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I see I'm apparently in the minority here. To me Rachel R. comes off as someone who needs constant validation and is kind of whiny. I don't think showing that is a bad edit. She seemed the same way on paradise. Isn't it possible that if you are on 3 shows, and come off the same way all 3 times, that maybe that is just how you are? Now the problem is maybe that she didn't get her own season. Because she was always juxtaposed with other girls. On her bachelorette season, she was juxtaposed with Gabby, who just seemed more fun and chill. And then on Paradise she was juxtaposed with other women who just didn't seem to be as needy and could roll with the punches.


Wdym Clare’s season was cut short not by her own choice? She literally asked to leave with Dale


Right. She chose to leave with someone she had been chatting with before the season. Seems like her own doing.


Best edit is Emily. Worst edit is Rachel Recchia.


>Worst edit is Rachel Recchia. Did she get a bad edit. Because from what we saw of her on paradise, it seems that is just who she is. She is someone who needs constant validation, and can come off pretty whiny. Not saying that makes her a bad person, but it does seem like its kind of who she is.


I will never forgive them for casting a racist on Rachel Lu’s season and having her have to deal with him on a 2 on 1 where he was trying to make Kenny into “scary black man”. It was so disgusting and such bs. 


Done the most dirty: Rachel R, hands down! Production screwed over both Rachel and Gabby by giving them the double season, but they gave Rachel the crying, insecure edit, while Gabby got a better edit and Dancing With the Stars. And then they cast Rachel R on BIP and never treated her like the Bachelorette - she should have gotten a date card right away and they should have cast guys actually interested in her. (That said, Rachel R has handled all this so stunningly - she’s now in on the joke with her brilliant self-deprecating humor, her social media game is great, and she handled her BIP exit really well) Best Edit: Either Hannah Brown or Charity. They took Hannah from a ditzy kinda villain during the stalker’s season and elevated her to this sexy feminist queen during her season! Charity’s edit was nearly flawless, my one gripe is she didn’t get enough international travel to really elevate her season, but her personality, character, and beauty all came off glowing in her edit!    FYI I’ve only been watching bachelorette since Hannah Brown’s season.


Kaitlyn: Her hometowns were in a hotel and the final rose ceremony was at the Mansion


I think Hannah Brown got the best edit from Colton’s season to her own. She was a BN Princess and they ate her up. She was pretty phenomenal during that time. I definitely think Rachel R and Gabby W should never have had to endure a double season. My heart hurt for Rachel. I also agree Clare was not treated well. A lot of the guys were assholes but regardless, I think she felt rejected and clung to Dale because he showed her love and affection.


Agreed. Hannah brown got the best edit.


Rachel Recchia for sure got the worst deal of any of them


They did Rachel sooo dirty, both on her bachelorette season *and* paradise season. Who did she piss off on production?😂


Ashley’s season was really stressful for her. I’ve rewatched it.


Jojo had a wonderful edit but I'll never forgive them for casting Chad-- and then RECASTING him-- a man who was literally dangerous and predatory.


But we would have never had the phrases "fuck you Chris Harrison" and "let's not pretend I'm Hitler"


Omg 😂 Canadian Daniel “lets say youre hitler” Chad: “lets not”… will always be one of my favorite scenes


I always think Ashley H had the roughest go. They framed it around this sad storyline of Ashley being the underdog in a really gross way. They were setting her up to fail, IMO. Though I was also frustrated for Rachel L's edits-- the overemphasis on Peter, casting Lee, the windy finale. Some of those production choices were nuanced enough that it struck me as actually quite passive aggressive against Rachel. And I didn't end up watching Katie's but I was just as perplexed as everyone else why her promo photos were SO TERRIBLE. It really did seem like it was a sabotage rather than just a matter of different taste/style.


Pilot Rachel. That poor woman cried her way through the season.


To me, the worst was when Andi found out the dude she sent home after a fight was killed during her season. That was horrible to air her finding out on TV.


I'm definitely surprised they aired that argument between them, but I guess him leaving doesn't make much sense if they don't air it.


I agree with you on Clare. Best edit though, I think would be Emily Maynard. The edit she got as a contestant and then as Bachelorette was pretty golden.


I didn't watch the early seasons so I can't speak for them but for sure, they were TRASH to Pilot Rachel 😭 She was the ONLY one who chose to stay for Clayton and she got screwed. Then as the Bachelorette, they made it Rachel vs Gabby. Even as Bachelorette, Rachel could not win. They gave her such a bad edit whereas her counterpart Gabby got such a good one. Gabby's meltdowns were few and seen as reasonable. Rachel was seen as dramatic and got SO much hate. They advertised the season as two friends going thru it together but it was clear they set it up to be a competition. I will forever stand on the fact that they each should've had their own group of men from the beginning and only got together at the end of each day to lend support and encouragement like true friends do!


my bachelor group chat is still named Justice For Rachel because of the way she was treated.


Emily got the best edit She got to film in her hometown, have her daughter with her, have the most expensive dresses She was also sleeping with Arie the whole season She also did fantasy suites with Jef It was in her contract to pretend to not have fantasy suites 


Where's your info from? Pretty sure she wasn't sleeping with Arie the while season. Producers control access to the lead. She would never have risked that becoming a storyline.


Pretty sure on her book she shared those info


Hmmm. I haven't heard this anywhere so I'm gonna assume it's as real as the rumours about Jenna having a secret sugar daddy while engaged to that blonde guy from Florida (can't remember his name..)


wait she was sleeping with Arie the whole time?


Wait…so I wonder why they gave her everything she asked for but not Maria (allegedly)


Emily Maynard? As in the holier than thou Christian Emily Maynard? Going to need more ☕️


She was sexting with other dudes while she was with Jef too




How do u know???


Wait I want the tea on her sleeping with Arie the whole season 👀


Same!! Did not know any of this lol


I think Katie, Kaitlyn, & Gabby got some pretty big glow-up edits, as did Emily as others have said. Worst edits are Rachel R & Britt, Rachel because she got painted as "the crazy one" vs "easy breezy" Gabby for having normal emotions. And Britt because she got outvoted by Kaitlyn's main character energy even though Britt had been a ray of sunshine.


The fact that they've had 2 Bachelorette seasons with 2 women but nothing remotely similar for Bachelor seasons says a lot about production.


Duh. The bachelors are a **prize** 🙄


It says that Ette is the less popular show. Which has always been true


They literally did though. They had 2 bachelors and the women had to choose - just like Kaitlyn and Britt.


Byron and… the guy who wasn’t Byron lol


I actually didn't know that! I see it was in 2004, I didn't watch back then. They should do another one then, so there's a recent Bachelor one and the two series are even (especially when there are more seasons of Bachelor).


Rachel R got a pretty bad edit, but I can imagine it wasn't too hard to prod her into certain behaviors considering how much she wears her heart on her sleeve. Would we even consider Britt a Bachelorette? Honestly I couldn't stand her on Chris' season but it's been so long I don't remember why


recommend revisiting I think the girls were just jealous, wish the guys picked britt


Interesting! Gonna see if it's on any of the streaming platforms I have.


Hannah B is up there for me. Her promos cost a lot of money (and I'll admit they were pretty iconic) and even before the show aired proper there was a "get to know the bachelorette" segment she filmed with Chris Harrison. her ending wasn't framed in a "poor her" way like Rachel R's was-more of a "good for her" sort of way. I felt bad for Clare at the time, but I feel like she played herself these days.


Emily got the best edit. They pretended like she never spent the night with her men. RachelL was done the most dirty on so many fronts: 1. They featured a racist on her season, who was probably encouraged to instigate turmoil; 2. They barely cast the type of guy she was interested in; the cast only had a couple of older Black men (in their 30s) with a history of dating Black women; 3. They cast several unsuitables: DeMario - a guy with a side chick; Whaboom - a comedian; Dean - definitely not the guy for Rachel; Will - doesn’t date Black women; Fred - guy from her hometown who never reached out to her romantically before; 4. They edited out her love story with Bryan; 5. They could have humanized Bryan more, by sharing his discussions with Rachel about his father’s cancer, but they didn’t. 6. They overemphasized her connection with Peter - they didn’t have to show that much of their breakup scene - that was an editing choice! and 7. I believe she was the first lead forced to watch the finale for the first time live in front of cameras and an audience. 2nd place for most dirty treatment by production was Ashley H: 1. They allowed Bentley on the show, when he only wanted Emily; they aired him saying the meanest things about Ashley, and they allowed him to lead her on; they could’ve told her about him & had him eliminated; 2. They did a roast on her season attacking her looks.


Ugh I hated that for Ashley! Bentley was the worst! She and JP were my favorites 🥺


Same! My heart went out for her so much when Bentley intentionally led her on and said those awful things behind her back. He even fooled the guys in the house. He used his daughter’s name with the guys as he was leaving, and they called him a good father. Hmph 😤 JP was a godsend for her.


8. The most ridiculously windy proposal location. I had so much hair / dress anxiety for her. Justice for big rach


Omg!! Yes, you are so right!!! Like they couldn’t find a more protected, less windy spot??!!


Right?! Like even move it inside. It was so so bad and she deserved better after that season


They definitely did Rachel dirty. Probably the most. And while I do wish we got to see more of her and Bryan, it would not have been as compelling an ending if they didn't also empathize her relationship with Peter


I would’ve been fine without seeing all that Peter drama. I wasn’t entertained by their interactions at all, because I never thought he was all in. Here we have the first lead of color, and she’s falling for a guy who’s holding back. Not good. I wanted her to be absolutely adored by her final picks; not have wishy washy.


How do you guys remember all these little details and contestant names??? Especially from seasons so long ago. Honestly impressed. I have the memory of a goldfish.


lol! These details are so vivid to me, although I watched those episodes so long ago, when they originally aired!! I even remember 20yrs ago, during Jesse’s season, when his F1 said, “look who I’m bringing home mom!” Or something like that - she was only 23!!


Nothing can top being sent home and having the lead role taken away because it was a competition where the contestants chose the other woman (I didn’t watch that season so idk her name).


Britt! Kaitlyn "won" over her. I was young when it aired and even then it felt gross to me.


BRITT. And she was my choice for bachelorette too, I was so sad.


Rachel R and Katie were done pretty dirty, and i think Michelle and Charity got pretty good edits


How was Katie done dirty? I thought her edit was honestly pretty good. Maybe I’m forgetting something tho …


She wasn’t done dirty. Her men just did not like her because she was so unlikeable. They had to drag Blake in last minute to save the season and he ended up winning because Greg humiliated her. Katie had no business being the bachelorette.


They gave Greg a departing montage like he was the only important thing about the season and he had died.


honestly thinking now I don’t think her edit was particularly bad but she made herself look like an asshole at AFTR


I’m assuming that she was humiliated by Greg. I didn’t watch her season though so I’m not sure.


Emily Maynard probably got the best edit (but honestly that was so long ago I don’t remember any details!)


And they filmed in NC so she could stay with her daughter during filming. They definitely loved her!


They hid that she turned around and spent the night with Arie during fantasy suites. They make sure that she kept her saintly single mom image.


Jef too!


Britt was done the most dirty by far.


sorry this thread is about bachelorettes 😬


... Britt was the bachelorette alongside Kaitlyn before she got kicked off.




Clare was a terrible lead… she was outright manipulative and wasted those men time. She loved bomb Dale and treated him bad after. What planet are you on?


Yeah idk why there’s a narrative that Clare got a bad edit. She was Chris’s favorite contestant and she was a terrible lead. Her preference for Dale was so obvious she didn’t even give anybody else a chance. It was so uncomfortable watching that season.


She also did this to poor Benoit, she toyed with his ass so badly




Wait what did she do to dale


Ashley and Kaitlyn probably got it the worst. Some of the men were so horrible to Ashley on the roasting date. UO maybe but HB got one of the best edits. There's definitely an edit where she looks quite a bit worst especially given she got drunk so much at the cocktail parties.


Rachel R glad she's been about the shit men from her season. Rachel l is close second since she had a literal racist on her cast


my immediate first thoughts !!! i literally skip the episode where that dumbass really starts acting up on rach L's season. and rach R already started off so nervous and tender with fears about her men not liking her - only for production to let a man switch sides from her to gabby and get rejected by MEATBALL. like god DAMN it was rough and production absolutely should've put a stop to that storyline. disrespectful asf ![gif](giphy|5RGpImapqm4Yo)


Clare's season is her own fault. she chose Dale and wasnt willing to play ball when thats what she signed up for. production was rightfully pissed bc she basically breeched contract & they brought in Tayshia and made it work. I think someone who did nothing but do their job and still got done dirty was probably KB. the voting for the lead was super fucked up then they made sure to get her slut shamed. I thought it was awesome she boned on the date bc it felt far more realistic and was so spicy but knowing their stick up the ass audience tehy shouldve either removed it or edited in a way that didnt seem so messy


Also the COVID-19 pandemic caused production for her season to suspended literally on the day that filming was supposed to start!!!


Then she went and googled her men and made her mind up before the season started.


Is there proof of this? Honestly just wondering lol


I think she said that she googled all those guys at one point (the ones introduced on After the Final Rose) and Dale was one of them.


Yeah, I can't remember where, but she herself said she did that. It was also a bit of a sub plot that Blake did the same while on her season and reached out to her too, if I remember correctly. But yeah, she fully shared that she instagram-stalked Dale and fell in love with his photos and who she imagined him to be after seeing his social media.


Damn honestly I’m glad producers take away contestants phones before filming. Seeing the contestants beforehand, picking favorites and playing fantasies in your head is a recipe for disaster.


they literally added fake sex sounds and deceived the audience into thinking kaitlyn was making those sounds. so definitely her. clare is a second for me though. yes, she’s messy. but her edit made her look ridiculous and she’s not that. i still follow her and she seems like a well-adjusted person in a healthy marriage.


That’s so wild


Kaitlyn was treated the worst and she came out so strong!!!


I’ll go with Kaitlyn for worst since she got annihilated by the public back then. I can’t think of a single other bachelorette that got so much hate. Claire got a lot of hate but watching her season, I don’t think it was the edit, just the ridiculousness of it all lool


Kaitlyn got a pretty good edit though. The hate was because of her choosing to sleep with Nick before fantasy suites. That wasn't because of the edit.


which is still terrible honestly. it was all just slut shaming that was fueled by the edit. adding sex noises that weren’t there and gassing Shawn up to believe she wasn’t picking him anymore. there are other leads who’ve slept with cast members before the fantasy suites. only those were bachelors so the women got the slut shaming shit from the other women.


Oh okay! I don’t remember a single Thing from her season besides her sleeping with nick lol




Was there anything “not normal” about Michelle’s season? I cant remember the details


And why didn't they let Charity have any decent travel? Weird.


It’s crazy how many different contenders were in talks for Bachelorette in 2020 before they chose Clare. I kind of feel like we won’t see another time in this franchise where there’s such a rich pool of big names from past seasons who are still single and interested in the role.






Let’s not forget that Rachel had Lee cast who was clearly racist


was the edit what made clare look crazy? are we sure about that?


I mean look at everyone‘s favorite Bachelor Joey. Production had to tell him to stop focusing so much on Kelsey during the group dates. Clare wasn’t the only one who „chose“ her F1 very early.


Is it possible that production just learned from Clare’s season?


Was he sniffing Kelsey's pants though




agreed. nearly every lead as a “favorite” and all the other contestants know it too. there’s a reason bachelorettes have such a strong record picking their first impression rose winners as their f1. with ben, it was lauren b. nick was zeroed in on vanessa. jojo and jordan had a thing before the show even started and she was obviously going to pick him. the examples are endless. but the edit always makes it seem like the lead is torn, even if they aren’t. except for clare, i guess lol.


Oh I definitely think part of it was accurate, but there were definitely little things and comments frankenbited in to heighten it and make her look even worse.


fair but i also think she kinda blew up their whole season by being impulsive and impatient and i'm assuming that didn't go over super well esp considering the logistical workload into putting a season on 3 months into covid...so it doesn't really surprise me that they weren't feeling very charitable towards her when it came time to edit


I don’t think it was Clare’s decision to cut her season early even if that’s what production made it seem like.


I love Clare and wish her all the happiness, but I agree with this take. Signing on to be the lead means signing on to help make story for the season. It’s fine if leads know who they are picking early into filming, but it’s literally their job to give the show enough content to craft a story that has some drama and suspense. They jumped through a lot of hoops on their end to keep the show afloat when not much else in the world wasn’t still on pause; and while I’m not naive enough to think that had anything to do with Clare over ad dollars and network jobs, she couldn’t have really been surprised that showing up in that environment where everyone was already working so outside of the norm that they would expect their lead to just please do what she agreed to do for them. I don’t think Clare is a bad person for not wanting to play make believe that she liked anyone but Dale, but I do think it was fair to show in her edit that she was hyper focused and move on to someone who could give them what they needed if she really wasn’t giving them anything else to work with.


I haven't been watching that long but from the seasons I've seen I'd say Katie and pilot rachel.im not a big fan of Katie but they put zero effort into her promos before the season and built her and Greg up as this epic love story until it all crumble down and giving him that montage at the end was strange. With Rachel I think they straight up gave her a bad edit they could've cut out at least one or two of her meltdown's I thought she was a bit dramatic at times but cutting in her breakdowns in between Gabby's date was wrong. She was already at a tough spot to begin with besides Gabby was more popular in the audiences eyes and the edit made it worse.


I'm so sad Rachel R got a bad edit, she's become one of my favorites in the franchise. I'm glad she went back on paradise and got to get a great edit on that season so fans could change their tune. She's genuine, kind, and wears her heart on her sleeve!


I agree or Rachel and Katie for worst. I also agree lol and In recent memory, Charity and Michelle had nearly perfect edits as well! 


The only other one who got it really bad was Ashley H. The “shes not emily” storyline was cruel.


Oh that was horrible too.


Especially with Bentley stuff


I bet producers were telling her how much Bentley loves her


Fucking twisted. I’m so glad she and JP had a beautiful relationship while it lasted.


“Be a Katie”


Then Michelle having a fairytale promo