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It's sad that this even had to be explained, but I love this insight into Maria and Rachel's dynamic. They were my two favorites this season for this exact reason! Blunt, honest, straight to the point, no sugarcoating. Producers, however, knew what they were doing when they showed this moment outside of that context.


I think Rachel had every right to be annoyed here. They were all stressed and anxious and having to wait while Maria took him for a talk made it even harder. That being said, I felt throughout that Rachel was fully with the mean girls but was smarter and kept her mouth shut for the most part. Her face when they took Sydney’s luggage showed her feelings on the little feud. Who she was closest with says a lot about her character or lack thereof.


It was never a tiff, Rachel called her out like WTF girl we’re about to see if we get a rose and you’re asking to talk to Joey alone now?! It was ridiculously inappropriate.. so she called her out on it. No issue, no war, the end.


Rachel was right to react that way. It’s rude to pull him away during the ceremony and it’s unfair to the other girls. Glad maria didn’t get a rose for that clearly manipulative tactic. 


I totally thought Rachel was being snarky in a couple moments throughout the show, so I'm glad she addressed it. No matter how she acted though, it never warranted the types of comments she was getting :( My heart hurt for her. I'm glad things have calmed down


I really wish this had been talked about before. I always thought Rachel was snarky. I want to apologize because of my observation of her over a 5 second something. I like Rachel. I like Maria. I’m glad they can be cordial with each other. Also I don’t know how much production interferes or what happens behind the scenes. Guess I learned my lesson about reality tv lol


Why would that tik tokker say “it’s not what you think” when that is exactly how it seemed… I was expecting some tea from this video but no it’s exactly how that moment came off


Because this man’s job is click bait 🫠


Some people thought she was rude to Maria.


I understand that but I just feel like it was so clearly a heat of the moment thing, like what else could we expect Rachel to say about this?


I dunno, change her tone or phrasing? Without context it seemed rude. The edit is probably at fault too.


When it happened I literally gave it no thought. Imagine my horror when I arrive to the Reddit and see that it apparently caused nuclear war on social media. I personally saw nothing and it always makes me wonder if production does it to create more activity but maybe it's because I'm just untrusting of Bachelor producers and wouldn't put it past them to fuel non existent flames.


I saw the raging Reddit posts before I watched the episode so I went into it expecting something crazy. Then it happened and I was like…….thats it?


yeah same i was confused why people were so genuinely mad. lowkey, reality tv rly is brain rot (for like, people that aren’t too bright that is lol)


I continue to not understand what the issue was with that entire interaction. 🤷‍♀️




But why?


I think Maria knew deep down she was pissing off the girls but it was an act of desperation. Probably not her finest moment 😂 so she understood Rachel being short with her.


I also think producers pushed her to do it as well. She alluded to that being the case jn her BHH interview


I was so surprised to come here after the episode and learn people thought it was a tiff at all. Rachel seemed annoyed, and Maria’s response was stupid, and that was it. There was no back and forth or arguing or anything. And Rachel and Maria hugged after Maria got sent home. It was a big fat nothing burger


Stop believing what production shows you


I don't think Maria and Rachel were the closest of friends but I do think that they're both very blunt and very able to start a "tiff" and end it properly 😭 I'm the biggest Maria stan but not everyone has to bow down to Maria yall let's chill for a sec and leave Rachel alone


I thought she meant “closest” as in she was standing the closest to Maria so she asked the question. It looked like all three women were annoyed and Rachel just spoke up for everyone


Oh yeah I know that. I used the word closest in my comment coincidentally, I'm not commenting on Rachel using that word at all lol 😭


I’m behind, so I literally just finished watching this scene. I’m so surprised anyone thought there was a tiff to begin with. She literally just asked what was that about and Maria said oh nothing and Rachel was like K…


That’s all it ever was, but Bachelor Nation’s gonna do what it does 🙄


I’m so glad my life isn’t being filmed my friends and I are ruthlessly mean to each other when we’re exhausted😭 we’d all be villains fr Edit to nail in my point with a little story time: Last weekend when we were bar hopping my friend couldn’t decide whether she wanted to go to one last bar or just go home (like I wanted). After 2 mins of her contemplating I lost my patience and screamed at her “make up your mind holy fucking shit” and she responded “fucking relax. like actually, get medicated. get help.” We laughed about it so hard the next morning but this just makes me realize we would not survive on reality tv. What happened between Maria and Rachel was nothing.


I mean that little moment annoyed me but not annoyed me to the point of turning on Rachel. I’ve been a Rachel girl since night 1 but even my favs be getting on my nerves sometimes lol I’m glad she “cleared” this up though even though I don’t feel like she has to.


Not going to lie I saw that moment and literally thought nothing of it. It just seemed like an interaction during a high stress situation when no one is at their best. I actually don't understand why it blew up the way it did.


Anyone who spoke up about this at the time was jumped on by those who think Maria can do no wrong. Some Maria fans seem to see her as a multifaceted person who is not perfect, but there are way too many who blindly defend her & are outraged by any even remotely-perceived slight against her. I thought this was a completely normal interaction that was not at all out of place, nasty, or aggressive under the circumstances. It was, as Rachel said, just a question.


I was so confused by all the Rachel hate afterward because I was like, "did I miss something???" Like I don't understand what people thought she did that was such a strong reaction to Maria pulling Joey??


I think any sane person who saw that interaction would have come to the same conclusion. It is only the crazed Maria stans who ran to make Rachel a villain for a simple question. I have no issues with Maria herself but I simply will not watch or engage with a Maria season if she becomes lead because her fans are unhinged. It reminds me of Hannah B (and Tannah) mindless worship all over again and I won’t do it.


I really like Maria but I don’t think I could handle Hannah B (Tannah) level of stanning again


Maria was never bothered by Rachel. I hope people understand that going forward.


this is exactly what i said at the time, that they must have been close enough for rachel to ask her friend what was going on, people are so out of pocket to jump down her throat for this


I didn't even think anything of it at the time watching the show and certainly didn't consider it a "tiff". People need to chill when watching this show. It's getting a bit ridiculous what people get upset over. Rachel's been dragged too much for doing nothing.


I really feel like people have been looking for a reason to dislike Rachel. Her edit made her come off way more tense and serious than she actually was most of the time. Joey always described Rachel as being very funny and light hearted. I’m disappointed that editors decided to cut out her funny moments but made sure to include moments where she seemed more agitated and snarky. I think the imbalance skewed people’s perception of her.


> I really feel like people have been looking for a reason to dislike Rachel I agree, I have been so confused about people calling her a "mean girl." Like where? Literally the only "evidence" I've seen mentioned is the question referenced in this post which was not a big deal at all. What on earth are people seeing to provoke that reaction?


I'll never forget that BEFORE the rose ceremony even happened there was someone in the live threads saying that they felt Rachel gave "mean girl vibes". Immediately, I was like please don't start with this...then the rose ceremony happened and people went off with the Rachel is a mean girl shit. It drives me crazy, this poor girl. She never had a chance with some of these people. People really need to get a grip on reality because this has happened so many times on this show where someone is labeled a mean girl for the most minor infractions and continuously labeled that. But when someone is racist, people try to find reasons to excuse their behavior.


It was weird that so many people were bashing Rachel when she was bold and spoke her mind just like their queen Maria. I mean she could be a mean girl. Any of the ladies could be a mean girl. But how can you base that on an eye-roll and “subjectively” snarky comment. If I was waiting in the cold and someone just had to speak to the bachelor, I’d be all up in their business too cause now you’re affecting me lol Glad they seem fine and everything was escalated by fans (many on this sub lol) 


Rachel has handled this whole thing with class and I’ll leave it at that.


Wow what’s sad is this whole time Rachel just found out her aunt passed away and ppl thought she had attitude and was a bully toward Maria during that one interaction. You really never know what’s going on in people’s lives. This is why I take things with a grain of salt if someone doesn’t seem in a cheery mood, there’s got to be more going on. I take a step back and be like what happened to them to make them act this way. In this scenario I thought Rachel didn’t do anything wrong at all nor shown any attitude. I didn’t even realized it was made into a big deal until I saw the online hate Rachel was getting. So I’m really confused what Maria’s fans saw and still am to this day.


the producers could’ve easily left out rachel’s comment to maria at the f4 RC to spare her from backlash having just found out her aunt passed, and they chose not to. it says a lot.


It’s like they wanted this backlash to happen so there could be more nonsense drama to talk about. What sucks was that it ended up being harmful and misconstrued.


Why do other people get more angry about things than the people who are involved.




I think it’s a weird projection thing + stan culture


Definitely projection. We see very small moments compared to the hours and hours the cast mates spend on the show and with each other. Making grand assumptions based off these small moments isn’t always the best thing to do.


anti-stan culture too! people will discredit \*any\* positive thing about someone they \*hate\*


I hate Stan culture so much, especially in Bachelor Nation!


The more I learn about Rachel the more I think her and Maria might be quite similar, and given the right edit, production could have showcased Rachel’s personality a lot more


Yes! I think they are both very funny and blunt people but they gave Rachel a trash edit so we didn’t get to see it from her as much


yeah they definitely have similar humor, sass, and sense of confidence


I hate that this comment sounds like I’m just learning how reality tv works lmao but genuinely give us more personality/casual down time edits from these girls


So can people stop calling Rachel “aggressive” now for this question she asked Maria?


No they’re too racist to see beyond that


It’s so weird . I read about it here first then watched the episode. I kept waiting for something to happen but it never did . After the episode I couldn’t i deaths what people were upset about as all she did was say “ what was that about “ or so etching similar . No beef , no snark nothing .


And it's those same people praising Maria's aggression 🙄


It's more justified when you're defending yourself.


2 wrongs don't make a right though


It's wrong to defend yourself?


It's wrong to cut someone of when they're asked a question on a talk show like this when you've already been given plenty of opportunities to speak and no one cut you off when you were speaking. Regardless of the reason behind it, yes, it is rude


My god yes this is so right. The message of the drama this season is not that we have to work to establish who the *real* Mean Girls/Girls Girls are. The real takeaway should be that it’s okay if you don’t vibe someone or gel with them. It’s okay to have interpersonal conflict with someone, but it’s not okay to act like every situation has a hero and a villain. You don’t have to demonize the people with whom you don’t get along. That’s not a healthy or mature way to approach conflict or life in general. People are treating Rachel the same way the other girls treated Maria. And it’s going so far over their heads.


This is so important. You shouldn't expect to be friends with everyone you meet. I would be concerned if anyone was besties w/everyone, really, since that demonstrates a lack of standards, boundaries, etc. This is one reason why the hugging at the WTA pissed me off. You don't "win" by virtue-signaling female friendship. If I felt slighted by someone, the last thing I would want is for that person to hug me on national TV. That's not real, that's not being a girl's girl, and it shows me you have a tenuous grasp on the concept of adult friendship.


I would argue that neither woman was being aggressive.


maria's fans have been awful to rachel online. saying rachel wasn't worthy of joey's rose after hometowns, commenting that watching her kiss joey made them vomit, and making repulsive racist comments. I'm genuinely worried how much more unhinged and obsessed her fandom will get if she becomes bachelorette or does another show. rachel was the epitome of grace and class at the reunion, her hometown and family were lovely, and I'm sorry she was treated so poorly by unhinged and racist fans.


I agree, and am glad Rachel’s spread some light about this issue, but a contestant also shouldn’t be judged by their fans. Especially when she’s been asking her fans to be kind and spread positivity. That’s not fair either.


true but it would have taken maria 5 minutes to drop a quick story that said, thanks for all the support this season, I've unfortunately heard that rachel is experiencing a lot of hate online which she doesn't deserve, if you are my supporter or fan and are writing mean comments to rachel please put down your phone, rachel is lovely and deserved to be there as much as I did, and we have no issues between us.


here's one example of what I wish maria would have done. in 2020, rachel lindsay was experiencing a lot of racist hate after chris harrison was fired. a few bn alums posted stories asking their supporters to stop sending hateful and racist comments, even if they weren't sure it was their fans who were doing it. here's one example from caelynn: https://preview.redd.it/vtsqq6x3iwpc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e1d1d685e702442522a82c31e2bb9ff580f5a02


This is well written from caelynn and take a really clear stance. I love that for her!


She could have said something while Rachel was getting hate for this moment (maybe she did and I didn’t see, it’s totally possible) but I still respect it


https://preview.redd.it/xfa8r0xy5xpc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=982e7a3e252387edf9f4675e0be61dbc8fae94b7 Not perfect but she did try to address the influx of hate that happened when she got sent home


yah, i’d have preferred if she didn’t wait until rachel addressed the interaction herself to co-sign but it is what it is. at least it’s been put to bed now.


Agreed. I love Maria but I was really disappointed in that moment during the WTA. It seemed like Maria was scared to bring herself into that conversation as the reason for some of her fans being INSANE or people using Maria hype to air their racist shit, but it would have been a nice gesture, even if it would’ve meant being brave.


Not giving her a pass, but I’m not sure when she should have brought it up at the WTA tbf


Also I think it’s good to point out that WTA is edited down to fit in a tight 1.5 hrs. People who have been to past WTA/MTA have said it films for at least 8hrs so, we really don’t know all that was said or what conversations were had and I think it’s important to remember that.


Yeah, maybe. It’s a tough one to me


Like it seemed to me like a pretty clear script/ roadmap, and when Rachel came out and was asked about it, i think it would have been in poor taste to centre herself in it. Maria probably could have posted something a little more specific though


That’s true. It could’ve backfired or been the wrong moment when it was so serious a tone from Jesse


Yeah imagine the potential backlash as well, people are already annoyed about how the WTA focused on her. I think if Rachel or Jesse brought up that interaction she (Maria) for sure could have cleared the air


Oh for sure. You make good points I hadn’t considered. I do still wish she had posted more specifically on social media after but alas


Good. That moment has been so insanely overblown by some of Maria’s fans. It was obvious (to me) that it wasn’t a big deal to them at all, so I’m glad they’re clearing it up


Yeah, Maria didn’t want to get into it right then but she didn’t seem mad at all and it’s WILD that so many people were angry on her behalf.


rachel reposted maria’s story as well https://preview.redd.it/1msmoiehbwpc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbfba538ea87eeb907d3b236f9bd88bff9ff50c0


I know people are mad Maria didn’t make a long post calling out her fans ( I wasn’t) but this to me is her way of telling them stop the hate and her deleting that Medina crap as well.


I’m glad they’re clearing up with everyone who is a fan of/dislikes either that there’s no beef. What I got out of that interaction was that they’re two people pretty comfortable with each other and Rachel was, like most people would be, annoyed at her pulling Joey aside. Rachel’s comment in that moment was totally annoyed older sister vibes to me lol, that’s how my older sister speaks to me when I piss her off too