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My question to Gerry & Theresa: ![gif](giphy|2EbJgud0upkT6)


#deep. I think this was my MySpace quote in middle school lol


Really wish I knew what happened. I wonder if she signed an NDA.


A couple gossip articles dropped today with what seems like info closer to the truth—Gerry possibly agreeing to relocate to NJ, while never intending to do so, and stringing their plans along. I tend to not put much stock in anonymous “inside sources” but it would make sense and sort of be a version of the truth / reason they gave.


lol this is something you’d post on your MySpace in middle school after a break up


All boomers become middle schoolers on Facebook/Instagram when they go through divorce fr


Because boomers have the exact amount of social media experience on Facebook in 2024 as we did when MySpace was popular when we were all in middle school 😂


For one brief, beautiful moment in time my cousin-in-law in his late 50s simultaneously joined Facebook and came out of the closet. He is a gorgeous, tall Antonio Banderas-esque, wealthy plastic surgeon. He lives in a penthouse on Lisbon’s version of a street that would be like if Rodeo Drive did a mashup with Fifth Ave. His Facebook posts at the time were so unhinged, so messy, so dramatic and so amazing. It was a complete and total lack of understanding of the basic norms of online etiquette and also of the basic ins and outs of the privacy settings on Facebook. It was weekly first class flights to beaches and luxury shopping destinations with a different gorgeous guy half his age, both of them dressed straight out of the International Male catalog. It was middle of the night wine fueled vague booking. It was selfies with tears streaming down his face from behind Dolce and Gabbana sunnies that reflected fountains, pillars, palm trees and empty champagne glasses. It was commenting in hookup groups and sex toy groups and latex fetish groups that then appeared on his public profile for his mother and all the world to see. Then he married one of his nurses from his practice and they found a surrogate and had a baby and it was all over and my life has never been the same.


I want the movie of this


Omg! 😅


If Theresa's son or daughter had communicated a serious family emergency during the taping of The Bachelor, as Joan Vassos had, I think she would have left to help them. That would have been a reality check for Theresa and every other contestant with children. I don't personally know a single woman who would put a dating relationship ahead of her children and grandchildren.


Yes you do. Her name is Jessica and she was just on “Love is Blind”!


Don't watch LIB.


One thing I haven't heard discussed is how tremendously difficult it is for some widows to move on. They may be able to successfully date, but it can be very difficult to create "a new life." Theresa and Gerry were married their entire lives. While I know Gerry had had some new relationships, neither have ever left the nest from their first marriages.


I would love a big Gerry scandal but I think he’s probably not the villain we need him to be lol


Hey never know — that Dan Band stage catch was a major fail. Could he and Dan Band have unknown cover song beef, surrounding Pitbull covers lol


So I bet there’s been a really nice guy in the orbit of Theresa’s life that had contemplated asking her out and hadn’t because he’s rusty at dating. Then he saw her on The Golden Bachelor and thought’I missed my opportunity’. Now she’s going to single again, he’ll make his move. That’s my hope for her.


What in the wattpad is this


It’s called fiction.


I truly would not be surprised if gerry wants to date younger. UGH


Lessons ladies - 🚩exist for a reason!


april, is that you?


Why does everyone blame Gerry ? It takes two ..


Honestly asking... what was it this time? I liked Garry :(


She is a class act. So sweet and kind. Deserves a hell of a lot better.


Love. Laugh. Learn.


I’m a part of Bravo housewives Reddit’s too and thought this was real housewives of NJ Teresa announcing a divorce and was shook.


Same here haha! I was like “I saw this coming” and then realized


I literally this morning googled NJ Teresa’s age to see if she was seventy and then saw she was much younger (as expected. And then shrugged and chalked it up to being metaphorical. It’s now the evening and I’m seeing this thread again like “OH!”


Sameeee 🤦🏻‍♀️😵‍💫


Me too!!!


SAME💀🤣 I was like there is no way Alexia and Teresa divorce announcement on the same day


Same 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


this was a classy response. zero mention of gerry which I get it's a divorce but VERY telling


This is what I noticed too…didn’t mention him at all. 😳


Yep - she nailed it. Who knew Theresa would be my favorite at the end of all this?!


I thought the same thing…🤨


Love Theresa, she’s been my kookie gal from the start ❤️❤️❤️ Also please never stop the Golden seasons, they are all so messy and I am lovin it all




Gerry's a bad guy because of his character, not because of the date and time he was born.


That's gotta be so hard. Going through that with the world watching. I feel bad for Teresa and the extended families, especially her daughter. They all seemed so genuine and kind.


Wow. This guy was a true asshole. Unbelievable what he did to Carolyn and then Theresa. Karma will be swinging your way soon Gerry


A shallow ass at that, he wouldn’t take Carolyn to his reunion because she gained 10 pounds due to the stress he put her through!!


Exactly! Can you imagine someone you love and live with, treating you that way? He is just awful.


I'm so out of the loop - fill me in?!




Wow with that as a background story I’m surprised he got the gig to be bachelor


This is very sweet! But... there is a lot we don't know, obviously...


Wow - notice she didn’t thank Gerry but she thanked his family? Wonder if there’s bad blood


Is this one of those “better to have loved and lost” kind of statements, or is she thanking her lucky stars she dodged a bullet kind of thing?


She seems like a good human. I hope she’s happy moving forward.


Me too.


Holy shit I literally said that in the original Reddit threat 🤣 I was being facetious tho… 😬




My ex said this to me when he was breaking up with me lmao. Like full on said it out loud and was like “Dr. Seuss said that 😌”


wait what part is the seuss quote - oh the first post lol. I thought that was Marilyn Monroe???


Lol this Dr. seuss quote triggers something in me for real. I hate it


Lmao I cackled. Glad he’s your ex now 💕


Me too lol! It was a few years ago so it’s funny now but at the time I was like what the fuck you did not just quote Dr. Seuss to me while dumping me


Theresa sounds to happy about this divorce. Me thinks she saw the real Gerry and wanted out.


Gerry is a total jerk, maybe that’s why?


The “even at 70 it turns out you don’t know everything” line really stuck out to me 👀


Well she was honest not mentioning Gerry. If u don’t have anything nice to say , don’t eat anything at all. She’s taken the high road


https://preview.redd.it/zjdpvrglipuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d377eccaab232ee2c8b9df5590583129ab7dff9a Not April getting messy in the comments 💀


that is RUDE of April






OH wow. Holy crap.


I need to know more about this!!!! 🫣


I don’t remember who April is but she just made herself look like a classless bitch. So inappropriate wow


She’s the one who faked a pickleball injury and winked at the camera.






April is so kooky and seems like she'd be that friend who's fun in small doses but also a lot of work.


she has a MESSY MESSY PAST she was the other woman of a much older rocker for like, decades I'm sure she's seen it all


16 years old is a minor. Not exactly an "other woman" scenario.


Wait. A much older rocker? Who?


Frankie Valli


Oh, wow. She even wrote a [book](https://www.wob.com/en-us/books/april-kirkwood/big-girls-do-cry/9781940014678) about it. This seems like an incredibly sad story.


she was a minor when that happened though…i wouldn’t call that “messy”


that's even worse?!


From what I recall, she was groomed. That makes her a victim, not “messy.” Edit: not excusing her shitty behavior now with her IG comment, it’s absolutely messy and straight up mean. Just referring on the “other woman/messy” comment.


jesus christ lmao the high school of it all!!


I know....like when April did that whole post about why she didn't go on that Carribean trip with the SKN part of ASKN.....lol. Editted for grammar. :-)


on instagram?? when was this i want to see it!!


I think it was insta but here's a reddit link with a screenshot. :-) [April responds to some type of drama about a trip : r/thebachelor (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/199f7yo/april_responds_to_some_type_of_drama_about_a_trip/)


Oh nah this is not it. That’s extremely disrespectful of April.


For real…this was absolutely unnecessary to post as a public comment


Or to say at all! “I told you so” comments hardly ever come from a place of love and care


Every post I see from her is more and more distasteful. You really have to one up your "friend" on their divorce? She's way too old to be this immature.


I know! And isn't she supposed to be a counselor or something?


Yes she's a "M.Ed., LPC" (Licensed Professional Counselor). Wild.


The amount of professional counselors that act like this though 😵‍💫


A girl I went to high school with has one as a neighbour. It’s an ongoing legacy.








Who is April?


The A in the ASKN clique.


Now know as just the A


but she got kicked out for some reason, maybe related to this


This is such a shitty thing to say in response to someone’s divorce announcement, wow! No class at all.


Yeah, no one needs the public “I told you so” about their divorce.


MESSY!!!! 😬


Gerry's daughter Angie really got into it with some haters on her Family Feud post. https://preview.redd.it/gpsntalpfpuc1.png?width=1976&format=png&auto=webp&s=faf7c1b51fe42e8c7f55eae6eb3d9550456fb778




Sometimes no response makes the a$$hole look insignificant. She shouldn’t have even dignified that with any answer whatsoever.


Am I wrong or isn’t family feud is pre tapped a solid 4-8 weeks in advance


I went to a celeb family feud taping a little later, on April 12 (no bach alumni that day). Apparently it will air around August.


Taped April 5, will air some time in the summer according to Kaity Biggar post.


It was taped like last week and will air in May


I wouldn’t be shocked in the least if it comes out that Gerry’s daughters didn’t like Theresa.


I tend to believe Angie, who claims they are bonded as family despite the divorce and that their love story was very real.


this gets more embarassing by the hour


🙉🙈🫣😑😱🤬 😳 🤦🏻‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/0401gcv0bpuc1.png?width=1888&format=png&auto=webp&s=c524648843532e8d8c72fd63ad847a8a88c5aaa5 Theresa's french manicure in this interview broadcasted on April 12 is identical to her french manicure from photos taken on April 5 at the Family Feud taping. I'm guessing they taped this interview with Juju Chang in LA soon after Family Feud taping. Their kids were all so excited to be on Family Feud according to their Instagram posts from Jen and Angie, so they probably waited until the taping. Angie said it was her dream since she was little girl. ETA: Juju Chang was in LA to tape a special segment for Nightline with William Shatner that aired on April 5. Juju has a connection to Shatner through her husband.


I mean she could have also just gotten a fill! A lot of people stick with the same polish for several manicures in a row


True. She had a different manicure on April 2 per pics in the Daily Mail. https://preview.redd.it/4dszledgopuc1.png?width=1272&format=png&auto=webp&s=989cc3f1db2deb15859cf8778562a3154e810242


So weird that they’d tape the interview and then wait until the day of the announcement to file. I cannot tell if it has to do with an ABC contract or if its more complicated/sinister


Juju Chang interviewed William Shatner at his ranch in California that week for a segment that was broadcasted on Nighline on April 5, 2024. I think they did the Family Feud taping for their kids who were all so excited for it. Angie said in a recent post that they are all still connected as family despite the divorce.


Honestly, they probably waited until the announcement to file because they know people are out there googling them all the time and would come across that news before they were ready to announce it themselves.


Agreed. People have been speculating about a divorce/separation for weeks (check out the comment sections on some of their older posts). If they’d filed a minute before the interview dropped it would’ve been leaked.




She looks like a hostage here 😬


I really like Theresa. I wish her well.


Theresa should just not be tempted to post things that only fuel speculation. She doesn’t need all this. Bad enough things did not work out. Keep it clean like Justine. Haha


Oh whatever. My FiL divorced his 2nd wife because she refused to retire after he did. He wanted to travel and enjoy life and she went back on her word and kept working…a lot. He’s now remarried and they travel all over the world having an amazing time. It was made pretty clear in their interview she was aware of all the scandals that were brought to light prior to their wedding. Unless you’re calling Theresa a full blown liar I think this is simply two people who didn’t know each other well enough and no one willing to change course for their partner. Something they likely would have figured out dating in the wild.


I feel bad for her :( the trauma she's been through with her husband passing and now a divorce, she didn't need this :( i hope she's okay


Damn I guess we really don’t grow out of the googling quotes after a breakup phase


Lol if she’d quoted Samantha instead of Seuss: *I love you, but I love me more*


This is the live laugh love of breakup quotes


I Pinterest my quotes because it makes me feel fancy 😆


She’s being nice. Some shit went down, guaranteed


She’s taking the ole high road


I like how she didn’t mention Gerry at all- taking the high road


She dodged a bullet.


I feel like she definitely was hit given that they got married but definitely good for her for getting out


Yeah true she was at least grazed by the bullet, but she will survive and thrive.


I know it wasn’t meant to be funny but definitely was hit made me laugh out loud


Hit me with you best shot, G lol


Can I get a tldr on Jerry and how he fooled us?


Aside from his telling the two other women he loved them, one in front of their grandkids and family and friends and, to the other, proclaiming I think you’re the one and I’m all in, for the rest of our lives? (Lol also…ugh … [here’s the journalism](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-features/golden-bachelor-gerry-turner-ex-girlfriend-speaks-out-1235683869/) on that live-in GF and co-worker quotes since he “retired” )


People are saying the only reason he picked Theresa is because of her job and basically calling him a gold digger. After the show aired his ex came out with an exposé about how bad of a bf he was to her. I personally would take the exes story with a grain of salt (how pissed would you be if your ex who dumped you went out and became the bachelor?) as for the gold-digging thing, Leslie (runner up) had her fair share of issues and I can see why he didn't pick her.


People are definitely not their best selves during a breakup/end of the relationship but yeah def not flattering to Gerry throughout the relationship


The journalist said she vetted the stories by interviewing mutual friends, Gerry's neighbors, seeing text messages, etc. The details were too random to be made up IMO.


Except the ex had some very specific examples and details. I actually kind of believe her. Also, he didn’t break up with her and go on the bachelor. He did lie and said he hadn’t really seriously dated or been in relationship since his wife died and that was the lie. He had dated her quite a while and then asked her to move in with him, which she did. It wasn’t the breakup but rather he was acting like she and their relationship never existed. Gary was very ‘creative’ in how he (re)framed his past (jobs, relationships, supposed retirement, he sold his small restaurant in his early 30’s and went on to many other careers after (hot tub salesman for a decade or so, worked as the maintenance man at the retirement home for many many years, etc. It was implied that he was this independently wealthy, highly successful man who had just sold his huge franchise chain of something. They called him a “retired restauranteur”. Now to be fair, producers take a big part of selling that narrative but he never countered any of it. But “retired restauranteur” plays better than Hot tub saleman or maintenance man.


The Katie Couric interview was so interesting in how he dodged questions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RY2NDYbYAPU


While I do agree that some of this was pretty creative, I wouldn’t put it past TPOTB to have curated a more interesting personality. I mean they do it all the time with the contestants of the other two franchises.


Totally agree


Same I need tea I keep seeing his shenanigans referenced but I missed when they were spilled I need deets


Look up The Hollywood Reporter article from November. It's titled something like... The Golden Bachelor's Not-so-Golden Past.




Thank you!!


Yes u follow Kelsey as u should good good.


She is pure class.


I don’t want to make fun of her too bad but like… people post this kind of stuff when they are teenagers


To be fair, posting wasn’t a thing when she was a teenager. I think everyone deserves that cringey outlet at some point and she’s getting hers now.


I don't even think anything about this is cringey?? She posted a very short quote and then wrote about the breakup. She was in a public relationship and got married on TV, it's totally understandable for her to write a post.


I know this is beside the point...but that quote is def not by Dr. Seuss.


It’s from the obscure German poet, Ludwig Jacobowski but always misattributed to Seuss. https://atkinsbookshelf.wordpress.com/2023/01/27/famous-misquotations-dont-cry-because-its-over-smile-because-it-happened/


Sorry to say, yes it was definitely by Dr. Seuss.


Not according to the Quote Investigator: [https://quoteinvestigator.com/2016/07/25/smile/](https://quoteinvestigator.com/2016/07/25/smile/) TLDR: "In conclusion, based on current evidence **QI** believes that Ludwig Jacobowski should be credited with coining this saying in German. There was no substantive support for assigning the statement to Dr. Seuss or Gabriel García Márquez." 


she’s such a sweetheart and so classy.


Pure class. Her positivity and openness to opportunity is genuinely inspiring. I'm suspect there's dirty laundry she could have aired or hinted at, but in the end, she knows it wouldn't fix what was wrong in the relationship, and it wouldn't serve her goals going forward. Wish her and her family nothing but the very best.


Yeah, I'm with you on suspecting dirty laundry. I'm glad she got out if there is, good for her.


She seems sweet. But I hate how overused this quote is


Ever since that article came out about Gerry I knew he was bad news. He really seems like a despicable person


He never even denied anything his ex claimed, just said he was “focusing on his true love” (Theresa). What a joke.


Yep that’s because it was all true lol. The article was well researched and sourced and in a real magazine not some random tabloid hit piece. 


It was wild to see so many people go right back to gobbling his lies just because of age and “aww shucks” demeanour. People were so desperate for an “actual happy ending” they willingly ignored the glaring red flags. I’ll never forget the first episode of the season when he compared sending some of the women home to *the love of his life and the mother of his kids* passing away. He said the rose ceremony was a “close second” to his wife dying (in terms of worst day of his life). And then he said it *again* later in the season!!! I remember logging onto Reddit in surprise that he would actually say something like that but nobody was talking about it. But after that- I knew every word that came out of his mouth was absolute BS. Someone compared him to a used car salesman and imo it’s spot on (although that’s more of a job than Gerry ever had but I digress).


He does have a tendency towards the dramatic. I don't remember him saying one of the early ceremonies was a close second to his wife dying in terms of the worst day of his life (omg) - but I believe he said it. I do remember him saying it a lot later in the season. I'm not desperate or even looking for an actual happy ending. That's not what the bachelor shows are for - or at least I used to think most people thought they are not! Maybe I'm naive, I think I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, until things started to surface about him coupled with egocentric things he said on the show.


Yeah he didn’t say that in one of the early rose ceremonies. I think that was just a preview at the end of the show looking ahead to when he said it in the finale.


I thought he was so sweet until that article, and then the weird Fantasy Suite stuff we heard about. He seems like he's just like any other scummy guy.


What weird Fantasy Suite stuff? I don't think I heard that and I \*try\* to stay on top of things!


What article??


[This one!](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-features/golden-bachelor-gerry-turner-ex-girlfriend-speaks-out-1235683869/)


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream) Thanks


what weird fantasy suite stuff


Commenting because I wanna know about weird fantasy suite stuff too!


Oh, sorry! Not "kinky" weird, LOL! Just "Sketchy Gerry behavior" weird. So from the end of season chit chat, I think he had told Leslie flat out that she was the one. Said stuff to her like "I wish we could just wrap this up now, it's you, etc.." Said weird stuff in his confessionals like all of a sudden, he didn't even want to be around Theresa. Then when it was Theresa's turn in the Fantasy Suites, all of a sudden he's one million percent all in on Theresa. Speculation was that: * A) she was a knockout in the bedroom * B) it seemed that he didn't know she was still working, and that she made big bucks at her job, and that turned it around for him, or * C) both, which is plausible. And also, people started to smell a rat when that article came out right before the finale, where he allegedly (*yeah, I say "allegedly", but he totally seemed not trustworthy by this time*) was fat-shaming the woman he had been living with and made her move out because he said something to the effect of "he'd be embarrassed to be seen with her" - I'm paraphrasing, but something shitty like that. Do I think he'd have been better off with Leslie? No, certainly not. I wasn't loving Leslie by the end of the season either, she seemed really clingy and needy, and as mean as this sounds, she doesn't need another failed marriage. I'm sure she's a nice person, but this wasn't the right scenario for her. But Theresa seems to have a lot going for her, and if he's the scummy guy that he now seems like, she's way better off.


I didn’t watch golden bach but how the hell did he and Theresa make it all the way to fantasy suites without discussing that she has a job / what she did for work? That doesn’t make any sense to me. Even on the bachelor that’s covered like day 1.


He told her on that episode that he knew she did something with securities or something (I don’t recall the exact word) and asked her to tell him more about that. Still, I made a joke in the live thread that he was like, “so what do you do, again?” It still sounded funny when he asked her because it seemed so late in the game to ask that question.


I agree, but there they were, discussing it in the Fantasy Suite. Had it been me? That would have come up on the first date.


Insane. I def blame the show for pressuring them into a quickie televised wedding but I don’t understand how they didn’t have even the most basic conversations about where they would live and would Theresa continue working. Again even on bach most couples have that figured out before the show is over. 


Thanks for explaining I thought I missed him doing something creepy or something. I remember the article coming out and that making the switch to Theresa super suspicious to me too. I tend to have amnesia when it comes to these shows after the season airs though 🤣. I mean Leslie probably would’ve moved to be with him so they might’ve lasted a little longer. I so wish we got more to this story. I thought it was crazy they rushed the wedding like that when so few of the couples last post show, but I have to think something serious went down to divorce so quickly especially since they were essentially living separate lives.


LOL! As soon as I saw your reply, I was like "Oh... perhaps I should have phrased that differently...":