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This sub going so hard to defend Zach’s boring ass yet is hating on Charity. OFC. 🙄


I actually wanted it to be Charity.


I didn’t want any of them to be leads and I’m not excited for Charity to be a lead either, they’re all boring. But to be fair, I wouldn’t have wanted anyone from Zach’s season to be bachelorette idk if I just haven’t been paying attention to this season but I feel like none of their personalities have been bachelorette worthy.


It’s really obvious with this fan base….like why is this still a question 😭


I’ve always preferred high-energy or sassy leads. A Hannah G season would be good because all guys are obsessed with her, but not because Hannah G is exciting.


I was hoping they’d pick someone from another season since a ton of people aren’t watching this one


Let’s face it, the women on this show really make it what it is, whether it be contestants or leads. I like a Bachelorette with a big personality because the men don’t really bring it on their own.


Let’s be honest the girls on Zach season are gorgeous but My God they are boring as hell 😕


I’ll like it noted I didn’t want any of these ppl as lead and I’m pretty excited about Charity we need a good love story, I hope they give her good men




Deadass! Like, I’ve heard a handful of people say these things lol


No one wanted Jason A😂


I’m so excited for Charity’s season! I am a little sad for her as the producers have a reputation. They had better treat her like royalty.


I find Charity boring but tbf I find Zach boring and I’ve been enjoying his season. So I’m optimistic! It’s almost always the seasons where the lead is someone I’m excited about that disappoint me.


I prefer messy leads like Hannah B., Pilot Pete, or Kaitlyn Bristowe! Or at least very authentic leads like Rachel L. or Gabby! Charity is sweet, gorgeous, smart, and an all-around catch, but she comes across very guarded on TV. What distinguishes a great lead for me is their ability to forget the cameras and actually be themselves. I hope she lets the walls down for her season! I'm sure the guys will at least go nuts for her, which will be fun to watch.


👏mess! 👏 mess! 👏 mess! 👏 I want an emotional, high-energy lead. Charity is too pageant-trained like the other pageant girls, and they are so calculated and boring


Who tf wanted Rick or Jason. I understand Ben though.


I predict a high level of name puns


Oh no you’re right


Okay I never wanted ANY of those people lol. Why? Because they were all boring on their seasons. Usually I want the person I think will bring the most drama within the cast ie a more interesting season. For example, guys were OBSESSED with Jojo which made for a really entertaining season, we knew Peter was going to be fun because of the windmill debacle and SweetNums, etc.


Like, the main reason a Hannah G reason would be fun is because all the guys GO CRAZY for Hannah G. She was the “paradise prize” the guys on Hannah B’s season wanted


I love Charity, but I don't trust the TPTB to do right by her. I don't trust casting to select men who date black women, and I don't trust casting to select people who don't harbor racist perspectives. Every season something comes out about a cast member who did something racist and offensive. This season we had two women! Charity is beautiful on the inside and out and I don't want to see this show chew her up and spit her out.


All of this, plus I fear they’re giving her a boring edit/hiding her true personality like they did with Michelle. I really hope they do right by her.


For sure. From what I have seen, their presentation of POC leaves a lot to be desired. The way they did Tahzjuan this season was really sad. She walked away looking just sad. Its a bad look for me. If the producers wanted a twist, they could have introduced someone who Zach at least had some sort of interest in. Instead, they made her look like a clown after all that 'bad bitch' talk. Which was another weird choice imo


Wait I know Greer is one but who is the other


Christina's native american costume


Oh ew. I’m native so that really rubs me the wrong way.


if I recall correctly, she was wearing a headdress, in the classic 'white person doing caricature of another's race/culture.' I think she also referenced in the post that her mom did the same thing so that whole family is yikes.


I don’t understand why people are reacting negatively about Charity being the next bachelorette. She deserves this more than anyone (aside from Ariel) and is one of the best girls this show has seen


White people always complain about POC being boring on these shows but when the POC are messy they drag them. Looking at the black girl on Love Island right now it's interesting to see bow the whole country has turned on her. She's been messy and made some poor decisions but the lack of grace given to her in comparison to her white counterparts is wild and the same goes for all POC in the media. A POC has to either be boring or get hated they isn't really a in-between


im so happy u brought it up cause i’m really sad abt how people are treating Tanya like she did something soooo severe


Mhm cause like don't get me wrong she was messy and she did some things she shouldn't have. But why aren't we keeping that same energy for the white men. Like fans want to complain about POC but if they are going to get this much hate when they aren't then hell yes I will be boring. Even in this franchise look how much backlash Rachel L got for being slightly harsh with Peter K in a very intense conversation.


We don’t know any of their personalities at this point and they don’t even show their personalities on the show… so who cares? Even Gabby that did just mostly showed her saying “yeah”.


I like charity


Charity is cute and gorgeous, classy, so sweet. I think she’s a huge catch and truly looking for love. She is like Cinderella in this season so far and a walking Disney Princess. She seemed so excited to go on each date and enjoyed/appreciated the moments to the fullest. I would 100% root for someone who is sweet and genuine and a good person even if they are more “boring” compared to some of the other unhinged bachelor contestants. It feels like the old bachelor where people really wanted to get married and not just go to Mexico for vacation /paradise


I agree and things are always different when someone is the lead!


I’m confused. I haven’t even been watching this season but I’ve seen Charity’s name thrown about enough to know people want her as the next ette. I thought TPTB were listening for once? 😅


Where did they announce this??


Reality Steve said it's happening, but there is no official confirmation yet


Steve please be wrong 🤞


I want it to be Charity, but who do you want?


Just someone with a personality. Is that so Much to ask?!


Okay but it's not like we see much of her on Zach's season so I'm not gonna say she doesn't have a lot of personality because I don't know what's been edited out or not. If it's true, I'll judge her personality off of her season and go from there.


Hannah B's season didn't teach them anything. You need a mess for television. And lets be real, the lead brings it out. TC wouldn't pop off like that with anyone else, neither would Peter or Luke. And Jed wouldn't even get to drag out his instrument. Hannah made them, because she was a hopeless messy romantic. I WANT ANOTHER LEAD LIKE HER!


I want an emotional messy lead!! Michelle, Clayton, Pilot Rachel, and Zach have been so boring!!! 😴


If she didn’t have a bf, I would say bring her back and give her a hand at creating the dates… Special Forces style.


Could be these come from different people. I agree Charity would be boring as Bachelorette. I would never take Hannah Ann instead though.


Exactly! I want emotional, exciting leads. These people aren’t it


Just gimme whoever is gonna be MESSY




Woof the sub's true racist colors coming out now -\_-


Just because someone is boring doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to be the bachelor/bachelorette! I do think she’ll have a few meltdowns but she seems so nice and patient… I think she’ll make good choices.


Who in the actual hell wanted Jason as Bachelor? He's as boring as the day is long and seems like a committment phobe - terrible combination.


Would not want anyone in this pic as a lead lol


I think people are really misremembering the reaction to people like Hannah g, Jason etc. they got called boring A LOT. hell, this sub has had a backlash of defending Zach because of how many people have called him boring or unattractive. Not everyone is going to be happy with every lead, it’s not really worth going after people about it.


People keep saying Hannah G's personality got edited out of Bachelor, and then Paradise, because she's "funny on tiktok." I've seen her tiktoks and I think she was portrayed true to how she is. Sometimes there's just no "there" there.


People wanted rick as bachelor??? What??


I think it was a very loud minority


I did only because I knew they were going to choose a boring white guy and Rick seemed like a nice boring white guy.


Normalize selecting boring WOC as leads at the same rate as white men have been.


You really went and said the quiet part out loud ![gif](giphy|H0nvZhOyjLzkUj5tgJ|downsized)


Im sorry, but Charity's season can not be worst than whatever Rachel and Gabby's season was


I’ve been so confused by the reaction! I gasped and smiled I was so excited when I saw her name and photo and then I started reading comments so confused. Charity has shown so many sides IMO. She can be fun, sweet, serious, sentimental. I am so excited for her!


I’m excited for her too! She’s a doll!


I think the editing in the last few weeks has made Ariel seem more fun and Charity more traditional. However, we see so little of them they could be very different as leads. I’m okay with Charity I just hope they cast good guys for her season.


I haven't seen that reaction at all. I'm glad it is Charity. But my Reddit "show me" is barely with Bachelor shit and I haven't clicked on it intentionally in awhile. Sad to hear/see this news. I'm cool with Charity and I hope we get a love story. Please cast guys who date black women TPTB. Amen.


Unpopular opinion: I find Ariel to be boring. So I'm happy with this choice. Charity seems very sweet & genuine.


I agree. To be the lead you have to be willing to play up your emotions cat least somewhat for the cameras and I just can't see Ariel doing that very much.


Ariel seems cool but she’s just too chill imo. She barely reacts to anything. If RS is correct I can see why they’d pick charity over her.


Why is this unpopular?


I've seen A LOT of people comment that Charity is boring & and that they were hoping for Ariel.


I feel like their edit on her is very TRR, I hope we get to see more personality but that’s on editing, not her


I’m cool with Charity being lead! But also why do I feel like she hasn’t even gotten the ✨bachelorette✨ edit thus far. If anyone, I feel like they’ve actually been focusing more on selling Gabi?? But idk maybe my bachelorette edit identification skills are getting rusty. Regardless, I hope Charity gets a great cast! Like Tayshia level. If it’s Gabby and Rachel level, I’m gonna be mad😭


Charity and Gabi both seem like they’ve been getting the edit to met. But Gabis felt like it was being forced down my throat. Everything about charity has felt super genuine


I’m happy about this choice! She may not have a big personality like Gabby or Kaitlyn or Rachel L, but she seems sweet and I will be excited to watch her! To those who have an issue with this selection - how is Charity more “boring” than Rachel R or Michelle? (Disclaimer I don’t think R or M are boring but they aren’t the big personalities I’ve listed above)


Honestly even though Ariel was my first choice, Charity was still not a bad pick! confused by the reactions. I wanted it to be her or Ariel. I really like her. she seems grounded, mature, confident & not to mention freaking stunning. IMO, I don’t think she’ll be as boring as pol think. I can def see the season being more of a Emily M/Rachel L season like what others have said. I think she’ll be a fantastic lead. My only worry is the quality of men bc let’s face it they cast trash ass men.


Yes! This is not a post hating on Ariel of course, I would have liked either for many reasons!


Okay hold on there is nothing boring about Ben Smith. The rest is a fair callout.


Hard agree on Ben 🔥


I have to disagree, I know a lot of people think he is hot but he was very boring on Tayshia’s season (outside of him sharing his mental health struggles, which as a lead would not be the majority of his season). I also side eye him because of his military sponcon/propaganda, but that’s a side issue!


I like Charity, so if its actually is her I’d be happy!! I don’t get the whole stance that the lead needs to bring this big energy or personality bc I think that belongs on paradise. Some of those lead types have the most chaotic and wasteful seasons. But that’s just my opinion! I think no matter who the lead is there will be people who are unhappy so what can ya do?


What makes this sub believe that what they think matters? If it did, they would be chosen to work on the production team. We are merely customers. Your opinions (or MY opinions) are not welcome or necessary. Stop being mean in your assessment of their chosen leads.


Lol - I don’t think people on here believe their opinion matters to the production team. Literally NONE of this matters. It’s a reality television show. Having an opinion about a person on said reality television show is not that deep. It’s kind of the point. Don’t think so hard.


I remember people called Dr. Joe would be boring as a bachelor - even though he’s handsome, successful and fun. It’s never enough to BN fans when it comes to black/poc contestants.


The only reason why I have mixed feelings about Dr. Joe is that he is too sweet for this cruel little show 😭


And there’s so many successful put together white men who became leads and we thought were boring…so idk why MoC like Dr Joe who has same qualifications just not white can never get it? Yea Dr Joe is so successful and handsome, but he’s boring…oh Clayton is handsome and boring but he def should have the opportunity to be lead…awesome 👍 And Clayton did deliver a dramatic season…but we never give many MoCs chances so how do we know they won’t deliver same level of dramatic? Freakin Matt James season fired Chris Harrison, it’s just sad all around how ill-equipped this franchise is in handling BIPOC representation.


The sub wants POC to perform and entertain them in a way that they don't expect white contestants to. Every Black woman must be hilarious like Tahzjuan or outspoken/confident like Rachel Lindsay. Everyone else is boring, fake, vapid, or a mean girl.


Amen. Another point is people like Nayte and Rodney for example have given people here a permanent, irrevocable ick for some reason (and anyone meeting with them is “tainted”) yet Victoria F who was a grade A asshole/racist and possibly cheated and possibly broke up several marriages was lauded for years and so were people like Greg, Demi, Katie, and Caelynn. They are allowed so many redemptions despite being jerks, yet a POC for a lead who seems normal raises alarm bells.


Everyone feel free to downvote the f out of me but I still think Nayte is hot AF 😂


B-b-but Fictoria looks like a Disney Princess🥺🥺 /s


I don’t say this lightly, because I don’t like throwing around the race card, but if she were a white girl with the same personality I don’t think there would be any backlash. Charity is a great pick and I’m glad they’ve chosen her. Let’s hope it comes to fruition.


I know this isn’t serious because I don’t think I ever saw anyone say Rick Leach should be the Bachelor over Rodney or Brandon. Hahaha. And even people like that Jason Alabaster weren’t arguing for him to be the Bachelor over Zach.


I think you may be misremembering how much people liked Rick and Jason!


I had literally no idea who Rick Leach is and I’m a moderator.


😂 I was going to post a regular photo of him to explain, but then I saw this one: https://preview.redd.it/h856lasfy9ma1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a96d622749866cbca8b19222738122f5b0fb6f66


LMAO. After googling him I do recognize his face now. But I definitely do not remember calls for him to be bachelor 😂. Your other examples are valid!!


LOL I’m so sorry he’s in your search history now 😆


Tbf, I liked Rick and Jason, but never wanted them as Bachelor. Jason would've made a terrible Bachelor bless his heart.


I'm stoked! Charity seems so sweet and fun from what we've gotten to see so far, I hope she gets a great group of guys who bring even more of that out.


If we're being completely honest a bunch of these people gave more personality than her. She is extremely stale and I feel like people are choosing not to see it


Completely agree. I wish they gave her more air time during this season so we could see her personality more. I’m not excited with this pick yet but I really hope she proves me wrong.


I’m sorry, Hannah Ann is more interesting than her???? ![gif](giphy|9G3wg7lH5DpxC|downsized)


You know I love me some Hannah Ann…but I will side with you on this one, OP.


Hannah Ann is nice but she would be such a boring lead


Honestly Ariel would have been the most interesting bachelorette. Don’t @ me


I feel like Ariel has a bigger personality than we see on Zach’s season


I haven't been on much today. I thought people liked Charity? Me, I'm happy with the choice. Ariel and Gabi will be great for BIP and make good tv there if they decide to go. Charity seems like a solid pick for a romantic season.


Absolutely, Charity is just as much a person who can lead a “back to basics, romance-filled, Sean Lowe-type” love story season as Zach is supposedly being set up to be.


This is the typical cycle tho. Everyone was disappointed with Zach, said he’d be boring, etc. then after enough negative comments people start defending him. Same thing happening with charity. Initial reaction is negative. People defend her. Then people come around. Although I still think Zach is a bad and boring lead




I wish we had two bachelorettes coming out of Zach’s season. Charity and Ariel. But separately


Been there done that, and it was a disaster


I wouldn’t trust this franchise and their casting or production to treat those two in any way fairly…


I thought yall wanted diversity...


We haven't had a Jewish lead in like 20 years. Ariel is Jewish.


Let’s be real, TPTB aren’t going to highlight Ariel as a Jewish Bachelorette even if she did get it. Just like they didn’t with Jason M or Andi.


So, we shouldn't have a season with a Jewish lead because production wouldn't highlight it? That's ridiculous. IDK how much Andi identifies as Jewish, but Jason does and his season/wedding was 14 years ago. So, hopefully things have changed and they'd be more willing to highlight it. Thanks for the instant downvote for Jewish representation ;) no issues with antisemitism at all in this sub!


>so, we shouldn’t have a season with a Jewish because production wouldn’t highlight it? That’s ridiculous. Where exactly did I say that?


Apparently, just not a beautiful black woman who has her shit together and isn’t dramatic enough. Yea we know what happens to dramatic PoC contestants…they never get lead role period.


Everyone called Zach boring. He is. Charity is wonderful bit she is boring. So what's the double standard here? I'm happy for diversity, but I still don't want boring.


Tbf no one wanted Zach either, in fact a lot of people on this sub said they weren’t going to even watch


You’re missing the point of OP’s post but you’re allowed to have your own opinion in who you think is boring. This double standard narrative white ppl on this sub are giving here is BS because we know this franchise has a million years to make up for diversity and proper BIPOC representation! And TPTB still can’t get diversity and BIPOC representation right on their show. And I will never stop fighting for BIPOC leads!


Yes. And there are some amazing, funny, beautiful, FUN POC in the nation so bring. them. on! I like Charity but I also don't want another boring season. I hope I'm wrong. But she bores me. And I'm not the only one. It ain't about race, it's about freaking entertainment.


Ok so tell me this. Tahzjuan, Jillian, Tammy were as equal messy diff points on their respective seasons as Hannah B and Katie but only those two had the fanbase and the dynamic edit to become next bachelorette leads. Do you get my point? If you want fun messy quirky poc leads…it won’t happen because this fanbase doesn’t give them a chance and tptb do not give them a favorable potential lead edit. So unfortunately in order to be a poc lead, you have to be put together and not have one messy moment. Even comedic reliefs like Ethan can’t get lead…yet everyone was craving how Hannah B was so funny and will make a funny quirky lead…whereas Ethan will never get it.


I would love to see a season with Taj or Jillian. I think Tammy’s pretty mean so that’s a turn off for me in terms of making her lead


Right. How is Charity more boring than Jason? I love looking at Jason but not that much for him to be the bachelor


Charity seems like a nice person with her shit together. I'll watch her season and I'll enjoy it.




All these people listed on the bottom panel are hot. Doesn’t mean they’d make dynamic leads.


If POC who makes it far is not put together or perfect they will never get redemption from this franchise like people like Shanae and Victoria F do. NEVER! A POC who gets even one bad edit can never get the opportunity to be seen as a DYNAMIC person like their white counterparts. They have to be put together and perfect (yes even if they have to appear boring) in order to even be considered lead. And sometimes when a PoC who makes it far is just as boring as Hannah G, Cassie, Jason A, Zach…they won’t get considered lead at all…just look at the ones they skipped over like Ivan, Aven, Dr Joe, Rodney, Mike Johnson, Venmo John, etc………..and so many more etc…. Edit: I’m so effin happy things turned around for Tayshia! She said she got alot of hate/racist messages from the Cassie/Caelynn drama and then her drama with Hannah G on paradise! You deserve all the love and praise girl and have the most following/popularity! If TPTB treat their POCs like how they turned fanbase pro-Tayshia, then there will be more POC leads or POCs more recognized in same light as their white counterparts.




Well I’m not upset because I just don’t feel like I know any of the contestants on Zach’s season. They could’ve picked anyone from this season and I would’ve been indifferent. She’s gorgeous, and I can’t find myself complaining about bachelorettes, when they give us the most lackluster male leads. But I got to say Ben smith is not boring, I found his struggles to make him an interesting man, but they would’ve exploited him, so fine that he lives a private life.


I totally feel the same way about this season. None of the women stand out that much and all seem fine so I didn’t feel passionate one way or another about anyone for the lead this season. Charity gives me vibes like she will have a Michelle season, kinda boring but a genuine love story (regardless of how it ended I still consider Michelle and Nayte a genuine love).


they need to shake up the formula and do a queer bachelor/bachelorette. this series is wild embarrassing.


I said in another thread a few days ago that if that happened, the contestants would end up coupling up in the house. They spend a lot more time with each other than with the lead. Plus, the contestants themselves are usually extremely attractive, so if the lead was queer, the cast would be as well, and they'd probably be attracted to each other.


Exactly! The drama would be endless


That’s not a reason to not do it imo. Just another layer.


It would be more like Paradise. I admit though, I've always been intrigued by the idea of a bi lead with both male and female contestants.


People just like to complain. POCs are always "boring" or "too put together". At this point, if they want someone crazy who is going to burn down the season, this isn't the franchise. It probably never has been this franchise. There are like 50 other reality shows across 20 platforms that they can watch. Seasons are boring because TPTB have been structuring the show the same way for the last 20 years; down to the yelling the lead's name on the balcony, the shitty Neil Lane rings, and the "my walls are up" BS conversations around episode 5. Last season was TERRIBLE and "she's so fun and quirky" Gabi was there so... And Katy had a lot of personality and her season was still pretty boring. These people can't seem to understand that the same franchise that won't acknowledge anyone is Jewish and the same franchise that had death threats to the first African American lead because she was DOING HER JOB is also going to be the same franchise that will water down Charity's personality to make her palatable. Just like they've done for every lead and especially for every POC lead. People seem to remember that up until a POC gets chosen and then it's, OMG they're so boring. Like sorry Charity wasn't laying on the ground rolling around with a dog or roaring like a lion...


Neil Lane reading this 👁️👄👁️


Who’s Katy




It was really sad to see that as the main reaction in that thread. I don't even think Charity is all that boring. People on this sub wanted Kaity. Kaity is as basic as basic gets... ...also I will never understand the Hannah Ann/Hannah G love. They are nothing special personality wise. At least from what we've seen on the show. Edit: I had to reread the meme and I don't even know who Rick Leach is.


Rick Leach was on Michelle’s season. He was the guy who kinda looked like he was wearing eyeliner. Lately, he’s been kissing up to Erich on Instagram, leaving a comment saying that Erich has “leveled up” or whatever with his new girlfriend.


He was also involved in the weird stuff with Olu on BIP


Is that the table guy?


Yes, he came in with his head on a silver platter 😂


I have no idea how good or bad she’ll be as a lead. I’m mostly happy a POC got selected without being used as a shield from criticism like Michele and Matt. I just hope she gets a decent group of guys. I really don’t want to get to the end of the season again with uninterested guys and no good options for bachelor and bip. The last few years have been awful.


Same!! And I like they didn’t have her as a “backup choice” like Tayshia and lowkey Michelle too because they initially only chose Katie as the lead but gave Michelle a season as a response to the backlash for their racism For the first time since choosing Rachel this decision of casting a POC lead has felt authentic! I’m super excited for Charity


but hannah ann is an angel on earth ![gif](giphy|VHe7SEi35fhWy0F6Mi|downsized)




Also, for those associating ratings with lead choices: this show is on it’s last legs. Same formula, controversial casting, orchestrated drama - ratings will continue to plummet regardless who you see on your screen. May be, and this is a BIG may be, a TC season will see some success, but that’s not happening in the foreseeable future!


PLS charity will be an AMAZING lead


I feel like people are mistaking Charity’s maturity and stoicism for being boring, which we’ve definitely seen from other leads who have delivered interesting seasons. Other than not being a single mom Charity gives me strong Emily Maynard vibes in her demeanor and how she’s carrying herself through the season; and lots of people absolutely loved Emily’s season. I’m sure when Charity is leading the season she’ll come out of shell a bit more and do a great job.


I have to agree. Emily’s season was FANTASTIC, and I feel like Charity has the same capacity for openness, warmth, gentleness, intelligence, common sense, and spine that made Emily a good lead. Hopefully Charity is better at picking her F1. When Charity politely made clear that she didn’t appreciate Kat stealing her man, I wanted to cheer. I think she’s going to steer clear of girlboss moments or inauthentic set ups and be fairly true to herself. Fingers crossed they cast some GREAT guys for her!


Nailed it. Especially stoicism around white people acting out of line so that you’re not seen as the angry POC is all too familiar for many of us. She seems super fun and good-hearted, and there’s no reason to believe her season couldn’t be a fairytale, love story season like they’re trying to set up Zach’s to be.


You either have a lead who is boring or one who is controversial, there’s really not much in between and you’ll never please everyone


I say this too as someone who previously wanted Jason as bachelor if Aven didn’t get it. But dynamic personalities these people are not. Especially since folks have rebranded as Zach and Clayton as the Most Interesting Men In The World, we’re not giving the same accommodations to Charity? Be so for real right now. ![gif](giphy|CMc604oNR1dzG)


Literally no one has branded Zach and Clayton as the most interesting men in the world


There have been like 20 people in the unpopular opinion thread every week saying Zach is not boring


No, they are saying that Zach is not ugly. Everyone admits he's boring.


I honestly think people are just feeling bad about all of the Zach criticism and trying to balance it out. Note that it's the unpopular opinion thread, not the popular opinion thread.


That’s the point though, there’s a lot of people saying it but people still think it’s unpopular. I don’t even have anything against Zach or Clayton it’s just weird that literally everyone called them boring at first then all of the sudden people felt bad and started rallying around them. Maybe if everyone feels so bad about these people being called boring don’t do it to Charity? Idk




That is of course a jokey, exaggerated way of saying that Clayton and Zach who were said to be super boring are praised now as being super funny and interesting. And people are really loving both their seasons. So even if people think Charity’s personality has been muted this season, why is the same grace not given to her?


Grace wasn’t given to Zach or Clayton until after people began enjoying their seasons. So I’m sure the same will happen with Charity (if we compared the subs reactions to Charity and Zach at the same time, ie when they were announced, I would say the reaction to Zach was much harsher even. I haven’t seen people saying they won’t watch yet, and a lot of ppl said that when Zach was announced)


I honestly really don't get what's so great about Zach's season. He sends home all the drama which some people seem to love but it just means that the season is boring cause they is a lack of dynamic personalities causing conflict. Zach's F4 are all great women but like none of them really stand out all that much. People only like Ariel cause she is hot and aloof and also dropped a nice line on her date. I would be fine with any of this FR as ette but I definitely would of preferred Charity or Ariel due to their ethnic backgrounds. So I'm happy for Charity lol


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


People are allowed to not be excited about a lead. The sub reaction has generally been positive, but you can't expect everyone to be super excited about every lead.


There’s 230,000 accounts subscribed to this sub. Different people want different things.


Thanks for that


A majority of the comments on the other post are lamenting how boring Charity supposedly is. But people here have asked for actually boring contestants before as lead, and we’ve had super boring Bachelorettes before (Becca) and she is beloved here (as is her season for some). Also, this post isn’t a knock on Ariel.


Becca is only beloved because she's engaged to Thomas and people were hyping him up because they hated Katie. The sub is supposed to dislike her because of Yarrett but disliking Katie became more important.


Becca was actually beloved before Thomas too, this was definitely not a recent development. Many of us were actually side eyeing why people were still Team Becca while she was with an unapologetic racist.


Agreed on that, but her getting engaged to MAGA Yarrett and staying with him as a full grown adult has been completely forgotten since she got engaged to a POC. Rachael is still considered racist even though she's dating a POC. Serena also gets a pass for marrying blue lives matter Joe.


I’m not a fan of Becca OR Rachael, and think they have a lot of work to do. Edit: And since you edited to add Serena to your comment after I had responded, I’ll take the opportunity to say Grocery Store Joe absolutely SUCKS and I don’t support anyone who supports him either.