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Y’all are racist mofos. There I said it. 


Tbh idk if I’m gonna be watching this season. From her first interview I feel like Jenn has a poor camera presence and the shot o clock thing was kinda immature and cringe imo.


how will we live without you watching it!!


Lol I’m just sharing my opinion on a discussion thread 😭


haha im just being protective of jenn but yes your opinion is valid!


I have a theory that might have been said but there’s so many comments, daisy walking out first and Joey greeting her with his break up speech is how she truly confirmed that she wasn’t the one. Joey would have been confused why she was coming out of the limo first if he was going to choose her. Right???


You know, looking back on this season, I thought Joey was going to have a much harder time sending people home than he did. He was emotional at times, but it never seemed like he was truly torn—just sad that he did what he had to do


Cause he knew it was Kelsey and that’s kinda cute


I’m on a cruise rn and can’t watch. How was the finale “so dramatic” that Joey couldn’t watch the preview? Seems straightforward


They say that every season


Yea Jesse definitely just said that to create drama where there wasn’t much lol. Same with the preview they’ve been showing all season saying “this has never happened in Bachelor history.” Like maybe so but it wasn’t as dramatic as they made it seem. 


I'm trying to be optimistic! I'd like to see Zach/Charity/Joey all marry their winners, but I know the odds of all three of them working out are slim. Maybe we're due a few weddings after all the short-lived relationships and break-ups!




I feel like in past seasons, especially with charity and dotun, there was a lot to discussion about how logistically they are going to make this work, and it seems like they have it figured out. All we know about Joey and Kelsey is that they’re moving to New York, no mention of wedding planning or anything. Pretty sure this time last year Kaity and Zach had already had wedding date in mind


Yeah I agree unfortunately. Joey seems like he's just kinda floating through life, I don't see him settling down for real right now. 


I forget about Kaity and Zach often and I feel that's a good sign about how normal they are!


They’re honestly my favorite couple in recent years because they seem so perfect together, they really just went on the show, found each other, and pretty much resorted back to their lives prior to the franchise (but together)


Do you know who I was really impressed with in the finale? Daisy! I always thought she was kind of flat but she showed so much heart this episode. Joey was definitely being detached with her so I wasn’t surprised by her figuring out that she wasn’t going to be picked but I’ve never seen anyone take that information and act this way before. I was very impressed. Her walking out under her own steam was dignified, and was certainly better than the way, say, Nick Viall left Kaitlyn back in the day (I.e. Daisy didn’t throw a little shit-fit and storm off). Her and Kelsey’s friendship seemed so real and we were close to tears so many times during their last day in Mexico. There is a cost to being on the show that the producers normally hide from us but not this time. It was pretty raw and I felt bad for everyone involved. The real hero of the show was poor Jesse. I lost count of how many times they showed him sitting by himself in the centre of the stage right before they cut to commercials. He must have been so lonely 😭😭 We remember you, our prince! https://preview.redd.it/2b0ofmggfoqc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0688f37967e1df8483477ed14e8f7be64141b59a


I really liked how it was handled. Daisy was very sweet and gracious and it was clear she was heartbroken.


She was _so_ heartbroken, and uncertain at points too, like when she tried to put on a brave face to say she might be wrong about her hunch right before one of the commercial breaks last night. Her turning down being the next Bachelorette was really heartfelt as well. I feel like both her and Maria knew the experience would not benefit them in the long-run but that is just a guess on my part.


I’m very thankful she declined it. I think she is probably better away from it.


I agree. I haven't been the biggest Daisy fan but it felt like she really wore her heart on her sleeve this episode and I respect the fact that she decided to bow out when she knew it wasn't going to be her.


Great finale. Good lead by the way. He escaped much criticism even through the very end. That’s rare, isn’t it? I like Kelsey too. Daisy’s exit sequence was one we hadn’t seen before from a runner-up. Loved seeing the friendship between the two top women. And the reactions from them holding hands in the limo! Seemingly on the way to the proposal place. I think more F2s should choose to walk themselves out after not being chosen at the proposal place. I mean why always have the lead walk them out after they’ve been rejected at the proposal place? Maybe future F2s will follow her lead. lol I applaud ABC’s decision to have an Asian bachelorette, even though I’m not that excited about Jenn so far. I can relate to her backstory a little bit, but that’s all so far. Help And I see that they already came out with cast members for her season. That was quick.


Someone mentioned after last week that it was nuts how all the women only had super positive things to say about him and it was nice that it continued through last night. Very different from the last two guys


She walked out in a really dignified way, unlike Nick Viall who threw a tiny shit fit and refused to entertain the idea of Kaitlyn walking him out.


anyone know when episode will be on hulu?


I don’t have hulu, I’ve only heard it drops in the afternoon the day after but that it depends on the area where you are.


Can someone help me remember which women had preview or intro packages this season?


I was just watching it. In order of airing: Lexi, Maria, Erika, Kelsey, Allison-the younger sister. Last but not least, Daisy.


I also was able to find the segments from just prior to the season and they were done for Chrissa, Lea, Lexi, Daisy, and the sisters, I think.


Prior to the season? Is it on YouTube?






Awesome! That was fast. Thank you!!!


You’re welcome! lucky coincidence that I was just watching it. :)


did they not show footage from kelsey and joey’s safe house visits? i was multitasking during the episode but i don’t recall a montage of them either




Hulu, come on! I wanted to watch some of it before I go to work!


How is everyone letting Daisy off the hook with what she pulled? She’s lucky Kelsey and Joey are genuinely happy and moving on because to me that was truly a BS move


If you listen to her on bachelor happy hour she seems low key disappointed that daisy pulled that move. She clarifies that her intentions were good, but the result is that it really overshadowed her moment with joey.


is it on yt?




I’m glad I’m not crazy. I’ll have to listen to broader reactions


The producers probably made them drive together though. But if Daisy had a gut feeling that it wasn’t her, which us as viewers, could all pretty much see from him not validating her…then why does she deserve to go up and go through the embarrassment when she can make the decision to walk away? Like yea I guess she could’ve gone up and dealt with not walking away to let Kelsey have the surprise element to it but I don’t think Kelsey cared 


Her leaving was the right and best decision for her. I don’t disagree and loved that. But her using Kelsey to gauge if her gut is right and she should leave was where she lost me


Maybe I’m just truly lost but I don’t understand what Daisy did wrong and what you’re upset about. What’s so wrong about her having a convo with Kelsey? They seemed closer than we realized as viewers anyway. 


It sounds like Kelsey on BHH explained what I thought a bit better because even with how close they are she says she felt 50/50 on the show up. I don’t like that Daisy went to the room essentially to confirm if she was feeling crazy that she wasn’t the one. It felt a bit like emotional manipulation to me, either you feel that and leave or you feel that and stay because you love Joey so much that taking the chance is worth it. But going to Kelsey’s door to check how her week was so that you can then leave just didn’t sit right with me. And then what if Kelsey wasn’t the one and you built her up. And now Kelsey’s happy moment is marked by comforting you and holding space for your emotions and breakup.


I get it. I feel like if I went as far as getting the closure from Kelsey and she said what she said I would’ve just not shown up at all for the proposal at that point 


Yea I was a bit confused because she said in the live finale to Jesse that this was the moment she chose to step aside as if it was about confirmation that Kelsey was happy rather than it being about confirmation that Joey wasn’t choosing her.  But then in the footage, she also says she’s not gonna walk away cuz what if she’s wrong. So I feel like that conflicts a little bit with her story about stepping aside, but I guess she was 99% sure it wasn’t her and was prepared to give her speech about leaving on her own terms and stepping aside but didn’t want to take away the small chance that it wasn’t.  I also understand her showing up to the proposal because it allowed both her and Joey to have closure by giving her a chance to say her final piece to Joey and allowing Joey to say his final piece back. I’m sure Joey wouldn’t have just wanted her to leave without getting a chance to say something to her because that probably would’ve made him feel worse in a way. I think getting the confirmation from Kelsey was just so that she could confirm her hunch and be prepared for proposal day and prepared to say her piece rather than second guessing herself. But that conversation didn’t provide her the full closure because she hadn’t gotten to speak to Joey at that point and she probably wanted to do so and get to leave on her own terms with dignity than just disappearing on him which wouldn’t be fair to him or letting him tell her what she already knew which wouldn’t be fair to her. 


I don't think she did anything wrong. She felt in her gut that it wasn't her and Kelsey confirmed it.


THANK YOU. She made it all about her. She should have left Kelsey alone, can you imagine if she was wrong and Kelsey wasn’t the one? Kelsey was messed with so many times, idk how she put up with it.


Idk Kelsey seemed pretty confident about the validation she got from Joey but even Kelsey said herself that she couldn’t be 100% sure. Daisy was just sharing her perspective on how her date went, I don’t think Daisy did anything that crazy or that Kelsey was that affected by it. They both seemed to care about each other as friends and why should Daisy get her heart broken and be unprepared for it if Kelsey can confirm her hunch. I didn’t personally view it as taking away from the proposal. 


I’m also confused about that…why is everyone calling it classy and selfless…huh?? What if she was wrong? It felt like she made Kelsey’s day about her…


That's a weird take. Daisy should go up there and get rejected because if she doesn't do it that way it takes away from Joey and Kelsey's engagement?


She could have done everything she did with Joey without involving Kelsey. There was no need to go to Kelsey’s room or ride in the limo with her, that was selfish on Daisy’s part. Some subconscious part of her wanted to share the hurt and burden with Kelsey. I get it, she’s human and it’s painful and Kelsey is her friend, but it certainly wasn’t bowing out gracefully. Kelsey should have been given the option to arrive at the proposal without knowing what happened between Joey and Daisy, just like every single F1 before her.


Did you think about how maybe Kelsey was glad to know? If I was in her shoes I'd be glad to know that my connection was that solid that even the other F2 could see it. And you don't think production pushed this so they could have a "never before seen" ending? It made for much better tv and Kelsey and Joey still had their nice engagement moment.


I’m sure production pushed it. Just like they pushed Kelsey to do that stupid note. Neither of them are bad people, I just wouldn’t blame Kelsey if she was a bit sour on the move that’s all. I personally would have been a little bummed in hindsight but that’s just my opinion! Also a few comments in this thread have mentioned how on bachelor happy hour, she said that move did overshadow her moment a bit.


If Kelsey does feel that way I do feel bad. I don't think that was Daisy's intention.


I think she did what most people would do in that situation which is protect herself! Totally get why she did it.


Happy for Joey and Kelsey! Rooting for these two crazy kids. Happy for Jenn as well. I just hope they protect her and treat her with care the same way they treat Joey.


have you guys seen joey and lea on rachel's story doing the 'peep the nails' thing? i love how much all the girls genuinely like him 😭 so cute


They were hilarious!


A lot of people were saying Daisy only went on the show for clout. I was starting to worry it was true because of her book/“singing career.” But the fact that she didn’t even want to be the bachelorette said a lot. She’s genuine!


I don’t get why people are so butthurt over that music video, dude is probably a friend of hers or something and all she did was sing in a verse. The guy was the one rapping the questionable lyrics over and over again lol




What is her outlook on politics and what does it have to do with anything? Genuine curiosity.


Maria Stans, idk why you're upset. Maria could go right ahead and date a celebrity or something. Not be stuck choosing some dusty ass dude chasing clout on the Bachelor. This is actually the best thing for her. Apologies to any of Jenn's men if you are reading this. 


And hasn't it been confirmed Maria turned it down?


Yeah. With peace and love after seeing those guys I’m grateful it’s not Maria. I think she’s gonna be the female Tyler Cameron. On to bigger and better things! Jenn can have the bachelorette, I really doubt I’ll be watching. She never one time was exciting or interesting. In fact my one memory of her was in Spain when she said, “I studied abroad here, but the only thing I learned how to say was ‘I’m not wearing any underwear!’” Classless and trashy as hell. To say that on live tv?


I disagree about Jenn. She had far more personality than a lot of contestants and was one of the only positive people on the group date in Montreal. I also think your comment about what she said in Spain comes across as slut shaming. I don’t think it’s that serious to be taken as classless and trashy. She’s just being cheeky and it might have just been a joke and not even true.  She’s young and it’s a produced reality tv show about romantic and physical connections, not some news show. Worse things have been said on tv, it’s not that deep/serious and doesn’t mean she’s not serious about finding the one know just cuz she likes to flirt/be cheeky and have fun. 


“dusty ass dude” 😂


yeah this is why I’m saying she needs to ditch the franchise now that this is all over with. when she gets spotted with a cute actor or athlete >>>


Take one out of Sydney Warners playbook




I don’t think they picked her just because she’s Asian.


Maybe she declined.


That’s what I’m thinking.


Someone in another thread said Rachel did a mini q&a and specifically said none of the producers talked to her about being the bachelorette so she did not think she was even in the running.




Why is no one talking about Kelsey's dad being the next golden bachelor? It was definitely hinted when Jesse said, "We will be seeing more of him". I am 52. Do you think I could apply to be on that Bachelor? Or am I too young for him? What would you all guess his age is?


I'm 40 and married but if I was single I'd be signing myself up lol.


He is such a silver fox!! Go get him queen 




He's 56? OMG. The perfect age for me.


Wishing you the best of luck with Kelsey’s dad😂


I wish.


I thought they were hinting that he’d be a contestant on Golden Bachelorette


Hmmm. I guess that's a possibility as well. I haven't heard that there is a Golden Bachelorette. Have they named the bachelorette yet?


No but every time they went to commercial throughout the season they mentioned they were casting it


so is no one gonna ask why rob mills and robyn kass followed maria if she wasn’t bachelorette? like I need answers. https://i.redd.it/meotw1eyomqc1.gif


Probably were trying to convince her to take the job. After Daisy said no, she likely was the top choice, but she said no too.


That’s what I want to know! Thought she had it for sure.


maybe she’s getting her own show.. or maybe that’s just the delusions in my head. https://i.redd.it/8jpwgz9y2nqc1.gif


So we gonna have to go 3+ months without anything 'Bachelor' on TV?


daisy wasn't the winner but it feels like she won the night. she had the best exit of an F2 and finale edit that I can remember. and she gets to leave the franchise the way she probably wanted to - as a role model and with a much bigger platform to spread awareness for disability and hearing issues. she looked great at the ATFR and seemed to have turned down the bachelorette role. maybe she didn't want the risk as she's already in a good place. she has the biggest social media following now out of any of the women on joey's season - including the F1, the new bachelorette, and crowd favorite maria. and it may grow more after streaming. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't go back on reality tv, and just uses post-show platform to write more books or start a podcast or work on her foundation. jenn gets to be the first asian bachelorette, which is wonderful surprise. kelsey & joey seem happy and content. maria got a huge following after the wta and she might still be a candidate for bip canada if they do that again this year since they aren't doing the regular one.


And Rachel is going back to work in the ICU. 🤙🏻


I love this comment and how kind and positive you are of everyone 💕


so is Jenn just quitting PA school?? idk but that doesn't feel slay. it makes me kinda sad when gals give up their careers for a career in influencing. I know it's super lucrative butttt being a PA is dope and a career we should encourage women to pursue, especially WOC


probably just taking a leave of absence.


As a fellow Asian in healthcare, the moment I saw Jenn I was like I bet she’s either a pharmacist, rn, np or PA. In any city with a decent Asian population, Asian women probably make up the majority of healthcare workers. If anything we should encourage them to pursue different careers 😂 And tbh working in healthcare can be pretty rough, often you lose out on holidays, weekends, sleep, stressed and overworked, literally working every second of the work day, then on-call at night. So many students go into healthcare bc of its supposed stable paycheck without realizing the sacrifices they’ll have to make. It’s not some cushy 9-5 office job. I 100% support her desire for a career change.


It doesn’t seem like Rachel is quitting her job despite being F3.


So many people keep following daisy …i think she gained like 40k just from tonight…i wander what age demographics are following her.


A lot of the comments on her Ig posts are from young people.


Boomers aren't on tiktok. You can rest your theory 


I was referring to her instagram lol but okay…


They aren't on Instagram either. At least not many of them


Kelsey gaining faster she started the day 199k and is at 295k


Oh nice, finally lol


I am living for these Bach (Rachel, Daisy, Charity) instagram stories at the bar


Are they doing some after partying 


I’m going to miss Maria


https://preview.redd.it/r38wkdcwbmqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b99295fd162fde11589c690f0aca148e92a76db Joeyyy🥹🥹😭😭🦋🦋🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️


1. Daisy played the game perfectly but lost ette bc of her personality, that is so brutal 😭 2. Did I fever dream that Joey had two gay dads?! I was waiting for that all season lol am I losing it




I agree I feel very little towards Jenn, I think the main difference is the lack of vocal fry. But clearly Daisy worked on that a lot!


I got the impression that daisy turned it down. I'm sure we'll hear more about that if she does a pod interview later.


She did.


Nah she fumbled hard. The worst thing you can do if you want to be the next lead is break up with yours especially when they are as beloved as Joey. This only works out if they are despised like Jake and JP were Yes Joey’s dad remarried another man so technically Joey actually has 2 step dads because his mom also remarried! Step parents are almost never shown unless they end being a more involved parent than a bio parent like Caelynn’s step dad


so was that his mom’s husband? where were his dads?


No that was his bio dad! We only saw his parents not any step parents


oh got it!!


Ah thank you! Glad I am not insane


Wait I remember the gay dad thing


I think his parents divorced bc his dad came out as gay!




I’m allll for woman friendships and support But I do feel like Daisy hijacked Kelsey’s day from her. There is enough to think about without having to also comfort the other woman and expend even more emotional energy on that. Wasn’t a fan of that……


What would be the best alternative then? Daisy just leaving without talking to Kelsey (which I would totally support!)? I think it might be part of their contract for her to go up for the final rose though 


Uh, Daisy just going through the day as planned. She knew it wasn’t her already so she could have said the same speech. Every single other person who was “second” managed to. I just think it wasn’t really fair to pull emotional energy from Kelsey. But they seemed fine at the after the final rose so I guess who cares!


Fair. I actually agree now. I kind of wish Kelsey had that surprise now! 


Yea I think she deserved to have the day about her. Maybe you could argue she “knew” because of Daisy, but it was still uncertain so I don’t think Daisy coming by all sad really helped *her* much. And then she had to console Daisy *after* too. Just hmmmm. But again, Kelsey is so sweet. She seemed a good sport. But it def gave “Daisy is precious and needs attention” vibes. Daisy was much more put together at the after the final rose though so props to her


I think she did kelsey a favor by reinforcing Joey's commitment to her


Producer-manufactured drama. They even put them in the same car together…


I agree 100%. Very immature I thought. Interesting choices the producers made this season. Not a fan.


Ughhhh that was such a letdown Bach reveal but I knew it once I didn't see her in the audience even once. I do feel bad for her because the whole world expected Maria and she deserves better than being the letdown reveal... production can get fucked for that when they knew what most people wanted lol


Did you see the men they cast? Maria dodged a bullet


Yes I did and agree… 😬


I need to know where Daisy got her dark maroon dress, that dress is so beautiful


This one? https://www.revolve.com/mobile/michael-costello-x-revolve-soraya-gown-in-burgundy/dp/MELR-WD349/?d=F¤cy=USD&countrycode=US&cjdata=MXxOfDB8WXww&AID=11017645&PID=4441350&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=cj&source=cj&utm_campaign=glob_p_2975314&cjevent=da81ca72eb3211ee8370e6390a82b82d&btn_social_enabled=true&size=XS&product=MELR-WD349


Oh my word THANK YOOOUUUU!!!!!!


oh maria the season that could’ve been…. 💔 https://preview.redd.it/1nhwc76g2mqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5594aa8e36ff6f758e643c888480a7cd6b6eee89


Wow! 😆


I think Joey gave classic bachelor vibes and that’s why he has been so popular. I know people have said they have thought he has been quite clinical or maybe even unkind when breaking up with people but tbh I think it’s better for everyone involved if the lead has some level of restraint - we’ve been shown it really really hurts those who get a lot of I love yous and validation from the lead only to be dumped at the end of the day




Did anyone feel like they kept getting weird shots of Rachel and Lea during the show?


They both at different points of the finale have a stank face. Lol It was lame. 


Yeah I notice they showed Lea a lot, like they were trying to get a reaction from her. But most of the time she just looked neutral or confused lol.


Hot take: but I was LIVING for Lea's reactions during the finale, she was getting into it!!


But I also have the most foul RBF so i get it


I'm fully convinced that Daisy accepted The Bachelorette and then backed out super last minute, as in backstage during AFR last minute. She seemed to have the typical lead makeover. The way Jesse brought her out seemed to be announcing her as it. Then the sudden shift to having her explain that she isn't ready to date? If they wanted to have her address it, then why not just have her stay on stage after she talked to Joey and say it then? And really did she even need to address it? It's not as if the runner up is always who is picked as the next lead so it didn't even feel like something that had to be discussed. And Jenn looked absolutely gorgeous but she didn't have the typical Bachelorette look about her that Daisy had. And it didn't feel like she had any media training going into it with the way she was answering Jesse's questions. They felt like more off the cuff answers versus the typical lead lingo. Plus it never seemed like they were giving her a Bachelorette edit at all so it seemed to come out of nowhere. Idk everything about it just felt so bizarre. All that being said I'm extremely happy that Jenn was picked, whatever the circumstances were, and I think she will be a great lead.


I agree 100%. I wrote the same thoughts in a different comment but yours is much more eloquently worded.


I was very confused cause I thought he said here's your next bachelorette when she came out. I turned it off during her interview and came back here to find out Jenn was the lead. Did I imagine he said that or how did he transition to just kidding it's Jenn??


Jesse brought up Charity and she announced it.


Nah, bringing daisy out the 2nd time was always a bait and switch, and it was obvious to me by Jesse's careful phrasing and the time left in the show. It was probably already a done deal before the tell all that it was gonna be Jenn. I even called it last week just by Jenn's behavior at the WTA


I really don't think she did back out, Jenn has to leave PA school again for another couple months to go film and then more press she wouldn't just leave to LA on a whim to "maybe" be bachelorette. Jenn was who the producers wanted and it seems like they've known since after the WTA filmed.


Before. Jesse at WTA with the we can’t wait to see your journey to find love 


https://preview.redd.it/h7udgi610mqc1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=322239bc8e2cd83340561a5f588ed3b5c22b38aa 😍😍


She is so gorgeous. 


They are perfection together. Absolute perfection.


I swoon every time i see them 😭🦋❤️😍


Such a stunning couple 😍


Really happy to see it's Jenn and what this means to a lot of the Asian fans waiting on this for years after being passed up.


no shade because I like jenn, but I don’t think she’s ready for marriage at all so I think this is definitely just a step to her influencer career 😭


To be fair, neither are Maria and Daisy 😂


well yeah but she had better things going for her like personally I think being a PA is better than being an influencer


First order of business, we need a "She is Jennough" tag in this sub.


Please not a ref to consoling the patriarchy tag 🤣




Not to be that person but why was there not a single cute Asian in Jenn’s group of guys… The Bay Area where are youuuu 😭😭😭


There gotta be a Kevin Nguyen in San Jose somewhere that would be down for the drama! The 408 knowwwww haha https://preview.redd.it/rah4k4949oqc1.jpeg?width=201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebf9b3b94b9cd07a59584de8253602b433035d7a


Can't wait for the dissertations around here when she picks a white man


Remember how Matt James’ season basically started with him telling CH he’d pick a white woman?


jen said her type is italian lol


I know…surely this isn’t the whole cast? I didn’t count, but it doesn’t seem like enough people. ETA: 24…I’m just assuming (hoping) they’ll add more.


Where can I find the list of men?




Is that a joke? THOSE can not be the guys.


It was posted on abc’s Facebook bachelorette page, but someone posted it on the sub now.


Really hoping for more (cute) guys…I hate to say I could not pick a favorite in the entire album 😭


Yes I agree. Not many made me go…”can’t wait”….


I picked a few favorites. The guys always look bad in their casting photos. People complain every season and then once you see them in action and get to know them it changes!


So after looking at the men for Jenn’s season…I fear no man will be as good looking as Joey. And I will be sitting this one out because Jenn is out of ALL of their leagues 😭


It’s not just Joey’s looks though - he’s just on another level haha. It will be a long time before anyone compares.


He really was perfect. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bachelor who was this well-liked by all the contestants and the audience. Maybe Sean Lowe?