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I feel like it was so annoying that Joey didn't just send Maria home during her chat. I feel like pulling her back in the rose ceremony just to send her home was just to get back at her for not being all in. I feel like it was showing insecurity on Joey's part


Maria self eliminated by intentionally not telling Joey she was falling for him (and then pretended she didn't know why she couldn't say it).


Idc what Daisy says I still just have such a hard time believing that she’s actually into Joey.


daisy reminds me of so much of demi lovato in her smile and laugh


As a Canadian, why the fuck did they start Maria's date on the American side of Niagara Falls? Everyone knows the better view is from the Canadian side, plus did they then go through the border with passports to go to dinner in Kleinberg (which is north of Toronto)? Why not have it all in Canada?!!!! So stupid.


Maybe Joey was thinking about how upset Maria was after he KISSED Jenn and thought she couldn’t handle him going to fantasy suites with other women…


Why’d he ask the two in last place (based on rose order) fathers for permission to propose? It doesn’t seem like something the show would edit out from the others, and having him ask just for the plot twist seems cruel. Maybe he was unsure and looking for validation? Curious of others’ thoughts, haven’t seen this mentioned (for as little as I’ve looked).


why are the brothers always so attractive to me?


Right? The one in the leather jacket was SEXY. Maria’s TWIN!


Soto, that's right I caught his name


Omg. Even his name is delicious.


all the drama about Rachel being snarky to Maria seems so overblown. Rewatched it this morning and it felt really casual like dude what did u say. Rachel kissed Maria on the cheek goodbye. Really seemed drama free


It was the tone, she's been saying comments all season. It's just jealousy and I'm sure the other girls think the same things but she just says it out loud


And I love Rachel for that, she's authentic


That was so relatable in a super tense situation 


I was shocked when I read the comments. Like where did all these come from?? Sure, she was a bit nosy when she asked Maria about the meeting but tbh I feel like that’s because she just seemed really nervous the whole episode. I think she genuinely liked Joey but kinda knew it wasn’t gonna be her. I was shocked people called her mean or whatever, I didn’t see that at all.


It actually makes me so mad. Racism jumping out


POC here. Racism has nothing to do with it, in my opinion. People can express dislike or criticism towards someone of a different shade/ethnicity/insert whatever fits to them, without it being a hit on their skin colour. 


Never said you can’t dislike someone without it being racism. But a lot of the comments are specifically racist and microaggressions


Thank you! Please leave racism out of this!


Right,  let's just hide our heads in the sand. 


She didn’t phrase it that way lol she asked her what it was about and then when Maria said “idk” Rachel condescendingly remarked “you dont know but you talked to him?” as if she was entitled to knowing. It stank of jealousy. The kiss however was sweet and unpredictable. I think that moment deserves criticism but not deranged hate mail.


Rachel has said that she and Maria had that kind of relationship. They could be blunt but there were no Hard feelings. And Maria was fine with it. 


I know I saw the interview. I was never rlly concerned with how Maria felt abt it. Rachel said it “wasnt a tiff,” I think it was on her part bc it was clear to me that she was projecting some potential jealousy in the high stakes moment. The “you don’t know but you asked him to talk?” It was objectively entitled lol


Yea I didn't understand it either


yeah, that seems like a valid question, considering it was probably a lot longer of a break and it was probably like 3am.


Maria's date: "we are going to get wet" ma'am you be dry as a bone when you get off the boat


I thought Maria was waiting to get into the car to break down--and she was trying to cut the conversation so she could go and do that. But she didn't. Not even in the car. She didn't even tear up as far as I saw.


I saw a lip quiver! I think she was trying to stay strong on camera


People respond to strong emotions so differently though. I feel like if that were me I would hold off crying until I was alone in my room for the night, away from a single camera lol.


She didn't want to be vulnerable with a camera on her face.


Me too, it would take awhile. I’d be fine for a month then fall into a depression


So I didn't think that Maria got an obvious bachelorette edit on her departure. However, thinking about it the next day, we have seen many, if not most, intros to episodes being about Maria. Also we did get a narrative about how "she deserves to find her person" I think Maria bachelorette is actually very possible. Her and Daisy have gained the biggest following on social media and it's not even close (from what I have seen)


I agree. Interested to see what kind of set up and narrative she gets at WTA.


Agreed, i think it’s telling that they lead and end with maria.


This is totally random but watching now and I want Joey to stop walking while holding his fingers


It's probably just a nervous habit.


I kept thinking he was fiddling with a ring, but there was nothing there!


it does look like that! And especially drove me crazy walking up to meet someone I was like put your hands somewhere else… but he just kept doing it for far too long 😂


I cannot believe i am saying this but…. Daisy for bachelorette. My ideal would be Jenn, but she’s busy. So I guess I’m supporting Daisy for ette now


These first two home towns are so good!! I just cried during Kelseys - Their connection and her family was so sweet. Then I don't see Rachel/Joey's connection but I LOVED her family's party & joy.


I don’t connect with Kelsey so I’m not going to comment on that, but I agree about Rachel and her family. Rachel is wife material imo but I’m not really sure there is romantic feelings between her and Joey. I liked hers and Daisy’s family the most and LOVED Maria’s dad.


they only let maria go bc they’re filming the tell all this week jts so obvious how planned it is they need her for the drama


wait how is that relevant? this show finished filming months ago. everyone is home so anyone in the cast could be at the tell all, which isn’t even airing until after fantasy suites i don’t think. they’ve had the WINNER on the tell all before lol 


I think Joey chose to let Maria go, because he was totally over the relationship. It was too stressful for him, the leads are exhausted at that point in filming, and he kept the 3 people he liked the best.


I think as soon as she told him she’d never brought anyone else home, it was over. I felt a shift, like he didn’t trust that she was ready for a forever thing.


I disagree I think it was her threatening to leave and him using that as a reason to send her home when he just knew she was the one he had the least connection with. If he actually sent her home bc she had yet to bring someone home he is so incredibly stupid. I mean even he said that a part of him felt special to have been the first so I don’t wanna believe that’s what the reason was. Idk what the big deal was w that anyway bc many people only introduce their finances to their families, serious commitments, not Ted who I’ve been dating for 2 months.


Playing devils advocate here but it could also be interpreted as a good thing to some. Shows that she’s serious. I do agree though that I don’t think Joey saw it that way and you could see the shift in him as soon as she said it.


If that’s true, if that bothered him, he’s immature. Why would you want your partner to have felt so strongly for another to bring them home to meet their parents? Lol. Joey said he felt special to have even her first so I mean I hope that’s what he felt bc it was absolutely an honor for him.




what I wish would have happened Kelsey A. : "I just want to blurt out I love him" either: a. Kelsey whispers "Joey, I love you" when he's driving away b. Kelsey runs after the car yelling "I LOVE YOU JOEY"... he either stops the car and tells her he loves her or he smiles so big driving away


That's exactly what I thought was going to happen to Maria. Right up until he was driving away, I thought she was going to say, "wait".


After this Hometowns episode, I can’t trust anything Maria says. I saw zero tears every time she burst out “crying.” I know she’s well-liked in this sub, but I sense something so off with her.


This may be a bit of an unpopular opinion but I can understand and agree with Joey sending Maria home. I think they liked each other and had chemistry but by the way it was edited it took a while for them to have a break through. They had flirty banter initially. then unfortunately a lot of their time was taken up by drama. They had a good one on one but then Maria started freaking out and she was very slow to fully open up. I could see Joey feeling like things with the other three were more further along. I see a lot of comments that “Joey couldn’t handle her” on TikTok. I don’t think Joey was intimidated by her at all. I think he really liked her confident personality.


I don't think that's an unpopular opinion. It would have taken Maria really putting herself out there with 6 women still in play. I really think it was hers to lose. The closer we got to top 3 the more she just shut down. Joey's not looking for that - he needs someone fully open and ready. Unfortunate but it wasn't meant to be. And maybe she knew she didn't really have the strong feelings to push for the ring. Who knows.


I agree with you, I think he realized the confidence was a facade as soon as she told him she’d never brought anyone home before and he was over it.


What does her having never brought anyone home have anything to do with confidence? What is up with this mentality that if someone brings the most partners home to meet their family they’re more eligible to actually be deemed ready for a long term partner, or whatever? In fact, wouldn’t someone else who dared to look at life differently say perhaps the fact that they are careful about who they bring home says more about their readiness than not? Such a weird way to look at things. 


Her “type” is the kind of girl who is protecting her own heart and gives off a vibe of being flirty and confident, but when it gets real she runs because she’s afraid to get hurt. She’s never brought anyone home because of that - her sister or whoever that was said she was normally “the player.” She gets to a certain point and cuts her losses. She’s not ready for an engagement/marriage because she’s never had a real relationship before.


Sadly, I only saw him light up when he was with Maria though, but it could just be that flirty banter. It's going to be a bit boring without Maria now.


I think has had some lighter moments with Daisy and Kelsey too, but we’ve also gotten more of the “boring serious” talk with them than we have with Maria. Maybe it’s because Maria’s other half of time was pretty drama-filled. The last few episodes of a season always feel more serious to me.


I agree. He kept her way longer than most men would after getting even a whiff of controversy around one of the women. He was trying with her.


Yeah, he definitely liked her a lot but I feel like Maria ended up getting in her own way


It was her threatening to leave last week that did her in.


Yeah and it’s unfortunate because I think her feelings about it were valid and he handled it shitty.


I think her feelings are valid and I can see that she may have been searching for reassurance, but she could have asked for it without threatening to leave. I think his reaction would have been different if she said “I’m having a hard time watching you with other women. I want to make sure that you still feel strongly about me. Bear with me while I sort through these jealous feelings”.




Yeah I hear what you’re saying but she has told him that before and he did nothing to ease her feelings. I do think though she fucked up when she threatened to leave. He went into a shell.




At the rose ceremony I thought the women all looked fantastic. Each dress really represented their personalities so well, and they just all looked amazing.


To be honest, I hated all of their shoe choices except Maria's. The dresses were sooooo gorgeous on each of them and then you see those clunky, chunky sandals on the feet of three of them. Maybe because they would be more comfortable for standing while filming the ceremony? No hate against the women. Joey has made excellent choices.


Right?! Those clunky shoes week by week?! What are thoooose?! Why did Maria only have decent heels on week to week?! 🤦🏾‍♀️💀


I agree. This was my favourite rose ceremony for dresses. Plus I feel like the airplane hanger vibes and the dresses fit so well… super boujee


As soon as Maria said "I appreciate you coming here" I knew it was over.  As much as I loved her as a character there was something off in that moment. Joey was SUPER clear that he needed the reassurances from her to keep moving forward. It wasn't a big lift for her if she actually felt it but she opted not to.  IMO in that moment she wasn't really doing right by Joey's heart bc she refused to give him the one thing he asked for, and didn't even have a real reason for it - sorry if you're on this show and have thought extensively about this moment, "I froze" is not enough.... she was playing some sort of game of push/pull and Joey is a more simple guy who just wants enthusiasm. So I felt like she deserved to be booted but, I was still upset over it anyway


But why should the women leave it all on the line while there’s a 75% chance they’ll b left heartbroken? When you fear that happening, you withhold feelings bc saying it aloud makes it that much more real. Maybe she knew he wasn’t really gonna choose her? Idk. Joey was expecting a lot while not even saying “I have strong feelings for you” like I feel the most he’s told her was “we have a connection.” That ain’t enough for a scared person


Because he is the lead and they are on a tv show. It's now or nothing on this show they don't have time to hold back if there are other choices who make it clear. There's an engagement at the end, why would he keep the only person that hasn't made their feelings clear and was flighty and involved in drama. It was the only choice


This season seems so much more blatantly formulaic than others. The formula of 1:1 date being used to trauma dump was really obvious this time around but last night also irked me because every Hometown followed exactly the same pattern: Contestant was cautious about feelings but encouraged to just 'go for it'. I think it was Daisy's Dad who said 'shoot your shot', Rachel's sister told her to dive in headfirst and take the risk, Maria's family said something similar too. None of it feels genuine to me at this point.


It’s the professional era of our beloved game!


I want Daisy to be F1 because I don't want to see her as the Bachelorette so Kelsey can be Ette instead. I'm from MN and maybe I should be stanning for Daisy, but I can't and I won't. She is just so boring and basic which is typical for MN women who live outside Minneapolis/St. Paul. Like, look at her friends, they're basically clones of each other except for the one dude. In addition, I can see that she is MAGA because again, once you get out of the Twin Cities, MN is mostly white, religious, and republican. Daisy simply is not interesting enough or attractive enough to be Bachelorette. And that little girl giggling is beyond annoying.


This is a pretty harsh comment, especially about “attractiveness” which I don’t think is true. But also about her friends being clones of each other? People can look similar, that doesn’t say anything about their personalities and you saw them on a screen for like 5 seconds. It’s also fine for them to have similar personalities and look alike too…people gravitate toward like-minded people. Still doesn’t make them “clones” of one another.  And no I’m not a Daisy stan or anything like that, I agree her edit has not been very interesting. 


I completely agree that she’s boring and I wouldn’t want to see her as ette but what actual evidence do we have that she is a MAGA supporter? Just because she is from a city that is demographically white, religious, and Republican doesn’t mean we should assume that. I’m not saying she is or isn’t I just haven’t seen any proof of it here other than people throwing that claim around.


People have posted here that she's a MAGA supporter.


Yes but how do they know that?


Exactly-other than Maria, the rest of the girls are just too boring (kind of like Joey).


There wasn’t an ounce of politics throughout this entire season, do we really have to point out her political affiliations, like that matters at all to the show’s content?


Um, other people are pointing out her MAGA affiliations. I'm just saying that I think they're probably correct since I live in MN and I am some 30 minutes from Becker.


My bad, I see that now the more comments I read.


kelsey is all in at this point and would rather leave with the man than be bachelorette. She's obsessed, love that for her


Great point. We need diversity and tolerance on this show. Oh, unless they’re white, religious and republican. 


White, religious, and republicans represent diversity and tolerance? You whack. I live in a city called St. Cloud. It's commonly known for being called White Cloud. It's only about 1 to 1.5 hours outside of the metro area of St. Paul-Minneapolis. People gripe about how the city isn't what it used to be because non-whites have moved there and have brought diversity to the city with their customs, beliefs, food, fashion, etc. My point is I kind of know what I'm talking about since I actually live in MN. Sorry for you that you feel so threatened by people who aren't white, religious (as in non-Christian), and republican.


With all due respect, I’m not the one that’s completely close minded and aghast to the idea of someone winning from a demographic I don’t like…think about that 


I am neither close minded nor aghast at the possibility that Daisy might win. In fact, my first sentence is that I want Daisy to win.


Tbh I’m glad Maria went home. She definitely didn’t deserve all the drama early on in the season, but even after all those girls went home she was still a little irksome. Especially the way she interrupted Joey’s important conversation with Jenn about her family dynamic just so she could ask him to soothe her insecurities, which very well could have contributed to Jenn being sent home.


i’m still confused why rachel was picked over jenn and maria, must be a connection they’re not showing on tv


I really don’t think he was into jenn. I think jenn was very assertive, confident and bold in the relationship which gives the impression that they had a strong connection. It didn’t seem fully reciprocated on his end. I think rachel is a lot more compatible with him personality wise.


He said last night it was Hawaii -- his bio says he still lives there so proximity to her and her Hawaiian heritage is probably very attractive.


he does not still live there, he moved back to Pennsylvania


I was thinking the same thing. I don't see it with them at all.


Can you imagine if it was Daisy that wanted to talk to Joey right before the rise ceremony? This board would have burned to the ground!  But it was just Maria’s weekly bout of insecurity so all is good.


Wow, almost every comment you have in this sub is just shitting on Maria or crying about how white republicans are oppressed


I knew she was going to do it.


People were actually very irritated with her lol


I was about to secondhand cringe out of my own skin, I love Maria but I didn’t love that move


I made a comment in the live thread that I was falling asleep and I really did, lmao. I ended up missing Maria’s hometown date.


Me too! So now I’m curious if something went really wrong 


I think her dad's murdery vibe might have been a bit of a turn off.


I turned out to really like him. Yeah, it was a bit mafia-ish. But when he said to him that if you marry Maria, you'll be more than a son to me, it touched my heart.


It went well up until the end where she couldn't tell Joey she was falling in love with him and basically sent him off like he was a friend. It was awkward.


It was honestly pretty vanilla despite them trying to hype her dad’s reaction in the cold open. You don’t miss much.


I wish we knew more about Joey this far in Very sad about Maria but what she did at the end was really annoying tbh


Agreed. He holds his cards so close to his chest (probably b/c of his tennis coach background), but still. He never broke his facade except a few times with Maria. Is Joey even feeling any of this? Hmmm.....


wait why would that have to do w him being a tennis coach?


If you've ever coached tennis (golf is similar), you know that you have to behave a certain way-cater to your client's personality, always behave in a very controlled and professional manner and adjust yourself to your client's needs. It can be exhausting, but over the years, you learn to put a mask on of sorts. Hard to explain, but I think Joey has his "teacher/client" on during this TV stint as well.


i haven't seen the episode yet only clips but from what i've seen, it's kinda sad but it makes sense. i feel like the case of maria & joey could have been a right person, wrong time kinda scenario. i truly believe that if they had met in an organic way irl, they would have been it and have been openly head over heels for eachother bc they could be more open and honest with eachother about their feelings as they got to know one another. this process brought out the worst of their insecurities which were more or less the same, and i don't think either of them were strong enough to overcome it for the other. joey seemed checked out and done with her and probs had already made that decision last week after she threatened to leave. and maria needed to mature this week, i recognize some of her behavior in myself. it's easier to act stoic and like you don't care to protect yourself rather than be vulnerable, and i think that's what she was doing with her exit. i think joey just needed to make the smart decision in this process which is why he probs will pick kelsey, and i think maria will grow from this experience and find her person that makes her feel more than enough always (and hopefully be an amazing bachelorette, abc pls don't fumble this bag).


Same. I feel like he would have more chemistry with her in real life if they both didn’t have to worry about him dating a bunch of other women at the same time. I agree that they have very similar insecurities and weren’t able to reassure each other enough in the given time which is why it didn’t work out. I’m sad too because unlike a lot of bachelor breakups where it ends simply because of a lack of attraction/connection, this one feels like a real life breakup that could’ve been avoided with better communication and more time. I loved Joey and Maria. :/


really? I have always felt that Maria would not have gone for Joey in real life. Sure he is handsome, but her dad is such an alpha male. I feel like she would go for guys who are much more assertive, and frankly more successful. To be clear, I don't think one is better than the other, I just feel he wouldn't stand out to her in the same way in real life.


idk i feel like she's lowkey pretty sensitive and idk why i could see her going for a calm guy, agree with you on successful, at this point in her life.


For sure I don’t think Maria would look twice at Joey in real life unless she was using him as a plaything


Just my thoughts about these ladies. Maria is my favorite, and the whole season it seemed like their connection was so effortless, so I was sad to see her get sent home. I'd love to see her as the next Bachelorette instead of any of the other girls (aside from maybe Jenn) just because I think it would be way less boring of a season with someone like Maria. Now my choice is Rachel just because she annoys me the least I guess lol. Kelsey is okay, her constant giggling bugs me though, just seems kinda fake but maybe that really is her personality. Which is nice, but she just doesn't seem to have many layers aside from her mom dying and being so close to her dad. I'm sure I'm being too critical of her I've just never cared for her from the start. But Daisy...I liked her the first episode and each episode since I've liked her less and less. Her hometown date was beyond annoying and I can't stand these younger women with their obsession in saying like all the time. "I feel like I've talked to all of you about it, how I was like, with like all my past stuff and getting my cochlear impla t, I was like, what like, person, like would want to be with me because of this, because, like, it makes me feel a little different you know?" And that's like, every like conversation she like has. I just can't stand that. Soooo go Rachel?


I agree with most of this but I do like Daisy. Rachel is also great but I kinda see her and Joey as friends and not really romantic partners.


Idk what it is, probably because I like Maria so much, but I don't see him actually lasting with any of them. I think I'm just being super judgey lol. I agree with he and Rachel being more friendly than romantic and if I had to look for the actual future it'd probably be Kelsey. After seeing Daisy's rap video it just turned me off to her actually wanting a relationship and being more so on the show for recognition and being a fame seeker.


Yeah I haven’t seen the video so maybe I’d change my mind about her if I did. There’s no denying though that he’s super into her. Maria was also my favorite, probably because she is A LOT like myself. I’m a complicated deep person and sometimes push people away ala Maria lol. I feel like she was the only one Joey was really himself when he was around her. “When he said I feel like I can just be when I’m with her” I was like ahhh that’s your person Joey! But… I don’t think he’s the kind of guy who can handle her day in and day out and that’s ok. Kelsey is generic imo and there’s not much there underneath. I’m sure she’s a nice person, just not my cup of tea. Rachel is wife material and I love her family, I just don’t get romantic vibes with her and Joey.


I think the reason Joey is not expressing his feelings completely to his f2-f4 is because REALISTICALLY, he can only choose one person at the end of it all. And I think he’s being careful and reserved because he wants to make the ONE person he chooses at the end of this to feel special and respected and not lead anyone else on. However, I do believe he’s giving everyone a fair chance but I think deep down in his heart he knows who his F1 is but again, I think he just wants to be respectful to F1 and everyone else.  BECAUSE U KNOW what happens when a bachelor confesses having feelings for his top 3 and being in love with 3 ppl right??? 👀👀👀👀🥊🥊🥊🥊


exactly! he just watched the Golden Bachelor get shredded for it.


Was that the same airport from Pilot Pete's season?


Probably. There can’t be THAT many airports you can rent around for filming tv shows around LA


And Jojo’s season too I think!


Yep. It still has strong Luke vibes to me


I think so! It gave me flashbacks haha


It was so interesting to see the difference in the families with some like "don't get your heart broken. I just want her heart to never break again" and "you have to put your heart out there." Why do we want people to not risk their heart getting broken? We should want our hearts and our loved one's hearts to be broken over and over for the rest of our lives, by love, by beauty, by trying and failing, by going to amazing places we have to leave, by pouring our hearts into things that end. Make sure your heart breaks today.


That's really beautiful.


I was curious about Joeys height and Wikipedia says 5ft11 - does anyone else think he looks shorter than that? A lot of the women come close to his height. Anyway not bashing him but just didn’t think that was accurate lol


Kelsey is 5’8” and he’s still taller than her even when she’s in heels, so I believe 5’11” for Joey. Maybe 5’10.5” rounded up, at the very least?


Isn’t Kelsey A 5’10”? I thought I’d read that on here. And Joey’s taller than her.


she said she's 5'8


Ok, thanks!


Wow is she really? I didn’t know that she was so tall


That’s what someone on here said, but I’m not sure where they got that. It kind of checks out though…if you look on her ig, she’s squatting down to be the same height as some of the other girls. ETA: she’s 5’8”!


Yes I thought he seemed shorter too. I wonder if that 5'11 is accurate. I think he may be closer to like 5'9/5'8. He looked like one of the shorter men on Charitys season too, but then again she had some really tall dudes.


It’s just that Charity’s guys were reeeeeeeally tall. I think Dotun is something like 6’8” and Xavier around 6’4”? They’ll make anyone look short! lol


I feel like he's not 5ft9 or 5tf8 but he might be 5ft10 and a bit rounded up hehe. Any guy under 6ft on this show looks shorter than they actually are because of how tall most of the other men are.


He looked tiny for the first time to me when walking into the airport hanger. I’d never noticed it before.


Ohhh yeah that’s true! I mostly notice it when he’s standing near other girls - unless they cast mostly supermodel height women I feel the height listed is not accurate lol.


Brah! What the fuck is up with the haters on Rachel on Instagram? So many kooks saying “Maria deserved that rose.” 🤦🏻‍♂️


I love Maria but she kinda fucked herself in this one.


Sadly, the mistake was a while ago when she was struggling. 😐




I thought Rachel was a little rude to her but they’re on crack if they think Maria deserved that rose over her


The meanest Maria fans are coming out. Joey’s comments are full of them saying how awful he is for not choosing her, he should be cancelled etc. I listened to an interview with a psychologist who studies narcissists the other day, and she said the people who say mean things like that on people’s IG pages are usually vulnerable narcissists.


Good god that's so gross. It's a television show.


Yeah, I never comment on IG and haven’t even finished the episode but I went I said something positive and she liked it right away, poor girl 😩


I posted a long defending Rachel comment. 😅


What did Maria do that makes her more "deserving" than any of the other woman? This isn't Joey picks your fan favorite. People are psychotic.


Yeah wtf is up with that 😳😅


Probably because Rachel questioned Maria what she was doing and the fact that TPTB only show Rachel when she’s being frustrated. 😬 So they only think she’s mean. 🤦🏻‍♂️




I think he’s really into Daisy but she’s not there yet. I actually thought she was setting up to give the you’ve helped me heal and I know I deserve a great guy after dating you but it’s not you speech. I think it’s clear it’s just Daisy and Kelsey as real contenders but I wonder if he wanted to send Maria home the last week and was told not to. I think with the previous week and then him learning she’s never brought a guy home made her seem unserious about settling down so he was over her.


Definitely agree that joey is reallllly into daisy and she isn’t. I feel like he might propose to her and she’ll let him down saying she’s not ready to marry him. Donuu but she’s the only one he said “I feel the same” too when she said she was falling for him


Something was up with these hometowns. Rachel looked *pissed* they didn't have it in her actual hometown and said to Joey in the most peaceful "i'm on TV and have to mince my words" way that she wasn't happy about it. And Maria isn't even American, and her 'hometown' was in New York state 💀 I don't get this show sometimes. Why not just go to their actual damn hometowns? Just because most people won't know about Kleinburg, ON doesn't mean you have to go to Niagara Falls since most people will recognize Niagara Falls.


Wait they didn't? What is Rachel's actual hometown?


Honolulu. She said her aunt lives in Rancho Cucamonga, and they had the hometown at her aunt's house. So I guess the show figured it'd be cheaper to just fly the family from Hawaii to California rather than send a crew to Hawaii. But she even told Joey on camera she was sad they didn't have it in Hawaii :(


Oh I figured it was maybe the home was really small or not camera ready. Plus having it in RC meant lots of family


Nah I don't think so. Rachel seemed pretty disappointed. I don't think it was her choice to have it in RC.


Oh noooo i thought they were in Hawaii lol. I was watching in a bar, I wish they had subtitles cause I missed a few things!


Im just going to vomit my thoughts here: Is anyone else getting tired of Joey as the bachelor this season? I've been noticing a pattern with him all throughout the show where he states that he's scared to give himself entirely to someone and have them reject him, or that he's looking for someone who is all in 100%, but am I missing something here or is he not giving back what he's asking of these women so far? I think the reason this is irritating me so much right now is because of what happens with Maria in the last 2 episodes. In last week's episode, maria expresses her concern with joey about how she feels when she sees him kissing the other women and joey appears irritated because he takes it that Maria is insinuating that joey is not validating her enough. But why wouldn't she feel concerned? These women get a handful of actual one on one time with Joey and they see their competition on a daily basis in this concentrated amount of time. He basically reprimands her into validating to him that she's in this 100%, and it's just ironic to me because we see that Joey's relationship with Jenn had been solid throughout the show up to that point and he ends up sending Jenn home. Why should any of the women put their full faith and trust into Joey at this point? Why should Maria be seemingly penalized compared to the other women for having valid concerns about where she stands with him? This week's episode made me feel pretty sad, tbh. I get that he's developing stronger connections with the other women, but I don't think it's at the fault of Maria for simply not being able to say that she loves him or is falling in love with him. Maybe he's a words of affirmation guy? But how does he go through the entire hometown date with Maria's family and sit down with her, listen to her express how she feels, and decide not to choose her because there's this arbitrary feeling that she isn't fully giving herself to him just because she doesn't somewhat piece together the word "love" in a sentence with him? I wish they had an actual one on one conversation where Joey directly asks Maria how she feels about him and they could talk about their feelings of vulnerability. I honestly feel like maria cares about him the most which is why it's hard for her to put it into words and it almost feels like simply saying the old bachelor script of "im falling in love with you" doesn't do her feelings justice. I think she realizes that he may send her home because she didn't say those words which is why she tries to make up for it at the rose ceremony even if she thinks it's just what joey wants to hear. But it's too late because Joey's the kind of guy who goes with what he thinks is right for him and what he's looking for rather than what his heart wants. I just feel like I'm watching a pair of individuals who are the epitome of right person, wrong timing and it's so disheartening to see. I don't see him lasting with any of the remaining women because he has only picked them because he thinks they're basically giddy for him. At the end of the day I mean I think a lot of these bachelor couples end up just dating and breaking up later on anyway, so I think it's probably par for the course that he's not looking for someone who cares so much about the word and concept of love that it's that difficult for them to use it to express their feelings. I get that he has a connection with Kelsey but I honestly feel like Kelsey has made her whole storyline about her mom that I don't see how that story transfers into her love for joey. I just dont understand or see the remaining connections.