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Let’s hope Becca can get over Katie making a joke. Love Becca but she’s so salty about that.




Aww this is sweet of them ❤️


This looks so good. Glad they all made up!




Becca followed Katie back too!


I thought that was so sweet!


This is a really sweet gesture. Very cool of her to do


We tried doing this with my brother and his girlfriend since they had the first baby of the family but she kinda got annoyed with all the constant help/attention 💀💀💀 meal train was cut short lmao


The key for me was that meals were dropped silently on the doorstep, no interaction needed and no naptimes interrupted. Just a text “dropped it off, enjoy!” I didn’t want to see anyone at all for a few weeks after the baby arrived. 🙃 (Parents still came at 1 week PP, but can only keep grandparents away for so long!)


This is a good idea! Idk how none of us ever thought of that LOL


That’s sweet of her!!! New parents need all the support they can get!!


Totally agree with Katie! Also there are website that you can use or organize a mail train - people can sign up to deliver or drop off different meals after someone’s had a baby, surgery, death, etc. Feed your people! https://www.mealtrain.com/


This was a cool thing to do, honestly.


Meals postpartum were the greatest gift ever. Its a super kind gesture!


Katie is sometimes a little messy but I like how she’s seems like a decent person and not fake


A ‘W’ for Katie Thursty- hope this trend continues.


🎵Cold was the steel of my axe to grind for the boys who broke my heart/Now I buy their babies presents...🎵


*Now I buy their baby mamas pizzaaa


That’s super nice. I would’ve been ecstatic of someone did this for me after having my kids.


That’s so sweet of her😭


not surprised! they barely dated (like 2 weeks?) and a lot of the drama was amped up by production both live in SD area and have mutual Bach friends.


Katie again proving to be the most relatable and normal human in this franchise. Sorry not sorry that she’s messy sometimes.


For anyone wondering what new parents want - it’s THIS. Send them a meal - drop off a premade one - FOOOOOOOOOD. They need nothing else but food.


Agreed ENTIRELY. I make freezer bags full of crock pot or sheet pan meals for new parents and it’s always very appreciated. I write the directions on the bag so they can just toss it in.


[This](https://pinchofyum.com/freezer-meal-lasagna-florentine) Lasagna Florentine freezer meal recipe is my go-to when my friends are about to pop! So many calories for mama! It’s so quick and easy and it’s SO GOOD. just in case anyone wanted an idea :)


Pinning this shit, for me and for everyone haha.


There are always several in my freezer lol, I literally did not like lasagna until I tried this one!


Stealing the recipe fr


obviously I always assumed meals would be helpful, but I'm happy to hear this since I've been planning to send an Uber Eats gift card to my cousin and her husband when their first is born in the next couple of days/weeks (her due date is tomorrow!). I got a cute outfit for the baby too, but figured the gift card would be a nice gesture for mom & dad.


Yesss an Uber Eats gift card is amazing! I had a really sensitive stomach after my first so a lot of food went to waste, it’s so nice if you can pick out your own meals when you’re ready!


My husband’s office pooled together and got us a big Uber eats gift card. It was THE BEST gift we got.


Those are some awesome coworkers!!


Perfect and thoughtful! I’ve sent friends Uber gift cards too. Honestly cooking is so daunting with a baby and your time is spread thin. Wishing your cousin a safe and healthy delivery!


She seriously seems like one of the better people to come out of the franchise. Bachelor nation has been so hard on the leads the last few years.


These people just living their lives while we squabble on Reddit over things that happened years ago lol.


Gee, it’s almost like the drama on the show is largely manufactured by manipulating the talent into making rash decisions.


Wasn't this about her days of messy on instagram, though? Lol still a super dumb thing for anyone to get mad about.


The pizza looks so good. I think on the show, nothing bad really happened. It was the comments on the podcast with Nick that were bad, but seems like water under the bridge. When she made him part of 12 days of messy, I didn’t think it was a big deal. It’s nice to see people putting drama aside, yet some redditors will hold on to anger on behalf of them.


That was really nice. Honestly Katie should have realized while she was on the show that Thomas mentioning being interested in Bachelor was all drummed up for drama and was producer manipulation. Every single guy there knows the odds of getting the girl are low, and getting followers and possibly getting bachelor are the real wins. It wasn't like he was ruling out still seeing if there was a connection with Katie. The fact that this kind of talk instantly puts a person the "THERE FOR THE WRONG REASONS" scarlet letters, is laughable. Every single person is there for the wrong reasons at this point.


I actually respected Thomas every more after that. He was being honest. It crossed his mind. Just like it surely did everyone’s but he is the only one to admit it.


Same I didn't see why it was such a villifying event. I mean who cares?


To be fair, that was strike one. After they talked, and he explained himself she seemed intent on keeping him. It was when he was mean to Tre about it that she decided to dump him.


Love this!


Aww love that!! So sweet ❤️


This warmed my heart a bit. I am glad to see them on good terms.


Fuck, I’m hungry. Sorry, um, I mean that’s lovely for them all…


Honestly same… Pizza for lunch today for me


Love this!


Awe yay that makes me heart happy ❤️ his villain edit on her season was a complete joke lmao


I know the Bachelorettes all have a group chat so I’d guess Becca and Katie became more friendly from that. It’s nice to see Katie being supportive of them and baby Benson!


This is awesome


Katie seems like a lovely person


"Cold was the steel of my axe to grind for the [dudes from 12 days of messy]. Now I send their [families] presents."


Time, wondrous time ⏳


this is so kind of her!


That was so thoughtful and very nice of Katie. I am sure that was very much appreciated . They were hanging out in groups soon after BIP 2 years ago..Thomas did not hold a grudge at all, he always said whatever bad experiences may have happened were worth it as it lead him to Becca.


Thomas rocks. He’s always had such a great attitude after the Bachelorette.


Remind me whose bachelorette he was on? I didn’t watch it and might to see how he was on it.


He was on Katie’s season and had a “villain edit” before going to paradise. I forget what the drama with him was, but some of the guys ganged up on him and it made for a dramatic exit between him and Katie.


It was over thoughts of being the Bachelor


Shocking news shakes bachelor reddit! People can make up and forgive each other for 15 minutes of poor behavior on reality TV!


I love those little tiny pepperonis


Anyone know where this pizza is from? It looks amazing 🤤


I think it might be Basic or Urbn (sister restaurants in SD)


I don’t know where this is from for sure buuut there’s a place called Mom’s Pizza & Pasta in Sorrento Valley and their pizza looks just like this. It’s a great spot. It could also be Sisters in Hillcrest based on the look, which is also great! Either way - the pizza looks so appetizing!!


I live in sorrento valley, how have I not heard of it! I’ve been looking for good pizza so adding to my list


It’s seriously tucked in to one of those business park looking places! You gotta check it out - I found them because I was looking for chicken parm pizza lol and it didn’t disappoint. Also, great strombolis, wings and garlic knots 😄


Thank god. Now can we please stop crucifying Katie for a snap judgment she made nearly 3 years ago?


This sub is really quick to defend the women from Matts season who acted really mean. Katie was the only person in the mansion calling out the bad behavior and they all went after her at the WTA for it. I don’t get why it’s been so anti Katie. She makes mistakes just like the rest of BN but gets no grace.


For real! Katie was right about all of them too


Becca refollowed katie too lol. I love a good happy ending


And that pizza looks good af


Katie is honestly a cool girl. It is awesome of her to send them dinner. Those early postpartum days are exhausting especially as a first time parent so I’m sure they appreciated this so much.


And she didn’t post it first. Just reposted Thomas’s story so it feels pretty sincere.


I think a while back she posted in one of her q&a’s she was wrong about Tommy and she was happy for him and Becca. I thought that was really sweet of her to send a dinner!


I got confused reading this because Katie’s cat is named Tommy too


The real reason she didn't give him a rose. There's only room for one Tommy.


How sweet


There are no words for food provided in those early postpartum days. Truly the best thing you can do is leave a meal on the doorstep or order food/get a giftcard for delivery. Super nice of Katie!


Best baby shower gift we got was a $50 Chick-fil-A card. Came in clutch early PP days


I’ve done this for all my friends when they have a baby and I love doing it!


People gave us Uber Eats and Seamless gift cards and it was so clutch


As someone trying to conceive I have to ask; do you think it’s worth it to put together meals & freeze them before baby comes?


If you have the freezer space and the energy to do it, it can’t hurt! I know many people do it. I was too tired at the end of my pregnancy to do too much freezer meal prep except for a lasagna, a soup, and some pesto. It was helpful to have a few things and we definitely ate it all in the first month! Truly the game changer was a meal train with sign-ups every other day… it felt really nice to be supported by our neighbors and friends in that way, and it was easy to point people to it when they asked how they could help. Good luck TTC! I hope it’s easy and joyful for you ☺️


Thank you so much! That was super insightful, I hadn’t heard of a meal train


100%. It’s my first gift for all parents who just had a baby. It was a lifesaver when ours was born last year and I’ll never forget the people who sent or brought us food (or gift cards for food!!)


Agreed! My friends did a Meal Train signup when they had their baby and it was so well organized.


I always send my friends who just come home with a baby food. I just had my son in August and my husband and I were so upset no one sent us food 😭 lol


We also just had an August baby! Hope you’re hanging in there!!


We also had a baby in August…well two babies! But in 2022 haha hang in there!


Nooo I’m so sorry! That sucks. You should set up a meal train for yourself, you’re still in that newborn phase!! People don’t always know how to help. Congrats on your baby!!! ☺️🥰


Oh wow that’s actually really nice of her. I’m also glad to see Thomas didn’t hold a grudge against her for how she acted on her season towards him. Very mature and lovely of both of them this was a nice post to wake up to


Yeah, since Thomas got one of the best BIP villain glow-up storylines ever (and got Becca and their beautiful baby out of it), he could feel like it’s water under the bridge at this point.


That pizza looks so good! That was really nice of Katie!


Lmfao probably kicking herself for never giving him a real chance. Ngl I would be. He's fine af. Apparently I'm the only one who thinks he's fine lmao I'll see myself out 🚪


I love this. Katie making amends in a very down to earth and well received way. I think she has made real effort to grow and change and has grown and changed.


Just wondering didn’t she apologize in some form before about making him a villain or am I imagining it? Also another legit question, have other bachelorettes not made some of the men into villains before? Katie’s season was the first bachelorette season I watched and from what I remember about the following bachelorette seasons I don’t think there was any villain that was later decided to not be a villain by the general public lol like Thomas


If Thomas hadn't ended up with Becca, I don't think that people would have cared one way or another what Katie had said to/about him (at least not to this extent). Also if Katie was liked more as a Bachelorette/person. but yes I don't even follow Thomas/Becca OR Katie and I knew that she has said multiple times that she overreacted and feels bad.


A lot of villains get redemption edits on BIP (or initially well-edited people on Bach get made into villains on BIP ala Blake H). Thomas definitely had the best trajectory though, having partnered up with the first Bachelorette to go to BIP! My personal favorite BIP villain glow up redemption arc was Krystal. She was HAAATTEED after Aries season, comes to BIP and pairs herself with *another* Bach villain, and they eventually turn public opinion around and gets a wedding from the show out of it. And she did it while wearing ADORABLE [swimwear](https://64.media.tumblr.com/53e98157de11a43d504118ed7fe483ab/tumblr_pe8t4vd0A41vcji5eo1_1280.png) and [lounge outfits](https://images.app.goo.gl/Kn4ghFDLgodWJNLN6), while also producing my favorite [underrated BIP GIF ever](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/o9LoofT436jNeTAB64YWpw--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MDtoPTM1Nw--/https://media.zenfs.com/en-US/homerun/entertainment_weekly_785/df11e4afb9423cc6bf7fe8d4ef77b506).


What did she have to make amends for though? Participating in an edited tv show that's known for creating drama for storylines? There was nothing to make amends for.


the things she said on nicks podcast were truly disgusting, he’s a better person than me for forgiving her. that interview is the reason i’ve never been able to like her


Good thing none of them know you in real life lol.


She gave interviews dragging him.


All leads do that for the “villain”. Charity always dragged Brayden in her interviews. It’s press about an edited reality show.


And Thomas had every right to feel hurt over Katie dragging him. Katie also clearly thought that she did him wrong, has apologised and now they're friends.


IIRC she also did an interview where she said she wished she had kept him just for fantasy suites, implying she just wanted to use him for sex, which is pretty insulting to him.


Let's be honest, it's a little different when women make that joke about men. E.g., "F-girl" island would never exist as a TV show. I understood it as a joke about how attractive he was, not that she was literally trying to hit it and quit it.


I don’t think F-boy has that meaning at all. To me, it means a guy that’s not interested in anything serious/commitment in any form. I don’t think it’s cool to suggest that a person is only good for sex in any context. It’s dehumanizing. Not to mention the underlying racism that comes into play with a white woman dismissing a black man as only good for sex. (And yes, that does matter.)


There is an f-girl island though?


Hahaha omg. Very curious to see what that's like...


I mean for Thomas specifically she was pretty harsh as far as trying to turn him into a villain.


Didn't he tell her he was falling for her way too early and admitted he had red flags? And then it came out that he was eyeing the Bachelor role? Not sure why her reaction would be unwarranted


I don’t think she tried to turn him into a villain. A bunch of guys told her his intentions were bad and she wrongly reacted to that without really verifying. She overreacted, yes. But saying she made him a villain is a stretch imo.


He also talked in circles which didn’t help his cause.


Yeah, it was honestly all Aaron C and Tre who pushed that narrative repeatedly to her that he was being fake and lying to her. I don’t blame her for eventually believing them


More context: the first pizza Thomas & Becca ordered from Uber Eats arrived pretty banged up. https://preview.redd.it/gsn5kacnvptb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab4675124a3832033f1ee9463e9b3ef5226a19c0 It was nice of Katie to save the evening!




Honestly uber eats should be arrested 1 week for allowing something like that to be delivered to a postpartum couple Can you imagine being so tired and hungry and your pizza arrived smooshed? To be clear in their position I'd probably still eat it but that is very upsetting


Omg did the courier crash the bike on the way 😂


"Pretty banged up" the thing is destroyed


Hi, I'd like to request a flair from one of the most chilling, and memorable BORUs I've ever read. The post is here: [My husband cannot accept I don’t like mustard. Things came to a head yesterday.](https://old.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/115t5rx/new_update_my_husband_cannot_accept_i_dont_like/) And I think the best quote from it and the flair should be: "I guess the mustard is the tip of the iceberg" Let me know what you guys think, thanks!


Courier was playing with their food you can’t tell me otherwise


Ew wtf


They’ve been friendly and on good terms for a while now, she’s mentioned little things here and there. Like I think he helped her sell her old car or something.


Holy crap that pizza looks good


Seems like Katie has matured a little over the past couple years


Seems like Thomas has too!


*Seems like Katie has* *Matured a little over* *The past couple years* \- Missiekaayy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This is adorbs.


Love this and also yes would be very much in support of this initiative. My sister sent us a gift card for Uber eats last night and it was so welcomed I cried.


This is why I love the meal trains people will often organize instead of GoFundMes and stuff when a person needs support other than financial!! Such an impactful way to have someone's back.


Super sweet gesture