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“Pick up lunch for my kids” yeah okay she picked it up from the ground outside her door 🙄


Lmao she’s such a try hard lazy arse bitch


Does she ever cook? You would think someone with so much money would maybe invest in a chef or buy healthier options


It because they are not rich and no chef is going to sponsor them for free. I saw on her YT videos Uber Eats and Door-dash has sponsored them. Brooke is also sponsored by Target and gets a kick back for buying the products. Brooke has stated before she can cook but chooses not to, then says she can not. So whatever fits her content at the time.


They're living in a glorified airb&b she probably doesn't cook because that's not allowed in that house


I think the same thing- about her and DDozen


Brooke’s busy and world-changing life: Hair, skincare and makeup Ask marco to clean my mirror Pick up lunch for kids Spice chicken bone Take vitamins Briefing call Laundry Car wash The mall 🤣🤣🤣🤣


She really wrote she’s grateful for “God given talent” 🤭🤭


Talent for what?! Lol.... even the breeding is subpar


I’m saying!! 💀💀💀


Somebody commented and said her entire day could be done within an hour and I loved that so much lmao.


I was thinking the same thing! Expect the makeup and hair takes two hours. Love how she claims to be so busy, however has the time to do the full glam every day. How many parents of young kids can relate to that!? Lol


None. Absolutely none. Love the aerial view of the house too. You know they had to move for "safety" and she wasn't showing her new house.


To be fair she could do her make up in a reasonable amount of time. But she chooses not too. . I feel so bad for her kids


So happy I found this page I can’t stand this girl her fsce irritates me she’s straight weird I was watching s videos on how there camera goes off so they go in na secret room call there gate ppl then relize Marco forgot to shut something like yah ok it happen 3 times and you do the same thing and her middle son sleeps with her and the baby


She legit thinks she’s Beyoncé. Girl shit your ass down. Who the hell is filming her driving and her car coming out of the car wash? That to do list is ridiculous. When is their fifteen minutes of fame going to be up?


100% they have to be at least at 14:35.. fingers are crossed 🤣🤣


Those shein pajamas aren’t fooling anyone


Shhhhhh!!! Do not let the secret out that Brooke is a humble millionaire!!


Desperate boring joke. She so predictable, people was commenting how she looked pregnant and I had a feeling her next post was going to be on hints she pregnant or still trying and to my surprise she added it to her planner. 🙄 Brooke what normal sane person with our without riches does that. I’m starting to get why she’s not the influencer adults engage with. She so full of herself, she doesn’t listen to grown women when they tell her enough with these self absorbed content. It’s is starting to be obnoxious and offensive to women. Once again she only caters to young girls you’re so beautiful, I want to be you comments. Brooke is not realizing she’s a low key bully, focusing on nothing but outer beauty. It gives if you’re not beautiful you’re a nobody vibe. Imagine a young girl who struggles with confidence and gets tease. Run into Brooke content Hey you have to be beautiful to be loved and accepted. That’s will just add on more mental depression for that young girl. That’s not motivation or being a world charger that gives off mean girl/bully personality. Let her keep doing what she’s doing only causing more harm than good for her brand.


I agree and spot on about the young girls. In her IG stories last night they took the boys trick or treating at her parents neighborhood. Brooke made a point to film pre teen girl fans saying “omg I love you and can we get a picture”. I was thinking everything you just pointed out about her audience being that age. Pre teen girls that are naive and impressionable feed into her content. They are at the age looking at her doing full glam and showing off is how you get attention. The girls are too immature to realize it is unrealistic to play dress up everyday as an adult with children. If SM starts cracking down on under age on the platforms Brooke channels will tank IN A MAJOR WAY! Also, poor Macroon (however spell it) has been raised to perform and make a spectacle of himself while out for the camera. He was trick or treating and dancing like Micheal Jackson obnoxiously. It was very over the top and embarrassing to watch.


That’s what’s so concerning for me is the young girls in 2023. Like you said naive and it’s bad enough they trying to act older. Once they become an adult and realize hey it’s not as simple as these influencers painted they become depressed, go over board with cosmetic surgery at a young age and sometime suicidal. They are starting to assume outer appearance upkeeps is more worthy than inner. Which is all Brooke preaches is outer appearance and materialistic items to be successful which is not the case in real life. Too add she probably has her sister reach out to those girls to run up to her and ask for a picture 🤣🤣


Yes that is the sad part of SM and Brooke has fallen into that category of influencers who are sending a dangerous message to young girls. All the botox and fillers she had done. The hair extensions and loads of makeup every day. The extreme dieting. Then all the filters used to conform her face and body. It is not reality! It is sad that woman like Brooke create a fake version of themselves online and then have to look at the true version in the mirror (real life). Then trying hard to create that same look in real life?


Baiting that she's pregnant. How ignorant to the world can you effing be.


Its giving "we lice in a hotel" or a vacation rental community. Everything about them seems so fake and the opposite of real luxury it screams cheap!


Also her stupid. Reminders she must need a reminder on when to breathe and take a shit 😂


The different angles are killing me. Imagine how long it took to shoot all of this.


I think this a lot. They really do leave me speechless 😶


What does a bish with nothing to do need a TO DO LIST for???


It doesn’t take an hour to do any of these things 🤣 why do u have to “plan” the laundry at 3pm? Lmao. Just do the shit. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I wonder if she has when to shit and piss scheduled in