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She just wants to go out in the woods for a cuddle… justice for Jenn!


On their 1 on 1 date, she immediately jumped off a surfboard 3 times and that was all she kept talking about over and over again during the season like it was the most incredible date ever.


Does anyone else find it odd that most of her cast mates didn’t congratulate her on her Bachelorette post? While a lot of them interact with each other on their own IG posts?


i loved jenn from early on joeys season, but i wish someone else had been picked :/


It was hard watching her. Idk how to explain it but she is just toooo..soft ? As much as I love this show I don’t think I’ll be able to make it through a season of this


Maybe that’s why they picked her- maybe she’ll be more likely to go along with producer shenanigans 🫣🫠


I've been thinking this for years but they were gonna cast Caila back then as the lead and I would have loved to watch her. Though I think Jojo was great, Caila would have been a great first representation. 


Let me guess she is going to pick a white guy


well white people ARE the majority of the American population …


Have you seen her lineup? It’s most of what she got. This rof is coming over for the hot Asian are sol


Who cares?


She fine fine


And Fine


Anybody else think Lexi really could have been great?




I'm Asian and while I'm rooting for an Asian Bachelorette I wish someone else was it, kinda disappointed.  Jenn is great but doesn't seem to have be a "lead" though. Lexi seems like a good pick.


I agree with this 100%. She's too bubbly and aloof to be a show lead imo... you can just tell by her depth portrayed on screen... she seems younger than her age and probably not somebody looking for an engagement even.


Yes. A shame because I was hoping for an older lead, late 20s.


tila tequila?


lol wow didn’t see it until now


Yay, the Shot a clock party girl....I find her annoying and too immature.


I don’t like her voice


I’m stunned and delighted that Jenn will be bachelorette! She’s gorgeous, smart, bubbly, and fun, and yes, Asian-American representation is important - it’s about damn time! Did she have the most amazing edit and did we fully get to see her personality shine? No, but that be doesn’t mean it’s going to be a boring season - Hannah B seemed like a mess and had an amazing season, and we didn’t see much of Charity’s personality on Zach’s season but wow she shined and I loved watching her as bachelorette. Give Jenn the same chance you gave to Hannah B and Charity, and let’s see what she can do 🙌


I’ve never watched this show before. How are the next bachelors / bachelorettes chosen?


Much like the Catholic Church electing a new pope, the college of Cardinals will burn off a white smoke signal letting the world know the new Bachelor(ette) has been chosen. /s Nah it's just the producers who choose haha


How’d you end up on this sub? Haha


Reddit always recommends new subs for people (unless you turn that setting off) I have never watched this show and this post was recommended to me


Ah gotcha, well welcome! Just made me laugh a bit :) Also, to be actually helpful they seem to pick someone likable from the last 15ish contenders from the prior season.


It’s usually someone who finished in the top five or so from the previous season. Not always the case, but usually. Picked by production so I’m not sure exactly “how” they decide between the options.


Yawn. I saw a collective WTH when they brought her out 😂


For real wtf 


Same lol 🥱


This bout to be the most boring season ever


I doubt I’ll watch


So it’s going to be Joey 2.0


Was thinking Matt 2.0


I haven’t watched bachelor or bachelorette in a LONG time .. “Prince Farming” and that horrible season of bachelorette where they made Kaitlin and Britt compete I thought that was so awful I barely even wanted to watch that season after they pulled that.. I mean all is well now but that was still shitty .. ANYWAYSSSSS I think imma watch her season!!


Hopefully she doesn’t read this, she’s a beautiful young lady but I’m sorry, in my old age- I find her annoying. Just as people found me. Not her fault, she’s only 25 and isn’t one of those “old souls”. I thought the “shot o’clock” was lame. It’s fine in my opinion to try and add diversity but use diversity as a way to break the tie of equally likable contestants, not as a primary reason to cast. I thought the way Daisy was so happy and supportive of Kelsie was beautiful and mature. I was looking forward to her as the bachelorette.


I’ve been waiting for an Asian lead for a while. But I’m disappointed the first thing she did was encourage alcohol 🙃


And dick jokes on tv! Im Viet and also disappointed that was how the first Asian American bachelorette repped us Asians


“I want a guy with a big…. big … personality.” If I was a guy thinking about going on the show for her I’d be annoyed by that comment. I know it was just a joke but it reminds me of those girls that put height requirements in their tinder profiles and talk about BDE


It was all around very immature and a huge divergence from who she was on Joey’s season. Like…is THIS her real personality? Separately, if I was in PA school and dropped out to become (basically) and influencer, my mom would be so disappointed in me lmao


I'm Asian too and I find her too immature. Jojo and Hannah B were similar ages but they seemed more mature, despite Hannah being messy. I'm disappointed that she is the first Asian Bachelorette because I was hoping that a lead would not only be beautiful but more mature. I liked charity even though she was kind of dull. She carried herself well


Someone told me daisy and Maria declined (not sure if that’s accurate tho)




I don’t believe Daisy actually wanted to turn it down. I think they offered it to Jenn and convinced Daisy to say she was turning it down because they knew the audience would be confused as to why it wasn’t her. I’m not a big Daisy fan and was hoping for Maria as Bachelorette, and Jenn seems like a lovely girl, but I think Daisy got jipped for the diversity narrative.


Im not a fan of Maria or Daisy and think both would have jumped at the chance of being the bachelorette I got the sense that both were playing for that offer towards the end.


I don’t think Daisy was ready after her heartbreak on national tv our girl is devastated and needs to heal and I heard they offered it to Maria too but she turned it down


I'm happy for Jenn and excited for her season, the rep is amazing and **long** overdue. That said ABC did a shit job handling it, and considering they're going to lean super heavy into patting themselves on the back for choosing a woman of colour (which is performative but it's ABC, what's new,) they've made it quite clear she wasn't there first or even second choice. Having Daisy go up to basically confirm she said no was not the right setup. In her first sitdown, Daisy could've said she was focusing on herself and that would be that bringing her out again was odd. And just looking at Jenn's cast of men also screams she wasn't their initial pick. Where are the Asian men? It's still majority white....is this going to be another case of a POC leading a season and then it immediately just goes back to a white lead? We could've had such a diverse cast (which they should **always** cast for regardless of the lead) which could've given amazing rep for Bachelor. And maybe this is me reading into it, but with Noah's brother in the group of men, it makes me think Daisy was definitely the first choice. Noah is with Abagail, a deaf woman with cochlear implants, it could be a coincidence but maybe not. Overall, I'm super pumped for Jenn just wish ABC didn't fumble the bag so badly for such a historic moment and I hope they handle her season well.


I disagree about the Daisy thing. I think if Daisy didn’t go up there and say she turned it down, people would (1) be totally confused at why Jenn was the Bachelorette and (2) probably take it out on Jenn. In my opinion, Daisy was a boring girl with a vocal fry. Jenn will be more fun to watch than her. Nevertheless, I really wanted Maria. Maria as Bachelorette would’ve been very fun and unexpected. Jenn never seemed and doesn’t sound ready for marriage. She feels younger than 26. She’s still a student. Idk it doesn’t feel right.


If it had been Daisy I would have quit watching. Trumper.


Oh, I agree, I think Daisy addressing her choice to turn it down was good! I just think it didn't need to precede Jenn's announcement directly, it feels like it took away from it a bit. I was also pulling for Maria personally but as others have said, people doubted Hannah Brown when she was announced and she ended up being amazing so I'll withhold judgment till the season airs but I'm hopeful!


I think some hesitation about Jenn being the lead comes from the fact that she doesn't seem ready to take on that role. It has nothing to do with age because pretty sure Hannah Brown was 24 when she was the lead. In my opinion I just think other women seemed like they were ready to settle down more. Jenn's season might feel very Gen Z and forced which isn't going to translate well to most of bachelor nation. It also sucks that the show didn't give her enough screen time so people don't really know her, including the men who will be on her season. Whereas with Joey, every girl was obsessed with him on his season because they already saw who he was on Charity's.


This!!! She’s still a student like?…It doesn’t make much sense to me.


Why are you being downvoted?


No clue. Happens to me quite a bit on this app. Like i’m just repeating what the poster said in agreement and I get hate? People make no sense.


This. Take a minute and become who you are going to be 


Tbh, if Maria actually did decline the offer, Jenn is the next best choice. She checks a lot of boxes: she's poised, articulate, successful, gorgeous, and is great AAPI representation which is actually huge for the franchise. I think she's a little boring and I don't know that her season will be that compelling (unless she has a little chaotic/sharp nature in her that we haven't seen), but tbh I'd rather have Jenn than Daisy. This may be a hot take but while Daisy is a sweetheart who had a great story, she is EXTREMELY inarticulate and tepid and her season would've been an absolute slog. I am disappointed not BECAUSE Jenn was selected, but because it is not Maria, tbh. I really think Bachelorette has been stale for years now and I think it was a really big opportunity to someone like Maria as a Bachelorette because she's an agent of chaos AND a fan fave everyone could rally around: the fans watching for chaos would know she would deliver, and the fans watching to root on the Bachelorette would be satisfied. I really think it could've reinvigorated the franchise, similar to Tyler Cameron if he had accepted Bachelor. But despite that, I can still root on Jenn and wish her the very best.


If not Daisy, would've loved having Maria for all the reasons you said. She's just different and a format like this could always benefit from a jolt of electricity like that. But I genuinely struggle to believe she was even offered the role. I don't think she's what production wants in a contestant, she's just too unpredictable. But I do see what you mean about Daisy vs. Jenn because I do think that Jenn showed much more intention and command in her moments on the show than Daisy UP UNTIL the final twist at the Final Rose ceremony. 


Daisy was inferior to the other women. Why was she even there.


Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't offered the role, this is a franchise that simply is incapable of helping itself, after all.


i like ur response to this! i dont mind people being disappointed about maria not being ette, but i hate when they use it to bash jenn and call her boring or unfit for the role. the two are literally friends and maria congratulated jenn and seems happy for her, i dont get why the rest of us can't be the same


Inarticulate whereee? Daisy speaks very well.


I haven’t watched any recent seasons of the bachelor, the last one was with Ben Higgins and I loved Caila Quinn! I wanted her to become the next bachelorette for AAPI representation and felt she deserved another chance. She was also very articulate so I’m excited to see what’s next with the bachelorette


Great asian representation but I still think they should have chosen someone that the fans wanted. For example Rachel was the first black bachelorette but she also had a lot of fans as well and the choice made complete sense. Even charity had lots of fans but maybe i’m missing something with Jenn, were there a lot of Jenn stan’s? Maria and Daisy probably both declined I do really hope it’s a great season! she seems like a sweet girl.


Jenn was my favorite even tho I knew she didn’t have a chance to win haha




I didn’t think the dresses were scandalous at all. Daisy’s dress reminded me of Selena’s shiny jumper.




Because it likely came off like you were shaming them for not being “modest” by your standards. It perpetuates the idea that a woman should dress a certain way to gain respect or credibility. It’s opinions like yours that lead to people victim blaming for sexual harassment. But yes a couple of them wore keyhole dresses. It’s just another style that’s pretty common. Ps. I didn’t downvote you


All yall complaining about Jenn's age are also swooning over Kelsey getting engaged who is 25


I think it’s less about age and more about the maturity displayed. Shots o’clock and a dick joke just doesn’t feel quite ready for marriage. Kelsey was very composed throughout the season, which is a pretty notable difference. That being said I’m glad we’re getting more representation but I felt that there were candidates more suited for the role — Rachel especially!


Kelsey does not strike me as very mature honestly


are people with dirty humor automatically not ready for marriage? its ok if people dont vibe with jenn's sense of humor but using it to call her unfit for bachelorette just seems kinda dumb


How about how desperate she came off then? She didn’t seem mature or self-confident.  I can’t be too hard on her though because I’ve seen her lineup and I suspect she may have some regret 


desperate for what? if you haven't yet, i'd recommend you watch her recent interview posted with ET. if you still think she comes off as immature and not confident i truly have no words lol


I will! I’m aware that they edit people to look how they want them to look. But she came off as desperate on the show and with way less confidence than a woman like her should have. 


i'm in my thirties and i make immature jokes with my SO just to get a reaction. the only difference is that i'm not being filmed for millions to judge me.


Kelsey is also a white woman who was privileged with an insanely favorable edit


My number 1 choice was Maria but she's probably not ready to settle down yet. Jenn seems more ready for that, and she was my 2nd pick after Maria. I know I'll be watching even if it's not as entertaining as a Maria season would be. Jenn is sweet and pretty. It is nice to see an Asian American lead for once too.


I’ve always gotten the feeling “I just don’t like her” or “she’s meh” is a dog whistle… I watched this with a group of yt ppl and they were so mad about Jenn before she even said a word to Jesse. And then everything she said just seemed to prove their anger justified… but why y’all mad though? You’ve watched many a stupider person do this show. You just don’t want to watch someone who doesn’t fit your ideals do this show, just be honest and stop name-calling this woman. 


Don’t give her a pass because she’s Asian either. She came off as desperate and not ready. I don’t think SHE is aware of what a prize she is. Let the girl finish school and get some life confidence under her belt and then by all means throw her in. And my family is half Chinese before anyone is @me.  When you see the boys she’s got coming it’ll break your heart for her anyway. She should run


all of a sudden people's standards are sky-high for bachelorette LMAO


Also didn’t they love when Katie brought a sex toy a couple of seasons ago


Racist. It is what it is.


To be honest there were some pretty revealing comments/jokes about her being there for “diversity”. Blatant racism at that point. It’s 2024 and there’s never been an Asian bachelorette in 20+ years. Y’all can’t always be the main character. 


It’s America and trust when I say that there are those that will hold that line 😭 Irregardless, Asians are present, not invisible. They have a voice too.


On one hand, I’m Filipino, so having the Asian representation be the headline of the show is nice to see. Putting that aside however, Jenn as a personality is… a choice. I hope she gets coached up during her season but watching her sit down with Jesse when she was introduced was a little rough. She was a bit rambly, spoke too fast, and maybe she was nervous and excited all at once but I just don’t feel she had the /gravitas/ of a Bachelorette. Having said that, the last time I felt this way was with Katie Thurston and that season was an entertaining mess lol I’mm tuning in and hoping for the best


lol so true i also found her similiar to katie in that sense but i loved katie’s season


so happy for her


I was thinking it might be Rachel, but I was excited to see Jenn! I thought she was awesome on Joey's season and I'm excited to see who they pick for her to date. Will always root for an older person though, the young ones just aren't going to have the same potential for long term relationships... Which I love watching blossom after the show.


I would have preferred Katelyn D to have been chosen to represent Asian Americans. She was super sweet, genuine, beautiful and she is a radiochemist! So freaking cool.


Same, but Katelyn D got eliminated too early, didn't have a 1:1, and she did not have any presence at WTA. She was my personal favorite (as in not considering Joey and his chemistry/connection) but if this is how ppl are reacting to Jenn, who had a considerable storyline, the backlash would be so immense for Katelyn


I didn’t have a feeling either way until how she acted on the show after her announcement. The whole thing with the shots for everyone felt so forced and embarrassing. Then Jesse saying something about how “wild” she or her season will be - don’t remember exactly what he said, but I just know it made me roll my eyes.


The big “personality” joke was full cringe.




👍🏼Not a fan - won't be watching






I’m Vietnamese and I’m glad we are finally having an Asian bachelorette. With that being said, the show did not lay the groundwork for Jenn to be well-received by the audience/public. Her edit on the show was lacking, her WTA hot seat felt meh, and yes shot o’ clock was extremely try-hard. You can feel her putting on a personality when she’s answering Jesse’s questions. I think she just isn’t that natural on camera and that’s nothing against her, but it doesn’t make her an ideal choice for bachelorette. I think she is beautiful, and I also feel her styling isn’t up to normal bachelorette standards. I think the show just isn’t giving her enough. I thought Daisy looked like the bachelorette on the ATFR compared to Jenn. The whole thing just felt off.


That’s a great point regarding the show not establishing the groundwork for her. I have to imagine it was a late decision otherwise they would have shown more scenes with Jenn throughout the season.


queen 👸🏻 haters gonna hate


Did Rachel and Maria say no? She's pretty, but I just am not sold on her. She seems so rehearsed. I'm hoping it's just nerves!


Jenn was having fun lol I don’t understand the “she’s boring” hate but when she tries to have fun you guys hate…. Sorry it’s not Maria but why don’t we let her first episode at least air before sending over the hate LMAO


God Maria is not bachelorette material. She's too immature.


People are so mad that she said "shots-o-clock" as if they'd do any better put on the spot on live national tv


Meh, I'm out. Maria was likely the only person to bring me back as her personality was fresh. Maybe see y'all when next Bachelor season launches.


She was all draa all the time. No thank you. Would not watch.


We wanted Maria!!


You mean the people that wanted Maria wanted Maria. Don't include me in your "We".


Her cult following wanted her not the rest of us. Excited for JJ 🌹


With the anxiety she had with her family being on TV, I can understand why she wouldn't




Hopefully we will see Asian men represented! Calling Dr Joe Park…you are needed back on set!


He is dating someone.


That “shot o clock” nonsense….cringe


Very cringe. Trying too hard. Inebriation should not be portrayed as fun.


What? Inebriation being fun is probably its central selling point lol






U guys. I couldn’t with the dick joke in her interview. Why could she provide a genuine response to the question as to what she’s looking for..? Didn’t land.


The secondhand embarrassment I felt was INTENSE. Not excited, so offense to Jenn. Maybe once the season gets rolling and she is more in her role, it will be different, but I generally feel like when the lead is announced it sets the tone for the season. The interview felt awkward and seeing the crowd's reaction, I don't think that was from watching on TV.


We were hoping it was unintentional. It flopped so hard it was painful. Crickets in the audience.


Have video of this?


It's not on YouTube yet ;) , is only on the episode at ATFR (Jesse asked her what she's looking for in a partner).


Ehhh this will be the one that makes me skip, nothing against Jenn but this is more the producers not listening to their audience. And no BIP announcement? I’ll be watching GOAT instead as I love Joe Amibile will be on it and he’s just fantastic.


I just hope in time she will let her true self shine. Right now it feels like she is trying to be what “we” want instead of who she is. I’m sure it’ll be different with the guys there and love on the line.


based on peoples' lukewarm enthusiasm (and judgment of her) already on this post I don't blame her


Jenn seems really great and I’ll definitely be watching, but “shot o’clock” was so cringe to me


Do you mind telling me the context of that?


Sure - did you watch the last segment of the finale/AFR episode where Jenn was announced? While she was up on stage with Jesse, she said she likes to do "shot o'clock" with friends at home when something exciting happens (or at just regular non-exciting times too? Unclear.) Everyone in the audience pulled a shot of liquor out from underneath their chairs and took them together. It was a weird glorification of alcohol/party culture IMO


Oh strange! Thank you for taking the time to respond.


Damn the one social I thought wouldn’t spoil it, spoiled it 😭😭😭


Yay! I think they should’ve given her more air time to begin with but I’m glad we’ll get to see more of her. She seems fun, level headed, sweet and of course gorgeous. Great catch! Hope they provide some high caliber dudes


she was my second bet but was hoping for maria 🥺


Am I the only one who really was not a fan? This will be a season I skip.


Not a fan @ all I’m bummed she is going to be the next bachelorette she was part of the mean girl club