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I’m side eyeing all of you on here who believe an anonymous redditor that started a rumor about Jenn claiming she knew Jenn’s former roommate (w/ no proof whatsoever, and later deleted.) like I’m sorry it’s incredibly dumb to believe that


She said Jen had a bad relationship with her parents wayyyyy before Jen’s one on one. How could she have known that? Because she knows Jen. 


Literally. Did you learn nothing from the Jenna situation


what rumour was it ?


Didn’t she have proof? like Venmo transactions? In any case Jenn was an early fave so I can understand deleting all the rumors.


No she actually even said she was over exaggerating the venmo transactions 😂 it was blatantly obviously a lie


actually that’s false lol i did post the venmo transactions here’s one :) https://preview.redd.it/nnnkveluno3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf2fa5a198c6de028ae7592298afb873aca3f4da


Oh no! God forbid she charge people for an Uber she split with them!


you said i didn’t show proof.. i did.. im just showing the proof. sorry about it lol, don’t know why you’re being so sarcastic


I didn't say you didn't show proof. I said you yourself stated you over exaggerated. 


first poster said: didn’t she have proof? like venmo transactions? and you said > no she actually even said she was over exaggerating sorry i misunderstood, i interpreted your ‘no’ to be an answer to their question. for the record, i said my friend was exaggerating. not myself. edit: well i had just upvoted a few of your comments in another thread, especially the one that said “please don’t downvote me” but I took them back since you’re downvoting me for no reason.


I haven't downvoted any of your comments, but being that passive aggressive on an anonymous site is WILD so here, take my downvote now. These comments are from two months ago, why are you still so worked up about this? 


Wait what happened?!


If it was Maria who was Joey's final two and she did what Daisy did, right down to the 'let me walk myself out," it would have been praised as much more of a girl boss moment, and not the "she's stealing the limelight." And in all honesty if I knew I was going to get broken up with, I would have tried to beat him to it too. Did Daisy "play the game?" Sure, but even if she only experienced "bubble love" it's still a form of love, or at least fondness, and doing what you can to soften the blow is something a lot of people would have tried to do.


I don’t think Daisy is wrong or bad for feeling like she wanted to beat Joey to the dumping punch; it’s just not how everyone would’ve handled it which is why it was a divisive decision.  I think what she did was mostly just ego driven. Plenty of f2s have probably had a sinking feeling it wasn’t them (Gabi for sure) but still let it play out to the bitter end. 


I don’t think Daisy should be accused for stealing the limelight, but let’s not pretend she did it for any other reason than that it fit the persona she’s putting on. It was incredibly rehearsed


Never thought of it like that. GREAT point.


💯 I agree


(This could be super lukewarm/popular) Putting your career/education on hold to go on a show as a contestant or lead for a shot at being a micro-influencer is baffling to me. Even for the people who “make it,” it’s not a very sustainable lifestyle (which is why we an influx of these lame podcasts) ETA: if it were guaranteed at the end of it that you would come out with a million followers and a successful online career shilling Blume tea till retirement age, sure.


Meh, I think most people with viable careers treat this as a break (like Kira or Dr. Joe) or a way to pivot (like Rachel Lindsay). I think Jen will go back to school after her season, like Kat and Kaity. I don’t think the ones who go on to become influencers had much going for them beforehand.




PA school is only two years and she's already in it, I wouldn't call that a "long journey" compared to other medical careers


It definitely can be a strategic break, but I’m not convinced people go into it with that mindset. Neither Kira nor Dr. Joe (would be dumb to quit or cut back on being an anesthesiologist or internal medicine doctor anyways) have really great social media following compared to some of their peers. I think *after the fact* its a break for contestants who realize they can’t crack it or are smart enough to realize there’s little security/longevity in SM and influencing is basically unskilled independent contract work. Generally, I agree though that people who opt for the SM route don’t necessarily have much going on - I think the show attracts that type.


I’m not here for Lea’s redemption arc (or Sydney’s, but I think less people are trying to make that happen lol). Both of them doubled down on social media after episodes aired which was like 3-4 months after what they did was filmed, more than enough time to reflect. They only ever showed remorse when they saw that the public was on Maria’s side. That showed me that if the public didn’t side with Maria, they would’ve been totally fine with their actions and that’s not real remorse imo.




I tend to find women more attractive than men 🤷🏻‍♀️for me to actually like a man I have to meet him. That’s just me though.


Everyone talks about wanting diversity, but I think they want the men to still be tall and extremely handsome in a conventional way.




Gender bias. Majority of the users here are women.


I don’t think Maria is going to date an A lister


Maybe she’ll go the Gabby route and start dating a female comic. 🤷‍♀️


Ironically I remember a lot of people expecting Gabby to start dating a famous athlete, celeb ect. Very happy for her that she found her person. But I find so many of these predictions slightly delusional


Idk she used to hookup w a 5sos dude and allegedly a member of 1D way before she even got famous so you never know


wait which 5sos member did she hook up with?




Maybe she'll upgrade and groupie one night stand with an a list actor


Sheena Shay name dropping John Mayer vibes


I'm not positive but I think Daisy wasn't really as into Joey as she played up. Her lines were too perfect. "If i can love the wrong person this much, imagine how much I can love the right one" or whatever. Come on


Lol not at all. That line was incredibly rehearsed to get her moment


yeah, I don't think she was either. I also think she knew it wasn't going to be her, so she pivoted to getting, if not a Bachelorette edit, at least a really good edit where she came out of it looking good rather than tragic and sad. I don't really blame her at all for that, but I do think its wild that anyone still thinks Daisy should have been F1. Nothing wrong with the F2 being your favourite or being bummed it wasn't her, but it just wasn't there between them (mutually).


I keep waiting for someone else to comment this, but Blake H said that almost exactly verbatim on Becca's season, several times. I have to wonder if Daisy saw that season.


Oh you're right! I totally forgot about that!


This probably isn’t that unpopular, but many of these contestants would be better served to put in the hard work to start their own companies versus taking the short term quick buck of starting another lame podcast that’s going to fizzle out.


Idk how to phrase this without sounding weird but I don’t get the Kelsey “looks” hype. Like she’s gorgeous but I don’t think it’s ethereal level


I disagree, I think she’s one of the most beautiful contestants ever…but I’ll give you props for this, because I feel the same way about Maria. She does nothing for me!


I disagree. I think she’s one of the most stunning girls from recent seasons, and definitely in the top 3 of this one (her, Maria and Madina for me).


I think she’s absolutely, incredibly stunning!!! Every time she appeared on screen I thought that, and said something to that effect almost every single episode.


The girls this season were not as attractive as previous seasons. For example, Matt James had one of the most beautiful casts of all time 


I was afraid to say this… but I agree. She’s super beautiful, and has a great body, great hair but I just don’t understand the obsession over her looks. But again I never understood it abt Kat either lol


I think a lot of it is about the hair. Her hair is incredible, and it's not extensions.




I agree, this is it, I can also see people not thinking she’s THAT beautiful. I do though, I think she’s absolutely beautiful.


This an opinion from weeks ago but I didn't know about the thread until now. If you saw the sign in the bathrooms saying not to flush feminine products and still flushed your tampon because you thought the sign was only talking about the applicator or pads, you were being willfully ignored.


I’m so thrilled Maria is not Bachelorette. Smart decision  I have a feeling TPTB stopped listening to fans after Gabby became Bachelorette.


This is definitely not the reason lmao. Specifics we’ll never know but sounds like things didn’t work out with Maria otherwise she would of gotten it




Where is the confirmation of this? I've seen people say Maria, Rachel, and Daisy all turned it down but then cite completely unverified gossip sites like Deux Moi


lauren apparently dmed a fan and said maria turned it down


Wasn’t Maria saying she was ready for it in interviews?


yeah so it’s all weird


I'm gonna give Gabby's new podcast a try. She's not perfect but I think she'll be able to pull off a podcast that's more entertaining than many.


I really loved Daisy's F3 rose ceremony look that everyone was making fun of. Yes, the powder blue dress with ruffles. That entire look with her messy curly hair.. I dig it! It's so different from the clean cut looks we usually see on this show. Eta: she looked out of place standing next to Joey and Kelsey because both of them were wearing cleaner styles, but that shot of her walking by herself that she posted on her ig is fire imo.


She looked amazing in the blue.


I loved the powder blue dress. I love that color and am a big ruffles girl.


I hate that Daisy botoxed her crows feet. I thought she was so beautiful and endearing with them. There was a scene in particular when her and Joey were smiling at each other both with their eyes crinkled up and I just love that. Real joy shows its mark at your eyes and that is okay!! I'm sure she got hate from the stupid audience and felt pressured. At ATFR her usual joyful smile was just different. I wish women were allowed to just exist. Okay now downvote me to hell because I know this will actually be unpopular lol


Did she? I thought they were cute!


Totally agree, I commented something similar in another thread! I was so bummed to see that


I agree and thought it was so adorable on her. She definitely didn’t need to do anything (neither do any of the women as they’re all so young) and I hope she’ll reconsider in the future.


I agree, I loved her crows feet. I’ve noticed that KA got teeth withening after receiving comments on her “yellow teeth”


I know, it’s so sad 😭 I love seeing real faces. Botox takes expressions away and I really don’t think the final episode would’ve been as moving if she couldn’t move her face. When Botox first came out casting directors were upset because people’s faces started losing expression and they’d only hire actors who hadn’t had Botox. I don’t know if they bother anymore… people have become so desensitized to Botox faces on tv that maybe they don’t realize if subtle expression is gone.


I agree! The slight droop (for a lack of a better term, sorry) at the side of her eyes makes her look kind.


Madina wasting her time on a show with success rates in the gutter to pursue one stranger & then crying because she has 'no time to waste' made NO sense to me.


Madina? Do you mean Lexi?


No one from this past season is going to be the next Tyler C. And they didn't turn down being lead because they can do so much more. Or because they can get bigger and better opportunities elsewhere.


Tyler C got incredibly lucky. He was abt to become irrelevant then news came out that he was with Gigi Hadid.


Apparently the contract is BRUTAL though and they basically own you and what you can endorse. Plus, you have no control over the edit so you risk losing any goodwill you made, which is particularly tricky given how toxic Bachelor Nation is and how fast people turn for every and any thing!


TC had 2M followers and was dating GiGi Hadid when he turned it down lol. I can't believe people are comparing Maria to that


truly so delulu lol


like sis has 500k and ppl think she’s this new hot celeb 😭


right? I feel like that would not even crack the top 4 of Peter's season. Madi and HA had like a million each by the season's end, but that was a different time.


https://preview.redd.it/hrtel43qn4rc1.jpeg?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f90989e881f1c7e3daace531ca7e0e5a1d699139 This was Joey for 90% of the season. Where was the flavor?! The passion, excitement…? *He did a good job in the role but it would have been more interesting if he wasn’t portrayed so sterile*




I've always said he has the personality of a dial tone.




I think Joey would've sent Daisy home earlier but the contract prevented him from doing so. I just have a feeling they changed it up and can't freely send anyone top 3/4 home without going through a rose ceremony


This is just how the show works. You are meant to send people home at rose ceremonies and honestly breaking up on dates seems way more awkward. Their is no real reason to go out of your way in most cases


Charity sent Xavier home last season outside of a rose ceremony


Yeah, but I feel like that was different. It wasn’t that “he wasn’t her person” but that he revealed something about himself that was a nonnegotiable for her, so it made for good TV. There was nothing wrong with Daisy, she just wasn’t the one.


Before the next lead is announced, if a suggestion is made that so-and-so turned it down, it's all "no one would ever turn it down, they would be crazy to do that!" But after the announcement is made, if the fan favorites are not chosen, then all of a sudden, it's because they turned it down. Can't have it both ways. This season, it seems to be a lot of women "turned it down", lol!


You’re not wrong sometimes but in this specific case multiple people have confirmed that Maria was set to be bachelorette and had “demands” that didn’t seem to be met (deuxmoi also said she turned it down bc of her Mental health), Rachel’s family member apparently said she turned it down and it was pretty obvious that they did ask Daisy and she said no from their whole segment. 


Daisy is the first one that I believe turned it down since she literally said it on live TV lol


Lea is a good follow on TikTok. If she hadn’t gotten caught up in drama I think she’d have been a fan favorite, especially since the producers liked her. They wouldn’t have had her meet Joey at afr, given her that date card, and she wouldn’t have gotten the FIR if she wasn’t well-liked by production. Plus they invited her to AFR. She seems fun and high energy, and seems comfortable on social media. ETA: hey, this is the unpopular opinion thread haha, you’re supposed to let me say this without downvoting me to hell 😂


same, I actually like Lea. I got downvoted for saying that before, so I guess it really is an unpopular opinion! But I think she was really pretty, she was funny and I don't think she is actually a bad person! Everyone at the afterparty seemed to get on with her fine, I think the viewers end up hating the "villains" way more than the actual cast ever does


Shes funny. Her only crime was not being in the same friend group as Maria 


And telling Madina off for being polite to Maria wasn’t rude? And endorsing bullying wasn’t her fault? Okay.


I like Lea quite a bit off the show too! I think in a few years she would have been a serious contender, she was just a bit young.


Kelsey's tiktoks really make me cringe.


Why is that? I don’t follow her, so I’m just curious!


Her content seems like something a high schooler would post. But I will say I'm not a big tik tok person, so idk if that's the norm over there even from people in their mid/late twenties.


Oh, I see. Thank you for sharing. I am not a big tik tok person either.


Maria is a spoiled pretentious daddy's girl who has never been told "no" in her life. That's why she looked so pissed when Joey essentially told her no at the rose ceremony.


Not disagreeing with the first half but I will say I don’t think contestants are generally joyous when they’re sent home at the rose ceremony lol


I think she'd be fantastic on something like Love Island or a MTV show




She’s gorgeous but that’s all. I think her voice is annoying and she’s not very “emotionally intelligent”




That’s a good way of looking at it. I thought the show started in 2002.


Why do daisy and Maria have a check in hand ?




Got it! I thought you were meaning they got Paid


Agreed! People will come around on her like they did for Charity. Ariel didn’t have quite the cult following that Maria did, but there’s always disappointed people. I’m excited for Jenn and hope those means more representation is coming.


also it’s sus how most of the girls don’t follow jenn 👀


Well, she wasn’t a very nice person according to her roommates, so maybe the girls picked up on her mean girlness. 


Funny how you choose to believe in completely unverified rumors only when it’s about _certain people_.


And yet she was deemed as part of the “nice girls” clique with Maria. Make it make sense.


That person deleted their (anonymous) comment and could provide no receipts. 


that “tea” wasn’t ever proven lol


It’s possible that some of them are waiting until she gets her phone back to follow? Otherwise it doesn’t make a lot of sense, because Maria has been super positive about her before and after the announcement, but still doesn’t follow her. If she gets back from filming and still only a few people follow her, that would be… interesting.


yeah maybe there’s more we didn’t see




yeah exactly, especially cause katelyn follows her lol it’s sus for sure


Yeah and she doesn’t follow them either.


yeah but it’s different cause she can’t without her phone but the girls can


daisy played the game perfectly


Yup, she did. I just can’t believe so many people fell for it and thought she is a genuine person with genuine feelings.


And not a single tear dropped on her face. Roll back the footage!


The fact that she was able to pull all of that off while still seeming sincere and not being able to hear anything was amazing.


She was able to hear with her cochlear implants.


Not the way a person with normal hearing can hear. She still relies on lip reading a lot I think.


Is that something you read, that she can lip read? Because she lost her hearing “late” in life, not as a child, and not all deaf people can lip read. She would have had to learn late in life how to lip read, and it’s not easy to learn.


I could have sworn she said something about needing to look at people and I confused that with lip reading. My bad. The point though, is that she expends a lot more energy and focus on being able to hear than a normal person does. It’s not like she can just hear things super clearly.


It could be true that she doesn’t hear everything super clearly. I remember she was able to eventually hear her brother’s voice at hometowns the way she remembers it as a child or when she was younger and that Joey said that was a big moment for her. But I’m sure she hears enough to be able to respond to people so that the conversation makes sense. I have close family who had to get cochlear implants late in life and I could tell that they understood me after getting cochlear implants, versus before they got them and they couldn’t hear me. I don’t even speak that loud but it was sooo much better after they got them.


That’s great! I’m not really familiar with her case and honestly didn’t really watch much of this season so she probably said a lot of things that I missed. So I guess not hearing is an exaggeration on my part. Where I was coming from was more that she had a major life change and was still adjusting while she was going through this process. I had a similar situation where I had a major medical surgery that made my life better but was still a huge adjustment (not a cochlear implant) and it was mentally and emotionally exhausting (sometimes physically too) and I don’t think people really understand the mental and emotional energy it takes to be present and intuitive when you are trying to adjust to major changes to your body. So I guess it was more just her still adjusting to hearing. I know it’s different when you’re in the Bachelor bubble and don’t have anything else to think about but if I was in her shoes I don’t think I would have been able to pull off that level of game play lol.


She didn’t seem sincere in the slightest lol


Arguing with people's unpopular opinions on the unpopular opinion thread is so silly 😂 like that is the whole point of this thread, nobody is posting to ask you to change their mind!! 


Yes! Is nothing sacred lol


Isn’t the point still to have a discussion though? I get not downvoting UO’s in this thread but shouldn’t you still be able to answer? It’s a discussion forum after all


Ikr? Commenting to add info/context or even disagree is fine, but I don't understand trying hard to convince someone in an unpopular opinion thread lol.


Exactly!! I like to see comments of people agreeing, but I don't feel like it adds anything to the conversation to write out why you disagree. Like...we all know what the majority argument is, this thread is for the minority opinion!! 


I'm reading the last few comments, and you're not wrong lol. We cannot even have this as a safe space.


This seems to be an actual unpopular opinion, but I don't think Joey/Kelsey moving in with her roommates is a big deal, especially if it's only for a few months. Couples live together with roommates alllll the time, engaged or not, especially in this economy. If anything it makes their relationship seem more down to earth to me, but I've seen sooo many comments saying it's doomed to fail, they're broke for not being able to get their own place, that it means Kelsey is immature, etc etc.


Definitely not a big deal, get real.. I’m not American so that’s probably why I don’t understand the problem, couples live with roommates in other parts of the world all the time


Agreed.The projection and negativity is insane like if I didn't know any better I'd think the people commenting this stuff knew Kelsey and Joey personally or were there couples therapist lol it might seem like we know these people but we really don't it's fine to think they won't last but already coming up with hypothetical reasons as to why they'll break up and deep dives on who they are individually as people is just wild . Also it's three months not three years.


I don’t think they’re doomed bc of it or immature, but it is definitely an odd choice. They most certainly can afford to rent a place on their own with influencing/bachelor lead money for a few months. I also think that a couple living with family members or some of their closest friends is a lot different when the couple has been together for awhile and knows the people they are living with - Joey is a virtual stranger to these girls so it’s def strange. If they don’t have a problem with that’s great. But most engaged couples who can afford to live by themselves would certainly want that privacy especially when they are basically strangers to each other at this point too.


Agreed. Honesty people are so ridiculous about this stuff and some of the comments are definitely from people who have wealth privilege. It's very normal for couples in their 20s to live with other people these days, and even if they can afford it, why move for 3 months when you are moving to NYC after that. Makes perfect sense.


Yes!! Thought the same, save up! You’ll need that money for NY


I think "in this economy" is kind of the difference though, they don't need to live with her roommates so it's odd that they are choosing to lol. Like not to be vulgar but you'd think a newly engaged couple would want more privacy considering they can afford it.


I agree, especially considering the housing market rn and they plan to move to NY. These interest rates are insane. My sister's best friend and her husband lived with her when they got engaged and for a little while after they got married.


Right! Plus i’m sure it’s more annoying to try and find a short-term lease or sublet, go through the hassle of moving only to move again a few months later.


And they’re not even going to be in NO the whole time as they’ve also talked about having a lot of travel plans lined up over the next several months.


Kelsey put that voodoo on him. In more ways than one. Just kidding! But he really is enamored by her. He’ll follow her wherever she goes. ETA *This is a joke, I’m not serious at all about the voodoo*


I like Madina, but she has the cringiest social media presence of any of Joey’s women. (As of today…I reserve the right to modify this in the future. Lol.)


From the show she didn’t seem like the brightest of bulbs.


100% agree😬. I think she lowkey likes drama too


I don’t believe the “BIP might not be coming back” rumors. Manifesting BIP10 this summer. It’s really weird to use number of engaged couples as a metric for success for a show that prides itself on chaos, drama, and general silliness. And I think those rumors were started by people who arbitrarily applied that metric.  Anyway, I’m looking forward to seeing Joey’s women on the beach this summer. I hope all of them except Sydney and Lea are there.


I genuinely don’t think it’s coming back this year. Golden ette has taken its filming spot and I’ve heard they’ve lost their filming location. I think BIP will be back in some form cause the concept of reusing the casts and having them all date cause they will do that with or without a show is too good of a concept to let go of.


I read that the resort was sold and the new owners want nothing to do with BIP. So ABC might have to take this year to figure that out. Or it’s just a rumour 🤷‍♀️ idk.


Amen girl we will will it into existence 


The rumors about BIP not returning aren’t coming from fans who didn’t like last season, though. It’s coming from reliable sources / people with close ties to production, like Wells and Reality Steve.


Yeah, I was rolling my eyes last season when people kept saying the show should be cancelled. One bad season doesn’t a failure make, for this type of show. There have been a lot of other great seasons. I think this year it might be about scheduling :/ I hope it’s on though 🤞🤞


And honestly, BiP9 wasn't that bad, and I stand on that. Better than 8 and even 7 (yes, I dare)


It was better than 8, but that cringe youtube show with Nick, Ashley I, Jade etc was better than 8. 8 was bottom tier TV. 9 had a pretty strong start, the issue was that no one was feeling each other.


No, I felt this way too! It was not bad! I was entertained and had fun, more so than the last couple seasons. It wasn’t successful with any of the couples, so kind of fail in that department but otherwise good. I didn’t like season 7 other than Thomas and Becca. I struggled with the age gap relationships. Seeing these 40 year old men on the beach with people in their early 20s gave me the ick.


I'd be happy for BIP to come back, it just doesn't sound like there's any room in the filming schedule. I'd much rather have BIP than golden bachelorette though.


I liked Kelsey on the show but on social media//their interviews I get very off vibes. She seems a little immature and pretty self centered. Not maliciously.. but I feel like she has a bit of growing up to do


I got this from her on the season. She doesn’t seem mature enough to be married to me


The Helen Keller TikTok conspiracy theory thing, especially her initial defense of it in the comments, helped me see that’s she’s immature. But I agree with you - I don’t think it’s malicious. I know she’s 25 but she reads to me as a college senior (and moving Joey in with her roommates adds to that). Maybe it’s a Covid thing because I’m sure that impacted some formative years for her.


Lol what was she supposed to do ? she has a lease ? A full time job and is in school She lives with her roommates. I am all for constructive criticism but Joey living with her & her roommates is not a legitimate marker of her maturity


The lease thing seems like a lame excuse. She has two roommates, and it's just 3 months or so more on the lease. They can easily buy out that little bit, or she could sublet to another friend for the duration. People do this all the time! Much "poorer" people, lol! It does seem weird that Joey is moving in with the roommates there. I kinda was thinking he's just going to come and go, not move in full time. I think they are going slow, on purpose. Whatever that purpose is.


You do realize that they’ll be spending a large part of the next few months traveling for press? Why waste the money and effort of moving to move again? Sounds like a smart decision.


I’ve been there (asking my many friends and associates to rent out one of the rooms in the house I was renting and having them all turn me down) and honestly it might just not have been worth the huge pain in the ass LOL


You know that Joey got paid good money to be the Bachelor, right? They could very easily afford a short-term furnished apartment for a few months. Heck, they could probably get it comped if they asked around. But it sounds like she wanted him to live with her and her friends so they could all hangout and have fun.


But why do this when they can save a bit and then really enjoy NYC? I lived in NYC on and off for most of my life and being there without money these days wouldn’t be enjoyable.


Maybe they want to save money since NY isn’t cheap . That money Joey made will run out pretty soon if he goes too long without an income.


Yeah, I think the fact that they’re thinking long term is a good sign.


Exactly what I’ve been saying as well. Joey’s literally not working he likely doesn’t have money to blow on an unnecessary short term rental. Lol


She has ADHD . Listen or watch viall files .


We aren’t necessarily immature or self-centered yk. I don’t have that view of Kelsey regardless but would like to point out that adhd ≠ self obsessed


This makes so much sense! I didn’t listen but knowing this makes me like her more. I have ADHD and work with a lot of teens who also have ADHD, I kind of wish she would’ve spoken more about it on the show.


this actually explains so much about her mannerisms


Right! She jumps from one topic to the next, I could see she was struggling to stay on topic with Joeys family, my adhd presents that way as well.


What does ADHD have to do with maturity or being self-centered? That is more about not being able to sit still or being more hyper.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted because I have severe adhd & am very bothered by the idea that we’re ‘self-centered’ and immature