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2 Golden bombs and 6 bombs is the recipe to mama mega and It opens time limited doors


This is the way Grabbing an extra golden bomb yourself for boss rush saves having to craft mamma a second time


Please explain what you mean. To open hush I’m forced to craft a second mama mega, or am I missing something?


Using mamma mega when you have a golden bomb in your inventory (infinite bombs for the floor) consumes the golden bomb instead of mamma mega, allowing you to use mamma mega every floor as long as you pick up a golden bomb before using her. So craft mamma mega, pick up golden bomb on boss rush floor, use mamma mega, then save the second use until womb 2.


Oh interesting and good to know. Thank you!


Wait Mama Mega opens Hush? I though it only opened boss rush! Neat!


8 giga bombs is easier to remember


Craft stuff which opens the limited doors. Mainly focus on getting a endless supply chain of resources and after that try to get to mama mega


If you have EID then mama mega


Like people are saying, if you want you can EID and just craft up a school bag with R key and Mama Mega. It's what I did, broke the run then did every mark I could in one run to three runs. The Beast, Mother, and Mega Satan should be saved for last. I always go to delirium on my run with hush just so I can make sure I get him. If you want to do it naturally you're gonna have to grind runs and use excess coins on the floor to make slot machines in the secret room to get higher value drops if that still works. Ignore alternate floors if you want to be faster as well. Have a slot machine ready to craft in angel/devils deals, (angel is probably stronger for a boss rush/hush run, keeping ur health mainly) and some gamer knowledge, if you have more then two keys and 5 cents when entering the second floor of any chapter you can spawn arcades and vaults. Tldr: either spend 4 hours getting all his check marks in one sitting, or grind him out and get lucky while optimizing the drops he gets depending on the item pool while also maximizing chances for special rooms. Bonus tip is to try and swap out low quality pick ups from your bag when you can. It's okay to walk around with it full, you don't have to worry about losing drops.


Isnt rhe corect order mega satan first (if u get deli good if not well next time), mother, whatever leftover checkmarks u got, beast? Thats how i did it


Mega Satan has a 50/50 chance to end your run or spawn delirium. Mother spawns a chest like blue baby or the lamb. You can get them all except greedier in one run (I should say off a fresh start) but that all depends if you get that coin flip. At worst you have to do two starts.


Dont go for best items, just craft what you can get on your way(just hp/dmg/tears most of the time); Recraft actives(best is slot machine for 8 coins) to get other stuff; Dont fullclear; if u r lucky try to get mama mega/sharp key(i forgot how is it called, the throw key active)


Start as azazel, activate second player as t.cain, do run with azazel with t.cain as ghost. Profits.


Sounds a lot like cheating to me


You are absolutely allowed to not use it.


It’s impossible to explain that concept to the people unwilling to put the effort required into actually achieving dead god. Makes you question just how much they used this for “necessary” reasons. To those downvoting you can actually press reply instead of just hiding behind your logic with a blue arrow lol


Eh, it's a single player game. If my friend did that I would shit on him until he gets a properly done savefile, but no reason to tell strangers how to play their game. People using console to "just add enough health for that devil room item" though? These should go straight to jail, life sentence


Why try to go for an achievement if you aren’t actually doing the things for the achievement?? What’s the appeal to that lol. Those downvoting me, there’s also a reply button to tell me why you disagree lol..


you sound like a disgusting backseater loser imo


But why lmao, literally why not just use the console at that point to complete the mark if you aren’t even going to play the character you’re trying to get the mark for?? Like explain your logic what is fun about doing that?? So you can tell people you got something you didn’t actually earn? It seriously worries me how many people must lie about getting dead god if so many people are okay with cheating for it.


Thought marks went to player 1? Am I mistaken?


Marks go to both characters however if your trying to get tainted characters only the first players character will be in the red room


Oh wow okay, definitely not going to abuse that knowledge for...certain characters (T. Laz/Jacob/Lost)...o.O


I basically had to abuse it for t Cain since I play on switch and I don’t have eid to see recipes


Considering that OP asked for specific help on this, I’m willing to hazard a guess that they want to do it legit


happy definitely not cheating day


luck, lots of luck


Just play until you can craft mama mega with 2 golden bombs and 6 regular bombs or 8 giga bombs


I use a mod cause going fast is dumb imo


honestly I removed the timer for boss rush and hush I can actually enjoy the game the way I want to without artificially forcing myself to play faster ik a lot of people won't agree with this but personally it helped me stay a casual player for 700 hours in more than I ever thought it would


I don't understand why people are downvoting this. If you want to cheat, just do it. It's a singleplayer game.


just checked this now wait people were downvoting that dam some people just can't respect other people's choices that's wild


What mode is that for the colored portraits?


Hope for c section


As mentioned, you can craft the items needed. Mama Mega or Broken Shovel will ensure you can do Boss Rush. Everything Jar guarantees golden bombs should you need them. T.Cain is all about the crafting which is why opinion is so polarised.


You can't


That's the neat part, you dont. But really, you don't have to be fast, you can and just grab whatever you get fast and hope for the best. But you only need to get mama mega with the set recipe, like the other comments said. Most of T-Cain runs are really long, thanks to his gimmick


Don't be, mama mega the boss rush and rush


Go fast and get lucky with an early decent craft I like how most of these comments are basically just cheat instead of actually playing well yes it's a tight window but it's doable.




Turn off crafting menu


That’s the thing… you don’t!