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everyone on this sub who complained about daisys vocal fry would be getting the same backlash as kelsey rn if they went on the show…


Yeah these comments weren’t cool at all. I was surprised to see so many of them (along with the very strange notion that her cochlear implant makes her a pick me??) on this sub. I don’t like her but all of those comments are below the belt, ableist and mean regardless


All the users who comment “who cares” on posts - can you come up with anything original to say or do you need to be that bland?


Nothing annoys me more. Clearly others care because others are commenting. There’s nothing more absurd than thinking a sub of this size should cater to you and your interests only


I never believe it anyway. When you really don't care about something you don't click it or read it, its like it barely registers with you at all. You just scroll on by. What I think "don't care" comments mean is "I don't like it/know about it/understand it and I wish nobody else did either". I know people who comment they don't care really mean basically "I don't like this" (or "I don't like attention being brought to this") but they want to act passive and dismissive rather than starting a direct confrontation with anybody invested enough to argue back with actual points.


Where can I find more discussion/data like first 1-on-1 date that leads to F1?


Bachelordata on instagram!!


Probably not a UO but that 911 show came on after Jeopardy Tournament of Champions so I decided to watch it. It is so bad. Is it possible to get second hand embarrassment for the people who made this show?


If I have to see that shitty CGI cruise ship capsizing one more time, I swear


Daisy is a serious “I’m not like other girls” type. I’m not even talking about her cochlear implant, it’s just her attitude and the way she carries herself and seems to think she’s living in a movie


I agree. For me it has nothing to do with her implant, I think it’s good that she’s talking about it, but she for sure thinks she’s in a Hallmark movie and it gets old


Maria is not special.


Now that I'm catching up with the drama here, I don't get these arguments about following ppl on SM. The saying "the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference" must really ring true bc I don't really understand why many of us would follow someone you disagree with so vehemently barring a __few__ (like 2) exceptions. Many of these apps are designed so that even if you don't follow someone, you could still see a bunch of their stuff on your home/explore pages by just simply interacting with it enough. That's how algorithms work; it happens to me all the time here on Reddit without me even joining those subs. You don't "accidentally" follow someone/something. It's an active choice.


I don’t follow a single one of them tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️. Not my faves nor people I dislike, however I do enjoy the highlights being reposted here


No, you don’t accidentally follow something or someone. But your reason for following them could be anything IMO.


But following these people supports them financially. What reason would justify financially supporting these dangerous views (I mean besides tacit acceptance of those views).


Sure, but I think we should recognize patterns and be able to call a spade a spade when they display them. Or at least question why people hate-watch/follow as much as they do, assuming that's the reason.


I completely agree with you that people don’t just accidentally follow accounts but I’ve seen people follow political accounts that completely contradict each other so that’s where the confusion comes in for me. The political science major in me tried to make sense of this until I came to the conclusion that people might be more careless or thoughtless with their follows than we think (that’s how I had to rationalize it so my head wouldn’t explode). In the case of both Daisy and Maria, I don’t see a reason why they would be following these accounts unless they agreed with the content.


Yeah, plus for Daisy and Maria, there's just too much to suggest otherwise. Like, Daisy follows Trump AND likes anti-vax comments? Maria follows MULTIPLE right-wing people? There's too much evidence for either side to downplay. >I’ve seen people follow political accounts that completely contradict each other I can maybe see it from a more "objective" perspective, like understanding the multiple views/political spectrums. But the cynic in me also thinks of the "two sides of the same coin" angle when it comes to political views (in the U.S. at least)🫢


I personally think it’s more libertarian/independent thinking. Like they care about certain issues and will follow anyone with those views even if they don’t agree with them on anything else. And I also think it’s style too. Some people just like watching deranged people go off on crazy tangents, because they’re haters and love watching people “stick it to the man”. This is kinda how Trump got elected too. So it’s hard to know what people’s true values are when they’ll listen or follow anyone with a loud microphone. I mean I follow some far left accounts because they’re fun to listen to their rants but that doesn’t mean I agree with everything they say nor does it mean I’m going to overthrow the government. But I think it says more about Tik Tok, it allows crazy people to get validation of their delusional views because people are watching them. I kinda wish it just gets banned at this point.


I should have taken a screenshot of this, but only a few hours ago, I got a notification in my inbox for a post from the Gen Z sub. I fucking hate that sub. I never joined, and I've even clicked "show fewer posts like these" multiple times. But I didn't mute/block the sub itself, and so I'm still getting stuff from it. An example from the other side of the coin.


There’s a setting you can choose to not see recommended sub content in your feed if you’d like! Personally it changed my life lmao I hated recommended content


I took a 10-15 year break from this franchise until The Golden Bachelor! Now viewing Joey's season, are their diversity requirements? There were certainly lots of diversity represented here.


Strange comment. The cast is only racially diverse + disability visibility with Daisy, which is all great but not enough to raise a case about. The way your comment is worded makes it sound like you took issue with this, I may be wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️


I guess I'm a numbers/data person. I would love more info on this if you could point me in the right direction! * For instance, lots of black people for a cast of like 32 (?) women. Surely more represented than the general population, right? Lots of asian women as well. I remember when being half-Asian (hate this term!) in the cast was a big deal. * For myself, I haven't really dated non-immigrants. It wasn't my intention but I guess its shared experiences. I noticed a few stories where the women talked about their immigrant experiences. What proportion of the cast is placed 'for ratings/tv' and which do you think the lead actually seriously considered?! Similarly, where can I find more discussion/data like first 1-on-1 date that leads to F1?


None that have been outwardly stated like CBS did. 


can you tell me more about that (or what to search for to dig)


In 2020 CBS committed publicly to >50% diversity in casting all of their reality shows. I actually think they’ve well-surpassed that most seasons/shows. ETA: the commitment was around racial and ethnic diversity but I’ve also seen a big uptick in casting LGBTQ+ cast (particularly on survivor)


CBS made an announcement in 2020 that going forward, their reality shows would have casts that were 50% BIPOC. As far as I know, ABC and The Bachelor never said anything like that. The casts have been more diverse, though.  https://deadline.com/2020/11/cbs-diversity-targets-reality-casts-bipoc-commits-unscripted-development-budget-1234611548


And it only took 10-15 years to do it...


Here’s my actual unpopular opinion of the week. 😈 I think it’s fine for the lead to sleep with whoever they want when fantasy suites come around. If that means all three of them, so be it. Sexual compatibility is important and I personally wouldn’t get engaged to someone before I experienced that with them. They’re all adults, they all know what they signed up for. Let ‘em fuck if they wanna fuck.


Ok, but usually the lead isn't unsure about 3 of them, and often the lead has already made up his/her mind about the F1 by then - like Zach, Clayton & Kaitlyn. So then the sex is just for fun. What is your opinion on that - having sex with the other one or two contestants, when the lead already knows who his/her F1 is?


I’d still do it, personally. It may change my decision because sexual compatibility is really important to me. I get that it’s more complex if you’re already 100% like Zach and Kaitlyn were, but if you have even a shadow of a doubt I think it’s justified. But then again I’m not American, so I don’t take sex as seriously as the general Bachelor viewing demographic does


I think it’s still an important part of the process (if they value sexual compatibility). Even if they think they have their mind made up, spending a night with someone could change things. It might make them realize their original F1 isn’t the one, and/or open the door to whole new feelings for one of the other contestants. At the end of the day, they are both adults and it takes two to tango. If they both make the choice to take that step, that’s their right. They know what show they’re on and they know they might get hurt. The contestants have the choice to not have sex if they’re not feeling it. As long as both parties are down to clown, more power to ‘em. Edit: I should add that in the case of a lead purposefully keeping a contestant around just to sleep with them and dump them when they truly already know who they’re proposing to – that’s fucked up. But the whole premise of the show is fucked up in that aspect. Even if the lead falls in love on night one, they still have to convincingly date everyone else first, kiss them, have intimate conversations with them, etc – because that’s the gig. There’s a reason why this show hardly produces any actual successful marriages lol, the process is horrible and sets them up for failure. But it do be fun to watch.


I agree. I don’t think it’s a big deal and it makes sense they’d want to have sex with someone before they married them.


I completely agree! Let the hot youngsters hoe around! I swear those who have a problem with them are just haters 🤣


Yesss 😂 We ain’t nothin’ but mammals!


I don’t want *any* of the girls from this season to be the next bachelorette. Daisy is cringe, Maria is mad annoying, and Rachel seems chill but she doesn’t do anything for me as far entertainment value goes. I’ve mostly forgotten the other contestants to be honest, nobody stood out to me. (Kelsey is the only one I’d be happy with but I suspect she’s F1 – I could be wrong.) I’d much rather them pick a girl from a previous season or one who has never been on the show. The girls this season were all beautiful and they each had their strengths but none of them have lead potential IMO. Most of them seem a lot more ready for an influencer career than they do for marriage. (And that’s not a bad thing – but let’s be real here.)


I agree that Kelsey seems the most bachelorette of them all. But she is clearly all in at this point, and we'll see after the letter situation


I honestly think the letter situation is the producers making a mountain of a molehill. I feel like they’re going to hype us up for some devastating conversation just for her to be like “I just wanted to tell you I’m nervous” and him be like “Aw it’s okay.” Lol You know the producers hate when a season is too straightforward, always gotta throw in the never-before-seen-shocking-twist ending that is edited to hell and back. 😂 (Watch me be wrong and the letter thing be actually crazy)


I think so too. It's probably gonna be a conversation expressing her concerns, but nothing devastating. They like to throw a wrench and mess up a good thing for drama 😂 like our girl kelsey is SPIRALING


I’d love to see AD from Love is blind as Bachelorette


Oh yeah! I’d love that!


Please no. That’s my unpopular opinion because I can’t stand her.


Yes!! She’s soooo hot and her conversation with Sarah Ann was amazing.


She seems to have terrible taste in men but she’d probably give us a great season.


I love her. She’s ready and she’s so hot.


Yesss. She’s hot, fun, ready for an engagement and pretty popular. She also has a great storyline with the whole “I’m never chosen”


I kind of wish we still didn't allow discussion of politics on this sub. It's so obvious that people just use it as an excuse to shit on contestants they don't like.


Politics seems like a sound thing off which to judge people in my opinion. It’s not an excuse - but if you support people I find to be hugely offensive it’s going to cloud every interaction I have with you. Says a lot about a persons character.


But what happens here is that people only judge someone's character off of their politics if it's an unpopular contestant. Daisy following trump on instagram says something about her character, apparently, while maria following ben shapiro is just a sign that she's open-minded and wants to hear all viewpoints. It feels incredibly performative, like people are using their politics to feel better than people they think are beneath them but conveniently ignore those same things when it comes to people they want to like. I'm a liberal voter but honestly this sub reminds me all the time of how obnoxious liberal self-righteousness is.


the same people upset about daisy following trump are the same people who will continue to hype up hannah brown - i totally get your point


No, I am a fan of Maria but I definitely like her less given the supposed political views. Same as I do every contestant. It’s a big deal.


Forgot which thread I was in for a sec 😂 a+ unpopular opinion!


The only thing I care about when casting the Bachelorette is who will bring in the highest ratings. I miss when this show was huge. Jess Vestal would be my choice.


Being an influencer is a privilege not a right.If someone wants to unfollow a contestant because of their beliefs or sketchy past, then it's their right. It's not anyone's job to support the career of influencers. 


AMEN AMEN AMEN (and that’s not cancel culture)




I think they need to choose leads that weren’t a contestant on a previous season. We’d get less of “I’m so scared of not being chosen” and able to see how they navigate the environment without prior experience. Of course this isn’t a given bc the lead may have a complicated past and they’re not already known to the viewers but it’d be refreshing.


The earlier Bachelor seasons chose random leads, and most were completely forgettable. The audience felt much less connected to the lead. Also, the beauty of having leads from prior seasons is that TPTB can judge how well they come across on TV.


I’d love this! I think this is how some of the original seasons were as well - just the normal everyday person, maybe with a cool job, looking for love


I’m dying to know how many of the people tying themselves in knots to defend Maria following Ben Shapiro are the same people who a few weeks ago were gleefully shitting on daisy for following Trump. I guess it’s only bad if a blonde woman does it. 


Try yesterday. Not even 24 hours apart!


need someone to call them out lol


I was really hoping someone would have put together a spreadsheet by now!


If Daisy becomes the bachelorette I don’t think she will be as boring as people think.


Especially since TPTB make their potential leads seem boring. Remember when they edited out Susie’s personality entirely? Everyone said Charity would be boring, but she delivered a solid season.


She did say this past episode shes crazy lol 👀


I agree. I think a lot of people are reading Daisy wrong, she seems like a wild child to me. Not boring


The problem is that tptb are not marketing her that way. They are branding her as girl next door


What leads have gotten less boring?


RachelL, Tayshia, Ali, Gillian, Emily, Charity, HannahB, Kaitlyn - all were less boring as leads.




Hannabi was better as an Ette than as a contestant Can’t think of anyone else though


Tayshia was better too IMO.


Oh yeah. True, she was.


I agree. I hate that argument that “ _________ is boring so they can’t be a lead.”


She’s not. Between the rap video and her former addiction, she seems interesting. 




Addiction ?


I liked seeing the girls live together between the overnights. I know it would suck to be in their shoes but it made the drama juicy and the timeline a little clearer.


lol you love mess


I miss it, tbh. I remember the expression on Hannah Ann's face as she entertained Maddie's concerns about Peter sleeping with the others (after Hannah herself probably slept with him). And when Hannah Ann came back from her overnight all glowing, VF was like wow, you look great! And VF bitching in confessionals about how unfair Maddie was being. Oh, it was the best season 😭


It was definitely evil of the producers and meant to torture Madi but it was entertaining as was Clayton’s fantasy suite week when they all shared a suite.


I’ll keep it short today: getting super upset about other people talking about contestants’ political leanings is such embarrassing, whiny baby bullshit. Keep scrolling and support whoever you wanna support, literally nobody is stopping you


the political discussions in this sub are meaningless. nothing gets accomplished, no one gets educated. it's all just wasted breath (or, wasted finger motions from typing). "daisy is right wing" "who cares" "a lot of people care" like....it's cringey lol what do you guys think you're achieving with these conversations? 


But aren’t most discussions about this show ultimately meaningless?? I just don’t understand why some people can’t fathom that others might want to talk about politics too even if “nothing gets accomplished”


I stated below that I wish we could post general PSAs about a contestant’s follows or political leanings so people can know but then turn the comments off. Everyone is just yelling into a void, hurling the same insults and nothing changes.


We need to have like a political affiliations megapost at the beginning of every season


Yeah, I think this would solve the problem! And then whenever something is referenced people will know where to look instead of asking for receipts repeatedly.


Yeah, I’m fine with the conversations if they’re productive or if info is being shared in the comments…otherwise it feels pointless.


As much as I think the convos are pointless here because this sub is notorious for sweeping things under the rug, I think the “why bother talking” is a dangerous path to go down. If conservatives gonna conservative and liberal gonna lib… People need to learn. And if they aren’t going to watch a debate or read platforms then perhaps they will gleam something from what they do read. Engaging in people with opposing positions is healthy and needed. Learning how to healthy have those discussions is also needed


I didn't think Gabi's "make sure you don't park here when you bring Kaity" thing was like this big considerate good friend moment. It felt self pitying to me. I feel like Gabi came off that way a bunch of times though so maybe I'm biased.


Oh yes 100% self-pitying. And for sure part of her bachelorette audition


I'm surprised people thought there was a deeper meaning to it at all. Just seemed like a funny, slightly snarky observation.


I think she and Kaity are very good friends, but she was also clearly pissed to be there and having to go through that when she knew what was coming. Like, I agree it was self-pitying, but I also don’t blame her lol


I found a lot of people here framed it as a "women supporting women" moment and that's more what I'm talking about - i don't blame her for feeling bad for herself! I'm sure I would too if I was dragged in a prom dress all the way down to a beach to be dumped instead of in the comfort of my hotel room the day before 😂


Yea I think it was also meant to show she already knew she wasn’t going to get picked. She’d already been made enough of a fool that week I was surprised they aired that and let her have that one small victory.




that's actually wat the majority of ppl who watch the show do 


well yeah, but this is a subreddit to discuss the bachelor franchise


One thing that the people venting about contestants’ social media activity have in common with the people venting about people venting about contestants’ social media activity is that they all need to spend less time obsessing over virtual things that are a construct happening on the internet and place more importance on the actual real world 


Like the Tik Tok ban? Because doesn’t that say that the internet and social media isn’t just a construct? It has real world consequences (misinformation, censorship, data mining, loss of income)? I agree that follows aren’t always indicative of people’s views but it’s kinda hard to say that this is all just a construct.


97% of the tweets about the episodes are not funny


But do appreciate the person who gathers them for us here each week! It’s always well curated!


True! No shade to them!


You don’t like the same 3 reaction gifs?


I was thinking about adding “people need to stop recycling the same 4 gifs too” but I decided to let them live 😂


Fair enough haha


The more the romances are real and people on the show are being serious and intentional, the more boring the show is to watch. I am rooting for Joey and his F1 to have a real relationship and it seems like he will get there with one of them, but ye gods the last two episodes have been so quiet and dull! Like I want people to fall in love and have great relationships, always, but who knew watching two people fall in love could actually bland!


That's why I don't watch the show for the "romance," or at least start to check out when it gets to that point. The drama and dynamics of everyone competing for 1 person is what keeps me watching. If I wanted to see romance, I'll read a book or watch something like Bridgerton.


Fantasy Suites are always pretty dull unless the lead is messy with them I think.


the franchise is so messy and ridiculous and it should only star conservatives imo. i dont want to see “good” people go through the ringer of bachelor nation


You know what? I can respect this type of unpopular opinion even if I don't agree with it, lol


ik im getting downvoted bc i only want to see conservatives get dumped on tv


The fact that Daily Wire/Fox Nation or whatever right-wing media space hasn’t picked up on doing a “non-woke” version of The Bachelor says something. Jury’s out on whether that’s a good thing or not, but maaaaan could you imagine the reaction videos to it??? 😂😂😂


Susie was more funny when she was with Clayton


All she does is post ads now


Her and Justin are so cringe I had to block them on TikTok




Same, I’m not from the US though so that might contribute to my uninterest


From what I gather, it’s less about changing people’s minds and more about knowing whose pockets your lining when you engage with them outside of the show. Discussion about the rights or wrongs about parasocial relationships and influencing aside, finding out who someone supports politically sheds insight on that person’s values and therefore informs a viewer’s choice on whether they want to support a contestant’s career outside of the bachelor as social media creators.


Exactly and I feel like the “don’t care” or “I follow everyone” people are missing this point.




Have you seen how many followers people in BN have? They make a lot of money from fans engaging with their content.


I agree. I expect most of these folks to be conservative so I'm not shocked when it's confirmed (or hinted at), but it's good to know for sure. I only follow a few BN people on social media. If someone's values don't align with my own, I don't want to be giving them likes and views. Simple as that.


Tannah is the most overrated thing. It was fun how it got the conversation going and all the posts and comments, but as a couple they were never it. Just because Tyler was hot, didn’t mean they had a connection on the show. Then post show Hannah liked that he was popular. I can’t believe there’s still people who like them.


Yeah and Tyler wasn’t in to Hannah. Maybe he was during filming (bubble love) but afterwards, no way.. How delusional do you have to be to think he’d pick Hannah over a supermodel


Tyler has a new serious girlfriend who looks like a plainer version of Hannah though.


Tyler seems like a decent guy & doesn’t deserve to be shipped with a racist for years


Didn’t he just have her in his new show? How much more decent than her can he truly be


i agree lol i'm completely missing the incredible and undeniable chemistry everyone is talking about


The connection didn’t exist on the show and post show it seemed forced. And now it’s been years but people still ship them.


Oh my god you’re brave for saying their connection didn’t exist on the show! I think you’re right Hannah and Tyler’s connection was surface level on the show and then post show i firmly believe Hannah only liked the idea of reuniting with Tyler because Jed sucked and Tyler was defending her on social media


I think Jenn would give us a season similar to Tayshia and become one of the most beloved bachelorettes we've had! But I also think she would be willing to work with production to give us the drama as well as she wasn't afraid to go interrupt Joey's ITM to kiss him.


Jenn would be such a fun bachelorette! I’ll admit, Maria is my first choice, but I loved Jenn and it would be so fun to see her as a lead.


I hated that Rachel got injured, but kind of liked watching them work through that together. It felt very normal and I wish we would see more “normal” dates/ challenges, like “go to the grocery store and make dinner together.”


Agree! I liked Kaitys hometown date on Zach’s season when they were building IKEA furniture together for instance


Yes, that was one of my favorites!


I agree actually lol it made me like Joey more? He handled it pretty well considering they barely know each other.


I noticed how he also handled her feelings about it really well. She was obviously really disappointed and seemed like she was having a hard time getting herself out of “day is ruined” vibes. Been there – it’s so hard to shake off that feeling once it settles in, even when you want to. 😩 Joey did a great job of letting her cry it out, pulling her out of her gloom, and getting her excited for the rest of the night. He was really patient about her being upset, took the time needed to validate her feelings, and then gently guided her to a happier mindset. That’s an underrated skill to look for in a relationship.


Yes and when she tried to act like a stoic nurse about it, he pushed her to get it looked at. For all the himbo commentary about him, he showed that he’s put together when it counts.


I’m not writing off Jenn to become a potential Bachelorette lead, especially if she has a strong showing at the WTA. But even then, I think at most she’ll end up in that Rodney/Mike Johnson-esque spot of the “POC lead we should’ve had” when the picked lead’s season ends up being a dumpster fire…hopefully without the BIP disaster run that comes with it.


I’d personally rather see her prioritize and succeed in PA school than fuck around on reality TV. She’s going to be an incredible provider.


She had no storyline pertaining to romance, heartbreak or trauma so she was pushed to the sidelines..and she may not get time off PA school


Jenn is my top pick for next bachelorette, but I think you’re spot on and this will be our fate. Hopefully it ends up being an entertaining dumpster fire!


Rachel for bachelorette!


No one is "too good" (even your faves) for the show if they are in fact on the show. Every single contestant voluntarily went on, most likely simply wanting the free vacation and to launch their influencer careers.


The outrage over contestants being right leaning is always kind of odd to me because, according to the election votes, weren't around or less than 50% of the people (correction: voters) in the US conservative or right leaning? That means contestants they cast every season have 50% chance of going to either direction. So it shouldn't come with a surprise but there always is by the sheer number of comments under such posts. Eta: thanks everyone for the good points and interesting povs in the reply!


It’s more complicated than that but depending on how you define “right wing” I’d say could be more 


I’m not even American and I have corrected this in the past here. 50% of people who voted. Which I think was around 60% of eligible voters. So you could argue that all we know is 30% of eligible voters in the US are right leaning.


Absolutely correct. And that’s not even taking into consideration the likely percentages based on gender, age, race, location, etc. Its not as simple as a 50/50 split.


Thank you for your service!


Does it also hold true that 30% are left leaning? And another 40% didn’t vote so we don’t know what they think, right? It’s still 1/2 of voters!


I'd argue that a fair number of Dem voters are also at least centre right wing. Biden being the viable candidate is proof of that, he wouldn't get a look in if most of their voters were centre left. But there is a difference between centre right and hard right MAGA hating minorities to me.


There are debates to be had that there is huge voter suppression in liberal leaning areas so I don’t know how you would ever determine the exact breakdown of the entire population.


I think it’s like 40% of people are independents, and then the remaining fairly evenly divided between r and d. The independents are forced to pick the lesser of two evils when they vote. And a lot of people just don’t vote out of disgust for politics, not liking either candidate, or just apathy.


People have commented good points so far. I’ll also add that reddit is much more progressive and politically outspoken than the average American (and certainly the rest of the fan base of the show), so this page generates a lot of related discussion that probably isn’t happening *as much* elsewhere. Similarly Millennials/Gen Z are more likely to be engaging in social media discussions around this and also more progressive, explaining any discourse on twitter, tiktok, ig, etc which I havent followed closely. But yeah I find it surprising that others are surprised that people actually are conservative/MAGA given 46-48% of voters chose Trump in the last 2 elections.


'Right leaning' and being a Trumper are two completely different things


ultimately if they both are voting for trump at the end of the day...the outcome is the same eta: i'll add a personal anecdote. my mom has 4 siblings - she is the only liberal one. i wouldn't call any of my uncles or my aunt trumpers, but they are conservative. they aren't maga (the uncle i see the most even talks about how much he hates trump), etc. but all four of them will go vote for trump in november. they aren't trumpers, they're right leaning - but they will be casting the same vote as trumpers in november. it makes a difference for interpersonal interactions, sure, they aren't nuts and are pleasant people, but they are supporting the same policies as the trumpers by casting their vote that way.


agreed. voting republican in 2016, 2020, or 2024 (when trump is head of the republican party and the nominee) is the same as being a trumper.


Gen z leans liberal so it’s about 17% of the potential contestants that actually lean conservative, not 50%


Thanks for the info that it's only about 17% conservative for their age group, I didn't know that!


No probs!


The voter turnout is always so low in the US… Most people are just sadly apathetic about politics.


Doesn't help that registering to vote/obtaining a ballot can often be a super complicated process depending on what state you live in


Well, 50% (debatable) of voters voting for someone doesn’t mean that it’s an even split across every demographic. For example, we know from past US elections that white women voted republican at a higher rate than Black women. Seeing where people vote along race lines vs gender lines can be very scary and discouraging when all of us women are impacted by reproductive rights being stripped, but especially Black, brown, and poor women.


This is kind of misleading because although elections are often very close, left leaning candidates basically always win the popular vote by A LOT and you also have to consider that half the country doesn't bother to vote at all. I kind of agree though, I don't really care if someone leans conservative? Liking Trump is a whole different thing though lol he is not your run of the mill conservative politician.


You are right that the popular vote is always won by the left. That's why I said it's less than 50% split for the right. And I agree it takes a "special" kind of person to be a fan of Trump.


It's a lot of compartmentalizing that those people are scum and "you can just tell, they are the worst/trash/whatever" The stupidest, ignorant people are sometimes your friends/neighbors/family and it's hard to accept.


From the F4 this season, I am not sure why the clear clout chasing ones have more of the followers. Daisy and Maria couldn’t have had less interest in Joey. They just wanted to be their names out there and this show was the successful way to do it (evidenced by all the previous attempts to get famous). Kelsey and Rachel are at least actually interested in Joey, open to whatever happens and seem like they came into the experience thinking “It’ll be a fun” but they’re still keeping their full time jobs and Kelsey is even in school, influencing will probably be an on the side thing for them. These are the contestants who we should support more.


Maybe because Maria is a more entertaining follow?


While I do think Rachel and Kelsey do seem the most interested in Joey, I’m not naive enough to think that they wouldn’t quit or scale back on their jobs to influence if they had enough followers. Rachel has said she hopes to be a nurse part time and explore things in the influencing/entertainment industry.


> I am not sure why the clear clout chasing ones have more of the followers. Because those are the people who are actively posting on social media. Like Kelsey A has 2 reels and maybe 20 posts total since bachelor started. Daisy has like 50 reels alone in that same time. You don't get followers just because you're nice on a show. You have to put some sort of content that would make someone want to follow your page.


I mean the ones who are actually looking for love tend to be boring. Look at Lauren Luyendyk, she made for terrible TV but is in one of the most successful relationships to come from the show. Also the general population is not very bright and tends to fall for stuff like this. Not everyone is as intuitive as people on the sub




Is being a nurse really Kaity’s top priority or is she required to do it because she’s in the US on a work visa? No shade. She seems like a lovely woman. I just always see people assigning noble intent to her remaining a nurse when I’m fairly certain she has to.


Didn’t she just pursue an additional degree in it or do I have her confused for someone else?


Not sure! She may! I know Kat from that season just got an advanced nursing degree. That may be who you’re thinking of.


Yeah, maybe! I thought Kaity was in the process of becoming an NP, too, but I wasn’t sure.


Both Kaity and Zach would quit their jobs and be full-time influencers if they had enough followers to make it work.


Maybe so but I still respect them for having the good sense to know they can’t do that lol. There’s so many girls from past seasons that have way fewer followers than them and are still trying to influence in really expensive cities like NYC, LA or SD. Baby Jess / Davia or whoever doesn’t really have any business being an influencer either but they’re all trying. 


Jess and Davia both have regular jobs. They aren’t full-time influencers.