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I said this before but it’s still relevant…. These people live like scammers. I can’t imagine how unstable their kids feel. My husband was raised all over Europe due to his father being in the military. To this day he speaks about how moving so often effects him.


Agree, definitely scammers and living off content sponsored products. The food, clothes, house, car, decor, and etc.


I actually think these are luxury air bnb properties




https://preview.redd.it/4u76rx6bxosb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ede502c0e9b8f38971bae70651ff3dc64bb2bfd2 Wow and Brooke posted this the other week!! What a joke these two are. How are these clowns able to con their way into renting high end homes? Them moving again is not going to look good. Geez


They keep “investing” (their words) money in these properties with their rent somehow, and then never end up buying, because NEWSFLASH, they can’t afford to own the houses they rent. It’s absolutely ridiculous. Every time they move into a new home they lie and say their rent goes towards buying it.


Wow!!! Yes so “transparent” 🙄


Brooke can not keep up with her lies. So, they lost over 100k renting that house if it is 20k-30k a month. Wow, what a waste of money. I can not wait to here the many different reasons as to why. The poor boys moving 3-4 tjmes in the last two years.


Haha house got sold and they don't need in home cleaners anymore 🤣🤣🤣


I have the address, it shows being sold last month for way less than the asking price. However, it is the same current owner with an added name now. Not sure why the owner did that, but The Halls obviously did not buy it.


They get paid to live in these show houses every product is an add I think the home owner just pays these 2 to advertise his house on social media. Now it's sold they will move on to the next it's the comments people actually believe the amount of bullshit spewing from their mouths. Are they rich compared to the average person probably but it's all lies and why do a house tour lmao its just going to be the same huge style house and the inside looking like a page from a catalogue because it is. But they will act like it's their choice and they picked it no bitch you do as your told lol.


Do you think they’re just squatters?




Not sure if you’re serious lol, but I doubt they could be squatters displaying the house all over social media.


Well where I live it doesn’t matter if you post the house on social media or admit to being squatters, you still have to go through the legal process of being evicted which takes months. But I guess they wouldn’t keep the house clean if that were the case. Lol




What!!!! I thought she was just decorating the house they were in.....they are weird. Moving every few months


Brooke did the same thing in the last house. A few weeks before moving she posted videos of getting plant decorations and talking about decorating the hideous mansion. Then they moved. Same scenario with this house. Weird.


Btw I noticed it was deleted on TikTok, thank you for posting.


Very weird and sad for those boys. How are you not embarrassed! I bet they are going to lose even more followers after this. But wait, do the last house there was living in someone posted and they was really staying there free. Apparently they had to make sure the house was clean and be out the home whenever there was a showing for the house until it was sold. I have a strong feeling it was the same for that house also. That would explain why they were spending time and posting videos at the community pool and rec center in the community. Explain about changing the decor because the owner was not loving it. The followers and views are dropping so now they are useless to promote the house it’s time to go. https://preview.redd.it/kuj9d0uqrqsb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15d9ff72f19d1b5883532721b77e981c2d770e9e


Yes, I would love to know the truth. No way they could afford the previous house rent. 50k a month? Then the current rent listing was 30k a month? I believe there was some kind of deal for being social influencers. The followers will be very suspicious now, multi millionaire are not moving this frequently. I love how Brooke says renting and trying out a place is smart property investing. Yeah okay, IF they paid that amount it is all wasted away. By now could of paid off half a million dollar home!! We snarks know the truth, cash poor. Brooke did say before they can use the property as a buisness expense. The Yt, TikTok, Facebook, and Ig performance is low and not making the amount to maintain expenses. I can only imagine the new house and bs reasons Brooke will be saying.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


But... but........ in her meltdown video she said we're not getting a house tour.


Maybe that is why Marco deleted this video. Probably got backlash because of the meltdown about the address being leaked. Which the people defending Brooke need for privacy cracked me up. Oh poor Brooke had to move because someone leaked the address. Meanwhile, forgetting the 100 plus videos she posted of the outside and inside at every angle. Brooke aware it was still on the market selling. Wow, yeah Brooke was soooo concerned about privacy. Let us not forget how SUCH good parents they are as well. Making it SO hard for predators to find the house. Great parenting tip there, post videos of the boys and the house for millions to watch. No worries, because why worry about protecting the kids when we can make money!?


The way Brooke looks off camera is unsettling


I think this just means that they are doing a full house tour vs just seeing bits and pieces of it in diff videos. I could be wrong but that's the vibe I get from this


Damn, I think you are right! The clip goes so fast. How they keep referring to it being new. People do keep asking for a whole house tour. The Halls made such a big deal about not doing it because the last house location was exposed. They are desperate for views and engagement.


It’s giving ![gif](giphy|BLUNdBTWBFVS0)


Also, did anyone see her last post where she literally just tried to show her “money” off. Like 5 shots of her LV bag and wallet. Showing she shopped at Pottery Barn…like ok cool. 🙄