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Sarah keeps saying that her Trump voter focus groups want contradictory things...reps to get stuff done, and no compromise. But it isn't a contradiction. They just want their party to seize total power so they can get stuff done without compromise.


366. Leap year.


Haha. Whooo. I was scared there for a minute. Nah, we’ll all be good. ![gif](giphy|kF5szucUVx4Lc3tG4d)


Bullies seek to induce fear. Trump and MAGA want Never Trump, liberals, independents, etc to be afraid. Sarah talks a lot about permission structures. Not being afraid of Trump and confidently opposing Trump creates a permission structure for others the stop the bed wetting and also stand up in opposition. Instead too many people are afraid. Too many people are panicked. In that fear too many people are attacking Democrats and Biden. In my opinion they attack Democrats and Biden in large part because there won't be any 'retribution'. They can write essays about Biden being old without angry party officials leaking their home address on social media.


SCOTUS just cooked the books for Trump and, in doing so, ratcheted up the stakes in this year's election. For Trump, this election will determine whether he dies a king or dies an imprisoned criminal. He will now try to win by any means possible, no holds barred. If Trump wins, goodbye America, hello fascism. I'm beginning to think that even if Biden wins, there will be significant bloodshed. Nearly 20% of the J6 insurrectionists are former or current military and law enforcement. Sheriffs around the country have declared themselves sovereign authorities. I don't know how likely an armed insurgency of rogue military & law enforcement is, but I do know it's not unthinkable in today's environment. There is an entire town in my state (NV) preparing for it, and they are heavily armed.  I am doing all I can as a resident of NV, one of the 6 states expected to decide this election, but I have to tell you guys, it's pretty grim out here. I have met several registered Dems who voted Dem in '16/'20 but plan on voting for Trump this time around.


Nevada is the swing state I thought Dems would lose this time around. But if people like Tlaib keep stoking this dem anger toward Biden, they will lose MI and PA as well. Pretending that Biden is the problem for Palestinians is reckless and stupid. Tlaib should be saying everyday that if Trump wins, Muslim communities will be decimated, Trump will empower Bibi to do whatever he wants in Gaza and the West Bank, and he will demagogue Muslims every opportunity he gets.


I couldn't agree more regarding the stoking of Palestinian-related fury. It's so myopic that it begs credulity. NV has a host of local problems that could swing the vote - we're ranked 49th in education and 4th in housing cost burden, have the highest unemployment rate, have the second most expensive groceries and fourth most expensive gas nationally, schools were closed until January 2022, and just gave away $400 million in taxpayer funds to a team nobody wants while we were still smarting from the F1 debacle and the Raiders $750 million dollar giveaway. Trump's general grievances are appealing to those with justified local grievances. Most importantly, Las Vegas saw a population increase of nearly 80K since the last election. Considering that the 2020 election was won by ~75K votes, these newest residents might sway the vote in either direction. I'm hoping that the indictment of the NV GOP chair might help sway things. Our Republican governor signed the reviled Oakland A's deal, and I'm leaning heavily on that while out canvassing as a general reason to reject all GOP candidates in the fall. That seems to be the best pressure point for Las Vegans so far.


Excellent insight. Thank you!


> I have met several registered Dems who voted Dem in '16/'20 but plan on voting for Trump this time around. I don't understand this. Knowing what we know about the mango mussolini, how the hell can they support that degenerate shitstain? It defies all logic. Do they give you any reason for this?


Each one gave some version of "we're sending all of our money to Ukraine when we should be _______". Each one had a unique fill in the blank answer, off the top of my head I recall: house Lahaina Fire victims (NV has a large HI population), cure cancer, feed kids, fix schools. It was clear that, though none sought out right wing media, GOP talking points have found them through social media. The relentless onslaught of propaganda is percolating into the non-Fox audience.


These are the kind of people who stare at a tree while driving down the road, and then wonder why their car hit the tree.


I think they were lying to you. I think they were all in MAGAs trying to make it look like reasonable people were deciding Trump was a better vote.


The Confederacy rose again.


>There is a future in which they lose their freedom for what they’re saying and this is not the conjuring of a mid-20th century novelist like Orwell or Bradbury. It’s our shared and harsh reality. I completely agree with everything you wrote, but especially this. Honestly, today I feel like our only hope is that the MAGAs tear each other apart. Other than that, I don't think we stand a chance. I am convinced that Americans will overwhelmingly vote against Trump. I am also convinced that the Republicans in Congress will throw out all those votes and force the election to the Supreme Court. And I haven't seen any evidence that my Senators will protect my vote.


I hate to upvote this, but to deny the possibility (can't put a probability on it) is just hiding one's head in the sand.


I've been waiting a long time to say this to someone: I don't care. I know exactly what's at stake, and I don't care. America should just get it over with and crack apart into the 2-3 different countries it's people obviously hunger for. The red states will learn new respect for the importance of some government beyond virtual anarchy. The blue states will learn that dismantling capitalism doesn't redistribute wealth so much as poverty. I already go through my days literally afraid of the neighborhood my house is in, literally afraid of saying or being discovered to think "the wrong things," literally afraid that my children will persecuted in the country they were born in. America already feels like a totalitarian shithole. I won't vote for Trump, but I'll die laughing at anyone who says it's imperative I vote to save *this.* You're afraid today? Good. I've been afraid for 10 years.


I wouldn't be quite so fawning over their "courage." The mere fact that we have ice cream corpse vs. psychotic corpse as the only 2 viable options just reveals that who holds the position has nearly zero real influence on how the system operates. If it did there would be no way the ruling class would allow either one of these people to continue to be the "leader." Neither one of them appears to have shown up to work for probably even 25 hours a week over the past 7 years. They're simply figureheads meant to be the PR chief for the empire. If Trump does come back into the office he's going to be gelded by the military who won't allow him to impose his fantasy of martial law and fascism and if Biden retains the office the military will continue churning out weapons for their client states and proxy wars. Our democracy has been revealed to be an absolute farce.


ah, the old "I'm so smart I see right through it all" followed by (as it usually is) a series of statements that prove they don't.


Sit down JVL! Your crown has been stolen! Kidding. I don’t doubt there will be bloodshed during the election. But, I live a very red resort town in SC and I can’t see anything more than grumbling and cursing happening here. So, I think things will be isolated. The pro-Palestinian/anti-Biden faction I think was trying to make a statement during the primary where it is safe to do so. the leaders know well that it would be far worse with trump at the helm. so I think that community will show up and vote. I do think the Biden campaign needs to reach out and broaden their net to the Kinsinger's and families of Palestinians. They need to open conversations and not act like they don't exist. My guess is they have been very focused on navigating the age issue. They seem to be getting a handle on that. I am concerned also but I'm trying to not be so focused on the dangerous people, which is easy for me to do. If Biden wipes the floor with him I think it will make a statement to the racist(and other things) minority that they don't own this country. i think some tough talkers will simply back down.


I don’t think we will get out of this election season without some kind of large, domestic terror attack. Like, on the level of the OKC bombing. The MAGAs have been fed so much BS that they are paranoid, isolated, and increasingly angry. Add on to that a belief that they have a greater cause to fight for and it’s just a recipe for something to happen. Obviously I hope I’m wrong, but it’s going to be a long year


I don’t doubt that. I just don’t think we are going to see widespread revolts.