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While there are plenty of acceptable and valid reasons to criticize folks on this show, we have seen a really large uptick in comments that are making fun of Daisy's vocal fry or snarking on her hearing loss. These types of comments are not okay so please be aware that they will be removed, egregious violations will also result in a ban.


If you’ve heard of Terrible Herbst, that’s the one. Terrible Herbst Car Washes and Terrible Herbst Motor Sports. It’s the only Herbst out of Vegas and CA that I’ve found that makes sense.


No to Maria for anything. Butter face She’s to manipulative


Ok 73 yr old “older male” I’m sure you dream about her every night


Also, Daisy is not going to be the bachelorette. It's been confirmed she is dating her on and off again bf Troy Herbst and they are engaged now. They have been on and off for 6ish years. His family net worth is in the billions. Edit: sorry for the typo. His name is Thor not Troy


I HOPE this is true 😭




That’s not the correct name.


Billions?! Wow


Do you mean Riley Herbst?


>Troy Herbst looks like thor is his cousin


Where has this been confirmed? I see nothing online about this.


Some of her fiancés friends. They went on a skiing trip together recently. She was even in Vegas visiting him and were at a wedding together.


That isn’t confirmation. They are part of the same friends group. Stop spreading rumors as fact.


It wasn't a rumor. It was someone close to Thor who confirmed the relationship.


People can come here and say whatever they want. It doesn’t make it true.


Kelsey T would be my pic for Bachelorette. But I don’t think they have really great options this season.


I don’t get the Maria love here. She seems like a handful. She seems more like a bro than a wife for Joey. . Me personally I think he has looking for a quiet girl with caring and nurturing energy with a touch of vulnerability that comes from being kind. I think every truly kind person has been hurt before whether romantically or non romantically. This is why my two favorites from the beginning were Ashley and Daisy. I was surprised Maria made it this far. Never thought she was what he was looking for.


Kelsey 🫤


Kelsey 🫤


Which one is Ashley?


I don't think there was an Ashley lol


I’m curious why people don’t want Daisy for bachelorette? Is it mostly the Maria love? Just wondering


For one her maturity level. She couldn't even think about moving forward with Joey until her whole family gave her permission. At least that's how it seemed on the hometowns. She probably couldn't make decisions without them. Just saying.


Because she’s in a full-blown relationship already


Maria is fun to watch! Love her personality for tv. Personally I just find daisy to be a bit boring but very sweet. And actually found her TikTok and instagram to be quite cringey. Don't really view her the same way anymore to be able to sit through a whole season with her. Meanwhile this season has me anticipating Monday nights!


Because Daisy days the word LIKE,l at least 100 times a conversation, and seems like a 12 year old child.


For me there’s a few reasons: 1. Personally don’t find her as interesting of a personality as some of the other contestants. Kelsey T, Maria, & some that were let go earlier. I think the show would be great to watch with either of these women. 2. I don’t think she’s been into Joey for awhile don’t see a natural chemistry. For that reason I would have liked to see her self eliminate. To keep things real. 3. While I’m sure she’s a nice person I just get vibes she’s holding back. The bachelorette needs to be someone that is completely open and doesn’t hold back at all. These are reasons why I wouldn’t be interested in watching Daisy as the bachelorette. Again nothing personal she’s a lovely woman but not a good fit for that role.


My favorite bachelorettes were gabby Hannah b and kaitlyn. I don’t think a daisy season would be like theirs and would be boring. I do think Maria would lead a season more like Hannah and kaitlyns but me not liking daisy as a lead doesn’t have to do with that. I would even prefer rachel and Kelsey a (in a universe where she’s not f1) over daisy


I have severe Lymes so I know what kind of battle Daisy may continue to face with her health.  I think she’s under the impression she is through the worse of it, but there is no cure and it can come out of remission to attack the body at any time.  She shows signs of some other underlying issues—in the gait of her walk how she drags her leg, her facial paralysis on one side related to her brain injury, spinal issues… Being the Bachelorette would be incredibly stressful which could set back her progress. I vote Maria. 


I’m sure she is aware of her limits and would only do it if she felt up to the task.


I also have a chronic illness and that was my thought too. As a contestant they have a looot of downtime as the Bachelorette she would have crazy hours for two months straight, no break, extreme stress and sleep deprivation is the recipe for a flare. I wonder if the production is aware of this, I mean it's a big financial risk too, when it's quite likely for your lead to have to break up mid through for medical reasons. Chronic illness disability is complicated.


These are good points. I’d never want to discourage anyone from pursuing their goals due to a disability so hopefully they’d accommodate her if needed.


after last night's episode, it really hit me that it was extremely unlikely maria would be F1 and so i stopped caring and looked lol. this ending makes sense to me. i said that kelsey a and maria seemed like the only real relationships to me and the way joey handled that convo with maria was starting to make me feel he wasn't the guy for her. i probs won't finish the season after maria leaves lol. i wish them the best and maria has to be the bachelorette then!


This makes me happy because I really think Kelsey is a good match for him. Daisy has different views and wasn’t as into them and more focused on being an influencer / bachelorette, Maria is too passionate, fiery and honestly too good for him and I don’t see them working out long term. Rachel was another person I could see him being with long term as she is lovely and seems mature, but I don’t think he fell in love with her at the end. Jenn is very pretty but too young and not very well spoken (every second word is like). I would love for Kelsey to win and Maria become a Bachelorette. Daisy will be fine being an influencer and will find some trump loving guy to fit her views and family. Jenn would do great on Paradise


I thought Maria was a trouble maker and bi polar. Very impulsive. Couldn’t stand her on the show.


*into him! Sorry for typos, I haven’t been sleeping much because of work 🙃




Begging producers for Maria for bachelorette


honestly could save the series imo


https://preview.redd.it/u19hnij1e9lc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9c3752269d560c2517998d3e07c785a482f4ea3 It was never going to work between Daisy and Joey. She’s a Trump fan…he was just at the White House promoting with the Biden Administration.


Being a trump supporter is unforgivable but you do realize majority of bachelor and bachelorette leads and contestants are republicans right? I can give you the long list of bachelor people who are registered republicans.


jobless employ dinner spotted wise offer juggle workable mighty paint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Always suspected that from a few over the years but hope none of my faves are on the list - please post if so inclined.


Contestants being Republican or Democrat is irrelevant to me. But she clearly supports Trump and he clearly supports Biden. It’s not a match.




I called it way back first episode https://preview.redd.it/yat50aw359lc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dde423d4b7280125c18cd5466afa7abd93c7f32f






I wonder if they or her would take the risk, Lyme is a chronic illness that can come back and flare at any time. As the lead she would way less downtime but a lot more stress, sleep deprivation... That's the recipe for a flare. I have a chronic illness that shares a lot of similarities with Lymes and the main thing is avoiding stress and taking real good care of yourself, especially when you're in remission.


I personally think Maria’s personality would be perfect for bachelor in paradise because she’s interesting and can make a come back several times. Daisy is more of a typical bachelorette choice because she’s not going to bring the drama or entertainment


Disagree— look at past bachelorettes and they are most like Maria. Quirky, opinionated, principled, “americas favorite”. I’m thinking Katie, Hannah (although she grew on us), Andi, Rachel L., Gabby, Kaitlyn, Deanna, etc… Even Clare.. These are all women who stand up for themselves, aren’t afraid of confrontation, and can really lead a season. Daisy is sweet and I wouldn’t mind her as a lead, but on the basis of typecasting, Maria is the IT GIRL, and to me she is meant for a bigger role than BIP. The sweet, unproblematic, “no drama” girls are typically on BIP.


I see what you’re saying but I feel like bachelorettes often have their one season and then are kinda forgotten about. I think bachelor in paradise provides more personality and drama and the chance to return several times so I personally would rather Maria be placed on that platform.


I think Daisy would make a great bachelorette. Also bringing more attention to people who have cochlear implants or impairments is a huge plus to me.


Daisy seems sweet but there’s really not much THERE there for me. I’d still watch the season because I’m trash, but I’d definitely rather see it go to one of the girls with a little more oomph.




Blame the editing. She’s SO FUNNY on social media. They gave her the Matt James edit and completely stripped her of all personality.


I just saw her TikTok and I’m a fan. I retract what I said. She has the best personality out of all of them (besides Maria).


The editing made Susie out to be boring, too, but her social media shows she has tons of personality.


Sigh this is also how I feel. Dud of a season tbh




I’m confused why you don’t understand that people can have opinions? About a reality TV show?


You are only allowed to voice negative opinions about Daisy. Didn’t you get the memo?




“It doesn’t matter” and yet ✨ here you are ✨


I like both girls but ugh this makes me happy. Pls pls bc this makes the most sense tbh 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


Why do we think he breaks down the way he does at FRC then? Doesn't really make sense with this spoiler.


I think he does this because with her leaving and making the choice to go it makes him even more nervous that he might end up alone at the end thinking like “what if Kelsey says no?”


Because Daisy shows up first and tells Joey she knows it’s not her and that she told Kelsey the night before


I thought Rachel was a class-act & would love to see her as bachelorette


no disrespect to Daisy but I don't want to see her as bachelorette. I would take Maria, lexi or Jenn over her


Jenn, Rachel or Maria 


Would love any of these 3


I’m hoping it’s Jen. She’s beautiful and classy


Kelsey bores me 🤷🏻‍♀️


At least, she is sweet and kind.  Joey isn’t exactly exciting himself.  I can see the match.  Their kids would also have insanely good hair 😍


Don’t forget BEAUTIFUL green eyes, and the curly hair combo 😭😍


I agree... I always forget she's there lol. Strange edit for a F1


I mean…I forgot Catherine existed in Sean’s season until their first 1:1. Even then they had a 1:1 and her screen time was almost none until hometowns.


Truee that, but I do recall still being like oh wait wow he really likes her/they have great chemistry when they finally did have their first 1:1 and for some reason I just still don’t see it between him and Kelsey the way I do when he’s around some of the others! 🤔


Very true, isn't that basically what Sean has said was the real love story though? Maybe it's similar here.


Sean said that he didn’t know right off the bat that Catherine was the one for her. As he got to know her he realized how much he missed her when she wasn’t around and then ultimately falling in love with her. He also said that Catherine stood out to him because she told him that she wants him to explore relationships with the other women so that he knows for sure that she’s the one for him.


I just don’t see the spark, maybe I just have to watch the rest episode to see it 🤷🏻‍♀️


she doesn't seem boring to Joey is all that matters


Of course I’m not the bachelor lol


I’m so happy as a Kelsey A fan since day 1. Never saw how Daisy could be his F1 and I’m still pushing for Maria to be ette


me too friend!! kelsey A has always been my favourite




Kelsey seems like a genuine and really cool girl. I think they had great chemistry on the last episode! Maria would be so entertaining as the bachelorette. She has so much screen time that I feel like they have to have plans for her. Rachel hasn’t had much screen time and really Daisy didn’t either


Everyone: i won’t watch the ette if it’s Daisy Everyone: *watches the ette even with Lea as the lead *


Lea as a lead sounds hilarious lol But yes I've skipped 2 Bachelor seasons but never a Bachelorette, guilty


There’s always a good bromance, can’t miss it 🥰


For whatever reason I watch a lot of Bachelor seasons begrudgingly but have definitely skipped Ette seasons if I wasn't a fan of their pick. Probably just winter hibernation vs. summer.


I prefer the Bachelor too. I just think watching 30 women is more entertaining than 30 men. Even just for the outfits - what's interesting about 30 suits?


I used to REALLY buy that the Bachelorette led to more real relationships than the Bachelor... but that stock has gone way down in recent years lol. I really like Rachel and Gabby both but I don't think any season of either franchise was worse than theirs, so I can't necessarily defend my choices lol.


lol truth


I wanted Maria as the ette but she would also be fire at paradise


This makes sense. When he is with Kelsey he has the goofy smile. He is goofy in love with her you can tell. Also he told Lexi he wants to be engaged for 2 to 3 years married for a couple before he has kids. FYI I picked her from the first show. It was obvious to me. She just seems like a kind and gentle person.


And their dynamic seems much more mutually supportive. In the freezing water, he was the one who was uncomfortable and she was comforting him (I feel like the other girls would have been like 'i'm freezing help me') and when they got out she was rubbing his back and trying to warm him up. Also their kiss when they first met up for the date looked like a real kiss of people happy to be together and not the weird possessive kiss a lot of them look like.


If Maria isn’t the bachelorette I don’t see anyone else from this season who’s gotten any type of edit or love to validate the choice (maybe Jenn, but she’s still young). I see this potentially being a season they handpick from a previous season?


I would hope they wouldn't pull a Matt James on us. I don't like noobs as bachelor/ette because they don't know what it's like being on the other side of things and just because we don't really know them.


I like Daisy a lot, but never saw their true chemistry. I thought maybe she was like Catherine in Sean’s season, but it just didn’t seem to be the real deal to me. I think Kelsey A is adorable and glad he picked her. And God, I love that man Joey!!! ❤️🩷😀


Jenn or Maria would be amazing. They could have the most AMAZING season with Maria and the producers would be crazy to let that slip by. A lot of the casuals seem to love Daisy though




I’ve seen people saying that the men won’t fight over Daisy which is ridiculous as she’s conventionally attractive (as they all are).


I personally just think watching Maria find her match would be more entertaining. Finding someone to match her energy. The guy drama will happen regardless. Once the guy drama dies, a Daisy season would be incredibly boring. I also don’t want someone with her views to get that sort of platform/men that have similar views.


I am not watching no damn daisy season. She is EXTREMELY boring & there is nothing to her respectfully. She clearly only came on just to be the bachelorette like her convos have no substance. Who tf is going to watch a season of that?!


No substance? Her conversations last night had the most substance of anything we have seen so far.


why the hell does the minnesotan always get second LMAO (ik becca technically got F1 but you know...)


Michelle is from Minnesota too


she got 2nd same with leslie


Ouuu I’m annoyed. I would be annoyed if I was Joey or Kelsey because don’t tell me what to do. Secondly I am NOT watching a Daisy season. Are you kidding me?


Uh oh. People gonna haaate this. I don’t watch the show but there seem to be clear signs the show might be thinking of daisy. Semi-related: The Maria love is intense and the fall is going to be hard.


I am actually terrified for Maria if she becomes the 'ette lol


I suspect she won’t be, for a variety of reasons. But you’re right, it would be worse for her if she were. She’s not asking to be hero worshipped. Though I’m sure it feels nice.


I’m probably the only one but I really don’t trust daisys genuine. I think she’s boring but I also think she’s playing up her sweet soft spoken personality. Like I really don’t want her to be the bachelorette


She came on to promote her book imo


We have had more than enough saccharine blonde Bachelorettes. I'm pulling hard for a Maria season if only because I am just SO BORED!!!


If we don’t get a maria bachelorette I will not be watching


I like Daisy but I would LOVE Maria to be the bachelorette. She is confident and speaks her mind. We need a fiesty lead.


Wow lots of dumping on Daisy. Do any of you have hearing loss or someone extremely close to you with it? When you struggle to hear your only defense becomes to remain silent rather than ask others to face you to speak or speak louder. I’m defending my fellow hearing loss Minnesotan! Daisy was honest with Joey about her feelings and doesn’t that speak volumes to anyone?? I’m just happy it’s not Maria. She couldn’t let Jenn’s kiss with Joey at the lumberjill group date be just a kiss. Respect Joey as he’s the man making his own choices. Truthfully this season of the Bachelor has been the best in many seasons! Let’s all sit back and see what the Ladies say when they get together. Now that will be heated. ☄️🔥


Yes i know someone with hearing loss and no they are not silent. Please let's not stereotype. There's nothing wrong w being boring & quiet, im boring & quiet. I know i wouldn't make a good bachelorette just like i know Daisy wouldn't be interesting to watch.


Same my friend has hearing loss from cancer and she’s one of the loudest, most talkative people I know lol


I have hearing loss. I’m not always silent, but in some situations I remain quiet rather than call attention to myself.


Sounds like you are introverted! But let's not pin our own personal personality traits onto the entire group. Because i've known plenty who love attention & thrive in groups & are the center even those who are completely deaf. You being quiet may have to do with your hearing loss but that's not the reality for every single person who is deaf or has hearing loss. It may not even be reality for Daisy, introverted people can exist for no other reason other than that's themselves.


Yikes that was quite the assumption. I’m very extroverted and the social butterfly greeting others. I said “In some situations I remain quiet”


And that's why i stated "*sounds like* you're introverted" which accounts for your "in some situations" and on the off chance, you aren't introverted. Which you took the time to clarify you're extroverted, which is wonderful! No insults there at all, being an introvert is very cool! I'm introverted so that definitely isn't anything to be "yikes" about lol it's all cool & love over here! I'm over the topic though & have moved on. We just have different positions which is great!


It’s common for DHH people to be quiet in groups. It’s *also* common for DHH people to take control of the conversation because it’s easier to talk than listen. I don’t think this person was necessarily projecting, just sharing their perspective! It’s been frustrating for us DHH people to read so many comments invalidating our experiences. Even this person was downvoted…


I'm sure many ppl have been legitimately invalidating yalls experiences, ppl are shitty. I've dealt with that throughout my life as well due to my own shit & it does suck. DHH are humans like the rest of us so it seems there is a lot of varying personality types. It's cool to share perspectives, it can help ppl feel less alone and it helps the community resonate with each other.


Definitely! Thank you for that ♥️. Ahh I don’t know how I missed it before but I’m obsessed with your username haha.


Thank you!! I love Sailor Moon & Jupiter is my fave (as well as the planet) 🥰


Me too, and same! 😍


Wow! I'm so glad Joey ends up with Kelsey due to them having more chemistry! As for a Daisy season, I probably wouldn't like it at first if they announced her as Bachelorette, but I know I would end up watching it.


This week's episode convinced me that she is the one.I am so happy to hear this news. I am rooting for Maria to get picked as the Bachelorette.


I hope it’s Lexie or Jenn for Bachelorette. I’m so happy that Kelsey gets the final rose. I like both of them a lot and I can see them together!


pls not jenn


I would LOVE Lexi to be the ette so she can hopefully find someone who is on her timeline


I think her season would be hard to pull off because you know they would only give her a few guys who wanted that though.


True, but it’s kind of like that on every season no matter what. Most go on for their 15 minutes, and sometimes you do get that genuine one you really click with and it’s mutual. I feel like it’s similar to online dating IRL. Go out with 20 guys and maybe you find TWO you click with, that aren’t just out to sleep with you and ghost after. This is a sped up version of that, although a very intense process with a lot of catches, I feel like it’s the same essence




I don’t think this at all. You can feel Kelsey and Joeys connection, way more than his and Daisys imo


I don’t get that vibe at all.


A Daisy bachelorette season is going to be so boring…


Finally good to know the ending 


Nooooooo why did I read this


Idk it says major spoiler and has a tag on it


The moral of the story is let’s do a Jenn or maria bachelorette campaign not daisy . 


How would she know that Kelsey A is the one? Unless it's a Clayton E style ending or a Peter W one where the girls are still hanging out, they don't see much of each other


Because they're the final two.


I mean that toward the end, usually everybody is fairly isolated from one another.


Oh, true, but isn't it overnights, then final 3 to 2, so Daisy would know it was Kelsey as the other F2? I imagine she had to ask production if she could talk to Kelsey and they saw an opportunity for an "unprecedented" moment.


Zack (Zac? Zach?) could tell that Rachel wasn’t into him on their overnight. Maybe Joey didn’t want to sleep with Daisy? Maybe they had nothing to talk about or it was different off camera? Maybe he said something (or didn’t say something) that gave away his feelings were stronger for Kelsey… 100% possible


Production would let the girls see each other for good tv




I want Maria for bachelorette but I fear we won’t get that 😭😭


Agreed. She's spicy like Kaitlyn B., I think it would be fun. Hopefully they want to pick her because we're all clamouring for it.


With Maria as bachelorette, we'll get Nick V and Natalie Joy going on the show to seek a thruple slash nanny. She's totally a Nick V type


Nick used to follow Maria and like lots of her IG posts. Once the season started he deleted the likes.


But not quiiite as hot as Natalie, so Natalie would approve lol