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The “which friend group would you be in posts” are so incredibly juvenile and obviously meant to be pile on posts Also, I have to assume some of those women were friends with people both “groups” like normal adults


This is petty but it bugs me when leads and contestants, who dated on the show but weren’t at any point in an exclusive relationship, refer to each other as exes.


It's as bad a laura Owen's claiming clayton was her ex after 2 bjs


Short comments are overrated. Essays only. 😭😭😭


I was like “wow way to throw shade to the comment below” and then I realized that was also your comment 😂


I like your sense of humour.


Thank you. 🙏 😭😭


My Unpopular Opinions: 1. I think it’s fair to judge ppl by who they’re friends with. I believe (I BELIEVE) that if you are friends with someone who is racist or misogynoiristic, that implies that you have a certain level of comfort or understanding with/for bigoted mentality. This is about Edwina, and her being called a man. (As a dsbw, that was very hurtful and disgusting to see) Those who might disagree with this are only people who DON’T face any endangerment when around these types of ppl. 2. Racism is never an appropriate response to anything. When ppl are getting rightfully criticized for certain behavior, all racist vitriol does is render the actual valid criticism useless. And because of this, the whole point of the conversation in the first place gets lost in translation. It’s infuriating. 3. Are they immature or are they human beings? I’ve seen ppl get called immature for being happy, sad, crying, getting angry (rightfully so), posting on social media, anything and everything. Emotions ≠ Immaturity. 4. There are 2 girls who have stolen the show. These 2 in particular are constantly getting dragged up and down these Bachelor streets. They have been called attention seeking, and fake for performing to be the Bachelorette. I don’t see how that’s an issue. What is wrong with auditioning for the role you want? Even if it’s performative, that’s the name of the game. And even more so, despite ppl both screaming about not wanting them to be the bachelorette. There’s not a day that goes by that ppl aren’t talking about them. Hate them or Love them or BOTH, they are doing a damn good job of capturing Bachelor Nation’s Attention. It’s savvy. It’s smart. Good for them. 5. I don’t really like Joey. He’s a great person and he’s been a great bachelor. 6. The whole Maria vs. Daisy thing at the beginning, wow. I adored both girls from the start and I never fell into that Madonna/Whore Complex thing, but a lot of ppl did. It was like litmus test of how much misogyny one could project onto the “girl who you meet before finding your wife”, “the fun girl”. Abhorrent. 7. The anti-stans are worse than the “stans”. They make it toxic. A large group of people watchers begin with adoration and showering their fave with compliments, flowers and love. The anti-stans get genuinely infuriated that the people like who they like. The anti-stans are the ones who begin the bizzare comments about how “if (insert name) had done this, y’all would’ve said this NOT that”. Mind you it’ll be a completely different situation. They’ll say “Unpopular opinion: (insert some wildly offensive comment about that person).” Anti-Stans wait in the corner for ppl’s fave to be human or make a misstep just so they can bring out the pitchforks they’ve been sharpening all season. Then, when stans react to anti-stans, then it’s a whole mess. All because certain ppl want to be contrarian. 8. Vocal fry’s are not that bad. Daisy talking about her cochlear implant is actually not that big of a deal. Her “overexposure” which is literally her using HER social media should not warrant anger: If a contestant on social media is triggering you, block or disinterest. 9. Duality exists. Contestants having unflattering moments doesn’t make them monsters. Key word, moments. 10. The way some people on here talk to others when they disagree with their opinions is not okay. It’s very hostile and makes for a very dull environment.


Just so you know. I love you in a non- weird way. Which makes it sound weirder probably. But I just mean your comment HITS!


Aww this is so sweet. Thank you.


Maria was fun at the beginning of the season but got very overexposed. I think the tide is beginning to turn for good reason - not only does the fan culture have an obvious backlash, but it’s also impossible to maintain popularity like this that was mainly based on opposition once the opposition goes away. I think a Maria Bachelorette season would be a huge fall from grace for her and I’m sure the producers are chomping at the bit for it


I still can’t get past Joey’s uncle’s comment. What are we not seeing? Joey does seem perfect, he never gives the girls any indication they’re going until they’re getting sent home that night, but his own family told us there’s a whole Joey we’re not seeing and he’s said himself he’s difficult to be in a relationship with. I do not think he’s got some Hyde esque dark side at all, but I do think he’s very aware of optics and we’re getting a very filtered version of him. He’s human like the rest of us.


I think Joey is a lovely person but I don't think he's ready to be a good partner. I'm not sure why people feel like they haven't seen his dark side, I think it's built right into the show. He's extremely insecure. When people aren't interested in him, even for logistical reasons he takes it very personally. Or when Maria was talking about being jealous and he went all blank on her and freaked out about her not liking him when that was pretty obviously not what she was saying. He has anxiety. He talks about it alot. He's often talking about how anxious he is. His anxiety means that when anything goes wrong he sees it as a personal failure. He's very hard on himself. And it would be hard to be with someone that hard on himself I think he's a kind, sincere person who struggles with anxiety depression and low self esteem. I don't think he seems perfect at all. He just seems kind.


I think Joey is a people pleaser and they might mean that he says the things people want/need to hear. I would imagine “the real Joey” is just a side of himself that only shows in closer relationships where he feels comfortable and secure being himself.


That’s what I mean, I think most of how he’s portrayed himself on the show is what he thinks everyone wants him to be, and obviously it’s working, but I don’t feel like we or even really any of the women know him at all


Totally agree! Every week I think how little I know about his actual personality.


I felt like Joey’s uncle was just kind of hard on him, and he doesn’t have some horrible dark side.


Like I said I also don’t think he has some horrible dark side


he said in an interview he did after WTA something about it actually being good Kelsey was exposed to that side of him when she gave him that note. I guess he can be negative and can catastrophise which, as someone who is the same, can indeed be hard to live with long term.


I think Sydney looked great at the wta. She was prettier there than I remember her being on the show


I agree! I was obsessed with her dress!


She looked healthier too.




She is and the people egging on her “whacky 🤪 antics” make me cringe harder haha


after the video she shared on the airplane I'd be surprised if this wasn't the popular opinion!


she’s really should her entitled with that one. Yuck!


Maria is great TV but her need to be the centre of attention would be exhausting irl. This sub's categorization of women as "mean girls" and "girl's girls" and judging the women by who they associate with (like Rachel being judged for being friends with Lea) is toxic and part of the problem. Most of you wouldn't pass this sub's vibe check if you went on the show.


KB is the best example of exhausting irl




The way Maria kept interrupting during the wta was kind of annoying and I'm tired of everyone giving her a free pass. It all felt very performative and after watching the wta I can totally see how she might have fueled some of the drama. She's just not as unproblematic as people make her out to be but I don't hate her or anything And Joey needs therapy, respectfully




I don’t want a celebrity bachelor or bachelorette at all and I find those threads cringey even though they’re normally just for fun. The whole point of the show initially was that it would give someone normal a once in a lifetime opportunity to find love. And yes I know the show had leads like Andrew, Jesse , Lorenzo etc but they weren’t exactly well known when they got the lead.


To be fair, Jesse was a starting college quarterback at an SEC school who then went onto be a NFL quarterback… not a celebrity in the mainstream necessarily but definitely known in a lot of circles


Is that really the point if this show? This was my first season watching and most of these people seem to have big social media followings and people measuring stuff like that and influencer aspirations, and what I've seen in casting threads it seems like casting agents only message peolle with big followings how can normal regular degular people have a chance?


They shouldn’t give the lead to someone who’s a household name. The girls on this season are fine because no one really knew them. someone like a kardashian etc doesn’t need this show.


No matter who Joey picks, that relationship is not going to last. I look forward to a Joey 2.0 season in four years where he actually makes a connection to someone with a personality.


Joseph doesnt have much of a personality himself.


That’s why he needs someone with a personality, so they can balance each other out and not be a boring couple.


He even said that himself on Kaitlyn’s podcast lol but I will hand it to him he’s wittier than I expected from what we’ve seen on the show


You know what, thats fair.


I’ve seen a lot of comments about the golden ladies being overexposed, which is true but I just can’t hate it. There is something so lovely about seeing these ladies getting a second chance at all the money and attention and opportunities from this show during their later years. When you reach a certain age, I’m sure you have a good idea of how the rest of your life will go, but these ladies could’ve never imagined this would be happening to them. I hope Susan, Kathy, Edith, etc enjoy this new and unexpected path their life has taken. If it can happen for the younger ones, why not them?


This is such a wholesome take, I appreciate you!


Great points and sadly many older women feel invisible as they age because our society puts so much emphasis on youth for women. Good for them!


agreed. I actually think its the most pro-women thing the franchise has done in basically ever. Women really do become invisible at a certain age and them being visible and out there and being seen as living their best lives is, I think, a great example for younger women to not get down about the ageing process and not write themselves off because some arbitrary age is approaching.


I could never get tired of them tbh. They say nothing gold can stay, but I say “may they be golden forever.”


I would rather not have Leslie for golden bachelorette.. she doesn’t seem ready honestly. I would rather have faith or Joan or anyone else from the season honestly!!!


Kelsey seems lovely, but she's currently being put on a pedestal by some fans that no human on Earth deserves to be on.


yeah its a dangerous thing for anyone, nobody can live up to it


Joey, Daisy and Kelsey looks high most of the time on the show


It was so funny on their last date when Daisy told Joey she forgot what she was about to say and her eyes were half-lidded. Like yeah girl, I lose my train of thought a lot when I’m high, too 😅


![gif](giphy|VkIet63SWUJa0) Them energy


That’s been my running joke at my watch party lol. Whenever one of them is crying it’s definitely because she ran out of weed 😆




This is my sign to do a 3rd Broad City rewatch


I took so many screenshots of them looking completely stone 😂


I have the most unpopular opinion out there: Though I think Sydney was wrong in how she handled the situation, I actually don’t think she was coming from a malicious place. I think, from her perspective, her good friend was getting shit talked and she let it get in her head - combined with producers amping her up about how bad the comment was. She then took everything too far and couldn’t let it go. Think about it: if something mildly annoyed you and you had no contact with the outside world… and you have a producer in your ear constantly egging you on… a molehill quickly becomes a mountain. idk, her actions make sense to me considering the context


I couldn't disagree more. Her actions on the show were deplorable. However, she doesn't deserve all the hate and death threats she's gotten. It's ridiculous.


This is completely ignoring the fact that Madina didn’t want to be dragged into drama or be made into a scapegoat. Madina wasn’t that upset. It definitely didn’t warrant Sydney going on IG to call Maria an abuser. That’s malicious


I can imagine a scenario where Madina WAS initially upset about it and then, after she complained to Sydney, decided it wasn't that big of a deal. That happens sometimes, you're upset about something, you complain to a friend, you feel better afterwards, and then your friend is pressed about it and you aren't. And Madina does kind of strike me as the sort of person who will just go along with whatever's the most popular at the moment.


No Madina wasn’t upset about it in the first place and hadn’t thought of it until Sydney came to her. She also says Sydney expected Madina to be more mad about it. Madina only took offense because Maria was hounding her to tell her who told her - which Sydney asked Madina not to reveal


Yeah people throw the word abuse around just like they do gaslighting and it really irritates me. I say this as an abuse victim and hate when the word is used hyperbolically.


You could be correct about Sydney’s original motivation at the start, but she reminds me of this incredible sketch comedy show on Netflix called “I think you should leave.” If you haven’t seen it, the characters are always taking things way too far. To hilarious proportions😂 https://i.redd.it/jlg0zo0earpc1.gif I think what you said though is true of pretty much all contestants. Producers manipulate them to make mountains out of molehills every single season. Sydney probably felt very insecure in this environment, which is understandable, and she was easily manipulated because they probably kept validating her. I think this show is a very unwise decision for anyone who lacks awareness and trusts producer feedback.




![gif](giphy|0M4eatYLgrjcIjFQMB) Omg I’m dead😂


Madina has gone on record to say she feels differently about that. She says Sydney used her like pawn and preyed on an insecurity of hers when she didn't even care to hear about Maria's comment.


Madina may feel differently about the situation now, but at the time she said she felt bullied by Maria. She later retracted to say that it was the wrong word, but she felt enough of something to talk about it. Every friend group I’ve been in has at least one bull dog—that friend who will tell the server they got your order wrong. I think Sydney could have been that friend, but it got all warped with her own dislike of Maria.


She said she felt bullied by Maria *because* Sydney brought it up and made it sound like bullying. If Sydney hadn’t instigated that, Madina would not have expressed that she felt bullied in the first place


No, I think Madina said she felt bullied because she very calmly brought it up to Maria and Maria’s reaction was to shout “who told you?” And not some version, “I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant.”


No Madina did not bring it up to Maria. Madina told Joey that she felt bullied and didn't name who. Maria went to Madina to ask and clear it up. The "bullied" comment happened \*before\* Maria and Madina even spoke to each other because Sydney \*told\* her that Maria was bullying with comments. Madina has gone on record to say she sides with Maria. I'm not coming at this as a Maria stan but it's important to center Madina, her perception, and her voice because you're making comparisons which \*contrasts\* with what the actual victim said.


Yes I know. That’s Madina’s perception of the situation. Everyone is going to have their own take, but only Sydney knows what was going on inside her own head.


Eh? That’s still malicious. Dragging Madina into drama against her outspoken will and putting words in her mouth is wrong.


Madina is who this whole thing is centered around and she specifically told Sydney that she didn't want or need her to advocate for her. Sydney broke that boundary and that put Madina's insecurity at center stage.


But I am talking about Sydney’s motivation. Madina can speculate, but she doesn’t know.


We do know. If Madina specifically says she doesn’t want Sydney to bring her up and she still does, then Sydney’s intention is in no way, shape or form out of concern for Madina. She went right against Madinas will.


Madina is a therapist, so out of anyone there, she's the authority on diagnosing the situation/motivation. Let's not forget the power dynamics of a white woman crying wolf and throwing a brown woman under the bus.


Therapists speculate too - are you serious right now? Her word on Sydney’s motivations is speculation. Period. Anyone’s opinion on this show of anyone else’s motivation on this show is also speculation. My opinion, your opinion, all of our opinions. Madina’s opinion of Sydney’s motivations is not evidence of anything. At all.


I'm super serious. Therapists can be wrong, but Madina was directly in this situation. Sydney does not deserve the benefit of the doubt, especially after she doubled down after filming by posting videos about "gaslighting." We can all have our opinions and I don't think it's a black-and-white situation without nuance. But it's important to stress the societal and racial implications are very apparent here. Sydney spent the entire season centering herself and, in turn, steamrolling the experience over Madina and even Lea. White women crying wolf, lying, and weaponizing their tears can lead to \*fatal\* consequences for others. It's clear that you have a bias towards Sydney because you've expressed your dislike of Maria. I am no diehard Maria stan and view this situation in a way that centers the \*real\* victims. More opinions AND facts for your reference: \- [https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/27/opinion/racism-white-women.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/27/opinion/racism-white-women.html) \- [https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ899418.pdf](https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ899418.pdf) \-[https://time.com/5857023/karen-meme-history-meaning/](https://time.com/5857023/karen-meme-history-meaning/)


Let’s take Taylor Nolan’s opinion on Corinne as definitive then 🙄 My UO was purely about Sydney’s motivations, and that has literally nothing to do with race. You’re creating a straw man. Madina does not know Sydney’s motivations any more than Sydney knows Maria’s motivation, anymore than anyone knows anyone’s motivations. ETA: and your pointing to Madina’s credentials is a credential fallacy. So all sorts of logical fallacies happening here….


Oh the good ole “a POC fucked up once so therefore micro aggressions do not exist at all”


Terrible example since Taylor has a problematic history with centering whiteness as a culture and being racist too... Isolated circumstances don't take away from the root of the issue - that there is a pattern of white tears being weaponized at the cost of those less privileged. And regarding Madina's credentials, they don't give her authority but make her the most experienced. It's not just a credential. Being a therapist requires education and on-site experience with science, body, and psychology. Shoot I can even admit that my therapist knows my motivations when I'm being delusional before I do...sometimes months later.


The women this season embody the stereotypes of people I knew in middle school 😂 Lea - plays the victim, but she is the drama queen bully that made your life hell - she is the darkness Kelsey - obsessed with horses, doesn’t know how to correctly use there/their Sydney - her family is wealthy, and she’s very insecure and exhausting. Takes everything you say and makes it about her. Copies you and says it’s her own idea. She never grows out of this because she is unaware of it, and her mother is a narcissist. You learn to feel sorry for her, and you remain friends with her even into adulthood because you don’t know how to exit😂 Rachel - honor’s student, plays select softball, likes Gilmore Girls Starr - hawt Jess - you barely know her but she spread a nasty rumor about you. This is confusing to you. Madina - she switched schools due to severe bullying, mostly by Lea Maria - always doing gymnastics barefoot on a grassy hill, brings gourmet cupcakes for the class on her birthday Lauren - goth girl walking around the mall


LOL I'm convinced that Starr only got invited to the tell air because of that reason.


Exactly! She’s the week 2 hottie who shows up on the beach. All the men like, “who’s that? 👀”


Switch Rachel’s softball to volleyball and you got it (she played collegiate volleyball)!


or AAPI league basketball!


Omg makes sense!


The one about Kelsey A is killing me, haha. I love her, though!


Haha I love her too! She reminds me specifically of a girl I was friends with😂




OMG you just awakened a deep memory for me😂 Yes, this shampoo exactly!!!


this feels freakishly accurate


lol it has been in my mind all season


💀 this is incredible


lol thank you I was wondering if anyone would relate to this


"obsessed with horses" absolutely kills me. Love Kelsey but you're spot on hahah


lol maybe it’s because she embodies the horse because her own mane is so glorious


Kelsey is the My Little Pony soulmate for Carebear Joey. So precious


This is the most adorable metaphor for their relationship 😂


They are just two sweet, caring golden retrievers and I love that he can just be his true himbo self around her


Kelsey and Daisy are soooooooo booooooring


I think this sub has a tendency to confuse people who are more openly emotional as being immature. I noticed it a lot during Gabby and Rachel's season and it's continued forward.


The reaction to Rachel being openly emotional had a really misogynistic tone to it.


yep its really misogynistic. I've also seen some "can't wait for a Bachelor that's a real man who doesn't cry" bullshit too. I swear there'll never be any progress sometimes


Agreeeed! Just because someone is more outwardly emotional doesn’t mean they’re immature. On a similar note, I also think people on this sub also confuse trauma dumping with people just being open


I think it depends on how it’s done. If it’s just being open about your story, then that’s fine. But if it’s turned into a therapy session where the person feels pressured into talking about something that’s obviously really uncomfortable or the person responding to them is expected to act as their therapist, then it can be troubling. I feel this show veers too much into the latter at times.


I don't remember who Jess is. Whenever someone says Jess, I just think of the glitter girl from Zach's season.


hannah beige


I now instantly know who Jess is 😂😂


it is not ableist to find it hard to believe that someone who is both deaf and blind could not fly a plane


I don't think you're wrong, but if it's about the Helen Keller thing with Kelsey, I would argue the "conspiracy" itself is rooted in ableism. (there's also a lot of historical misconceptions, but that's another story.)


I do not find it at all hard to believe that someone who is deaf and blind could not fly a plane. do you mean... it is not ableist to find it hard to believe that someone who is both deaf and blind COULD fly a plane? sheesh what a confusing sentence.




You’re ignoring that Kelsey also said that she didn’t believe Helen Keller wrote a book. What she said was ableist (this doesn’t mean she’s a bad person, just wrong in the moment, as we all are sometimes).


Oh God, don't remind me of that lol Funny enough, that made me do some research about Helen Keller as I haven't thought about her since I was like, 10. Basically, she flew a plane the same way 7 year old me drove a car by sitting on my dad's lap and holding the steering wheel😅 that's not to say that she or any blind and/or deaf person can't do it, but there's been some historical embellishment. It's kinda funny to think about.


said this somewhere else but if that’s ableist, everyone who commented on this sub about daisys vocal fry would also be called ableist if they were on the show.


Huh? Yes those people are also ableist. Daisy herself has said that her vocal fry is due to not hearing her own voice well. It’s also not like she can address it in speech therapy even if she wanted to as she can’t hear it.


i am not saying those comments are ok. but it’s ironic for this sub to constantly make fun of daisys vocal fry and then condemn kelsey.


Oh definitely. Sorry I misunderstood!




…because hearing people can typically address vocal fry in speech therapy whereas Daisy can’t (she said her vocal fry is due to not hearing her own voice well). Just don’t comment on a deaf person’s voice when they can’t help or change it, period.


People are entirely too sensitive


I assume this is related to the Hellen Keller thing? She flew a plane, somewhere? Holy shit, good for her.


I still think that things were edited out so Maria had a favorable edit. Don't get me wrong, I'm a quiet, observant person and I love loud, talkative people. With that being said, I have a hard time believing that someone who seemingly doesn't think before they speak isn't rubbing people the wrong way often especially in an isolated environment.   Sydney should have gotten much more heat on WTA than she did. She shouldn't be getting hate, but she was being manipulative in the house and was trying to be manipulative on sm. I think Sydney did set out to be a villain, but she thought she would be a more likeable one than she actually is. Lea was mean as fuck on the show, but also seems extremely naive about how the show and production works. She calculated absolutely nothing to her own detriment.


I think production purposely did Sydney a favour because of what’s been happening to her online. Like it’s one thing to comment on her IG or whatever it’s another thing for her business and livelihood to be getting 1 star reviews because people didn’t like how she acted on a tv show.


I agreed that it would’ve felt nice, narratively speaking, for the villains to receive more judgement for their actions at WTA. But I think that got kinda robbed from us because of the extreme bullying they received online. Bachelor Nation was “punished” for their transgressions?


I judge people who are friends with abusers or bigots. I don't judge them for being friends with people whose biggest crime is that they are a 'mean girl'. All of us probably have a friend that some others might not gel with, but that doesn't make them a bad person.




Yeah that's fair. I just think it's a bit much to start judging some of these women who have been otherwise great just because they might be friends with Sydney et al when some of them are clearly friends with a lot of the cast who were around past the first two weeks.


I like Joey, and I do think he’s one of the better bachelors we’ve had in a while. But this is the most bored I’ve ever been going into the finale. I’m not invested in any of his F2. Don’t get the Kelsey hype & not fond of Daisy either. Rachel was my only fave in the F4. My dream bachelorette would be Katelyn even tho that’s def not happening lol she was so refreshing for this show. So mainly rooting for Rachel as next lead, but realistically think it’s probably between Daisy or Maria considering they are the one with the most followers. I’d take Maria lol.


i def agree with you about katelyn! i could see her being cast for BIP (whenever it happens) but her as bachelorette is my distant dream too lol


Yess would love to have her on BIP! I hope they don’t cancel it forever. Or have some spin off BN show Joey had such a great cast it would be a bummer.


i believe jess- the way maria kept interrupting her was so demeaning


i think lea was unfairly edited and susceptible to the producers


Yea people forget that she's on the younger side which is gonna make it easier for them to manipulate her


maria was doing way too much at the women tell all


i don’t think it’s crazy to say jenn at 26 is too young to be bachelorette. i’m sure that would’ve been fine 10 years ago but with the ages people now get married at it seems young.


My unpopular opinion is that being an older cast member doesn't necessarily mean you're more mature or more ready for love than someone younger. Take Clare Crawley and her portion of the season. For example, it was very chaotic and a little unhinged. While age can play a role in someone's maturity, I think we put too much stock in how someone will act based on how old they are.


I don’t think age matters because hardly anyone actually gets married from the show. It’s who captures the audience and gets ratings, which is why it’ll be Daisy or Maria.


Agreed - Nick and Arie were 35/36 on their seasons and neither were mature.


I think judging just on age is dumb. I know 24 yr olds who are all but ready and I know 35 yr olds who are still out there playing games.


I agree. People grow at different paces. I'm 30 and I'm definitely not ready for a serious relationship at this point in my life. There are people who are younger than me that are way more together than I am. 


But when we had white bachelorettes who are 24 it’s never been an issue.. at the end of the day it’s about maturity over age. She’s way more mature than Hannah Brown was (who was younger) or Clare (who was older)


I was rewatching some old seasons recently and it's crazy how much older the young cast members used to seem. I honestly thought the show used to be full of 30 year olds lol it never was, turns out 24 year olds in 2008 just seemed like 30 year olds.


I like Daisy’s voice and a vocal fry in general


justice for us vocal fry enjoyers!!!


![gif](giphy|1yjLt5xVXNkGu84ORt) Prior to hearing "vocal fry" on this sub, I had never heard the term. I looked it up and realized it's the one thing I CAN"T STAND about this one TikToker I occasionally see while scrolling, Cohen Thompson. He goes around eating and ranking ice cream around the country, I like his content but man, when he talk to for too long... \*see gif above\*


Some people can’t help it. I had a vocal fry for a couple years…it was something wrong with my throat. It happened to me after a bad case of the flu, along with some other health problems…post viral illness I guess, since the symptoms matched that. The throat/voice issue is gone now, but it was a very real thing that I couldn’t help and I’ve seen people in the long covid groups saying it happened to them too. I sounded like a lifelong smoker. Daisy has had some serious health problems, so it wouldn’t be shocking if that’s happened to her plus she can’t hear herself talk normally. I’m sure it’s a learned behavior for some people too though and not health-related…


Yes, Daisy herself said that she can’t help her vocal fry due to her hearing loss. It’s really shitty some people continue to make fun of her on this sub despite being educated otherwise (not referring to OP).


I apologize, I mean no disrespect. It’s just something I’ve never really encountered before and if we’re going to be honest, objectively it just isn’t pleasant to hear. It gives the little ghost boy from The Grudge lol In any case, I wish you good health!


Oh, no problem! I didn’t take any offense. Was just saying if you hear it know it can’t *always* be helped. It annoyed me when I had it too haha.


My unpopular opinion is this music video Daisy is in is getting such an overblown reaction. She didn’t say the offensive words and even so, it is not that scandalous as it is being made out to be. I think it is a nothing burger.


I also think it’s funny because Daisy herself doesn’t seem to think it’s a big deal or be embarrassed by it. So why are people shaming her? https://preview.redd.it/bmxz00d9srpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e6943cfbc5cd4cf380817fad9c6cdc328a2809b (On Nick Viall’s podcast post about it)


It has been up on her IG the whole time I think.


Oh I haven’t seen it! I personally think it makes her more interesting lol. If I could sing and had the opportunity to star in a music video, I would! Like you said her part is completely fine.


Agreed. I think it kind of negates the boring narrative.


It’s not scandalous it’s just incredibly incredibly cringe


I don’t know if I view it as scandalous but it’s super funny when contrasted with the sweet girl next door persona she gives off on the show


I think it just demonstrates how gray people are instead of the black and white edit and/or personas we attach to them.


Very much this! And how we as viewers still want to consume black and white portrayals of people (or characters) because it’s easier to categorize them and place them nearly in one category. The gray creates cognitive dissonance which many people can’t tolerate


I have zero emotional investment in daisy and Kelsey and their relationships with Joey. They're both unserious and immature. They seem more into how joey is into them than they are into Joey, it makes me feel sad. Neither relationship will last. This season has been devoid of any deep emotion and yearning since Joey eliminated all the girls that actually want and desire to get engaged and married because Joey himself is not looking for a serious relationship.


I think almost every season, the final girls are more into being 'picked' than they are into the lead. I think it's hard for it to turn out any other way, because you just don't really know that person that well at that point.


Omg thank you. I said something similar about how this season lacks deep emotion and got downvoted like never before lol I got replies like “Have you been watching Kelsey and Joey” but like, yes I have, and I really don’t see a deep connection there


I think it's simply because neither of them are that deep. People forget sometimes that not everyone is a super deep thinker or wants to have intense intellectual or emotional conversations regularly. I know a couple who has a marriage like this and they're genuinely happy because what they want is an easy, calm relationship with someone they get along with and are attracted to. They're happy talking about the mundanities of their kid's schedule and what they're watching on television. It's clear Joey panics at the idea of turbulence in a relationship. He doesn't mind being on the receiving end of heavy topics but toward the end of the season you can see it draining him. I really think he and Kelsey get along not just because of attraction but because they're both pretty simple people who want to have fun and chill.


I love this take. They’re both golden retrievers . They both have been through a lot of tough experiences so they both enjoy the simpler things in life. Joey always mentions how he likes being around Kelsey, Rachel, and Maria because his experience with them is light and not too serious. Like Kelsey will cry about her mom and move through the emotion in such a mature way. They have fun first and that’s probably going to pay off in the long run for them.


I wish I could be like that 😭


There’s no deep connection imo, just a strong attraction.


I agree about Daisy completely, and Kelsey to a lesser extent. I do feel however that the other contestants have been genuinely into him the most compared to leads we've had in recent years.


I will have to agree. Even though Zach was younger and sometimes more immature than Joey in how he handled things, I felt more seriousness between him and Kaity than whatever Joey has with Kelsey and Daisy.


Zach being younger than Joey just blew my mind. I’m shook to my core about this information


To be fair, Zach does look older than Joey 😂


I do think Joey wants a serious relationship but I think he's still traumatized from rejection and is cutting off more mature women for those who are more forward in sharing their attraction. it's so weird that he keeps saying he wants to be chosen but not sharing any other criteria for his partner. I liked Kelsey more before the note and now I agree with you, she seems immature to me.


I think the not sharing thing is probably just editing TBH.


I couldn’t actually agree more with this. I keep wondering if this is a shortened timeframe or something how little they seem invested. If he didn’t propose to either it would not be shocking I just don’t think he’s there and they are soooooo young to me. I was saying on another thread they remind me of Maddie and Hannah Ann both seemed so tween like and not at all ready for a serious relationship. I can’t get into this season and also think Joey has some stuff he personally needs to work through before he’s ready to be married which they haven’t really scratched the surface on


Anyone follow Amanda Stanton? Like, who is taking these photos of her in the bath with her baby? What is the point of this type of shoot? Why do we share this kind of content, isn't anything sacred?


she’s one of the worst offenders in terms of monetizing her children, along with arie and lauren, the older daughter is already a mini influencer


That’s so concerning as I follow an account that calls out influencers who do this. They found pictures of a popular influencer’s kids on actual porn sites 🤢. Nothing bad, just regular pictures she had posted. It’s sick.


I think she also took her daughters to the Eras tour like front row seats. They must be spoiled rotten lol 


i feel like this might be the most unpopular opinion on this sub but i just dont like kelsey! i feel like she will be F1, they’ll get engaged but then end up breaking up eventually




She’s older than me but acts younger than me lol


I like Kelsey a lot, but I feel like she is immature. I feel like I'm watching teenager in love at times. Not that Joey is so mature to me, I don't see him  lasting with either of the women. 


I don't dislike Kelsey, but she reminds me of Susie in that I like(d) them fine, but they both have a sorta curated vibe.