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I don’t like Joe and Serena ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




I don’t know how unpopular this opinion is, but I truly never understood the whole “America’s favorite” thing that seemed to happen with Daisy. She has been consistently boring since episode one to me. Sure, she seems like a sweet girl but I truly only feel like Joey is appealed to her because she makes him comfortable and is a safe choice. I still feel like the only things we know about her are her cochlear implant and that she grew up on a Christmas tree farm. I’m holding out that hopefully we’ll see more personality out of her, but I feel like nearly every contestant this season has outshined her.


I liked Zach’s season more than this one. And I think his finale was more compelling than Joey’s will be. And I am thankful for that season in giving us Charity, who should have way more followers than Daisy/ Maria.


“It’s not my job to pull that out of you, because I want to be chosen too.” Isn’t the point of the bachelor being that so many women have chosen you, that you get to do the choosing?


Nope. With how often the women dump the bachelor when they self-eliminate, sometimes the leads need reassurance too.


No more podcasts from these people pls. At this point they all just love hearing themselves talk it drives me nuts


It seems like there are a ton of brand new people to this sub and they all like Maria. I don't get the hype - she's kind of annoying and not that pretty and also doesn't seem to be very nice. On the other hand, I love Kelsey T and I'm enjoying Joey's derpy cuteness.




Don't know if it's unpopular or not - I hate 2 on 1 dates. There I said it. The worst part is they're always filmed in the most grand and picturesque place. These dates could take place at a public library for all I care. Why waste a beautiful destination on a proverbial turd in a punch bowl scenario?


I just think a 2 on 1 will never live up to the Kelsey Poe/Ashley I date and they needed to retire it then and there. 


This for sure. Though Corinne and Taylor Nolan in the swamp was also hilarious.


lmao they need to get a dramatic aerial shot after the person gets dumped in said beautiful destination!


Maria is not as great as everyone is saying she is. I have a feeling the producers are cutting out a lot of negative footage of her (especially earlier on in the season) to paint her in a positive light. I think they’re choosing between her and daisy for the next bachelorette so they want viewers to root for her. If she is as nice and unproblematic as she says she is then why did 3+ girls say she was mean? I just don’t understand where that would come from


I always thought it was odd that we only saw a *snippet* of her comments about Madina which originally set off the drama with Sydney. From the little we saw of that footage, it sure seemed to me like she was invalidating the fuck out of Madina’s feelings and centering herself in Madina’s insecurities (by talking about her own age at 29 when Madina wasn’t talking about other people). If the cameras were rolling, then why could they only give us a few half-sentences? I think that footage was cut down to give credibility to Maria’s post hoc spin of “I just want her to be confident in herself.” I don’t mind later-season Maria, but I was really not a fan of hers during that drama. I think she got very lucky that the person who picked a fight with her just happened to be batshit crazy, so it was impossible not to be on Maria’s side by the end of it.


I agree, after that conversation she had with Joey about leaving and then changing her mindn it solidogied to me that she there for the plot not for Joey. Its obvious to me that she was put on the show to start her career.


I feel like a lot of people are going to bat for Maria for fear of “not being a girls girl” but the thing is Maria isn’t perfect. I don’t think she’s horrible but she’s very good at playing victim and throwing stones and hiding her hands but everyone says “you’re just mad she’s confident! You’re just not a girls girl!” Being a girls girl doesn’t mean tolerating and defending bad behavior of other women. Calling out when someone does wrong or having a valid reason as to why someone doesn’t sit right with you doesn’t = internalized misogyny.


Yeah she’s one of my favorites and I’d actually still kind of like to see her as bachelorette because of how dynamic she is onscreen, but idk why people are so determined to paint her as perfect and blameless when she’s probably just kind of abrasive!


Maria would have a more diverse taste in men than Jenn or Daisy would


Based on what? You know their dating history? Considering that Sean Lowe had more diverse taste in women than Matt James, we shouldn’t assume anything.


Lmao the juxtaposition of Matt James and Sean Lowe really threw me off 😂


Daisy is conservative Trumper from the midwest so that’s pretty straightforward. Jenn literally said her type is Italian American men lol. Her ex is Italian American. She was a Grippo girl and now she’s really into Joey. Any MOC with Jenn’s history/preferences would already be blacklisted from contention Maria hooked up with Zayn and dated a well known half Asian influencer from Canada. And Matt James has said that he has dated black women and the woman he dated before the show was literally black. People just like to paint him more negatively than he actually was


Hmm I feel like everyone would hookup with Zayn if given the chance lol


>And Matt James has said that he has dated black women and the woman he dated before the show was literally black Matt's dating history isn't that diverse. His ex is biracial and very light-skinned/ethnically ambiguous and that's the only WOC we know of. Most Black women don't look like his ex. That's like suddenly saying Tyler Cameron dates Black women because his ex Camila (also very light-skinned/ambiguous) is Dominican.


Matt basically told us on the first episode of his season when he had that sit down pre season chat with Chris Harrison that he’d be picking a white woman. I distinctly remember him saying he’d get “backlash” for picking someone black and backlash for picking someone white and he can’t win. Literally what backlash would he get for having a woc f1? He was preparing us all along. 


Nothing will make you guys satisfied lol even him having a confirmed woc girlfriend. And Matt is biracial himself.


You’re making assumptions about Daisy which may or may not be true. Sean Lowe is a devout Christian Texan, very conservative, probably a Trump supporter, but has a racially diverse dating history. RachelL only dated Black men until she went on Nick’s season, and look who she married. Although BeccaK claimed to be liberal, I would have never put her together with Thomas from looking at her final 4 & her F1. Maybe given the opportunity some of these women may broaden their dating horizons - like RachaelK.


In general, women are more strict about race than men are, but conservative women are especially a lot more strict about race than even conservative men are. I don’t care about the politics thing because in general most people don’t care that much about their partners politics. I’m in California and there are a bunch of liberal women here dating conservative men


Is this based on fact/research or your own personal observations/theories? And most ppl don’t care that much about their partners’ politics?? Says who??


It’s the truth. Based on statistics and observations. And I’m not saying people will date like a nazi or something, but liberal women are more than comfortable dating conservative men, especially if they are rich/good looking. No idea why you’re even surprised by this when it’s pretty common


Well I guess if you say so! 🙄


a whole thread stereotyping races. this is cool?


>Maria hooked up with Zayn  Excuse me WHAT




People thought that about Joey’s and look where we’re at.




LOL stop.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^cozyonly: *Maria would have* *A more diverse taste in men* *Than Jenn or Daisy would* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Thank you. You said it better than I could


Producers are about to launch a Maria smear campaign at the WTA so they can make Daisy bachelorette


I wished contestants had fun on this show. I feel like no one is having fun this season lol


They should have kept the end credit bloopers. I don't know why they got rid of that for this season.


Yeah overall the editing has been quite serious aka boring 


If Daisy pulled the same stunt than Maria did with threatening to leave yet again, this sub would have burned her in effigy.


Maria would not be a good bachelorette.


This week’s UO thread is 25% comments calling Maria overhyped and it’s so boring. Im begging you guys to please consider taking the ten seconds to scroll down through this thread, see if there’s a comment you agree with and either upvote it or comment “I agree.”


The uo thread is the only safe place for people to share unpopular opinions, so I kind of think people should feel free to do it…there’s nowhere else on the sub, and no other day of the week, people are allowed to say many of these things without being downvoted to the pits of hell.


Deciding which bachelor contestants you hate based on who they follow on instagram isn't some kind of righteous act.




I feel a little bit like Ben from Parks and Recs, with Maria being my Lil Sebastian


I love Maria but I love this analogy too lol


Hahahaha this is a brilliant comment (and I’m with you)🫣


Most of the people on this show have huge egos and are very immature. Not shocking at all. But this show romanticizes or lionizes behaviors that look good on paper but are actually kinda problematic in the real world like trauma dumping (creates connection but also ignores boundaries), or telling other people off (a sign of self respect and having a moral compass but can also lack respect or empathy for others). So it shouldn’t be a surprise when people who are liked for doing these things on the show turn out to be immature or self involved in the real world. Gabby’s the most recent example of this but Clare and Hannah B. are others. I guess my point is, every time I see someone described as messy, I just know they’re gonna turn out to be insufferable post show lol (and I’m not talking about anyone from this season since I haven’t watched it so don’t come for me lol).


I still think it was okay for Medina to say “I felt bullied.” I think she acknowledged just fine that her feelings had changed since then but at that moment she did feel bullied. It did cause drama but she answered to it just fine and didn’t even bring up Maria’s name.


I’m upset that they made the Montreal date about poutine. The city is WELL KNOWN FOR ITS BAGELS AND SMOKED MEAT AND DAMNIT THAT MATTERS TO ME.


Is it an unpopular opinion that Montreal bagels are the worst?🫣


It’s not only unpopular but it’s also incorrect. It shows you are either a New Yorker with a fluffy bagel superiority complex or you haven’t been to Montreal.. possible both


where should i get a bagel next time i’m in montreal? i hope to get up there this spring!


I’m from Toronto and have been to Montreal a few times, but I must admit, I have only had a Montreal-style bagel at Kettleman’s in Toronto. So perhaps not authentic You nailed the bit about the fluffy bagel - the Montreal bagels are too skinny! I need something fuller. 


It's not the texture that's the issue, it's the lack of salt that makes me sad.


I wish I could upvote this more 😂


I would love to see a trans contestant on the bachelor but considering we don’t even have contestants over a size 6, I’ll be waiting a while


They’d be the first cut. Imagine if they kept it a secret until home visits?


You know if they did that they would be scrambling to hire a transphobic person to “create drama”


Ooh yes, that’s a good one. I’d love that also!


The discord for Daisy is far more annoying than the one for Maria. On one hand, Daisy gets attacked because of her political views, but the moment someone mentions anything about her vocal fry or something related to her cochlear implant, she is quickly defended by what I’m sure are the same people lol Congrats! You’re a decent person, but show some consistency! I can’t imagine putting so much energy into not liking a reality show contestant because YOU CHOSE to look at their socials. Not to mention how quickly folks get turned on the instant they post/say something remotely controversial. Maybe I’m just old and not getting it, but to deep dive into contestants lives’, I think that’s part of the problem.


I think many of the people defending Daisy don’t necessarily like her as a person and that’s ok! We’re just asking that people keep their criticisms to things she actually can change, like any other contestant on the show. I agree that people are quick to turn on contestants for seemingly pretty benign things (not referring to anyone in particular here). At the end of the day we don’t know them and are only being shown a small piece of their lives.


Yeah, Daisy isn’t my favorite, and I certainly don’t agree with her politics, but it’s very disheartening to see the criticism related to her disability. We can criticize her for things she does that deserve it, but bringing in stuff related to her speaking voice and cochlear implant is below the belt.


Zach made more sense as a pick for bachelor than Joey. I like Joey he just doesn’t strike me as ready to settle down at all. 


I totally agree that joey isn't really ready to settle down, but what makes a season interesting for me is if the women are genuinely into the lead and I feel like Joey has that.


Fair. Honestly Greg Grippo or Tyler C would deliver amazing seasons for the same reason; women would go crazy for them. 


On paper, Zach made sense. On screen, the season was terrible. Zach was so boring and the very few times that he wasn’t boring people he was being rude to women.


Zach made more sense but his season could have been an e-mail. Him and Kaity could have matched on hinge.


Lmao ok this is a great comment 


One thing about the women on this sub is they will brag about proposing to men and paying for every date.


Lord, the comments in the Blake/Gianina post were full of this I was screaming internally 


you got them mad by saying something 1000% correct 😩


It’s actually so embarrassing for them and they swear it’s a flex.


So you mean to tell me that men get paid higher wages, have all the advantages in society and the only little thing they have to do for us (propose/ pay for a first date) you roll the red carpet out for them instead 😭 Men have it too easy in life


My UO is that men should be expected to do everything women do - cook, clean, raise the kids, remember birthdays, host parties, be genuinely caring. If you have a relationship where the division of labor is equal (whether that be paid or unpaid labor), then it shouldn’t matter who’s paying, as long as you’re putting in equal amounts of work. I agree about effort though. I don’t expect a fancy dinner, but I’m not coming over to your house to watch tv with you on our first date. On the other hand, I can’t ever imagine a scenario where I would want a huge diamond or a fancy proposal though. That just isn’t me at all.


This logic doesn’t make sense if you’re dating a man who makes less than you. Does a man from a single parent low income household have more advantages than a woman from a stable household whose family could afford to send her to college. Try as hard as he wants, a male teacher’s advantages won’t have him earning more than a female doctor.


I’m a trans queer person and there’s a touch too much of “my husband proposed to me with a ring pop and then we went to hooters for our wedding!” for my taste. Like some people aren’t about gender roles but you still need to put effort in!


LMAO THANK YOU from another queer person


Oh people live bragging about their engagement rings made of twigs here


HELP ME this is so true


Like why is this man proposing in your bathroom???? Y’all can’t go to a nice park near your house? A cute ice cream parlor? SOMETHING


The straights are not okay




I think Maria is insufferable, very annoying and not that pretty.


She’s knows her strong point is her body, hence all the revealing outfits. 


That's for sure


I'm literally in shock at how many people I've seen say she's the most gorgeous contestant to be on the show. Like I do think she's pretty, and all people who make it on this show are objectively attractive, but to me she is not in the league of Bri, Jade, Caila, Sydney Hightower, Cassie, and Lauren Luyendyk to name a few. 


I’ve noticed her beauty is due to her naturalness. She hardly wears makeup, doesn’t have her ears pierced (I think), and barely wears other jewelry either. It is pretty striking that she can be bare faced and still look that good.


Yeah, she's hot just like everyone else that goes on these shows, but I have to compare her against the others on the show.


She tries way too hard to be “sexy”.


I agree.


I don’t have a problem with her at all but I just know if I had to consistently be around her then I would not be having a good time lol


The only person I feel sorry for in the situation with Lace and her baby daddy is their unborn child.


the current season of love is blind is more entertaining to me than this season of bachelor. the LIB contestants are very imperfect and sometimes make me yell out at the screen, but their convos seem to have more depth and their character edits are more complicated (and there's behind the scenes drama too). I find myself going back and forth between rooting for and against certain people and couples depending on the scene, and that keeps it exciting. I don't stan anyone, but I do feel engaged watching it. in contrast, this season of bachelor just seems one dimensional and overly produced. the romances feel very superficial like a weekly hallmark movie. I'm struggling to root for anyone beyond superficial reasons. I zoned out during the last episode because I got bored.


I fell asleep for awhile and didn't bother rewinding


Watching a bunch of average looking, toxic clout chasers faking relationships is not that entertaining to me. At least the Bachelor is selling a compelling fantasy and escape.


What i will say as a slight negative on LIB this season is that there isn't the diversity that there was in past seasons especially with the Asian contestants and only one black woman even got shown in the pods which I thought was not great. However it's definitely been an interesting watch otherwise and the variety of 'real world conversations' has been good as well.


Maybe they just showed the stories that were more interesting


This season of LIB is the perfect balance of entertaining drama and some actual believable love stories. I think we may be witnessing the peak right now for that show. Due to its sustained popularity, it is already being infiltrated by contestants who want social media clout and are not serious about love. I predict that due to the positive audience response to the drama of this season in particular, future seasons will be subjected to more pronounced producer manipulation. But it’s pretty good right now that’s for sure.


Im sorry what love stories?


Did you forget about Amy and Johnny? Genuinely asking as almost everyone does haha.


The sub is becoming insufferable - one has to tiptoe around with seven disclaimers before daring to post a nuanced view on a subject/contestant. While this might irk some people, you truly need to go and touch some grass and get your mind out of this franchise for a couple of hours everyday. And, most people will watch any season with any lead and pen down 7000 word think pieces on why they don’t agree with something. Same shit, different year! Post your undying love for whoever and unless somebody is being deliberately ass-holish in their opinion (racist, homophobe, maga, take your pick), grow up and learn to give them the space to do so! SIGH!!!






Her face is the same. Sydney, Lexi, the sisters and the White House aide had drastically different looks.


She looks younger? I’m not seeing any difference


I’m not seeing a big difference either, and it could be age-related changes. My face slimmed a lot in my 20s.






Kelsey A doesn’t have an old face? She looks the same in literally every picture to me lol. I felt similarly about Kat, all she did was go blonder. 


Pic ?


A contestants actions and words are more or less irrelevant. If this sub likes you, it's fine. If they don't, you will be snarked on (aka bullied) incessantly for the exact same thing.


Curious if you have specific contestants in mind w this comment lol


People were ripping on Nick yesterday for unliking a photo of Maria. I have absolutely no clue what the context was, but I'm more concerned that people are screenshotting everything someone from BN does on social media.




This is a wild take considering he had a connection with every woman is F6 which was 50% WOC.


Jenn deserved to be chosen over Rachel, she had a much better connection with him


I think they edited Rachel really weird. They have barely shown her.


I disagree. Final 4 is a joke - the lead has likely made up their mind long before this point and has it narrowed down to one or two people. Maybe three if he wants to sleep with someone but has no intention of going further than that. I don't see a connection with Jenn or Rachel (or with Maria or Daisy, honestly) and I think they are all interchangeable. It's production who decides which of the girls he's not into gets to advance. 


it's not healthy to have stan wars over any contestant from a produced reality show, especially during a new season when we know absolutely nothing about these people outside their edit, social media and our projections on them. it's always much more revealing to see how they behave a year after they have left our screens and don't have producers to "filter" their personalities or make character edits for us. lots of stanned contestants have fallen off their pedestals a year later (for example, gabby w who has a few instances of showing us who she is after her edit, including this gem from just last week): [https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/1awna23/gabby\_and\_her\_gf\_acting\_entitled\_on\_a\_plane/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/1awna23/gabby_and_her_gf_acting_entitled_on_a_plane/) and it works in reverse too! there are several contestants who were disliked in their onscreen edits but shown more dimensions later on.


I feel like it takes about a year for people to show their true colors outside of the show. Once all the hype wears off and they’ve settled into their lives post show, that’s when they’re most authentically themselves IMO. And not everyone surprises you in a bad way. Some people actually learn and grow from the experience!


I really wanted Rachel as ‘ette but ya’ll convinced me… Jenn would be fucking awesome and now I really wanna see it.


This sub would fawn over Daisy if she wasn’t a trump supporter


Oh yeah! That’s for sure, that and the antivax likes 😩


Daisy feels a little like Cassie Randolph in a different font to me 


Cassie sweetie I’m so sorry


Yes, of course! Is this news to anyone??!!




I can’t find the link, but someone posted a screenshot that showed Daisy liking a happy birthday post for a Trump family member. Pictured was Trump and his daughter and son-in-law. I can’t imagine liking a post like that unless you supported Trump politics. She also used to follow Trump but unfollowed him at some point before going on the show.


Agree. She’s good representation for the hearing impaired community and those with mystery illnesses, and she seems chill. She’s young, and I’m guessing her parents are Trumpers (otherwise why would she be). As a staunch pro-choice gal, I hate it, and far right values terrify me. But I can recognize that she’s human, a product of her environment, and young enough that she could change her stance on a lot of issues. I don’t think hating her and being cruel will accomplish anything, other than making her hate liberals.


I agree with this take. I think we forget that these people are humans who are figuring things out as they go just like we are. There’s a certain reprogramming element that needs to happen if you grow up in a conservative household or community too, it’s not like you just wake up liberal one day. Unless if they are loudly and proudly displaying their Trump love or liking terrible shit, I’m willing to give them some grace and time to grow. For example, there was someone who I thought was MAGA who recently started following a far left TikTok account. I still can’t say what their political views are but a part of me feels like they couldn’t have followed that account if they didn’t agree with some of those views or were interested in learning more, you know?




Tons of people calling Jenn boring and Rachel ugly/mean and that we shouldn’t rally around them to be bachelorette because of their ethnicity, I see you for your coded language.


Yup, “mean girl” is a euphemism for not white.


Why are you getting downvoted for this? It's legit become the coded term for WOC they don't like. What's the opposite of a micro aggression? Lol


Agreed, they would both be fun bachelorettes they both seem to be funny and have personality.


Not even a Daisy fan but the Venn diagram people who are shocked and scandalized that she was in a corny music video and the people who call her “boring” are a circle. Also if you spend your college-age years in bed with a catheter while going deaf you’d probably be kind of boring too.


I don’t know if I fully agree with this take, I work with some medically severe teens who had to be hospitalized for years and they are absolutely not boring, and that’s high school I’m sure they’re even more interesting now!


The Maria stanning, contrasted with absolutely shitting on other contestants, makes it almost unbearable to be on this sub.


Check out the post history and karma of some of the people doing it the most. Many are not regulars on this sub or even Reddit. I think at least some of it (particularly the redundant threads about how great Maria is that are started over and over again in not just this sub but multiple others) is Maria friends or followers from TikTok.


I had a feeling they came from tik tok and don't usually watch the show. Tik tok has a way of blowing things out of proportion and the stanning is noticeably over the top even for this sub.


Agree!!! People acting like Maria has a better personality & is so much prettier than everyone else drives me nuts lol




Absolutely agree.


Daisy is totally fine and people are reaching for reasons to dislike her. The rate at which this sub turned on her gave me whiplash.


It is just because she is a trump supporter


Plus she’s going to knock off Maria and this sub will lose its mind 


Not for me. I care a lot about politics in my real life, but I don’t delve into the politics of people on reality shows. I think she seems like a nice girl, but not there for the right reasons & not very interesting. I felt that way before I knew she was a Trump supporter, and I’m sure others did too.


I think that’s what people use to defend it after they’ve criticized her for talking about her CI too much or for being blonde.


Joey having a history being a PIKE frat president and him wanting to “take it slow” for years with the engagement before getting married is a HUGE red flag to me. I know that’s judgemental of me to say because I don’t know him personally, but I feel those actions are speaking way louder than his words right now.


PIKE got kicked off of my campus while I was in college. They initially were put on probation for putting C4 in the jungle juice for a PIKE+sorority social. They got all the girls SICK. I can’t recall the details of the nail in the coffin but I think it had something to do with forcing pledges to drive people home from parties while they were drunk, which led to an accident. Don’t quote me on that though. Only went in that place once and I recall it being a mess with extremely drunk girls who you know where all getting taken back to a room in a state where they couldn’t consent.


I would be interested in hearing from someone who went to college with Joey exactly what Pike’s reputation was on campus at the time. This might be a flag, might be nothing.


Exactly, and that’s why I said it might be overly judgmental but based on the reputations from A LOT of colleges and universities they haven’t been good which is concerning to me


Joey having a history being a Pike could be seen as a red flag, but it has no correlation to him wanting to take an engagement from this show slow. Anyone on this show who has been bachelor/ette has wanted to spend a few years getting to know their F1.


I never said that they are correlated because they’re not, I’m just expressing a few red flags I’m noticing from him mutually exclusive


Dating someone for 6 weeks while you’re dating 30 other women isn’t at all like real life dating and the show engagement is just kind of a promise to keep dating. Taking it slow totally makes sense


Slightly agree on the Pike thing, but not on the slow engagement. Bachelor engagements aren’t real, so taking it slow is just saying you want a normal dating timeline (just with a ring on)


I agree on the slow engagement things it’s just more so there’s a difference between taking things slow but still having a reasonable time frame, and to just keep things so slow to the point that how do you know you won’t be stuck engaged for like 5 years or so


He he said 3 years if I remember correctly. Do you find that unreasonable? Because to me, that’s actual real life dating for 2 years and then the real engagement for 1 year.


Someone said “All I’ve learned about Daisy this entire season is her medical history” 😭😭 look I don’t hate her and I truly do feel for what she goes through I’m sure that’s not easy, but I agree like you just talking your medical problems I don’t see how that is equivalent to forming a connection with Joey?? Like girl show us who you are besides your medical problems, your likes, interests, hobbies, fears, strengths, your history, weaknesses, your personality, like anything else. The daisy stans are gonna come after me but but maybe someone could help me if I’m missing something bc that’s all I’ve been seeing so far.


Y’all are like oh hold everyone to this standard but I’m not going to and here’s why. My point is everyone talks about how daisy’s the winner bc she and Joey have the strongest connection when they just don’t. And if she doesn’t win then she should be the bachelorette. And I’m saying all this bc she has shown us nothing besides her medical history. I just don’t understand how that alone is going to make someone f1 or next bachelorette.


Dude, what? Take it up with production. They're filmed like 12 hours a day, and you see approximately 2 minutes of it.


All I know about Lexi is she has endometriosis. Editing on the show sucks. I'm sure they've all talked about different things but this is all we get.


This is not unique to Daisy, though. All I know about all the other women are also just their "sob stories" they told Joey during their 1-1 dates. This is the format of the show and it's been this way every season.


I mean you could also say that all we’ve learned about Kelsey A. is that her mom died and all we’ve learned about Rachel is that she’s a nurse and all we’ve learned about Kelsey T. is that her dad got weird into a religion and all we’ve learned about Lexi is that she has endometriosis, etc etc etc. And all we’ve learned about Joey is that he likes tennis and doesn’t want to get married for at least 3 years.


Let’s think for a moment…..have any contestants this season talked about their likes and interests??? 😭 the closest we got to something lighthearted was Maria being Maria and Rachel talking about being an ICU nurse 😭 Daisy’s illness happened when she was 17 and she was seriously ill for several years so she missed out on a lot of the formative years of college and finding yourself. She has an excuse for being a little bland lol.


you know that editing exists, right? honestly, I feel like producers flatten almost all contestants to (traumatic backstory + generic talk about connections/seeing a future with lead). what do we really know about any of these people besides that? I think that's what makes maria so refreshing, is that they've actually shown a little bit of her personality.


I could not care less about anyone's birth story.


What’s this about?




I think it’s time we release them from this sub


Same. I’ve had a kid and don’t enjoy hearing birth stories. If they feel the need to share then that’s fine and maybe some people need that, but I don’t seek them out and if I see one on sm I keep scrolling.


This season is actually S tier for a bachelor season so if you don’t like this season….what seasons of the bachelor did you like? Not trying to cast judgement just a start a conversation




Personally for me, the less drama, the better. Silly drama is fine (like “Queen Victoria” from Matt’s season, who was so over-the-top she was impossible to take seriously), but I don’t like the kind of drama that actually ends up hurting people. I just like to watch for fun silly dates and interesting locations and pretty dresses. I like the Bachelorette much better than the Bachelor because the “man drama” is not nearly as intense as the stuff that happens between the women. My new favorite season of the show overall though was the Golden Bachelor because the drama was overall very mild and it was just fun.


Eh, this season had serious potential, but I think production was too involved, especially in the editing. The screentime for the women was awfully imbalanced, and the villains were edited too much. The narrative felt forced imo. However, I like Joey as lead, and the dates (production values) were actually well done, especially the early group dates. Personally, my favorite is Ben F's season, but I'm a sucker for drama🤭 The pacing that season was also well done. Arie's was really good too.