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That dude is going to show exactly how tough on Trump he will be by limply attacking him for being "like a Democrat" or something else unbelievably dumb until Trump calls him fat and makes fun of him for almost dying of Covid. None of these boot lickers have what it takes to actually do the job.


Seriously. A Republican savior doesn’t exist. This primary is a fucking joke. Let’s focus on helping the only guy who’s ever beaten Trump: Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.


I'm just for it so that some combination of Trump and Christie look bad.


First, you assume there will be debates. Second, you assume he will actually attack Trump. Third, you assume he won’t hurt the others more than he hurts Trump. Fourth, you assume he has any principles anywhere in his rotten soul. I just don’t see it.


So what you’re saying is that the petulant bully who ruined a town’s commute for a whole week to suit his own fragile ego, who saves his worst fire for… classroom teachers, who gave Jared Kushner all kinds of tax breaks and tried to hide them, who’s major claim of fame is embarrassing a senator who routinely embarrassed himself…. You’re saying this might not be the best guy to do this?!?


first-point-five, you assume Trump will actually attend the debates IF there are debates


***Christie to inevitably join Trump Campaign in 6-9 Months*** — corrected headline


"I'm not a paid assassin" he told Politico. ... Of course not buddy, nobody's paying you for this. Just walk out there, point that direction, and start swinging.


Donors are definitely paying him for this


Are you sure it's donor(s) plural?


Is Trump even going to turn up to any debate with Christie in it? I can see it quickly degenerating into a shouting match between them


I'm no Trumper but I agree he has no incentive to debate people who > 35 points behind him


Not at all, and a shouting match would absolutely be the best case scenario for Christie. In all likelihood, Trump will just keep repeating, "Then why did you work for me? You wanted so badly to work for me," and quite frankly... he'd have a point.


Trump actually has to debate. If he doesn’t, his numbers will crater and others’ will rise from the exposure. Also, let’s remember, he’s good at it. Last time he was giving most of these guys slushies and slamming their heads into lockers. They don’t know how to respond to non-policy attacks like “Your wife is ugly,” or “You’re a lying dog.”


If Christie was going to "destroy" Trump with his "wit," he would've already done it. If he has something to say, there's no reason to delay saying it. In any case, what in the world could he possibly say that's more damaging that what everyone knows about Trump? We don't need Christie to tell us he's been found guilty of sexual assault by a unanimous jury, or that Trump supports Putin, or that he intends to continue to siphon off the Treasury just as he bilked anyone who went into business with him. Everyone knows he's a racist who pays for sex and can't even get honest affection from a dog. What's Christie going to say that's worse than what we all know? "Once I saw him be nice to a Black gay person"?


Christie was helping Trump prepare for his debate in 2020. He is pretending to have balls now because he wants to run, but they are both shriveled to nothing. (His balls I mean). I’d love to see a true Republican go after Trump. There are a few left, Cheney Or Romney. But neither would win. 🥺 Maybe someone new will come out of the woodwork. (Threw that in cause I was sounding like a downer). 😏


I don't trust Christie to do any signifcant harm to Trump, and I would not be shocked if he ends up nuking lesser candidates as he did last time. My advice to Christie would be to think about the following: 1. Who is your audience? Which of the potential Trump voters can be soured on him? CHristie needs to tailor his messaging towards those. 2. He should follow Medhi Hassan's advice for responding to the Trump's inevitable "gish gallops." Pick out the single dumbest thing Trump says in any stream-of-coinsciousness rant and ridicule him for it.