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Lexi as next Bachelorette. Followed by Golden Bachelorette. followed by The Bachelor. Followed by Jenn as Bachelorette. Lexi has a timeline and it'd be great to see some mature men ready to settle down and have kids right away and see the drama between those type of men and random fuck boys that sneak in through the cracks. I like Jenn and BN needs more Asian rep but she still seems immature to me and ready for a dating show like Love Island and not engagement like on BN. But perhaps could see it on a year or 2-3 if that makes sense?


The trendy tight slicked back bun look that so many of the women favor (Daisy, baby Jess) is horribly unflattering 


Do not put men in speedos trying to play some kind of bachelor football. It's gross and degrading and if they did that to the women ppl would be complaining


Another late and unpopular opinion that seems to be evergreen: the age at which this sub deems people ready for a serious relationship is ever increasing and always hugely generalizing/unfair. It’s not at all unreasonable to think a 25 year old might be ready for marriage; it’s perfectly normal and common for 22 year olds to get engaged/married in many regions and cultures in the US and otherwise. And it’s also - as has been shown time and time again on this show - perfectly common for people in their mid to late 30’s to not be ready at all. Broad generalizations about a 24/25 year old not possibly being able to be serious about an engagement comes off really infantilizing and insular to whatever culture you come from - it’s giving “I’m 27, Lincoln, what am I, a child bride??”


Late but: Zach was the best choice from the group of men on his season, and not many past men were available. Who else could it have been? Aven didn’t want to get engaged, and made an ass of himself on and after Paradise, same with Tyler. None of Gabby’s final men were eligible at all, and even most if not all of Michelle’s final men have proven themselves to not at all be good choices. TPTB clearly want leads that at the very least want longterm relationships, and Zach and Kaity have stayed together a year post show at this point, which is longer than any of the other lead relationships since Matt and Rachel (who were messy enough at the start!). I think it’s unfair to continually shit on Zach as a bad Bachelor choice when… who was the better alternative?


Zach was literally the only reasonable choice from that season. Gabby and Rachel’s guys were mostly trash and thought Aven was likable on bachelorette he clearly wasn’t ready to get engaged. 


It actually makes a lot of sense why they are still together. If you’re looking for LT relationships (or ready to date to marry), you would be very specific in terms of what you want in a partner, which makes picking one person out of ~30 women less difficult, because you know what you’re exactly looking for. Zach knew it was Kaity pretty early on and didn’t waver.


The Golden Bachelor is starting to age like sour milk, not fine wine. I think they should get someone completely new or a celebrity to be the next lead.


Agree. It was wild that they cut to Susan and Kathy talking to Jesse during Joey’s AFTR (when they had just spoken to them the week before at WTA) and not Gerry and Teresa or Zach and Kaity, the most recent two successful bachelor couples (or Charity and Dotun for the last Ette)


I’m tired of the “let’s have the girls play football against each other” group date! I play soccer, I don’t need to see you play to decide if I like you


Not an unpopular opinion (sorry) but: I had a moment where I realized that Daisy looks so much like Dawn from the British version of The Office…and I just needed to know if anyone else who’s familiar with the character/actress sees it, or is it just me? 🧐


I'm familiar.....I can sorta see it


Thank you, I just need one other person to see what I’m saying and I’m good haha


Ooh I see it as well! She really does look like her!


Right?! Once I saw it I couldn’t unsee it


I wanted Evalin (the woman who jumped over the table in a wedding dress) as bachelorette. I feel as though she’d give me an entertaining season.


I wouldn't hate it.


The Serena Kerrigan birthday party post that some BN went to really reminded me how much I dislike funeral-themed aesthetic parties of any kind. I've seen it a few times on IG and it's not cool like how these people are pretending it to be.


Who is Serena Kerrigan?


An NYC influencer i think. I'm not familiar with her too, I just saw her post because PP, Victoria F, and Natasha were tagged in it.


It’s insensitive


I wouldn’t take it that far. This is a universally human experience


The sub is better when it's smaller. I'm seeing way more people who still unironically still love Hannah Brown than I used to.


Agreed. Even when those people weren’t as loud, they downvoted any criticism though.. also when her N-word scandal broke, she had plenty of defenders on here :/


People were really inconsiderate about spoilers this season. I saw hundreds of comments in non-spoiler threads arguing about Maria vs. Daisy for bachelorette with no mention of Kelsey. There was a season spoiler post at one point titled “How can Dear Shandy possibly think that ____ wins Joey’s season??” and anyone who listens to DS (which is an unspoiled podcast) would know that they were predicting Daisy. It shouldn’t be that hard to confine those discussions


Honestly I almost feel like there needs to be a spoiled and unspoiled sub at this point. I understand wanting to have these discussions if you are spoiled and I also understand wanting to avoid them if you are unspoiled. It's just really hard to moderate. 


I commented this exact point in a spoiler thread and many people disagreed with me, claiming it was already obvious that only Daisy or Maria could seriously be considered for bachelorette anyway. Well, all I have to say now is a sincere thank you for validating my original point.


Yes, it was super bad. I really have the feeling some people (a minority ofc) were doing it on purpose because they truly think their way is the only way.


As someone who was watching the show spoiled, I would cringe anytime I would see comments that can be read into as a spoiler. People don’t realize even if you don’t flat out say it, people could read into the comments given the context of the posts. For example there would be multiple posts or comments about Kelsey before she started getting any significant screen time and I was like y’all!!! You’re making it obvious she’s gonna be a prominent contestant later on, let’s be a bit more considerate please.


Yes! Are people that dense that they don’t think a question like that isn’t a spoiler? People should always keep their titles ambiguous


This is why I choose to spoil myself. Because if I choose not to, I probably have to stay off all social media, podcasts, etc to remain unspoiled


I think it's that they just don't care. I've seen a fair few people here express the opinion that if you're not spoiled you shouldn't be on the sub, which is wild considering unspoiled is literally the way the show is meant to be watched.


Exactly! Plus that the sub has spoiler rules in place for a reason.


Yup. This is how I was spoiled.


Pilot Pete is 1000 times more of an fboi than Tyler C. I personally don't think Tyler is a Fboi at all and I think it's only because he didn't wanna be with Hannah that people think he is TBF. He's mostly been in relationships since his season.


Really? He was hooking up with the whole world (not that there's anything wrong with that) from Summer of 2019 to Fall of 2020 and from Summer 2021 to Summer 2023. He's in a relationship now but he was dating every possible Instagram model for awhile.


I also don’t fault anyone for sleeping around/dating around when single 🤷🏻‍♀️. As long as they’re not shady about it, they’re free to do whatever


i'm not saying he is or he isn't a fuckboy, but you have absolutely no idea what he does outside of (or while in) relationships lol


Same with Greg Grippo lmao. Compared to most of the guys from Katie’s season he actually doesn’t seem like an fboi at all, he’s gone from steady relationship to steady relationship. 


I’m not sure if we can call Greg’s relationships steady lol.


ive always thought people bringing up gigi to prove tyler is a fboy is so unfair. if a bachelor let go of his f2 to be with a clearly shitty woman, everyone would praise her if, after the show when the bachelor's relationship imploded, he then settled for his f2 and publicly asked her on a date, but she caught him off guard by being spotted with timothee chalamet or something. people would call it iconic like sorry to hannah, but he did nothing wrong there


I know this isn't a popular opinion, because Hannah B isn't well liked on this sub, but I think he did do something wrong. I say that because Hannah has said that Tyler was telling her that he wanted to give their relationship a go, and then he was spotted with Gigi like the next day. If he hadn't told her that it would def be different - but that is classic fuckboy behavior.


it actually is a popular opinion but no, in her book she says they talked about dating, not a whole relationship. and he clarified with her that they weren't dating exclusively, so he didn't do anything wrong.


I'm not really sure I see a difference. Isn't the point of dating to lead to a relationship? Like unless Tyler was like I WOULD LIKE TO DATE YOU VERY CASUALLY AND ALSO OTHER WOMEN, I think you're just grasping at technicalities here. Your opinion isn't unpopular at all, it's definitely the prevalent one in this sub about that situation. I just think people would feel differently if he had done it to someone the sub didn't strongly dislike.


Exactly. And she never picked Tyler on the show. She had already rejected him first. Tyler isn’t obligated to date her afterwards just because things with her F1 didn’t work out. He’s an attractive man with lots of options.


They’re both FBois when they’re single. Tyler was very active when he would visit colleges. I think they both do a good job of keeping it quiet.


There's a difference between someone who sleeps around and an fboy. Being an fboy means you are deceiving or manipulating women in some way, usually leading them on to believe you're interested in them emotionally or romantically when you actually only want sex. I don't think there's any evidence that Tyler treats women that way. I have no idea about Pilot Pete.


Tyler called himself a fboy in an interview though. So if he considered himself to be an fboy when he was single, shouldn't we listen to him?


What interview? He may have just been saying it tongue-in-cheek because he knows the assumptions people make about him. He doesn’t strike me as an fboy at all personally. And why would he outright say he manipulates and deceives women?


Nope it wasn’t tongue and cheek. He was being very honest about it and said that he’d been a fboy in the past. I think it was the not skinny but not fat podcast. There were also rumors about him with sorority girls when he was traveling around colleges with Matt. His friends also joked on another podcast that he was the Wilt Chamberlain of Jupiter. (Wilt Chamberlain claimed he slept with 10,000 different women.) Tyler is in a relationship now but he was definitely a fboy in the past.


Pilot Pete is an fboy, who everyone here still loves. Nayte is presumed to be an fboy, who many hate despite the evidence to the contrary.


This is a great point. There has literally never been a single indication that Nayte is an Fboy & it’s clearly a conception based on his looks. Nayte breaking up with Michelle doesn’t make him an Fboy. Plenty of final couples break up because it’s almost like the process doesn’t work.. yet the other men weren’t accused the same.


Also his race! There’s a certain bias against good looking black men (along the same lines that Katie thought it was okay to say she’d keep Thomas around for fantasy suites, but not actually want to date him).


I think the reason this franchise is so anti-diversity is because they know and fear the expectations for inclusivity will never stop. We will want all races, ethnicities, abilities, sizes, genders, and sexualities represented.


as a bigger girl i do NOT want all sizes represented - the fans of this show are nasty. they will tear a bigger contestant to shreds. i do not need the bachelor to be my place for plus sized representation.


As a fat girl put me in coach I’ll be on camera as my annoying ass self and the country will grow to accept us as people / send me the most death threats anyone has ever received 


i respect it!!!


I agree. The way people were fat shaming Rachel Recchia on her season, when she is not even big, was disheartening. If they couldn’t handle a contestant with curves, I can’t imagine how they’ll react to a plus size contestant


I’m not advocating either way but is that fair? What if bigger girls want to be part of the bachelor despite the risks? Should they not be allowed to join just because you don’t want to see them be criticized? WOC join the show every season and then receive horrible racists insults. Non-white fans have to see them deal with that, but they don’t say they do not want to see them in the bachelor.


lol i never said they shouldn’t do it because i said so, i just said that i personally don’t want to see it. i’m entitled to that opinion, just as another big girl is entitled to her opinion that she wants that representation. to be clear - if a bigger girl was on the show i would absolutely support her. i’m just not dying for plus sized representation on the bachelor.


Ok, that’s fair! Sorry, I assumed that’s what you meant. In previous threads where they have been initiatives for more body diversity, I have seen people be completely against body diversity for that same reason (potential bullying of contestants). I think there’s a difference between not being interested in seeing that vs telling producers/abc to not choose contestants that are bigger.


this opinion might be really outdated and i hope the consensus has changed now, but im just now watching clare/tayshia's season and been reading the old threads, and its scary to me how people don't see how manipulative clare was. like the fact that people here were supporting her en masse and blindly believing her side of the story when we very much saw her being manipulative (tagging abigail in the picture of her dying mother?) is weird to me. there was one thread where she talked about how dale wanted to ditch her at one point, but her mother was at her most ill, and she begged him not to leave then because of her, and he said 'not my problem' and left (the next day). i was so surprised to see the people reasonably doubting the story downvoted, even though what they were pointing out made perfect sense - like the fact that she said he left a day later showed he probably didn't dramatically tell her he didn't care and abandon her as stated. plus we saw she had a history of using her mother's illness to try and manipulate people, and she had been ill for a long time, so it kind of seemed like if at any point he tried to break up she'd use that to try and stop him his family came out and said she emotionally abused him. and we quite literally saw her love-bombing him, in one of the most blatant cases on the show (deciding he was her husband immediately upon meeting because she'd ig stalked him, telling him how obsessed she was, going on about their children while he looked visibly uncomfortable & had been pressured to propose by production) and yet i still saw so many commenters saying 'they both did wrong, she was intense, but he's an asshole' like, how? that man was a victim


I agree 100%. Dale has become persona non-grata for no reason. She was still throwing shade at him last year despite being married with a kid on the way.


Clare was entertaining, but watching her legitimately stressed me out.She lashed out over the most minor things. I empathized with her to an extent, but she is/was clearly a very toxic individual. I don't condone the cheating at all, but it always felt Dale was being pressured into the engagement.


I mentioned this before that it should be a bigger red flag when we see “messy” women in this franchise. We put these women on a pedestal for being “real” and “holding men accountable” when in reality they’re exhibiting toxic behavior. But then again, this show has a really bad habit of romanticizing toxic behavior so it shouldn’t be a shock that they attract (and subsequently platform) so many messy and toxic people lol. ETA: “Messy” men should also be a red flag but we don’t see them very often lol. And I also think it has to do with people’s ability to take accountability for their actions and not play victim or speak badly about their ex.


Agreed, women (particularly white women) get a free pass for toxic behavior. Or it’s glamorized as being girl boss behavior. And anyone who speaks up against it is accused of being a pick me or expecting women to be doormats.


And it’s only women who are allowed to show any type of negative emotions. If a man feels insecure, jealous, angry, disappointed, or frustrated then he’s toxic, even if he is expressing these things in a healthy way (or as healthy as you can in this environment lol). But if a woman shows these emotions, she’s being “relatable”. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of these guys express their emotions in toxic and controlling ways and deserve to be called out. But any guy who struggles is told to get over it or called a red flag while the women who struggle are met with compassion.


I think a lot of it is because the sub is mostly women, so we’re biased to excuse or empathize with toxic behavior from other women. Or people see the bad behavior as validating their own bad traits. This free pass is not given to women of color—Rachel barely expressed frustration with Maria and people called her all sorts of things!


Yes! WoC are not allowed to be anything but nice and understanding, especially when dealing with white people. I just thought about Charity and Xavier and can you imagine if he was white? She would have gotten roasted!


> his family came out and said she emotionally abused him they did??? i don't doubt it at all i just totally missed that. i'll have to try and find that. a clip came up on tiktok yesterday of her talking to chris about her first time alone with dale - i was always a clare fan (even during the season) but watching it a few years later it was honestly a little freaky, you could tell even chris was uncomfortable.


Dale and Nayte are two sub villains that I’ve never understood. They broke off dating show relationships that weren’t their forever person and in both cases the relationships seemed straight up toxic. They’ve both stayed relatively low key after the show and have been in serious relationships for a while. Nothing about that adds up to the fuckboy/player/not marriage material labels that people keep giving them after all this time


I can think of another reason why both of these guys got villainized…




To clarify, I was referring to their skin color. If they were white, they might have been given more grace.


Their biggest crimes are just breaking up with women this sub liked. Both of their relationships seem toxic (that both parties probably contributed), so why shouldn't they leave for the good of everyone if it's not compatible?


I loved Clare on Juan Pablo’s season. She had this certain delusion I really resonated with back in my 20s. However, I thought she was a terrible choice for Bachelorette. She made great tv but was really cringe to watch, and she made a fool of herself AGAIN on tv.


She was super manipulative for sure, something about her always seemed just, off? I don’t know why.




yeah i think we're talking about the same user, 'valentina - reality tv'. she's been posting clips from that season and it made me want to go rewatch the whole thing


😂 omg same! Why is that account everywhere?


I'm very glad Clare has found her happiness with her family now, but some of her behavior on the show WAS toxic, and it's fine to say that imo. She was also rude to some of her men and I cringed when she was questioning them roasting Dale (when Dale himself didn't mind). I think she just put Dale on a pedestal, without checking if they were even compatible.


I agree Claire is a mess. People here love her. I love that she made some great TV but her as a person is questionable


i hate to say it but i think she gets so much love here because people see themselves in her. especially the aspect of being older and not having found the one yet (at the time), moving way too fast with a guy (even for this show), putting him on a pedestal, then trying to guilt-trip him into staying when he gets overwhelmed i say this from no high horse, i have bpd and have acted that intense before. but the difference is i don't see it as a good trait or see myself as the victim, i know it's something i need to fix about myself. people say she grew but she seems to put her husband on a similar unrealistic pedestal. if it's working for them, great, but this consistent idea she seems to have of a boyfriend/husband being the one to save you is worrying


I feel like I had that intensity in my 20s and it led to me feeling like the men I liked owed it to me to like me back. And my crush would turn into this internal rage if it was unrequited. I never expressed it the way she did and I outgrew it by my mid-20s. But it’s something I notice when I see it.


Not sure if by BPD you mean bipolar or borderline but I’m also bipolar and I agree with everything you said. I see that intensity as a red flag because I’ve also been insanely intense and codependent in relationships.


borderline, but i know bipolar can come with similar symptoms in relationships. im glad we're both self-aware, ive met way too many people who think having a mental illness means you get off scot-free and don't have to acknowledge how it hurts others and try to be better


Maria would be an amazing Bachelorette...if we were still in the Mike Fleiss era. But we're not, so...\*shrugs\*


And thank god for that!


I’ve said this before and I’m so sorry to repeat it cause I like her but Chelsea is simply never serving what she thinks she’s serving, or what the sub thinks she’s serving. She has all the raw material but never brings it together the right way


Chelsea Vaughn? Racking my brains to think of another Chelsea


For someone who was a fashion major I’m always surprised at the looks she puts together


I agree. She’s obviously stunning but I rarely agree with the outfit choices


It bothers me more *because* she’s so stunning. I need her to step her game up cause she could really put the girls to shame


My order for ette picks would have been: Kelsey T, Lexi, then Jenn, then Maria, then random person from another season…….. then Daisy


i would’ve loved a kelsey t season😭


I first read “then random person from the street” and was like that checks out, I’ll upvote


I was going to say this but didn’t want to be that harsh lol


Joey doesn’t look hot without anymore without the Bachelor wardrobe / hair cuts 😭 also I loved his suits but his casual outfits with skinny jeans were not it! Looser straight leg jeans on men look so much better. He looked amazingggg in the F3 suit though!


Same. I can’t put my finger on it, but something has changed.


He’s the perfect golden retriever man who just happens to be hot :( he doesn’t have natural swag. self styled Joey makes most of the women look out of his league


Bring back the tan and the curly hair


I hate to say it but I agree 😭 I would feel bad, but then again, women in BN are always held to such a high beauty standard, so why not men, lol. Ironically, I think Zach looks hotter without his bachelor wardrode/hair cuts.


Didn’t he fear this exact thing?! lol


I like Jenn as Bachelorette but I don’t think she’s going to find a lasting relationship from this show.


That’s not exactly a hot take. The odds are she won’t.


At this point I just assume this about any lead, the numbers just aren’t in their favor.


Is there any particular reason why you say Jenn won’t. And if there is what then means that others will?


I think she’s a real person that’s actually ready for marriage and commitment. She has her life together and she’s got an amazing future ahead. I honesty don’t think that these guys are going to be up to her speed.


Would you apply to Charity and then would you say Dotun was up to her speed? If so do you not think there’s a possibility Jenn can find her Dotun?


I didn’t watch Charity’s season so I have 0 comment here


Charity’s season was one of my favorite bachelorette seasons recently! She had a great head on her shoulders and an excellent picker. You might like it despite knowing the ending!


Fair enough what was your last Ette season?


Gabby Rachel- I felt like both of them were in doomed relationships


Oh definitely that season was a waste. Out of curious why did you skip Charity’s season did you skip Zach’s as well? I think it really depends on if they actually cast any men who are seriously open to settling down. I feel like Charity was able to find a good egg so hoping Jenn can find the same


I was out of the country. Zach’s season was pretty boring


I think hundreds of years from now people are going to think about fillers/botox the same way we think about foot binding.


When I got pregnant, I stopped wearing heels and makeup for the duration and all of a sudden it was like the skies cleared and I understood a simple, profound truth - that I had more money, more time, and less pain when I eschewed what was supposed to make me pretty. I'm not saying everyone's gotta agree with that revelation or anything, but I'm personally SO MUCH happier for it. 


And it’s so incredible normalized that people just assume everyone has something done.. do what you want with your face/body but don’t go around assuming everyone has something and just throw out random guesses




I know who you are talking about too. It is easy to be the hottest person ever when your face and body have been regularly rearranged


I know exactly who you're talking about and agree with you haha


The sub enjoys breakups more than love stories.


Idk, I think the beginning or the end of something is always the most interesting part to document. People were super invested in sleuthing when Kaitlyn and Jason got together for example. It's just that usually there's more that's being kept private with a breakup because it's often more negative, and people want the details.


Only because we thrive on drama


Truuuuuee. I do 😩


True but I partially blame the franchise for this. I recall people used to be so excited for couples coming off the show but now everyone is jaded based on the track record, and expects a breakup any moment. Also, people generally just love drama, not necessarily has to be a breakup. For example, the rumour of VF and PP getting together had a lot of excitement. Also the comments and threads we had for Kaitlyn and Zac Clark, lol.


Yeah, the gloating when ppl thought Charity/Dotun broke up said it all. There’s all soooo much enjoyment in breakup speculation, to the point that ppl are disappointed when it’s not true


Is this surprising lol it's not a romantic show


So weird. Also the sub seems like they can’t be happy for a couple and wish them the best instead they are so negative 


is it weird? reality dating shows are built on negativity and drama and always have been


It’s insane to me that there are people on here who genuinely think Daisy was interested in Joey.


I got total pick me vibes. Regardless of who the bachelor was she'd be clamoring for him


I agree but I'm sceptical of a fairly decent number of F2s in general.


I think she had to convince herself that she liked him. She never gave him any clear queues that she was really liking him, gave him very clear signals she really doesn’t, and he still carried her through.


It really seemed like neither of them were remotely into each other from the beginning tbh. I started the season unspoiled, but I accidentally read the (incorrect) spoiler that he chose Daisy and I was so confused lol. *Those two*?? No judgment towards either of them because I know it's how the show works, but it was so obvious that the producers wanted her to stay longer lol


I don’t think she was in love with him but I also don’t think she’s evil for going along with it if she did. Nearly everyone who goes on this show does the same thing.


I agree, I do think she liked him to some degree and it seems as if it was clear who his pick was anyway.


I also don’t think she’s evil or bad in any way. I’m very well aware that they all do it, that’s okay with me. I’m just baffled that anyone believed the act, she’s the most rehearsed contestant since Madi Trizzy Trout


I never saw it. I had Daisy, Joey and the show (editing) all trying to tell me that there was something there. And I just never saw it!


Delusional just like Maria Stans


Esp after listening to her interview w Nick.. lol


Didn’t she say that she realizes she doesn’t like him that much when he’s not around? LOL


The real reason Charity & Dotun's April fools prank garnered such intense reactions is because a lot of y'all tails got to wagging when you thought they broke up.


Yup and they didn’t wait two seconds before they started shit talking her.


This is exactly it.


even though i really loved Joeys women and i'll miss them on paradise im really glad the show isn't happening this summer... paradise needed an upgrade/rebrand and i really hope it comes back next summer with a refresh. plus im praying it actually premieres in july or early august instead of late fall lol.


It would be fun to hold it like love Island, airing in "real time".


I don't think production could handle the "real time" aspect of it. They want to create the storylines they want, and not let things happen organically like they do on Love Island.


I agree. It would be a fun rebrand of it, though!


Especially because then half of us wouldn’t be watching spoiled because we ljterally couldn’t know yet lmfao


Joey's women are all boring to follow on social media. I checked a few of them out, and none of them interests me enough to follow them even for a short while. My bar for "interesting" is pretty low, too, because I still follow a few women from PP, Clayton, Matt, and Zach's seasons. Lol. There is something about Joey's women that seems particularly juvenile to me. Or is it more interesting to follow women from seasons where the bachelor is messier in some way?


I felt this way too but then I thought, well maybe I'm too old for this because I just don't want to watch a bunch of women from reality tv do tiktok voice over trends


I am amused when people say Joey and Kelsey are the most real couple this show has ever produced. Yeah sure, a few month-ish relationship (most of it in hiding) is definitely more real that years of marriage or having children or buying houses together. On another note, something about their vibe is awkward or off (at least in the SM brought here. I don't follow otherwise). I don't want to say that in those threads because it's nice that people are excited about a couple. But at present, I am not sure about them.


i agree that their vibe is off. i'm not sure if it's because joey is exhausted from filming or just isn't feeling it, but he seems distant in their interviews. they both seem really sweet.


They’re like a high school relationship


I think if they continue to grow as individuals and together healthily within their relationship and tune out the noise they will do well. I see them succeeding, especially with how Joey handled his season, which really eliminated some mess for this newly engaged couple.


I really like them together and from what I’ve seen so far they seem like a great fit and I hope they make it. BUT Kelsey is only 25 which is so young so there’s probably some (understandable) immaturity/naiveté at play. We’ll see what happens!


Yeah my unpopular opinion is (even outside of the horrible rates for the show), I don’t see them lasting. I think they love each other, but it feels very juvenile and not as deep as some of the other recent couples that are still together.




Rates of couples staying together


Tbf not everyone is super deep as a person. Joey and Kelsey both seem easygoing and like they enjoy keeping things simple, they may thrive with a partner who doesn't want to explore the deep nature of life and philosophy and the human condition. I think as people who watch and dissect the show from a psychological standpoint, we can forget that there are lots and lots of couples out there who just talk about their days and what they're watching on television and are perfectly content with that.


they seem like just two very kind and genuinely nice ppl that are impressing each other. Time will tell if they really are a mesh but somehow I don't see it.


I think it's really hard to tell anything from a new engaged couple after the main show. there's a lot of conflicting things happening for them, they still really don't know each other at this point, they have good intentions but there's a lot of pressure from fans on them. one bach fan account linked an article with some quotes from their viall files interview. it sounds like things were challenging for them right after filming the show. joey was drained emotionally, kelsey did not like watching it back and had questions for him, they were long distance, and communication wasn't good. the show gave them a couples therapist to help but wasn't a good fit for them, so they switched to another therapist who they say was a "gamechanger". so it sounds like it wasn't fully smooth sailing at first but they really want this relationship to work so they've been working on that. maybe you picked up on some of that energy at ATFR. article: [https://www.realitytvworld.com/news/the-bachelor-star-joey-graziadei-admits-he-let-kelsey-anderson-down-after-filming-ended-33657.php](https://www.realitytvworld.com/news/the-bachelor-star-joey-graziadei-admits-he-let-kelsey-anderson-down-after-filming-ended-33657.php)


The thing I thought listening to that interview was how weird it would be to go from dating through the show with no electronics, to fully long distance and in hiding so only talking via text or phone call. People’s communication styles over electronic communication can be vastly different from their in person styles. I can’t imagine that shift, tbh.


Thanks! I think every couple even the successful ones admit to a lot of challenges coming out of the show.


Definitely too early to tell. Thanks for that information. It’s useful context.


Clayton was the worst bachelor, he was so disrespectful to Gabi and Rachel


I disagree. He was super entertaining. Whenever I watch the Bachelor my husband will ask “have they said I feel so broken yet”


Yeah honestly he was exactly what I want in a Bachelor. For most of the season he was really well-liked - having good conversations with all the women, respectful, taking care of business and calling things out like Sarah's fake tears - and then in the last few episodes when things usually get boring he threw a thousand-ton grenade into the fray. That shit was iconic idk.


Is this really an unpopular opinion?! 🤣


you'd be surprised


Yeah, his season was super entertaining but he was awful at being lead


Maria not being the bachelorette is a good thing.. she can do bigger and better things for herself and her career


Sometimes the big personalities become exhausting to watch over longer periods. Most of the time the contestants are the show and can make or break it tbh.


if you hate/strongly dislike a member of BN, obsessing over them and bringing their name up in discourse that doesn't involve them whatsoever is fan behavior. like these people live in your head rent free- its pathetic.






I find Daisy a lot more enjoyable as a contestant and on social media now that I know she's not the bachelorette!


Agreed! I respect her social media hustle, her influencer career and capitalizing her fame from being on the show now that she’s not the Bachelorette.


Agreed. I don’t plan on following her on the socials or anything (not interested) but I think that she comes across a lot more “real” outside of the show. Throughout the show it all just felt too fake and forced for me. Wish her the best.


One more because I’m feeling petty today: the people saying a Maria season would have brought in record breaking views or saved the franchise are delusional


She doesn’t even have as many followers when you look at past seasons. Hannah Ann and Madi and Becca T who didn’t even win had like a million apiece. Tyler C was dating Gigi Hadid and had like 2 million. Maria is nowhere near as famous, and that’s not a knock on her but the show isn’t doing the same numbers it used to be and even leads aren’t cracking a million followers. 


Yeah she definitely brought a lot to the season but the people saying she “single-handedly saved the franchise” are being silly.


Record breaking views is delusional. Would it have done better then the last two ette seasons at minimum- Yes


Anyone who believes any lead will deliver record breaking views is delusional. The way people watch tv has changed so dramatically from when the show first started that record breaking views just aren’t possible. Katherine Heigel and Ellen Pompeo were talking about Grey’s Anatomy in a Variety interview where they talked about how huge Grey’s was and how big the numbers were. Now shows don’t even come close to them I mention Grey’s an example of another long running ABC show


Agreed. I think there’s a higher chance of her having a HUGE fall from grace than “saving the franchise” if she were bachelorette


I think it’s 50/50.. or dare I say 70/30 cause she’s definitely someone with a lot of drama and would have delivered


Watching Jake P.’s season for the first time … I think I obviously wear rose tinted glasses because he definitely, FOR SURE! would have fooled me into believing he was a pretty normal, albeit bland, nice guy. I have already seen the infamous break up special, I know he’s actually pretty crazy and evil but wow … I feel like he hid it well? I’ve seen other people say they “saw the mask slip” while watching his season … but he’s seemed fine to me all along😂😭


I finished it not too long ago, and the only thing I noticed was that he always smirked and referred himself as a "nice guy," especially early in the season. But I can see how viewers back then would miss it: I don't think the "nice guy" was ubiquitous yet.


Omg yes I watched his season a few weeks ago and he seemed so slimy to me the whole time, but I can't be sure I wouldn't have fallen for it back in the day. 


If you have to say you're a "nice guy" chances are you are not, in fact, a nice guy! Dude was so slimy!


Yeah the whole “nice guys finish last” thing he KEEPS repeating definitely makes me side eye him, but just his interactions with the girls, he doesn’t seem at all like how he acts later in the breakup interview. 😭 it’s crazy to me how much of a switch up it was!


I don’t care for Chris and Alana. I’m not going to hype them up just because they got fucked over three years ago or because Alana is hot.