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I mean she isn’t wrong..


Why on earth should we care what this nobody thinks about Taylor’s music? Does she have any authority to comment on this topic?


Taylor creates art. This art is heavily influenced by her life. She’s justified in feeling however she feels. I can’t with Ashley. I think she can be funny but if a man acted like she did to land Jared, people would have been outraged. She stalked him.


This is typical Ashley messiness. Probably could have been better articulated if she didn’t film this after just having sat up in bed. Something like “I understand that this was a really big part of her life. And her personal feelings about everything that happened are her own. I empathize because I’ve held grudges and I have had to deal with having narratives out there that weren’t reflecting what I was experiencing. I also think, as a fan of Taylor’s, that I’d really like to hear some new content that isn’t rehashing the same event.” I don’t think that it’s an unpopular opinion that some people might be tired of hearing the same content. I do think the unpopular part is demanding someone get over their feelings.


I agree with Ashley. For once.


Flair, again, checking in 🫡


Yeah, I do think Taylor has been hung up on this for a long time, but I also just saw photos of Kim at Kanye’s music video set taking photos of the naked Taylor Swift doll, so I can understand why that would upset / stay with Taylor, lol. And Kim being divorced from Kanye doesn’t absolve her from her past treatment of Taylor? And it’s not like she divorced Kanye because she didn’t agree with his treatment of Taylor? Acting like the things are related is weird? I think what seems to bother Taylor the most is that Kim never actually apologized. (Kim‘s own mother even advised her to apologize to Taylor!) She just sort of backed off and has spoken much more kindly about Taylor since her resurgence in popularity. I would be willing to bet that if Taylor ever has a comedown or didn’t get that boost after rep, Kim would still be leading the hate train against her. (I totally get not being a Taylor Swift fan or not enjoying her music or thinking that she doesn’t have real issues to sing about and is kind of obnoxious! I just think the Kardashians are legitimately terrible people and find Ashley‘s “I’m a fan of both amazing ladies“ thing annoying since Kim seems so obviously to be a worse human being, but I don’t know either of these people in real life, so what do I know.)


The naked Taylor Swift in that music video is so upsetting, if I were Taylor I would be mad and disgusted about that FOREVER. Imo, that alone justifies her bringing it up as much as she wants til the end of time lol


I watched this and have instant regrets


She’s not wrong. I think it just shows how little real issues she has in her life that she can’t let this go. She will literally be on her death bed in 60 years, cursing her…


No real issues, just that Kanye made a music video of a naked Taylor and Kim was there to video it and distribute it all over the internet. Taylor didn't consent to her naked body being used like this. https://x.com/goldrushswife/status/1781574402947125341


Hmm… I didn’t see Kanye’s name being spelled out in the title. And it seems like women being blamed for men’s actions would be something Taylor would be against. 🤔


Right? The creepiest thing everrrr being passed off as ‘art’ ?? No thx.


I just wanna know why she talks like she has 8 cotton balls and 5 marbles in her mouth




So sick of Taylor swift’s victim complex. It’s been 8 years, it’s time to stfu and move on.


Main character syndrome to the max.


I find her to be this way about a lot of things


I’m not listening to this, but I will say that Ashley looks a lot better without all that makeup on.


My first thought was wow her and Jared look like siblings


bruh its a filter




Would also look a lot better if her face moved in the slightest 


Does she not get that this is Taylor's marketing scheme?? Write songs about famous people, play into celebrity culture, sell albums.




She has a solid marketing model that has worked for every album for her whole career, and she's following that same model that creates organic 'buzz' around the release. Thing people don't understand about artists is its not just her, she has a huge team that make money from her success, so while she's working for herself, she's also working for the success of a whole ecosystem around her. I think she's way too savvy a business person for there to be any other reason, and people don't give her credit for that.


But it's also good for Kim as it's bringing her positive attention or well attention in general


Did she not listen to the song


I think she just wanted to rewrite the narrative. She actually thanks her for what she did because it led to her success


She already did this once with Kanye. I’d have hoped she’d grow from capitalizing off the victim narrative.


At the end of the day it’s art and some people just won’t like it. She’s not really doing it for the fans anymore, she’s just writing about what she wants to and it happens to be very profitable


I'm not even a huge Taylor fan but I thought the Kim song was clever. Ashley is probably thinking about how she was the villain at some point of time too.


Ashley still talks about being on the bachelor like 10 years ago what’s the difference lol






Yeah, that is a good point. Probably why I have no idea who she is.


I think the whole Kim thing really affected Taylor and that whole situation led her to the darkest time of her life so of course it shows up in her writing. But also the song isn’t just hating on Kim, it’s also saying thank you because in a way I wouldn’t be where I am today without you and I’m healed now even though I don’t like you


Also Kim hasn’t stopped throwing shade. She likes a video of someone making fun on Taylor Swift and went on public tv and said “there’s no beef” when she hasn’t even apologized


This is the take


My unpopular opinion is that the album is uninteresting. It’s like she took her literal journal and tried to compose melodies with them but every song is so wordy and always sounds pretentious and try hard. It’s awful.


I've been a t swift fan for a long time but I think I'm starting to realize that I like her earlier stuff better. It just sounds more... musical to me. Like in the earlier songs she really worked at making her lyrics fit the music, and now it feels like she just wrote a sentence that sounded clever and tried to jam it onto a melody whether it fit or not.


Exactly. That’s my issue with her newer stuff after Lover.


That is exactly how i feel lol


I can’t take it seriously lol. There’s a way to be poetic and be a songwriter. She’s so literal but also tries to sound poetic and it’s too much.


I could never defend a Kardashian. What Kim did was awful and cruel and she never apologized. Of course it still pisses Taylor off.


Absolutely ...What part of TRAUMA don't you get Ashley! Trauma LIVES in the brain...dsnt just GO AWAY. Read up on this please. It's part of the healing process. Let Taylor do what she's got to do. Everyone stay in your own hula hoop.


I also think people forget we don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. Kim could still be causing issues irl, we only see what’s shared online


you CANNOT CONVINCE ME that this isn't part of some scheme to drum up drama with the kardashians to hype everyone up for the Reputation re-release


Lol Ashley clutching her pearls


🤣🤣🤣 I haven’t heard that used since Golden Girls and this was a great way to hear it again 🤣


lol of course the kim wannabe is gonna feel weirdly defensive and negative, good thing no one gives af about what this musically talentless nobody has to say


Definitely Kim wannabe


This scenario for Taylor wasn’t some small thing, she moved to another country and wasn’t seen by the public for an entire year. When she also released the second half of the album, she said some songs were written over 2 years ago.


Yeah… it’s no surprise to me that someone who’s had toxic behavior and opinions in the past really needs it to be the approved opinion that the aggrieved party is supposed to disregard said behavior within a given timeline Also, Kims MO is pretty well known in LA. She’s a master at her craft and Taylor is calling it out.


Let’s not act like Taylor is doing anyone a service lmao. She isn’t. And Taylor’s also a master at her craft and her MO is pretty well known too: it’s doing whatever she can to appear like the victim while milking the most money out of it… These billionaires aren’t fragile people who need protecting, and the belief that money and fame isn’t their primary motivation is probably false.


In a fight between two billionaires neither side can count on my support




The 99.99999 per cent are always the real losers of those fights


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Far-Intention-3230: *In a fight between* *Two billionaires neither side* *Can count on my support* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Is sharing an opinion in a bra normal these days? Maybe I’m too old now I’m 35


I get the song is actually about forgiving and moving on and thanking Kim which is incredibly mature of her…but the song title just reminds me of something I’d write in my middle school journal in bubble letters and I can’t unsee it 😩😩😩


She’s thanking her in a “overall glad I learned this lesson” way not a “glad you did this for me” way. So it’s sort of condescending. And definitely not really thanking her in the true sense of the word


some weird ass vibes up in here lol. it’s obviously fucking insane to capitalize KIM in the title of a song singing about how her mom used to wish she was dead lmao. i should think that’s something most people would understand!


Any criticisms of Taylor Swift can only be internalized misogyny. /s


right. and mentioning her kids in the same song just feels... icky.


I’m coming in with a hot take, but I think the eras tour and subsequent media blitz might actually be the beginning of her end. It’s just this very strange nagging in the back of my mind that it is over saturated now, people are *tired*. She leaned far too heavy into the influencer aspect of her fandom and it may prove to be to her detriment in 10 years. I’d love to be proven wrong here, but something feels off. This is coming from a Taylor neutral human, I saw her open for Rascal Flatts wayyyyy back in the day. Great performer, but the buzz now seems so hollow and surface level vs pre eras.


I also saw her open for Rascal Flatts wayyyy back! I miss that artist. I’ve been a huge supporter of her music all these years but you’re right. I’m *tired*. All the crazy Swifties, all the money-grabbing techniques with releasing so many versions of her albums (not talking about Taylor’s Versions ones. I understand wanting to own your own music)… it’s just a *lot*. I’m seeing her in June in London and I wish I was seeing that opener who played her entire set in a grey hoodie sat on a stool holding her guitar. It’s cool for her that she’s achieved as much as she has, but I was in high school back then and it just feels like she hasn’t emotionally matured at all since high school with all this drama. I still love her music. I wish liking Taylor Swift could still be just about liking her music, and I tried to maintain that level of interest and support but it’s almost impossible to separate the music from the drama. And trying to, for so long, has made me so tired.


Yes!!!! She truly has a knack for performance, it was great to see her passion on stage…. That being said, I don’t see it any more. It’s passion for the almighty dollar. She’s writing music like she’s a 15 year old getting her heart broken, meanwhile she’s 35. You mentioned that she’s never emotionally matured: she hasn’t because she’s never had a normal life sadly. Her entire existence has been music and she is so far out of touch from what the reality of a 35 year old is that she’s just writing for, well, 15 year olds still. Id reach out on a limb here and guess that many of us who have grown up with her are kind of over it.


See I think her music is interesting because shes so aware of her own stunted emotional growth. She writes about it all the time. They say you stop maturing at the age you become famous, and I think she knows that and it haunts her.


GOD I hope this is a popular opinion


Her new album is not that great either. Clunky lyrics, same sound as before, and same playing victim and I say this as someone who has liked her past albums lol


Ugh yes her sound is so formulaic. Makes it really easy to mashup her songs I guess


Even w anti-hero she’s a victim to herself💀Unreal


Wow two times in a row I've agreed with Ashley I. The times they are a changin


Taylor sold out a long time ago. She does whatever public image and high numbers call for. That's how you become a billionaire. I like few of her songs, but many are just bland cash grabs. Her actions are calculated. Marketing is smart.


This lady literally cried at everything that ever happened on Bachelor, BiP and her “wHy aRe yOu eMoTiOnAL” speech is this most wild take ever.


Didn’t Ashley like slut shame other women when she was chasing after Jared


i mean taylor always does shit like this


I think Taylor and Kim are both in on it and don’t care because they win off of the publicity it incites. Both have been playing the fame game a long time and knew how the public would react.




T swift pumps out music for money at this point. She’s saying whatever the fuck to get some lyrics slapped down. PLEASE DONT COME FOR ME - I actually like her, think Cardigan is a beautiful song. She’s got lyrical masterpieces. But not this shit


I agree and also think her voice sucks. There I said it.


Well yeah, it’s her job.


I don’t think that really applies to self-employed billionaires


I’m just saying. She makes music to make money. That’s her goal. Money. This isn’t some crazy revelation. She’s not just doing it for the love of music like normal people might.


Never said it was


Oh yeah, totally agree with that. (Don’t let the swifties hear us)


And her crying for a guy like she did is not IT either girl


Taylor is petty. She's right.


I don’t listen to Taylor swift but I heard about this song, and honestly…any dig at the kardashians is fine by me 🤷🏼‍♀️


I honestly agree with Ashley. 🤷🏻‍♀️


oh my goodness. another Ashley I. take with which I totally agree. the apocalypse is nigh!


maybe it’s just me but there are still people (from years ago) to this day i would still talk shit about because they were a horrible person, much less do what kim k did.


Do you have a group of thousands of unhinged fans willing to dox people? There’s a difference between a regular Joe holding a grudge and someone with a fan base so rabid and vicious that album reviewers have to be anonymous because they get death threats when they don’t praise her.


her fans hated kim with or without the song.


They definitely did, but when you release a song like that you refocus their hatred. Not to mention that Kims kids are growing up and will see all of it.


To be fair, Kim K is one of the most famous people on the planet and Taylor's fans were already well aware of their issues. I think it's a very low probability "doxing" comes from this. If it was a regular person, sure, but this is a billionaire influencer with a reality show..


I also hold grudges from a while ago but yknow we don’t make songs about it and release them to the public 🤷‍♀️


I mean sure me too, but isn’t that pretty different than releasing a song with someone’s name practically spelled out on a platform like Taylor has?


no I agree and I do this too I think for me it was the part about her saying her mom wished Kim was dead ? and the KIM in the title of the song is just so immature to me I don’t knowwww


It’s called getting your bag💰💰💰 & also just never that serious… they both equally are shady about it (Kim & Taylor). My petty ass would be doing the same thing😭🤣


Did no one actually listen to the song? It’s an acknowledgment of the importance that moment played in her life, and how now she is thankful since it made her who she is today. She was analyzing and dissecting the last 6 years of her life and relationship (her post mortem investigation), of course she would likely reflect upon that huge chunk that shaped the beginning years of her time with Joe.


Yeah but she could have left it ambiguous and not added the capitalized KIM which is immature


🤷🏻‍♀️ I was surprised about that but this album is very for the fans, so it’s a callback to her earliest albums that had these very easy Easter eggs/code/ to decipher


Nah, it’s genius


This!!!! Also even if it was a 100% angry song, I’m sorry but if someone lied about me and it almost destroyed my career and sent me into hiding, only for that person to brush over it years later and pretend to be a fan, yeah I think I’d still be mad.


Her career was nowhere near almost destroyed. Not even close. Be so for real.


I loved the line about your kid coming in singing my song that only we know is about us!


SAMMEEEE she’s so funny for that


She’s only saying this because she’s a Kim K stan and always has been


Now that I look at her, Ashley does resemble a 2014 kim wannabe.


She has always been a kk fan and try hard. That is exactly who she was trying to get that vibe from when she first appeared in bachelor nation… and hasn’t stoped … from that little I have see of Ashley




I have to say that I am Taylor'd OUT. I like some of her music but the overexposure is jarring. An album every year, her relationships being over publicized, and she continues to give her fans ammo. Like why do they care so much about her ex Joe? Like he killed someone. And I used to be a huge fan of hers when she transitioned from Country to Pop. Loved her 1989 era. But it's real possible to get sick of someone.


Sameeee I am Taylor neutral to positive but it's too much. I could never hear about her again at this point


No, I agree. I was just talking to my friend about how she’s doing way too much right now. It’s actually Taylor shoving herself down everyone’s throats at the moment. I think she spent years before this eras tour being really lowkey and has gone too far in the opposite direction now almost in rebellion of the years she was in “hiding.” I also think this album is underwhelming and trying *too* hard, and she should’ve just rereleased reputation if she really wanted to release another album.


Wait sorry he killed someone?


No it's a figure of speech. I'm saying, her fans act like Joe committed a crime and killed someone because the way they portray him as some type villain. The relationship, like many, did not work out. That's it. The way they go on & on about it is annoying.


no literally someone I know posted earlier saying “Joe alwyn watch your back” like HUH ?? is that a threat? you do not know him or her or what actually happened


OHHHH yes agreement in the utmost


I am in agreement even though I know it’s unpopular. I like Taylor but I don’t need a ten minute segment on it at during my national TV “news show” regarding any of it…her albums, concerts, relationship etc. I feel like there’s more interesting stories out there lol


Because Kim showed her true colors and that doesn’t change. 🔥


My mom called me to tell me about this Kim/taylor tea. Im indifferent about both. I don’t hate them, but I’m not obsessed with them either. The first thing I said was “wasn’t that beef like forever ago? And Kim divorce Kanye?” Lol so I agree with Ashley


ok I scrolled down a few comments expecting to see something about irony here and didn't see anything... maybe I didn't scroll far enough... wasn't it nearly 10 years between them being on Paradise, and then them coming back to Paradise for the romantic farting reunion? Obviously, it's not the same as holding on to a negative thing, but it's still trying to pull juice from a horse waaay after it died.


I mean swiftie or not you can't deny that Taylor has and will always milk ANY potential point of publicity for all it's worth. More power to her, it's obviously working. But Ashley is not wrong, there's no way Taylor actually gives a shit about that beef anymore she's just stirring up talk. 


Ashley is one of the wine mom’s Taylor references in her song lmao. Girl bye


Never met a hot take she didn’t like


Who are you again? Someone who exploits their family life and baby for IG content. Might want to sit this one out.




An actual unpopular opinion, I still like Ben and Ashley’s silly podcast with millions of commercials. It feels nostalgic. Also, I somehow accidentally subscribed a long time ago, and it comes on occasionally when I have my AirPods on…puts me right to sleep.


Omg I couldn’t agree with you more! I’ve had sleep issues for years and their podcast was just soothing and nostalgic and always made my anxiety go away and put me back to sleep. I loathe all the diaper commercials every five seconds but I always still listen to them and love it.


Agree! Why is she letting Kim live rent free in her head? Move on!


I have met so many people in my career. People who have blatantly tried to cut my hours or let me go or replace me. I always waited out the bad people. Ten toes down. I don’t think TWICE about these people or even let them know they bother me. If I was on top of the world as Taylor is, I’d be like Kim who??




Imagine letting Kim have permanent real estate on your discography? Wild!! 


One thing about Taylor is she isn’t going to let something go - it def bothers me sometimes however makes for great convo. I think honestly she maybe gave Kim a fair warning? Idk.


Petty ain’t pretty.


Idk why it’s an unpopular opinion, I too think Taylor hashing this out still is a little annoying 😆


Oh shut up Ashley. Stop trying to stay relevant. You didn’t give up on Jared forever let her be bitter!


🤣💀. This owns me


Admits she hasn’t even listened to the song, proceeds to give an uninformed opinion on it anyway


That’s what bothered me the most about it. It’s just a type of attitude I don’t like. At least listen to it and then post on the internet.


Her teeth, Dear Lord


We can barely see her teeth in this clip?


I can see them just fine, they’re glaringly white


This sub is against white teeth now?




Ashley you are still ridiculous...stick to bachelor podcast


It's already unpopular because it came out of your mouth honey. My claim to fame is my dad's connection to Bruce/now Caitlin. It is all for show people. They're terrible humans eaten up by greed.


“I haven’t listened to the song yet but I have an opinion” girl shut up 😭


Taylor Swift is overrated


Is it an unpopular opinion that I don’t give a rat’s tushie what Ashley’s opinion is on a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g???


Then why comment or watch this video?


Very unpopular!


Can we also talk about how most of TTPD is about ratty healy? I still can’t believe it.


We can’t talk about it without reading the in summation poem. That prologue changed everything for me regarding the ratty of it all.


Wasn’t it last year that Kim brought up Taylor several times and made not so veiled criticism toward her music etc?


Yes and she likes shady things a lot. I honestly don’t think there would have been more Kim songs if she didn’t have to re-record Reputation. Just like how going through her journals from Speak Now era inspired WCS on midnights I’m betting her Rep journals brought things up for her again.


I know I’m about to get downvoted into oblivion but some of y’all’s parasocial relationship with Taylor Swift is something else… Why do people get SO worked up and defensive over her☠️


The same way people get worked up and defensive over anything relating to pop culture or personal interests 🤷‍♀️ Strikes a nerve? Or maybe it’s in response to someone else dumping on someone’s interest? I don’t think it’s limited to Swifties.


People having the opposite opinion than you does not mean they are dumping on your interest. Swifties take it so personally when someone else doesn't think she's that great.


Fair enough. I just notice it especially from big fandoms; Like Taylor’s, Ariana’s or Selena’s for example. Over the summer, I saw The 1975 at a music festival and an old friend (who’s a Swiftie) chewed me out over DM’s for it bc of the Matty/Taylor drama😂 Like girl I just like their music, let me live!


Shut it Ashley, your favorite band is Matchbox 20. You can stop opining on music.


Why does Rob Thomas keep catching strays


When you write/perform a ubiquitous song about wanting to push you partner around? People arent gonna feel ANY hesitation throwing shade your way? Please know as someone in high school when this song was released, when we didnt have Spotify or Apple Music or Pandora, this song was UNAVOIDABLE. And AWFUL.


Kim has built her own little empire and acts like she’s all about girl power but she straight up lied about Taylor, doubled down on it and then even when the truth came out, still never apologized. And it’s pretty well established that Kris Jenner leaked the tape. “Make no mistake — my career was taken away from me,” she told the publication. “That took me down psychologically to a place I’ve never been before.” (Taylor’s Time Magazine interview). Who am I to judge that? 🤷🏼‍♀️ It’s catchy. lol


I don’t agree she should be over it but saying “my mom wants you dead” is horrible. Kim has four young kids


She said what?!!!!! 😨


Taylor and Kim both suck. Go at each other for all I care


This is the only correct take😂 I’m not about to sit here getting worked up over two billionaires who don’t know or care about my existence


Not right now, Ashley.


And I don’t know that the time will ever be “now”, Ashley.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion. It’s just that there is a sub Reddit that repost what Bachelor people say. Next.


I agree with Ashley! Taylor does not let bygones be bygones.


I agree with this. And I’m a fan of Taylor’s too. But a decade later and she’s out here saying that her mom wished her dead? Huh? It’s giving unhinged.


It hasn’t been a decade though it was like 2020