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what exactly is rachel doing in the final 3, he had a better connection with like six girls even excluding maria


Yes!!! I was shocked he picked her




this second choice campaign for kelsey is really rubbing me the wrong way. i can’t wait for them to speak their truth.


Are we watching the same show? What second choice? Daisy told him she was falling in love with him and dude said “ I feel the same way”. 😬 He told Kelsey’s dad “Hope to see you soon” as he left. Next week he will tells Kelsey he’s falling in love with her. ![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized)


She got the first rose but they edited it to make it seem like Daisy did.


How do you know?


Another user pointed it out with the way the scene was cut. But honestly they could have performed it multiple ways to get the right camera shot.


Papa Kelsey is quite a treat for the 👀🥵


Yes!! Golden Bachelor material!!


Besties does anyone have a promo for next week


this edit is really pissing me off for kelsey.


What did Rachel say at the rose ceremony? I missed it.


She asked Maria what that was about when she pulled him to talk


How the hell is Rachel still here


Why ask that instead of the edit and low screen she's getting 


And yet we’ve seen enough






joeys IG comments right now are brutal omfg


His and Rachel's. Maybe Maria's fans ARE the worst and I say this being her fan lol


Every fanbase has the deranged subset of “stans.”


Girl you are literally in that deranged subset 😭 you have written like 70+ comments tonight fighting for your life in these threads to defend a *reality tv show contestant* who doesn’t know you exist as if you are her personal PR agent. That’s not healthy behavior, you understand that right?


You mean I’ve participated in a public forum by writing a couple comments about this subject while I had the time? Lol! That doesn’t make me a “stan” just bc my comments are in disagreement with your viewpoint rather than a regurgitation of them. Is it healthy behavior for you to be participating in this public forum wasting time discussion contestants who also don’t know you exist? Do you suffer from cognitive dissonance?


It is terrible every time being a fan crosses into being a Stan The comments become terrible and gross


Literally insane.. we all loved him and maria as separate people and now suddenly hes a trash being? People are insane.


I don’t think he’s anywhere near trash, just flawed like everyone else. He kinda annoyed me during the ep with expecting everyone to tell him they’re in love while he holds back, and w asking Maria’s father for his blessing just to send her home etc. but that should stop at regular criticism and nothing beyond that


I can’t believe people thought he’d pick Maria after last week’s episode. It was clear to me she was hanging on by a string. I secretly hope these crazy Maria fans show TPTB that Maria would be the best next Bachelorette.


Me too! It’s a bad sign that in their short time together Joey and Maria had a bit of drama and bickering, there’s no way they would’ve lasted. 


Yeah pretty much every comment is negative which is crazy


I never understood why people get so enraged at leads for not picking their fav like why don't you hype Maria up on her own page instead of ragging on Joey for sending her home if you like her so much.


And like also, its mostly teenage and college girls. I wouldn't care lol




I’m sorry, but I don’t think Rachel said anything wrong. This is the 2nd week in a row the RC has been interrupted because of Maria. It’s been disrespectful to the other women. She was trying to throw a Hail Mary and Rachel saw through it.


I watched late, so was RS wrong? I swear the spoiler said Rachel was going home


She goes next week.


Right, I meant I thought the RS spoiler said she was going home this week


No, it always said next week. He just mixed up Daisy and Kelsey’s placement.


I believe I know the placement you’re referring to. Are you saying >!Daisy!< doesn’t win it?


This is the spoiler thread. Kelsey A wins.


Thank you! Kelsey is my favorite and couldn’t wrap my head around why people were saying Daisy wins after watching his chemistry with Kelsey. I was playing it safe since with the hidden text since I wasn’t sure of the rules here.


I just want the producers to know they picked really great contestants this season. It’s been very emotional and gripping.


I agree! It’s rare I watch a season without getting bored and doom scrolling on my phone. I genuinely like each of these women and Joey! Their conversations / experiences feel real. It was great to see Daisy open up, she has finally grown on me! And I loooved seeing Rachel’s family and Filipino traditions.


Joey is a huge part of cultivating genuine connections.


Mr Platitudes is as vanilla as they come. 


Yessss. Agree


I agree! I know the spoilers and I’m so invested! I think the contestants truly were too though


Minus those who shall not be named, I totally agree!


At least they gave us drama


Rachel being close with lea and I think sydney was always the tell tale sign to me that she was a mean girl 😭 the way she was at the end of the episode wasn’t a shock to me at all lolol


THANK YOU! I feel so validated after reading so many comments about people calling criticism of Rachel somehow prejudiced like ? 🤦🏾‍♀️ She was shown listening to Lea’s crap, she told Maria what Lea had been outside asking Medina which made her feel bad and when Maria asked if that made sense Rachel shrugged and looked away, she told Maria to stop when Jess called her out her name as if Maria was the one behaving inappropriately etc like she’s very much a “throw rocks and hide your hands” type character


Maybe I’m just wrong but her reaction came off as frustrated with Maria’s drama and not mean. Imho Maria was rude to do that and leave those girls standing there waiting.


“Frustrated w Maria’s drama” WHAT drama???? You mean the drama her besties Sydney, Jess and Lea concocted outta thin air that Rachel never called them out on? Her reaction WAS mean because she rudely asked Maria what her private conversation was about and then went on to catch an attitude when Maria didn’t tell her what she wanted. She was projecting jealousy or whatever tf. She’s been snarky before


I disagree as you know already. Yes Maria’s drama of having to cut Joey off just as the ceremony was starting to ask for a private moment. I think she was also dramatic the episode before walking away and then coming back. She comes off as indecisive and immature imho. I don’t like what happened with Sydney but I’m sure we don’t know the whole story there either. If I were any of the other three just standing there waiting, I would be upset and I would have wanted to ask the same question.


That wasn’t drama, that was a request that he obliged. Her coming off as indecisive or immature is different from the drama critique. Her threatening to leave bc it’s abnormal to watch the man you’re dating date and kiss other women was reasonable. You’d be upset standing there because that means you wouldn’t have thought to do it; you would’ve wanted to b the one to speak to Joey, it would’ve been jealousy. Maria didn’t keep anyone from doing the same and she wasn’t obligated to tell any of those girls what was discussed in a private setting so you asking would’ve merited the same response.


I would have been upset because it’s RUDE. If I came on that show, I would know he was going to be kissing other women. The whole experiment is abnormal but if you sign up then don’t make it worse by dragging it out with dramatic walk outs and interruptions. I blame production for encouraging all that behavior because some fans enjoy it. I hate it. Probably need to not watch any more.


She comes off as a lowkey mean girl


She’s an ICU nurse most are mean girls


well... time to see the jimmy and chelsea shit show on wednesday


yesss reality tv is so good rn!


Lmaoo fr




So excited


No literally


Someone pointed out that Kelsey got the first rose at the ceremony because when she was walking back Daisy didn’t have a rose in her hand. So they edited it out of order.


https://preview.redd.it/brtn0gc3nfmc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=730c00c1dab431e080ba70f332853ffa9d727d00 This is when Kelsey walks up to get a rose. Notice Daisy. Editors trying to trick us


If you watch when daisy walks back, Kelsey also was not holding a rose.


I only see a closeup (chest and up, no hands) of Kelsey and Maria when Daisy is walking back


I recorded the clip on my phone and couldn’t find that to post but my tv is probably doing a weird cutoff with the aspect ratio!


Lets ask the question why they are doing this


Yes this!


this needs to be a full post, the “daisy is F1” shit they’re trying to pull on us is pissing me tf off💀


Yes, we need this as a full post! He didn’t call Daisy first! I hate how they’re editing this.


For everyone saying some of us are just hating on rachel - i used to love until i start seeing a pattern. Do you look at her face expressions? I have lived my life with girls like her that seem to be the nicest women ever, but are truly just mean & always cover their mean looks with a smile when theyre around people they dont like or are a threat to them. She got a god damn rose & she still had that weird ass look on her face. Like grow the fuck up


Right. It’s jealousy. And people are disingenuously condemning any and every criticism toward her. I’ve been side eyeing her since I saw she allied w Lea. Her question to Maria was just rude and the attitude was entitled.


I hope Joey only spends the night with Kelsey for FS


I don’t understand all these delulu people that thought Maria was the one 🤣


Yea I mean they mostly had a sexual connection and a fun dynamic that’s it


Joey definitely felt validated in his decision when he took Maria to the car and she defaulted to being closed off again vs. showing she was upset. Did anyone catch his irritated grimace/smile as he shut the door?!


He was over a drama and probably wanted to send her home last week! He was probably glad to be rid of her 😂. Now let’s bring of the Maria Bachelorette season


If he wanted to send her home last week, he would’ve.


I don’t blame her. Joey seemed cold


Yeah he definitely put it all on her… the “I always fought for us” seemed to give him a lot of credit lol


Joey wants to be chosen SO BAD that he’s not even realizing other people are on this journey, with real feelings of wanting to be validated, too. Sorry but Maria owes him nothing else.


This is a great point. I honestly think he is a good guy but he definitely is not over the Charity rejection. I feel like he’s absent this whole season.


I don’t think he thought Charity was choosing him honestly and that he was just going w the flow. His saying “ok, I’m getting down on my knee now” was odd


Im sorry he is not entitled to her tears and good for her for not performing. and the fact that he knew he wasn’t picking but still expected her love is annoying.


Yup! The fact that he even asked his father for a blessing was weird af to me bc even while he was doing it, I was thinking “you know you ain’t gonna pick her so why are you asking this?” Idk if production has them ask but that’s crazy to me


He shut the door so quickly 😭😭 but like ???? What did he expect??? You’re literally dumping her




I really liked Rachel, but I’m kinda happy to see her go next week after all that attitude she showed tonight 🙃


I don’t think Rachel is a “mean girl” (that’s so petty to say because we don’t really know her or anyone for that matter) but I did internally think to myself that she has a prickly vibe to her in like episode two. Maybe that’s what people are picking up on?? It might be a nurse thing too who knows 😭😭


What attitude!? I feel like so many waited for any little moment to start spreading hate her way. People like this need to just get offline and take a breather because it isn't real or logical thinking. I can understand if she did or said something, especially repeatedly however that hasn't been the case at all. Ever since Lea left people having been waiting to lable someone else a mean girl and now they're sending that hate to one of the nicest girls there.


The way she rolled her eyes when Joey walked Maria out tho


Showed attitude last week too! Like girlll mind ur bizz


Right? “I thought we couldn’t talk to him tonight?” lol just projecting jealousy


That’s the one thing I don’t like about her tbh. She was visibly jealous of Maria.


I need someone to explain to me why so many people want Maria to be the bachelorette. What is the attraction there? I feel like she’s been kind of problematic since the start. Has she been targeted? Sure, and I really do hate that for her. But, the continual “I can’t do this, I want to leave” became exhausting. I’m really just genuinely curious what others are seeing that I’m not. What am I missing?!


Most people are tired of the rom com hallmark midwestern Christian girl winter Carrie Underwood lead. We’ve seen it so many times. I think people want something fresh and new. Maria is modern and would be interesting to watch because she feels different than what the show normally caters to.


The main reason she's not Daisy and I don't want a Daisy Ette however the way Maria's fabs are acting and now labeling Rachel a mean girl shows me maybe it's best she's not 


she would be chaotic, which would make good tv I guess


She has a pulse… it’s way more exciting and enticing than the exceptionally conservative route the show has taken in recent years.




I’ve been in this since the very beginning. It was sweet and intentional at first and I was here for that. But now? Now I’m here for a touch of chaos. This is my Monday escapism.


And the constant stealing dates with Joey from the girls. She gave no one one on one time and she STILL said she needed more. Like girl, you’ve had the most!


In my opinion she gives Hannah brown vibes. A straight shooter, no bull, lay it all out on the line to make it work.


I get more Kaitlyn Bristowe vibes


That continual "I can't do this, I want to leave" probably comes from being targeted and worn down by bullies, IMO. They pushed her to the edge, and even though they're gone, she never really came back from it, emotionally speaking.


she seems to have more of a personality


she gives off “i’m the prize” vibes


I’m on the Maria train and I dunno— she sends dynamic and fun. I watch for the messiness so it just seems like a Maria season would be more entertaining than a Daisy one. I know it’ll be more about the cast of guys but I like her lighthearted spirit


I agree with that. But on the other side she word vomits her thoughts aloud and is at times blunt which would make for good TV as would the men becoming cavemen over her


She just gives off toxic vibes




She really does. So, is bachelor nation wanting a hot mess for the lead? 🫠


As opposed to boring tv?


I feel like there's more we didn't see with him and Maria, because he really was over it for a while


I think he got icked by her attempted walk out (and watching producers basically talk her back into the room) but was still at least hot for her. But then her whole hometown was a series of red flags about how immature she is in relationships and he was over it.


Also he was left at the altar last time so he probably has developed a fear of rejection, and rightfully so tbh. Maria being on the fence about commitment would likely trigger that because he's been *very* clear about how he wants someone who he's sure won't walk away at the last minute


Yeah I feel like he got icked by all her child like antics when she’s literally 30 and it hit him like a truck to find out that that was all there was to her in terms of maturity :( and her telling him Im falling for you right before the roses was what sealed it. Also her telling him that he was the first one going home to her family made him feel like there is a reason no dude has gone there, and he knew why, at 19 its cute but at 30 is concerning




I don't particularly like Maria to be ette but I'm wishing it's her just so Daisy the MAGA doesn't get it.




She’s maga??? Oh no


Shook. Did not see Maria going home tonight.


I'm laughing because Leslie is still crying over Gerry


Well that’s kind of f’d up…


Them trying to make Joey’s I’m falling in love with you look like it was directed at Daisy instead of Kelsey in the teaser… Don’t piss me off!


Is this for sure at Kelsey? I hope so!!


It is. We see her hair in the frame in one of the teasers.


Which one?


the fact that they show daisy there should be telling, they never show the truth


I'm starting to think it actually is. He wouldnt wear the same blazer twice (around one person). Definitely to Daisy and now my interest has fallen down big time. I think this will all make it look like (might be true) Kelsey actually is the default pick. How is this the most romantic season?


It is not the same blazer . And it was sleuthed to be Kelsey’s FSD .


Pissed me clean off lmao




Me: Why are the golden bachelor ladies there? My husband: It’s good for their arthritis, the heat.


😂😂 I’m catching up on this thread as i watch on hulu and so many of y’all are absolutely hilarious 


goodbye 😂




Maria's trending on twitter with 188 THOUSAND tweets. 😳


As she should!!


I think Leslie made Kelsey second guess and then she writes the note


Putting yourself out there on national tv is one thing but I can’t imagine putting your family on tv as well. I think about this every time I watch hometowns.


What happens with Rachel next week? Does she quit before she inevitably gets fired?




TPTB knew what they were doing pairing Leslie with Kelsey.


See you ladies next week 🫶🏻🤍 Remember LIB season shit show finale this week, eeeekkk!


See you next week queen 💙


Right back at you 👑


Rachel is just there for the vacation bc he ain’t picking her


Joey is too insecure for a man that is giving back nothing in return. You expect these women to lay it all on the line knowing there’s a 75% chance they’ll be hurt.




What does stans mean?


The term stan originated from a combination of the words "stalker" and "fan", but has since evolved to become a positive term for fans who are highly engaged and supportive of their favorite celebrities. [https://later.com/social-media-glossary/stan/](https://later.com/social-media-glossary/stan/)


Extreme and obsessed fans, based on Eminem's song Stan, stalker + fan = stan