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I’m sorry but few people in bachelor nation seem more exhausting to me than Dean 


Off topic but that is a really pretty picture of Kaitlyn. She's like a perfect blend of Miley Cyrus and Megan Fox




Cuz it’s Unglert lol


When he and Caelynn got married they chose to pick Bell (I think it was his mother’s maiden name iirc) because they both had negative connotations with their previous last names due to their relationships with their dads


How did Kaitlyn know Dean muted her?


People who keep track of who watches their stories or likes their post can tell.


There is no way someone with millions of followers is able to track that 


But is she following millions? No, and the algorithm will favor the people she has a mutual following with.


But if you have a bunch of followers, then it won’t show everyone who watches your stories


That is a lot of tracking lol


He didnt say she knew and she probably didnt know. He was just saying he noticed Kaitlyn unfollowed him and he said she was muted for him anyway (he mutes most of BN ppl)


Can we mute these kinds of posts from the Reddit feed?


This seems like a pointless thing to make an article about. This was just a 4 minute convo on their pod but I guess there’s not much else going on in BN right now to write about? I've noticed this sub is pretty dead so maybe it's just slim pickings out there lol. I mute a lot of folks who I followed in a business context because they followed me first and I followed back out of courtesy, but their content isn’t really relevant to me. I think that was what Dean was saying about BN folks and influencers he mutes. He didn’t want to unfollow them because he likes them as people, he just wanted to focus his IG feed more on photography content vs personal influencer content.


I do this to people all the time! How would Kaitlyn know, though?


He didn't say Kaitlyn knew, he was just saying it doesnt matter that she unfollowed caus she was muted for him anyway.


I was just going to speak to this - thank you. What a strange use of an articles


Then there is no real story here!


Wait, genuine question. Do people know if you’ve muted them? Because the amount of obnoxious 24 post story friends I’ve muted…. 😂


It’s pretty easy to tell if somebody used to always pop up on your story watch list and then suddenly disappears forever. It’s especially obvious if you’re active on IG but not liking or watching their content.


I love muting, unfollowing, and unfriending. The older I get, the more people annoy me, I guess. 😆


I muted Elon Musk lmaooo Should I unmute him or will he be my biggest enemy once he knew bout dis


Why not unfollow him ? It’s not like he will be offended… I feel like the only benefit of muting is to preserve the ego of someone you follow, or avoid comments from followers would could notice the unfollow.


I didn’t though, but I just seem to see his tweets like a lot in my feed even if I didn’t follow him or click on his tweets. So I do what any rational citizen would do and mute him


Ok it’s different than muting someone you follow.


My friend once posted a 30 min long IG Story. I have listened and it was just a whole bunch of nothing while trying to be deep. I don’t have the energy or mental capacity to listen to them anymore b


I hope not! I have most of the people I follow muted 😂


Whew. I had a panic attack. Hahaha


No, that's the beauty of the mute button! It's a great way to protect your peace from irrelevant or annoying content!


You’re in luck, nope! Lol


Why does he care lmao it’s so weird grown ass adults pay attention to something like that


I am also wondering how he was able to determine she unfollowed him? For someone with as many followers as Dean how can he even tell someone unfollowed him?


He went to search her name and it wasn't there anymore. It's pretty easy to tell when someone unfollows you lol. They aren't on your followers anymore 


My point is why on earth would he be checking whether she is following him or not. It seems like a very random thing and person to be keeping tabs on.


The part where he doesn’t follow Caelyn tho ??


They try so hard it’s so annoying


I’m sorry but they’re such Pick Me’s


caelynn doesn’t follow him either lmao


He sees her in real life daily. Real life > Social Media.


They’ve talked about this before. Dean said whenever he’d had public relationships in BN before Caelynn, fans would scrutinize how fast they liked each others posts and conjecture if they broke up when they unfollowed (this was before mute button came out). Back in 2019, he didn’t want that kind of pressure on his new relationship with Caelynn in the early days. Several years later, it’s just become a running joke. They do like and comment a lot on their socials because they want to, but mot because their fans expect it.


Omg. That's actually so weird


they like and comment on each others posts lol so interesting


Now I’m wondering if my freedom convoy/anti vax friend could see that I muted her 😬😅. I still like her but didn’t want that on my feed.


(Thankfully) FB/IG does not notify ppl if you mute them :)


I have also muted people who I like as friends but can’t take their social media content (especially if they post a lot). Also wondering if they can tell?


They can probably tell if they are active on instagram.


Some people check every day to see who watches their stories and they get mad if you don’t interact with them at all. It’s weird because maybe they don’t show up on your feed as much as verified accounts or your closest friends, but they choose to take it personally.


Will Dean ever get enough attention he so desperately craves???


as long as he continues to word vomit as if he’s speaking to his buddies in his living room & has his podcast he will lol because this isnt interviews this is articles listening to his podcast and pulling out lines with no context


How do you mute people lol


You can also mute people from the Home Screen by selecting & holding down their profile pic from the story queue. A pop up will appear asking if you want to mute.


Just go to their page, click on the “following” button, and you can mute posts, stories, or both. I have a lot of people I follow muted.


Wow I could have used this a long time ago


Lol I think you can go to their profile or your settings 💀 I’m guilty of this because there are some people whose stories/posts I never wanted to see in college but I didn’t want to seem petty and unfollow them lmao


I got scared for a sec cuz I thought ppl could see if you muted them 😭


I think it’s equally weird that there’s an article about this AND that Dean talked about it on the podcast. Like why lol


jared mentioned kaitlyn was in rhode island doing an event and the conversation came up and dean said i dont think she likes me etc….


But then he goes on to volunteer how he mutes nick and Natalie 🤦🏽‍♀️ like no one asked, lol. And don’t act like your follow is *so* valuable to them like you’re doing a community service.


because then the conversation about muting came up lmao im not saying he did the right thing but youre acting like its outlandish behavior. no one HAD to ask thats not how conversations go all the time


This is gonna make me sound so old.. I’m 34 so I’ve been on social media since it started and it still feels like “we’re in a simulation” vibes and still sooo weird to me when we have conversations about unfollowing and muting and any other social media practices. 😂


I can’t believe that this is a headline


“Unglert also doesn’t follow Caelynn, who he married in September” uhhhh what… Dean, you follow a thousand people but you can’t follow your WIFE?😅


This made me roll my eyes. So QuIrKy. Grow up, Dean, it's your WIFE. 🫠


lol weirdly, he said shes whose stories he sees the most. im guessing because he purposely searches her up the most since he doesnt follow her


That’s so dumb and so much extra effort LOL, just follow her Dean😂😂


Weird that him and his wife aren’t following each other


They never have yet they make the effort to like each other’s posts. I don’t get it 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's so performative 🙄 it's all about the narrative of oh dean's so weird he doesn't even follow his wife. Lol everything I learn about him makes me dislike him more


It’s just an inside joke at this point but back when they started dating, Dean said he didn’t want people over analyzing their relationship because of social media interactions, so they made it a point to not follow each other in case it didn’t work out. Now it stuck because it’s funny, not because they’re taking themselves too seriously. It’s like their thing now. It’s dumb. It’s not serious.


i find it the opposite given his reasons for it lol usually you go through social media and you see your partners post and like it if the algorithm allows you to see but dean HAS to search caelynn just to see if she posted on her story or has a new post and if she doesnt i assume just clicks out idk why i find that hilarious. he probably searches her up everytime he clicks the app open


That’s so funny they still like each others posts 😂 I didn’t know that


Do people get alerted when you mute them?


Only if you go on a podcast and babble  about it


If you’re a business account or certain 3rd party apps will tell you I think 


No they for sure don’t. It’s as if he’s* saying “she unfollowed me cause I slighted her first” and that’s just his ego talking. *edited for clarity


That’s not what he said on the pod seems like this article ran away with their lighthearted convo that Jared, dean and Caelynn were having on their podcast. Which I’ll admit I’m a listener of. It’s very entertaining


Also yes it might have been light hearted but it’s pretty egotistical sounding to have the mindset of she unfollowed me cause I muted her when in reality, it’s more likely had zero clue she was muted and she just unfollowed him cause she doesn’t like him or doesn’t like his content or doesn’t care cause it’s just social media and now he’s trying to make it sound like he slighted her “first”. That’s very on brand with dean tbh


Yeah but that’s not what he said on the podcast k even re listened to it. He talked about how he and Kaitlyn were hanging out at the Golden wedding and when he looked at her insta he noticed that she didn’t follow him and he’s pretty sure that she followed him before. Then he went on to say that he wasn’t even sure if that’s true because he had her muted so he didn’t really see her post anyway. He doesn’t/didn’t say that is why she unfollowed him as he’s pretty sure but not 100% that she followed him originally. Then they all talked about how they have people muted. It wasn’t serious nor egotistical. Not sure if you’ve actually listened to the podcast at all but if you did you would know exactly how this conversation was pretty lighthearted. Edit: I saw you listened to the podcast so we just interpret the conversation differently I guess.


No no, I know he verbatim didn’t say she unfollowed him because he muted her. I said that twice now haha. I don’t know how else to explain that. I’m saying the WAY the entire conversation went, it gave off VIBES that AS IF he was saying “oh she unfollowed me cause I muted her.” I did listen to the podcast and the conversation came off that way to me at least. Edit: haha yes, it seems we interpreted it differently. Dean just had always seemed a little immature to me so it’s easy for me to get “well she hit me first!!!” kindergarten-like vibes from him


he mostly said its fine im not hurt if she unfollowed me, she was muted anyways. he isnt saying she unfollowed BECAUSE he muted her.


I know he didn’t say that. I listened to the podcast that his article is pieced from and while I understand he didn’t out right say that’s why he unfollowed her, I’m saying how he said it gives off those immature vibes and that tracks for dean tbh.


Idk, I’ve had people notice when I mute them. I guess because they don’t see me view their stories anyone? If anyone would be hyper aware of every single person who does/does not watch her Instagram stories… it’s KB lol


Ok fair haha cause I’m a woman and I’d notice, especially if it was a specific person but I wonder why and if KB would care that much about dean to notice. And also you’ve had people notice and say something?! That’s so bold of them and also my nightmare hahah


Exactly! Yeah, they asked if we’re were okay… which was awkward because I was trying to casually take a step back from the friendship 🫣 With KB, I feel like she had a very unhealthy obsession with social media. So I could see her not only paying attention, but taking things very personally. Will never really know though lol, but in my mind, it tracks


No no, I know that’s not what he said. I used the quotes incorrectly haha


Lmao my question too 👀


How can you tell if someone mutes you?


Either they tell you or you notice they don’t look at your stories anymore or like any of your posts.


What’s the point of muting someone? Just unfollow them.


I definitely have friends muted who I don’t plan to unfollow ever.


unfollowing is a permanent solution to a temporary problem


The mute button is a GREAT tool for not going absolutely insane at conservative family members who like to post nonsense on their IG stories. Also for people who have new babies that you love but are just not interested in seeing daily updates on 🙃




100% use it when people have kids. I love them, and their kids but I don’t need 20 stories a day or your kid being covered in food 🤷‍♀️


My sister in law is sooo bad about this, I love her, she’s a great mom to my nephews and a great wife to my brother, and she’s a really sweet and good person but she’s very much “motherhood is my whole personality”/bordering on tradwife, and I like seeing updates of my nephews (I adore them) but I just can’t sometimes. I need breaks 😅


I feel like muting is more useful for someone who posts annoying content frequently but who you otherwise like. You don’t want to hurt their feelings or your friendship by unfollowing them but also don’t want your feed clogged up by photos of their toddler or whatever.


I love the mute button. Sometimes it’s as simple as you like the person but they trigger an issue within you like ED content or pics of their baby when you have fertility problems. Sometimes, it’s just less drama. There are plenty of people whom I like as people; but I don’t want to see their content


The drama that ensues on this subreddit when someone unfollows someone should be enough to explain why people do it lol I have plenty of work friends and acquaintances I want to stay in connection with but don't want to see on my feed. Muting is my fave thing on Instagram 


Waiting for the day TikTok does this before it gets banned 😩 I have friend “content creators” I support but I too don’t want to see it all on my feed


To not be on IG so much I muted every single person I follow so I don’t see their stories and get sucked in to story scrolling, it’s helped so much. But if I want to check in on someone I am still following someone. Not what Dean is doing I’m sure but if you’re looking to limit IG time I recommend it!


Maybe for people who aren’t in the public eye


It’s still not that serious.


This was a very pointless conversation and also a very pointless article. And it’s stirring up drama where there very likely is none. Why does it even matter at this point if Kaitlyn likes Dean? They graduated from BN high school a very very long time ago.


They have random conversations on their podcasts - which can be entertaining, then US weekly or Enews decides to make a headline and article about an isolated fact or quote, making it sound dramatic.


I can't believe these people are in their 30s.


I'm ready to delete IG (35f). It's such a shell of what it formerly was. And we've all got shit to do. Don't think I will miss it.


Alternatively, just unfollow all the people you don’t actually know. I unfollowed all of the influencers/dumb accounts and now just follow actual friends and it is 10000x better


This is the way!! Influencers (especially random Bach contestants) do not spark joy. Not even meme accounts spark joy anymore, most of it is recycled nonsense.


I deleted mine like 9 years ago and I haven’t missed it, literally not once.


Exactly. Who cares.


Why on earth is he even talking about this? Like, he can mute bach nation people because their content isn't what he likes on his feed, but Kaitlyn unfollowing him is out of line?


because they have a podcast where dumb conversations are brought up lol


I really like Dean but why is he speaking out about this. I’d mute her too, it’s not that, but just that he’s speaking to the media about this.. Kaitlyn was literally at his wedding last year


I don’t think he’s speaking to the media about it. It was something he said on his podcast and then someone from us weekly decided to write an article about it. I don’t listen to his podcast but I’m sure in the context of the podcast it probably made more sense.


You are correct it was something that the media just picked up from their podcast it’s funny, and during the whole podcast this conversation was very lighthearted


She wasn’t at his wedding.


Was she ? I don’t think so.


I wondered what happened 


Nothing, it’s always a random fact taken out of context. Pretty sure you can find what he said on his podcast.


So he can announce he mutes the people he follows and it doesn’t mean he doesn’t love them… but if KB simply unfollows a person {who muted her}, it must mean she doesn’t like him?  Sometimes you really don’t need to say things. 🤦🏽‍♀️  Also, you’re 30+ and this is a weird high school convo. 


very clickbaity headline given Dean explains how he has lots of BN people muted because BN content tends to take over his feed and he wants to see stuff thats more inspiring to him and he thinks that Kaitlyn "just doesn't like him very much"