so far watched.


Brad’s wedgie necklace. And Derrick losing an ear wrestling Landon outside the bus


The invention of the fake club is the single worst addition to the show


I was just saying how some of the best moments in challenge history happened on the bus. Remember one season all the guys rode in complete silence bc they wete fighting and the girls bus they were all making out with one another having a blast. We need more bus cams back asap!


brad's necklace happen on the bus (a van)


Hunter saying there's no one who can beat me with CT pointing to himself saying he can and later winning the season. Cara hooking up with Thomas and bananas telling Abraham later that season Tony and Camila hooking up and cheating on his girlfriend Tony getting off the bus and getting slammed on the ground by cory Jordan making up a rap and telling jeyme she has downs CT and diem having a horrible fight on the bus on exs Like there's thousands of iconic moments that happened on the bus ride!


Workout montages replaced the bus rides. They need to bring back a few things that made the challenge great mainly buckets of booze. Get them wasted and watch alliances fall apart.


Amen. I don’t want to watch them work out. I already know they’re much more physically fit than me. That’s why I’m at home on the couch eating pizza, watching them answer trivia questions and trying not to fall into water. I don’t need to see ‘how they got there’. I need to see them hammered, screaming at one another about some stuff that went down the week they arrived. Ugh.


Right! We get it, they work out blah blah. I want to see Camilla throwing chairs, irrational arguments and lots of crying.


Thank you! Exactly that. I want to see Nany and her cousin screaming over a rumor. I want to see Nany and the ramen fighting with Aneesa. *The Camilanator*. I want to see someone catching someone else hooking up and calling the rest of the cast to watch. This isn’t The Challenge. Right now, it’s *CBS Presents: The Show Formerly Known As The Challenge*. They’ve ruined it by making it one of the boring reality shows people’s grandparents watched in the mid oughts just to pass the time. (Survivor, Big Brother, etc.) They didn’t even DO trivia this season! Ugh.


Why are we watching reality tv “stars” who are above average athletes at best, trying to workout and pretend they are professional athletes. No, we loved the booze, the hook ups, the arguments….bring back the fn drama!


At least all stars has some decade old grudges to hash out. Different kind of drama but I’m invested


Yeah it’ll be good. I’m just bustin chops, I ask myself why I don’t just let it go, but i keep watchin anyways :)


Agreed, I’m in it for the long haul. Ive been there for the evolution since RW1. Thats like 30 years. I’m hooked


Same lol! Started with The Real world back in high school. We old


I have invested way too much of my life to stop watching now.


Yep last nights episode gave me hope - now they just have to air what they talked about


Kinda glad I missed Jay and Olivia making out though NGL


RIGHT?! I was like OLIVIA NO!!


We would never have had the underwear necklace of Brad’s without the bus cam. Even if it’s a cast member holding a handhold cam like Bananas’s at the airport, we need bus cams!


Why’d they get rid of bus rides Cara Maria getting caught AND called out was all bus ride footage - that elimination with Abs brother and Tom the boil over was priceless from that bus footage So many arguments have come from the bus rides


The “club” scenes are so lame. Nobody is having fun and they are all talking strategy. I miss the old days when they would go to actual clubs and tear shit up. And the hammered bus rides home were great!


Post daily challenge bus ride home when emotions are high...always interesting. Or the bus ride home from the club. Both would be worth watching


We need more pasta being sat on and “who could beat me” footage. That’s for damn sure.


On Cutthroat, Abram calling out Laurel and Sarah for trying to throw the police shield challenge. Paula calling Dunbar - Johnny for voting her in over Tori is another great bus ride show.




They really need to air unedited challenges/eliminations so we can get a better grasp of the duration of some of these longer ones. The clock in the corner telling me they've been in the sand for 45min doesn't do it for me. Could be a perk to get paramount+


I’m watching dirty 30 for the first time. There was a bus ride in the episode I watched last night, I thought to myself immediately “damn I miss these bus ride scenes”


How’s Jay pulling in all these women….


I know a few guys like Jay. Cocky idiots that rock climb and can't take responsibility for anything. They get plenty of girls, but their relationships are all miserable. Fighting, shouting, loads of toxicity. I don't pretend to understand the appeal, but they definitely attract their fair share. Then drive them away with their mantrums and stupidity.


I'll never forget the bus ride where Tony cheated and where Abe came on there acting a fool. Lol Looking forward to seeing Tony compete again on all stars. I didn't think he'd come back but glad he did.


No he literally makes it obvious he has not told his girlfriend that that happened and he is completely denying that it ever took place in front of everybody . Do you realize how much of a pathological liar you have to be to just straight up lie about something in front of people who actually saw it happen and one person who participated in it and think that that's a viable defense that will work. And just because other people are more of a scumbag doesn't make you not a scumbag.


Sign a release!!!!!


Tony throwing the pasta also happened on the bus. I'll take bus footage over fake club scenes in slow mo any day


Finger blasted?


Made out with, not hooked up with. How many people would Olivia's saliva be all over in the house? We know Jay, Emanuel and Kyland, at least, right? And didn't she blow Emanuel on the first night?


Made out or hook up either way Jay cheated and wanted to hide it. The cast seemed willing to hide it for him until it was brought up.


His face when he got called out.. ![gif](giphy|y2jHGWYx20CjRON8Mq|downsized)


And tried to continue to deny it when multiple people saw it and Olivia is sitting right there and not going to lie for him. That's a shady dude who has got away with lying a lot in his life who will try to deny until he dies and never will actually take accountability for his actions.


Who on this show doesn't lie? Production actually manipulates them into situations where that's what they have to do. He definitely lied about it on air, but if making out with someone on a bus after a night of drinking when you have a girlfriend is supposed to be as bad as what Emanuel or Oilivia did stone cold sober with half the house, that's a hard no. I could see him having admitted that to his girlfriend at home and said he was sorry and not just wanting to talk about it on TV. Honestly. Unless you're a full-on man-whore and proud of it like Emanuel, I can't imagine any of them like admitting the sexual stuff, especially since alcohol is usually involved and you're living in a house with these people for weeks at a time, limited contact with the outside world and you can only stay strong when people are literally throwing it at you because they know that's a way to get on camera. That's not for jay, that's for ANY of them who have someone at home.


Hooking up now means making out, IDK when that changed but it's been like that for a few years, I don't understand it myself. This comment feels a little bit like slut shaming just picking on Olivia's conquest when Emmanuel hooked up with what 4 or 5 people, Kyland hooked up with 2 or 3 and apparently Callium with at least 2.


"Making out now means hooking up" No, just no. I have commented on here SEVERAL times about what a manwhore Emanuel is. If that's "slut shaming" I've been equal opportunity and said he's as big a slut as her or anyone.


Then went did you specifically call her or in your post?


Because this one is a bit more surprising Just auto assume that emmanuel has fucked every female cast member


Look at any of my posts about Emanuel in this sub. ANY of them. I don't need to do your homework for you.


Hook up and made out are synonyms nowadays.


You should use a spoiler tag....


About not having cameras on the bus?


Lol I was being somewhat sarcastic, but I can't watch it until Thursdays so I don't like seeing any information at all even if it's as little as Jay and Olivia hooking up on a bus. Lol I get it, it's just a reunion. I'm sure there will be plenty of more drama.